A dangerous game

"Just call my name, and I will stop, Lia," he whispered seductively, his lips pressed against my calf. 

I felt a shiver run down my spine at his words. He was giving me an out, a chance to escape this dangerous game we were playing. But I didn't want him to stop. I wanted to feel his touch and revel in the passion building between us. 

"Call my name, Lia," he whispered, his breath hot against my skin, his passionate eyes gazing back at mine. At that moment, I knew I lost.

The room was silent except for his seductive whispers and the sound of my breathing. I could feel his warm breath on my leg, and it was intoxicating. As a princess, I should have stopped him, but a part of me, the real me, wanted him to keep going. I was torn between my desire and my responsibility. 

Just then, he looked at me with a big smirk on his face. I could sense that something was about to happen. His black eyes were filled with mischief, and it made me feel uneasy. However, I didn't have much time to think because he spoke up. "Looks like you're enjoying my kisses; otherwise, you would have stopped me by now, Lia," he chuckled.

I froze, completely stunned by his boldness and shamelessness. How could he say something like that so casually?

But as I looked into his eyes, I had to admit that I was falling under his spell. His seduction was working its way into my heart, and I was enjoying what he was doing to me. It was a dangerous game we were playing, and I knew it. However, I couldn't resist him.

I knew it was wrong, but I couldn't help myself. I was not Princess Amelia but an imposter princess. It made me feel guilty and ashamed, but I still found myself getting lost in his kisses.

As his lips continue to move up my leg, I realize that if I don't stop him, he might even reach my most intimate place. That thought jolted me back to reality. I couldn't let that happen; I couldn't let him seduce me like this. 

I needed to stop him, but how?

I had no experience in such matters, and I didn't know what to do. Having no other option, I took a deep breath. "Killian," I whispered, my voice barely audible.

But the moment I did, everything changed. Before I could even process what was happening, Killian crashed his lips against mine. I gasped in surprise, but his lips were already moving against mine with passion, with desire, with lust. I felt sparks of electricity shoot through my body.

It was as if time had stopped, and all that existed at that moment was the two of us. I could feel the warmth of his breath against my skin as his lips moved against mine with increasing intensity. 

His hand roamed all over my body, pulling me closer and closer. I could feel every inch of his body pressed against mine, and there was no gap left between us.

My mind was in a frenzy; my body was on fire, and all I could do was surrender to his touch. I tried to match his passion, my hands tangling in his hair as our kiss became more and more intense.

He pulled back slightly, his lips trailing down to my cheeks, then my neck. His hands were caressing my curves, squeezing and pinching me in all the right places, making me feel things I never knew I could feel.

"Killian," I moaned out involuntarily, my body responding to his touch.

It seemed to work like a trigger because the next moment, he pulled back and looked at me with such hunger and desire that it took my breath away. Without breaking eye contact, he pushed me down until my back touched the surface of the table. His body covered mine from above as his lips crashed against mine once again with even more force and intensity.

"One more time, Lia." 

"Killian," I moaned as my fingers dug into his back, and he continued to kiss me, his lips soft yet demanding. I could feel his need, his hunger, and it ignited something inside me that I never knew existed.

"Amelia," he whispered, his voice husky and filled with lust. "My Lia, my bride. You are mine, and you belong to me." 

His words sent shivers down my spine, and I was about to nod, completely captivated by his fiery gaze when suddenly, something strange happened. For a moment, I felt Prince Killian's face resembling the face I had seen before I fainted in that forest that night. 

"Devil," I whispered in a daze. 

In the blink of an eye, I felt the weight above me disappear as Prince Killian jumped away. As he stared at me for a moment, I noticed a shift in his demeanor. He lowered his gaze, apologized profusely, and then rushed out of the royal library as if he had done something terrible, something wrong. 

Completely confused, I sat up, trying to catch my breath. My body was still flushed, and my heart was still racing from our intimate moment, but when I recalled the way he looked at me before leaving, I couldn't help but be hurt. 

What just happened? Why did I see regret and anger in his eyes?

What was he guilty about? 

Why did he apologize to me? He didn't force me, and I consented to the kiss. He was the Prince and I was his princess, his future wife. It was okay for him to have such intimate moments with me.

Did he apologize because it was against the rules for him to touch me? But why do I feel that the reason behind his apology was something different?

As I gazed at the door, my mind whirled with questions, yet amidst the confusion, one thing was crystal clear — my feelings for Prince Killian. I was attracted to him, desired him, wanted him, and wanted to belong to him. 

Maybe, just maybe, I was even in love with him...