A midnight visit

As the darkness of the night enveloped everything around, the silver moon rose high in the sky, casting a pale glow over the surroundings. Suddenly, a mysterious and ominous figure emerged from the shadows, its movements silent and stealthy. With each step, the figure advanced towards the room, its intentions unknown.

It was the devil himself, with his penetrating black eyes and sinister grin. He had come to claim what was rightfully his—the beautiful princess who was destined to be his bride.

With his dark magic, he effortlessly entered the room and made his way to the bed where the princess was sound asleep. He stood there for a moment, admiring her beauty as she lay there in peaceful slumber. Her black hair cascaded down the pillow, her rosy cheeks flushed with a hint of pink, and her full red lips slightly parted as she breathed softly.

The devil couldn't take his eyes off her. He was mesmerized by her beauty. He felt a strange sense of happiness and contentment as he watched the princess sleep. Her breathing was like music to his ears, and he found himself captivated by the rise and fall of her chest. He couldn't help but wonder how someone so pure and innocent could exist in a world filled with darkness and evil.

He slowly made his way towards the bed, his steps silent as a whisper. As he reached the bed, he sat down beside her and reached out a hand to touch her face. But just as his fingers were about to make contact, something unexpected happened.

He leaped from the bed, and in that instant, Prince Killian regained control. The devil within his mind sneered and began to wrestle for dominance once more. This time, however, Killian channeled all his energy to maintain his grip on control.

Knowing that he could not seize command over his body, the devil merely snorted dismissively in the back of his mind and fell silent. Taking a deep breath, Killian exhaled slowly. As he gazed at the girl who lay in peaceful slumber on the bed, oblivious to the presence of a man—or in his case, a devil—in her room, his expression turned to one of anger.

"What in the hell do you think you're doing?" he demanded, his voice laced with anger. 

The devil laughed in his mind, amused by his anger. "I came to see our bride, Killian. Is that not allowed?" he replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Killain's eyes narrowed slowly as he stared at the peaceful face sleeping on the bed, and his hands clenched into two tight fists. "You can't have her, and you know why." 

The devil chuckled, unfazed by those words. "Oh, but I will. She is destined to be ours. It is written in the stars," he stated confidently. "Don't you think so, Killian?" 

Killian didn't answer. 

The devil continued with a wicked grin. "Consider this, Killian. Was it merely by chance that you encountered her in the forest? No, it was destiny that united us. Recall the moment she vanished from the hut and how overwhelmed and terrified we felt. Remember the desperation as we searched for her."

"We were saddened by the fact that we might never meet her again. But look at what destiny has orchestrated. It has delivered our bride right to our doorstep. Now, she is within our reach at all times, and we are free to do as we please. She belongs to us! She is ours!"

"No, she is not!" Killian shouted in his mind. 

'"Yes, she is," the devil retorted sharply. "And nobody can snatch her from us, not a single soul. Not even you, Killian."

Recalling something, the devil let out a scornful laugh. "Just face it, Killian. She captivates us. She holds us spellbound. We desire her. We crave her. We long for her. Can you sense it? This searing pain within us. It yearns to possess her, to stake a claim, to make her exclusively ours."

Killian shuddered and stepped back. "No! Stop this!"

"Haha... How pitiful, Killian," the devil taunted. "Why do you resist our shared longing? Why do you flee from our cravings? Just take a look at her, Killian. She's flawless... so beautiful..... so willing... and she is ours..."

Stop it!"

"Don't resist this, Killian. Accept her. Take her. Claim her as ours," the devil whispered insidiously, warping his thoughts.

Killian clenched his fists, shut his eyes, and inhaled deeply. Despite his reluctance to acknowledge it, he recognized the unity between himself and the devil. Their desires, rage, and bloodlust were shared; what the devil felt, he felt. 

Both he and his devil yearned for this girl. Deep within, he longed to possess her, yet he couldn't—she wasn't his to claim. 

"No," the devil countered sharply in his mind. "She is ours! Don't you dare think like that, Killian! She exists for us."

"No, she doesn't... she isn't ours..." Killian fought back.

"Then why did you save her, Killian? If you felt no desire, harbored no longing for her, if she meant nothing to you, then why did you save her at the risk of exposing ourselves?" the devil inquired.

Before Killian could respond, the devil pressed on. "And don't claim it was out of goodwill. I'm not a naive human who would believe such feeble deceptions. We both understand that our nature is to kill, to destroy. We do not save people, and yet, this girl has been saved by us, twice."

Killian inhaled deeply, his gaze fixed on the girl sleeping on the bed. His mind replayed the moment he witnessed her tripping over a rock and tumbling down the cliff. At that moment, a sensation washed over him, and he felt like his entire world was on the brink of collapse—a feeling utterly foreign to him.

Instinctively, his body sprang into action, propelling him to her rescue. And when he did, when he held her in his arms, a great sense of happiness washed over him. 

Engrossed in his thoughts, Killian failed to notice the devil smirking in the back of his mind. By the time, he realized what was going on, it was too late. With a laugh, the devil seized control of his body.

'Don't hurt her...' were the only words Killian could muster before his consciousness gradually faded away."