Second Task

"What do you mean?" I demanded, my voice tinged with anger.

"Now, now, Amara, there's no need for anger. I detest it when people raise their voices at me. Remember, your dear younger brother is still in my grasp," the man said, his voice smiling yet laced with an unmistakable threat.

Taking a deep breath, I attempted to quell my rising fury. Indeed, my younger brother was still in his clutches, and provoking him was not an option.

Who could predict what he might do to him?

"Sir, you promised that if I came to the Kingdom of Arathorn, you would release my brother. I've done what you asked. What more do you want from me? Why are you doing this to me?" I asked through gritted teeth. 

"Like I said, these are all meaningless questions that you don't need to think about. Just do as I say, and everything will be good, especially for your little brother," he said. 

Upon hearing these words, I realized that I was ensnared in a trap. How could I have naively believed that merely arriving in this kingdom would compel him to release my brother? His intentions were clear; he demanded more of me and assigned me further tasks. And, to protect my brother from this man's clutches, I will have to do these tasks. 

This mysterious figure shrouded in a black cloak was orchestrating something sinister. I had unwittingly become a pawn in his scheme. Curiosity gnawed at me as to why he selected me for these errands, though I understood that inquiring would yield no answers.

With resignation, I posed the question, "What is my next task?"

"Ah, now we're getting somewhere, Amara. You're quite smart," he responded with a chuckle.

"What must I do now?" I pressed.

"You need to bring an item for me," he declared.

My brow furrowed in confusion. Bring something for him? 

Seeing the confusion on my face, the man elaborated mysteriously, "You see, within this grand castle lies a library. In that library, there is a thick red colored book covered with thick golden vines. I need that book, and that is why I want you to retrieve it for me. This is your second task."

I raised my brows doubtfully. "You want me to steal?"

The man didn't reply.

I looked at the mysterious figure carefully. Except for his voice, I knew nothing about this man. Why was he asking me to do all these weird tasks? Why was he asking me to steal? This man possessed magic and could make himself appear anywhere, so why didn't he go to that library and steal that book himself?

Why me? 

"It had to be you," the man replied as though he was reading my thoughts.

I stood still. It had to be me... Those very words...

For the second time, someone uttered those exact phrases to me, leaving me in contemplation—why me? What is it that could make me so uniquely significant? What was so special about me?

As I was lost in my thoughts, the mysterious figure disappeared from the bed, leaving me feeling uneasy and vulnerable.

Was he gone?

However, the next moment, he reappeared right in front of me, causing me to jump back in shock. My heart began to race even faster as I watched his black cloak billowing behind him, almost as if it were alive. Biting my lips, I stood my ground and tried to look at his face. I wanted to see what this man looked like. 

But, despite my best efforts, I couldn't make out his face as he towered over me. His low and menacing voice sent shivers down my spine. "Don't be scared, Amara," he spoke as if he could sense my fear. "I won't harm you. Not yet."

His words were like a cold hand gripping my heart, and I couldn't help but wonder what he meant by 'not yet.' 

I could feel my palms getting clammy as I tried to steady myself. Who was this man, and why was he doing this to me? I felt like a mouse being toyed with by a cat, unsure of what was going to happen next.

"You will get me that book, won't you, my dear Amara?" he inquired, extending his hand towards my face.

I flinched, the urge to step back overwhelming, yet my feet remained planted as though frozen by fear. The man let out a chuckle at my evident terror and tenderly tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. At that moment, engulfed by fear, all I yearned for was to distance myself from him.

"Amara, you'll retrieve the book for me, won't you?" he repeated. 

My lips quivered as I nodded in acquiescence.

"Good girl," he praised. "You've pleased me greatly."'

With that, he took a step back, allowing me to finally exhale a sigh of relief. "By the way, Amara, I don't want you to steal. I merely wish for you to retrieve something that rightfully belonged to me," he whispered.

I gave a slow nod in response.

"There's one more thing I need from you," he continued.

"What is it?" I asked.

"While you are staying here as the princess from the kingdom of Ellendale. Try and get as close as you can to the Prince, okay?" 

Hearing that, I was taken aback. Get close to the Prince?

Why did this man want me to do that? Was he seeking something from the Prince, or was it merely a suggestion to ease my situation? My mind raced with thoughts. Yet, I knew that questioning him would be futile.

Therefore, I simply nodded in agreement to his statement.

"Two days..." he murmured softly.

"What?" I stammered.

"That's all the time I'm giving you, Amara," he declared, his tone grave and earnest. "If you fail to retrieve that book for me within two days, then I may have to reduce your precious little brother's lifespan. So, do whatever it takes to get that book for me. Understood?"

My eyes widened in disbelief. "Wait, no! How could I possibly -"

But the man had vanished. And there I was, left alone in my room. As I pondered over his chilling ultimatum, a shiver of dread coursed through me and I collapsed to the floor, tears beginning to well in my eyes.