A desperate lie

As I gazed upon the Princess, I was completely taken aback by her stunning beauty. She had a certain grace that seemed to radiate from within, and her features were so flawless that it almost seemed as if she were sculpted from marble. Her long, flowing hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall, and her eyes sparkled like diamonds.

In contrast, I felt like a complete mess in her presence. My clothes were torn and dirty, my hair was unkempt and tangled, and my face was covered with dust and mud. I could feel the tears that had been streaming down my face, leaving trails of salt on my cheeks. 

As I fidgeted nervously with the edge of my coat, I couldn't help but feel self-conscious in front of the Princess. I didn't want her to see me in such a state. 

Suddenly, I heard her chuckle, and I looked up to see her smiling at me. My heart skipped a beat as I quickly looked down and closed my eyes, feeling embarrassed. 

"Is there something on the ground?" the Princess asked, and I shook my head, still not daring to look up.

"Then why are you staring at it so intently?" she questioned, her voice soft and gentle.

I opened my mouth to respond, but all that came out was a nervous stutter. 

The Princess continued to smile, her expression kind and understanding. "Don't be nervous," she said soothingly. "Look up."

I still didn't dare to look up at her face. 

"Oh my, I never knew I looked like a monster that you wouldn't dare to look at my face," she spoke sadly. 

My eyes widened when I heard that. I quickly raised my head and stared at her. "No, of course not! Princess, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. You are as pretty as an angel." 

"Thank you," she smiled sweetly. 

Seeing her smile, I smile back. Despite my disheveled appearance, she didn't seem to judge me at all. Instead, I felt her warmth and kindness envelop me like a comforting embrace. Then, the Princess gestured for me to sit down on a cushioned stool, and I obeyed, feeling a mix of awe and nervousness in her presence.

The Princess smiled at me, and her kind eyes seemed to comfort my nerves. I couldn't believe that the Princess was actually talking to me. I must have looked like a fool, standing there with my mouth slightly open and my eyes wide with shock.

But the Princess didn't seem to mind. She simply chuckled and asked if I would like something to eat. I quickly shook my head. But just as I did, my stomach let out a loud growl, causing the Princess to laugh even more.

Feeling embarrassed, I looked down at my feet, unable to meet her gaze. I couldn't believe I had allowed my hunger to give me away like that. 

I couldn't bring myself to look the Princess in the eye. She simply smiled and offered to have some food brought in for us. I couldn't believe how kind and understanding she was.

As we sat down to eat, I couldn't help but steal glances at the Princess. 

"What's wrong?" she asked softly. 

"I-I... I wanted to thank you for believing in me and for not taking me for an assassin," I said. At the same time, I couldn't help but wonder why she believed in a nobody like me.

The Princess looked at me curiously. "But I do wonder, what is a girl like you doing in the middle of this forest? And why are you in such a messy state?" 


As I sat across from the Princess, I found myself at a loss for words. How could I possibly convey the truth to her without sounding like a madman?

The story of my recent experiences was simply too unbelievable to be true. I had narrowly escaped being sold to an old lord by my Master, only to have my younger brother kidnapped by a mysterious man with magical powers. My rescuer, a devil, had saved me from certain doom.

At the same time, I didn't want to lie to such a kind princess. However, desperate times called for desperate measures. I came up with an alternative story. I told her that I had been thrown out of my home by my cruel uncle and that I had stumbled upon a group of dangerous men who were intent on harming me. Fearing for my life, I had fled into the forest and lost my way.

After wandering aimlessly for what felt like hours, I came across a group of guards who were on their way to the Kingdom of Arathorn. I hid behind the tree, hoping to follow them secretly but then, I was caught.

The Princess listened intently as I spun my tale, her expression thoughtful. When I had finished, she mused softly, "Oh... so that's what happened to you. No wonder you are in such a miserable state. Thankfully, nothing worse happened to you." 

I nodded, relieved that she seemed to believe me. I kept my gaze fixed on the fruit plate in front of me, afraid that if I looked up, she would see through my lie.

As I sat before the Princess, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude. She had saved my life and offered me food and comfort within her tent. It was a stark contrast to what I had always believed about those in power - that they were cold, arrogant, and selfish. But here was a princess who was kind beyond measure.

"Thank you for saving me," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "And for providing me with food and comfort."

The Princess waved her hand gently, dismissing my thanks. "It was nothing," she said.

But I couldn't let it go.

"No, please," I said, shaking my head firmly. "If it weren't for you, I would have been executed as an assassin. I can't thank you enough. That's why I'm grateful and I want to repay you by offering myself as your maid. I can serve you in any way you need, and I will do so with all my heart."

By saying this, I had only one thought in my mind, if the Princess agreed, then I would be able to travel with her to the Kingdom of Arathorn.