
"What should we do," One of the former teachers asked.

"First we need to get information on everything then we can make management plans and with the help of the guards we can implement them," Dorothy said.

"Yes ma'am," they said in unison.

"But first we will have to het a meal, we can't work on an empty stomach.

 As the others were filling their bellies Dorothy got out and with the guidance of her guard, she went to Damon's office where he was still struggling to do his best and manage everything.

"What are you doing here, shouldn't you be resting," Damon asked.

"We have no time to do that, we promised to help out and that is what we intend to do. Now, I would like to get an outline of the tower's structure," Dorothy said.

Damon was dumbfounded from what he heard from Dorothy and this made a smile appear on his face. Dorothy was puzzled by this.

"Have a seat," Damon said.

Dorothy sat down opposite Damon, he gave her an outline of everything in detail. Due to her experience as a teacher and managing schools, she was able to keep all the information in her brain.

"Thank you for your help," Damon said.

"No, thank you, your help is really appreciated," Damon said.

Dorothy left the office to her room.

When she got in she wrote down everything she had been told and organised it all.

Her former teacher had all gotten some good rest after their respective meals. Dorothy went to each of their rooms and handed them their work responsibilities.

"We start now," Dorothy said. Although they were not happy with this, they dared not, this was the responsibility they had after being saved by Aldin and Xander, after all, if not for them, they would have all been dead right now for allegedly aiding the "attempted assassination of a noble."

They all got up and off to work, they collected information on everything to do with the tower, this took them several hours and they finished this work a couple of hours before dawn. Dorothy was in turn processing all this information and developing a management system for the tower.

They all had dead eyes by the time they were done, now they were headed to assign duties and ensure everything was in order.

That was when Aldin had met one of them running around the school to get their work done quickly.

Aldin finally got to the dorm. There were several rooms in the dorm subdividing them, though currently, the dorm had some empty spots.

As Aldin walked through the dorm all eyes were on him and there were several whispers going around.

Out of nowhere, Mark, who was in his room resting from the long journey, heard a knock on his door.

He got up pissed at the disturbance and opened the door.


On our way to the tower, we were attacked by a group of bandits and everything we had was stolen from us.

After reporting the incident to Damon, he was not angry but in deep thought. He later dismissed us after we gave him the report. I went back to my room to have some rest. I took a bath and got into bed. A few minutes later, I got a knock at my door.

I got up from bed grunting as he disturbance.

I opened the door to find a young man in attire that matched the tower, it was the disciple's uniform but more dignified and he also had a cape on.

He looked pretty new to the tower.

"How may I help you," I asked.

"Do you mind if I get in, I wanted to talk about it," The young man said and I gave them way.

The young man and the guard walked in. The young man sat down on the seat and the guard stood next to him.

"I wanted you to give me a report about the items that got robbed," The young man said.

"I am sorry but I do not have the clearance to say that," I said.

"We have been sent here to you by Damon, He informed me that my goods went missing and since you lead you are the leader of the team bringing them I have to ask you," The young man said and his aura lit up and it covered him whole, it had its fiery look but it was also calm.

'He's that kid,' I said matching the boy in front of me with the kid he had seen at the tournament.

'He has the same features as the kid at the tournament but he looks way older, maybe he is the kid's brother.' I thought to myself.

I proceeded to narrate everything in detail from the moment we left the academy and were on our way to the tower.

"Thank you for your help, we will set our tomorrow to look into it," The young man said.

"Can I join you tomorrow," I said. Although I had been given some time off, I wanted to join the adventure and see Aldin in action.

"I appreciate your help, I expect you to be ready then," The young man said and placed his hand on my shoulder before leaving.

Seconds after the kid left t a crowd gathered in my room.

"How did you get to meet the bloody massacre?" One of them asked excitedly.


"What do you mean?"Mark asked and they narrated it all to him on how he had been the cause of several deaths the previous days, the other guards who had been with Mark were woken up by the commotion and walked into Mark's room to get them to stop making noise.

"What is going on here?" Ali who had been with Mark on the travel said in anger.

Mark walked up to him and explained everything. They were so excited to hear everything, at the end of it all they all wanted to go along with Aldin on his search.

When Aldin got to his room, he found everyone having their breakfast. When he sat at the table, everyone would sneak peeks at him every once in a while.

"Why do you look so different?" Zack finally asked.

"Well, I used a certain technique that made my body better and every time I advance my body changes to adapt to the amount of mana I have," Aldin said.

"Cool, can I use it when I awaken?" Zack Asked.

"You can but I have to tell you, it is extremely painful, are you willing to bear the pain?" Aldin said.

"I am strong, I can handle it," Aldin said.

"Well, sure thing, but you have to work hard when you awaken," Aldin said to Zach and patted his head. They resumed their meal happily. And after the meal, Aldin got up to go to his room. When he came out he was with his now giant axe in hand and in some normal clothes he had gotten when he joined the tower.

Of course, they had an identification of the tower, a blue and purple lighting bolt as a badge on the right of his chest.

"I'm headed out, I'll be back later in the day," Aldin said.

Aldin got out and instead of heading out directly to the woods, he first passed by the the tower library.

The tower despite mainly having water mages also had many mages of other attributes. In the library, there were several books on fire magic and as such ALdni read through them at lightning speed, after all with the improvement of his body, his brain also got several improvements improving its functionality. Those on the side who saw him read thought that he was faking it, this was very unbelievable, but those fans Aldin had gotten during the execution were backing him up hard.

"How dare you accuse him of faking it, a man like him is more than you will ever be. Especially after how powerful he is, this is to be expected. You're just jealous since he is better than you."

"Of course, he can read books that fast, he is a genius, that's why even the tower master treats him so,"

Aldin heard all these comments and more, with his recent evolution he also had gotten advanced hearing. After reading all that he needed to do he walked up and left. By now, crowds had filled the library and were watching him from the middle of shelves.

When he walked up his muscle-toned body flexed and this caught everyone's attention.

Immediately a strong smell filled the whole library, to those in the library it was notcably strong but to Aldin it felt like an assault to his nose, the smell was very strong and instinctively, Aldin knew what it was. He walked even faster and was on his way to the woods, When he got outside the tower using lightning he flew fast into the forest, and once he felt he was far enough he landed on the ground.