
After reading the books on fire magic I was able to learn a lot about the art. From what I had read, I now perceived fire magic as a mass of energy manifesting heat, I had assumed the fire was just the flames but I now realised the ignorance I had had then. Apart from this, I learnt several principles of fire magic, besides being magically based, it also had several physical properties that I found interesting.

First off, I tried the basic representation of fire magic, fire itself.

I held out my hand in front of me and gathered mana in my palm. I ignited it and a flame appeared on my hand.

"The flame was bright orange. I added more mana into it but retained it it turned yellow and the heat rose by several folds, I added a lot more mana and it changed instantly from yellow to white. At that point, I could feel the heat on my face and despite being able to bear it, I chose to put it out, a flame this hot was extremely dangerous.

I played around a bit more with the white flames, disputing how dangerous they were I still did, it helped me learn how to control the compressed flames more. I tried heat wave, it was hard to control only the essence of heat without a medium such as a flame. It took some time to adjust to it but I finally did, before I knew it it was midday.

I was about to head back to the tower but I heard footsteps approach me, I looked to where I had heard the sound but nothing was there. For anyone else, this would have been the last thing they did as my attacker moved fast and appeared behind me. Before it could get to me I moved to the side and turned to see a huge white haired monkey. It looked at me with a nasty grin. Out of nowhere, it breathed bright yellow flames at me.

I blocked with an ice wall but the fire was melting it away and I jumped to the side to avoid the fire after it broke through the ice. The monkey jumped to where I would have been to find charred ground and before it could look around and find me I used earth to trap it by making the earth grip its limbs and prepared an ice lance to launch at it but before could it had freed itself.

It pounced at me and out of instinct I fired the lance at it, memories of the time I had almost died in the dungeon flashed in front of the monkey, I was frightened to the core, but I resolved not to fall for such a weak beast.

"It is me or you and I won't die, not today, not ever," I said in a loud voice acclaiming my determination.

Before the beats even got to me, I brought two fingers in front of my mouth, lit a small flame filled with the will to the extreme, and brought out extremely condensed mana from my core and breathed it at the beats in front of me, the flame was extremely white that it looked like it was blue. The beast died instantly without a struggle as the flames filled its lungs and killed it from the inside. Its body fell to the ground lifeless with smoke coming out of its nose. I looked down at the corpse and was awed by it, the beast's muscles were well refined and the fur on its body seemed barely burnt at the ends despite me unleashing white fire on it.

The course was great.

"This would be a great gift for master, its head would be great as a trophy and the body could make a pretty good coat," I said to myself and got to work.

Using the art of forge-mastery I used the beast's body to make a wonderful coat, its insides were very compressed but still huge, it had to take out the insides to try something else with them. In the end, I made the coat for the master and a whip for Isabella, I had given her some armour but not any weapons yet.

I flew back to the tower with the items I had tied up on my side.

When I landed all eyes were on me and I assumed it was because of what I had done yesterday but boy I was wrong. When I walked into to master's office I found myself with a guard, the guard looked at me and then the head on my side before getting out, he also looked slightly frightened as he left.

"I brought you gifts from my hunt," I said to my master and took out the coat tied to my side and the head of the monkey I had slain.

"By any chance was that an extremely tall monkey fire type beats that you slew," Master asked in a very serious tone.

"Yes it is, did I do something wrong?" I asked frightened I may have wronged the master.

"No, quite the opposite, you just dealt with a menace of those woods. That beast you slew actually killed many of the tower's people and so it has been a great pain to me for quite some time, and you killing it is quite a relief, And if you do not mind me asking, how did you kill it," Xander asked.

"I was practising fire magic when it suddenly attacked me so I had to put it down," I said gleefully for having done something good for the tower.

"Wow, now I believe what they say, everything big has something to do with you," Masters said and I turned beet red.

"But no worry, everything always ends up well because of you, and that is why we are going to have a party tonight to debut you to the whole tower, bloody massacre," He said.

I understood the first part of his statement but not the second. He stood up from his seat and left.

"I have to go and have it prepared," Master said as he left the room.

I stood there confused but after a few seconds, I went to my apartment. Zack and Mars were not in the room though. I went to look for Isabella after confirming she was not in her room. I found her in the training room and she was meditating in a darkness construct. The moment I walked in she broke the darkness construct and stood up straight. 

"When did you get back?' Isabella asked shocked.

"Just now," I said. Followed by that was a short silence which I broke.

'I brought you something," I said and handed her the bright red whip, which had an orange line running from one end to the other, i had used its core to make the weapon magical but had yet to test it out.

"Thank you," She said hugging me for a couple of seconds then letting go and taking the whip from my hand and examining it.

When she hugged me I could smell the smell of her body and her body odour and even the scent of her body and even the sweat on her body.

Unknown to me i had turned red which expliained the heat i was feeling on my face. Isabella was red as well but i could not focus on that remembering the smell of her body. We stood in there for a long time in silence.

"Thank you for the gift," Isabella said.

Your welcome," I said.

Trying to change the subject i opened my big mount to speak but what came out of my mouth sealed my fate.

"Tommorrow me and some of the tower's guard will be going to investigate the items that got robbed on the way here, would you mind coming with me ?" I asked.

"Sure," Isabella said and bolted out of the door to her room.

I intended to have her help me carry out investigations in secret while I dealt with the public investigations. What did not cross my mind was that this words were not for the current moment.

After standing in the place for quite some time left and went to my room as well,

Xander Storm

A guard walked in to my office.

"Aldin had arrived," The guard said. He though did not turn back and leave but came even closer.

"But there is more," He said.

"What is it," I asked curious what would have possibly happened.

"He came with a beast head on his side, and not any beast, i think it was the monkey that caused several deaths the last month.

'Are you sure of this," I asked.

"Not very, but highly." The guard said,

"I'll find out for myself," I said and moments later Aldin arrived at my office and indeed he had a head of a beast that resembled a monkey on his side together with some other things on his side.