
Did they hear me? I didn't know.

As I hid behind the tree, my heart pounding in my chest, I bit my lip hard, trying to muffle any noise that might give me away. The sound of the guards' voices was a constant buzz in the background, but then suddenly, they went silent. Every muscle in my body tensed up as I held my breath, hoping they hadn't heard me. 

I strained my ears to listen for any movement outside my hiding place. The silence was suffocating, broken only by the sound of my own heart racing. I prayed fervently that the guards wouldn't come my way. I didn't know what I would do if they did. 

My mind raced as I tried to come up with a plan. Should I make a run for it or wait it out? I knew that if I ran, I would be caught for sure. So I stayed put, my arms wrapped tightly around myself, trying to blend into the shadows as much as possible.

I tried to remain calm, trying to hide myself in the large coat. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a shadow approaching. My heart sank, and I knew that I had been caught. I stood up, my mind racing, trying to come up with a plan to escape. But before I could move, the guards quickly made their way towards me, their swords drawn and ready for any attack.

One of them grabbed me by the arm and pulled me out of my hiding spot, while another held a dagger to my neck.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" One of them asked in a harsh tone, suspicion clear in his eyes. 

"I-I... I-I...." 

"Answer me. Who are you? And why were you hiding behind this tree? Are you an assassin sent to kill the Princess?" another guard questioned harshly. 

My eyes flooded with tears, and I shook my head violently, trying to quell the panic that was overtaking me. "N-no... I-I... I'm just passing through. I don't mean any harm," I stammered, hoping to convince the guards that I posed no threat.

However, my words seemed to fall on deaf ears as the guards remained tense, their hands on their weapons.

Suddenly, the tent flap opened, and a regal figure emerged, silencing the guards with her mere presence. It was the Princess, wearing a heavy cloak that enveloped her entire frame and a veil that obscured her face. Despite this, I could see her piercing blue eyes, full of curiosity and warmth.

She commanded the attention of everyone around her, including the guards, who immediately straightened up and stood at attention.

The Princess's voice was calm and authoritative as she addressed the guards. "What is going on over here?" Her tone brooked no argument, and the guards hesitated, unsure of how to proceed in front of her.

After a moment of awkward silence, one of the guards bowed to the Princess and explained the situation. The Princess listened intently, her eyes flickering with interest as she absorbed every detail. When the guard finished speaking, she turned her attention to me, her gaze intense and searching. For a moment, I felt as though she could see straight through me, into the depths of my soul.

After what felt like an eternity, the Princess spoke again, her voice softening slightly. "Come inside with me," she said, gesturing me to follow her inside the tent. 

I was confused and shocked and so were the guards. 

The head guard, dressed in their finest armor, immediately stepped forward and bowed in front of the Princess. "I am sorry, Princess, but I cannot allow this girl to go inside the tent with you. She could be an assassin or a spy. Please don't be deceived by her innocent appearance. I believe she has an ulterior motive for getting close to the Princess." 

The Princess stood calmly and looked at the guard. Her expression was one of mild amusement mixed with annoyance. "Are you just a guard trying to question my decision?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

The guard, taken aback by the Princess's words, stuttered in response, "N-no, Princess, I-I... I don't dare." 


"I am only trying to ensure your safety. As the head guard of this entourage, I am responsible for bringing the Princess safely to the Kingdom of Arathorn." the head guard replied humbly. 

The Princess sighed and shook her head. "I appreciate your concern, but I believe this girl will not harm me. Let her come inside. It's my order." 

The head guard looked troubled when he received the Princess's orders. He knew that disobeying her would have dire consequences, but allowing a stranger like me to accompany her made him uneasy. As I walked past him, I could feel his cold eyes on me, and I sensed a warning that any harm to the Princess would be met with lethal force.

I bit my lip nervously, trying to hide my anxiety as I followed behind the Princess. It was a stroke of luck that she had come to my rescue, and I was grateful for her intervention. Together, we stepped inside the tent, its interior illuminated by flickering torches. 

The sight before my eyes was almost too incredible to believe, yet after the tumultuous events of the previous day, I had learned that anything was possible. I stood there, processing the fact that I was standing in front of the Princess, and I felt grateful that she believed in me and didn't take me for an assassin. 

She seemed like a kind person. Maybe she could take me in as her maid and bring me along to the Kingdom of Arothorn. I couldn't help but feel hopeful in my heart. 

Just as I was about to express my gratitude, the Princess turned around and, with a graceful movement, lowered her hood. That was when her true beauty was revealed.

Her golden hair was a cascade of perfect waves flowing down her back in a flawless manner. Her big blue eyes shone with warmth and liveliness, and her skin was smooth and radiant. It was as if she was a living embodiment of perfection.