Going to the Kingdom of Arathorn

As I was about to leave the dilapidated hut, I felt a sense of urgency wash over me. The Kingdom of Arathorn was my destination, and I knew I had to reach it as soon as possible. I tightened the black coat around me, feeling its warmth embrace me. 

As I stepped outside, I was greeted by the vastness of the forest. The morning sun shone through the trees, casting a warm glow on the forest floor. The cool breeze blew past me, making my long hair sway in the wind. The air felt crisp and refreshing, and the scent of pine and damp earth filled my nostrils.

Despite the beauty of the surroundings, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. I shivered slightly, and my mind wandered back to the terrifying devil who had saved me. A chill ran down my spine, and I shook my head, trying to push the thought away.

I scanned my surroundings, and in front of me, I saw two paths. The forest was dense, and the trees towered high above me. The wild bushes grew thick, making it difficult to see beyond a few feet. The only sound that could be heard was the rustling of leaves and the occasional chirping of birds. The silence was eerie, and a feeling of foreboding crept up on me.

I took a few steps forward, trying to decide which path to take. The first path was narrow, with trees so close together that they almost touched. The second path was wider, and the trees were more spread apart, allowing a bit of sunlight to filter through.

I didn't know which path could take me to the Kingdom of Arathorn. There was no one here who could help me, and even that mysterious man who kidnapped my brother didn't give me any specific direction. I stood there, torn between the two paths, trying to decide which one would lead me to the Kingdom of Arathorn.

Just then, I felt a strange pull in my heart, as if the forest itself was communicating with me. It was a feeling that I couldn't quite describe, but it was strong and insistent. Without any hesitation, I followed my heart, running in the direction of the mysterious voice.

As I ran, the trees seemed to whisper and sway as if welcoming me into their domain. The ground beneath my feet felt alive, each step sending a jolt of energy through my body. I had never felt so connected to nature before, and it was both exhilarating and humbling.

I didn't know where I was going, but I trusted in the forest and its guidance. I could feel the wind rushing through my hair, the leaves brushing against my skin, and the ground pounding beneath my feet. I was fully alive, fully present in the moment, and it was a feeling like no other.

I never felt like this before. It was like the forest, and I was one. It was strange. 

I ran through the forest with a desperate determination, with every step propelling me further away from the horrors of my past. For hours, I pushed myself to keep going, my feet pounding against the ground. The trees seemed to stretch on endlessly, their branches reaching out to grab at me as I ran by.

But I didn't stop. I couldn't stop. I had to keep moving.

My brother was waiting for me to save him. I had to complete this task for him. 

But then, I heard it. A faint noise that stopped me dead in my tracks. My heart raced with fear as I quickly looked around, trying to determine the source of the sound.

Was it just my imagination playing tricks on me?

Or was it something far more sinister than the people I have already met?

My mind raced with a thousand possibilities, all of them terrifying.

I quickly ducked behind a large tree and peered ahead, my eyes widening in surprise. There, in the middle of the forest, was a small clearing. And in that clearing, there was a big tent. Surrounding the tent were four guards, their watchful eyes scanning the area. My heart began to race even faster as I watched them, my mind trying to come up with a plan.

I noticed a carriage nearby, and my eyes grew even wider. It looked like a royal carriage, so maybe, inside that tent, there could be a princess or a prince. 

As I hid behind the tree, I couldn't help but spy on these guards. As I listened in, I heard one of the guards ask the others if the princess inside the tent was truly as beautiful as the rumors claimed. The other guard simply shrugged his shoulders, saying that he didn't know.

They had been instructed to bring the princess safely to the kingdom of Arathorn, and maybe, then, they would be finally able to see the face of the princess. 

As soon as I heard that the princess was traveling to the Kingdom of Arathorn, a spark of an idea ignited in my mind. I couldn't help but think that if I could somehow sneak into her tent and plead with her to take me along, maybe as her maid or servant, then she could help me.

However, a wave of uncertainty washed over me.

Why would a princess help me? What if she thought I was an assassin? How could she trust a complete stranger like me?

These thoughts made me hesitate, but then I thought of my little brother's innocent face and knew that I couldn't take such a big risk. I had a mission to get to the Kingdom of Arathorn, and if I could just follow the carriage from afar, I would be able to reach my destination without risking my life. 

So, I leaned against a tree, waiting for the guards to move. The air was thick with tension, and every sound seemed magnified. Suddenly, as I shifted my weight, I stepped on a twig. The loud cracking sound echoed through the air, and I froze.