The feast.

In his hands truly was the head of a dead beast.

"I brought you gifts from my hunt," Aldin said to me and took out the coat tied to his side and the head of what looked like a monkey.

"By any chance was that an extremely tall monkey fire type beats that you slew," I asked in a very serious tone.

"Yes it is, did I do something wrong?" He asked in a child-like tone which reminded me the huge adult-looking man was actually twelve years old and thirteen at most.

"No, quite the opposite, you just dealt with a menace of those woods. That beast you slew killed many of the tower's people and so it has been a great pain to me for quite some time, and you killing it is quite a relief, And if you do not mind me asking, how did you manage to hunt it down" I asked. It was notorious for running away when an opponent more powerful than it, i had even made plans to go hunt it myself, it would be unable to escape my reach if I wanted to kill it, but I never got the chance to do so.

"I was practising fire magic when it suddenly attacked me so I had to put it down," Aldin said gleefully for having done something good for the tower. He seemed very proud of what he had done.

"Wow, now I believe what they say, everything big has something to do with you," I said and in turn, Aldin turned beet red.

"But no worry, everything always ends up well because of you, and that is why we are going to have a party tonight to debut you to the whole tower, bloody massacre," I said, although Aldin had no idea, after the previous day's events he had gotten himself quite the name, Bloody massacre.

"I have to go and have it prepared," I said and left the room. Today would have to be a grand event for Aldin. When I got to Damon's office I found him asleep on his desk. I shook him awake to confirm whether he was still alive, which he was and a few seconds later grumpy as well.

"Is there anything wrong?" He asked.

"No," I said.

"Then just give me a few more hours of sleep." He said.

"I wanted to throw a party for Aldin," I said.

He surprisingly sprung up, I knew all the tower members admired Aldin but I had no idea to what extent it was too. Now I realized just how much it was.

"What did he do?" Damon asked, seems he had also gotten to know that Aldin was a wave maker, a tsunami maker even.

"He killed the white monkey that has been a pain for quite some time," I said. For the next couple of seconds, Damon was extremely blank. He seemed to have gone into a state of shock. I snapped my fingers in front of him and he snapped out of it looking at me straight in the eyes.

"You are joking right," Damon asked.

"I'm not," I said and raised the head he had given me, Damon looked at it and could see how real it was, the ll was not there which made it suspicious but he saw the area of the head where it had been split and the shinning surface explained it.

"Do you believe it now?" I asked.

"I do and don't at the same time, does that make sense?" Damon said.

"Just help me organize a party for him in the next couple of hours, and you know very well that Aldin does not fit into normal standards.

"I sure will, and I'm sure it'll be bigger than you expect," Damon said.

Damon left the office leaving me standing. I left and headed back to my office where Aldin no longer was.


After Damo left his office he went over to his new subordinates, When he knocked at Dorothy's door, she opened it, though it took her some time to get to it. When she opened the door she was in a robe but it had slipped on one of her shoulders exposing her shoulder and part of her chest. Damon turned red and turned his head to the side instantly. Dorothy was puzzled by this and in the end, covered her shoulder after a cold passed in from the window.

"Is there any way I can help you," Dorothy asked.

Damon turned to confirm whether she was now well covered. He cleared his throat to get himself in a good state.

"We need to prepare a party for Aldin in the next few hours," I said.

"Then that should be relatively easy, wait a minute as I change into an evening dress," Dorothy said and walked back into her room closing the door behind her, She came out with a satin ice blue evening dress on her.

"You look lovely," Damon said to Dorothy honestly.

"Let's head to the kitchen fast and have them prepare a feast," Dorothy said ignoring Damon's comment.

Damon also acted like it had never happened and they went to the tower kitchen. After discussing with the chefs of the tower, they came up with what they would make for the feast. Next up they went to ask some guards and with their help, they prepared a hall for everything and also made the announcements for the party inviting all the tower's residents with the key term being Aldin.

Each time they would mention Aldin before asking for the help needed, all the preparations were done at Moon Rise.

After making sure everything was ready they were able to rest for a bit, despite working all night and part of the day, they had helped set up the party and despite that things had turned out well. Crowds were coming in troves, soon the whole hall was filled leaving only space for those who were close friends and would come with Aldin.

Meanwhile, in the apartment the two brothers were ready and waiting for the other two, Aldin came out first with clothes he had received while still at the academy but modified to fit him and also more detailed with a lot of blue added to it. Isabella came out in a simple flowning black dress, she looked great in it and for a few second they all their eyes glued on her, Zack ran to her.

"You look beautiful," He siad.

"Thank you," Isabella siad honoured by the compliment.

"Let's go," Mars said and Zack rushed out followed by Mars who was chasing after her.

Isabella walked next followed by Aldin. They made their way to the hall in silence and were welcomed by guards. The moment they walked in the whole hall went silent.

Zack frose and Mars had to take his hand and moved.

Isabella froze from all the stared she got, Aldin was also anxious and he reacted instinctively and held Isabella's hand.

Isabella held it firmly as they walked forward relying on each other for courage. They made their way to the front of the hall. All this while eyes were on them. Xander who was already there stood up.

"Thank you all for attending this celebration of our member, and my newest disciple, Aldin Randell. Today we celebrate his achievement, he helped clear away the tower's pests and today he has killed a menace on out woods," Xander said and brought out the head of the beast from below the table.

The crowd was silent but seconds later cheers filled the hall. they were all jumping and hugged each other.

The soon claimed down.

"Let the party begin, celebrate! Xander shouted and the whole hall went wild with cheers.

Everyone began to feast on the food that had been prepared by the chefs.

Aldin and Isabella though, we're still holding hands. Once everything caimed down they realised they were still holding hands and let go very fast and their faces turned red in an instant.

Mars and Zack went to have a bite of the feast.

After staying seated for a while Aldin's stomach grumbled not to loudly but loud enough for Isabella to hear it.

Aldin turned redder and Isabella giggled.

"Let's go have a bite or else everyone might hear your stomach rumble." Isabella said and gave Aldin her hand and she led him over to the tables. As they moved through the hall everything went dead silent.

As Aldin was being taken by the hand by Isabella he smiled with the embarrassment having worn out. He remembered when Isabella had comforted him on the day of the tournament. She had been with him for the last two day even in the dungeon and unknowingly a smile formed on his face, instead of being held on his wrist he stopped forcing Isabella to stop as well and when she turned back he held her by the hand and they made their way to the table.