What is love?


Was I in love with the Prince Killian?

In the hushed grandeur of the royal library, amidst towering shelves laden with books, I stood rooted to my spot, my heart pounding like a war drum. I placed my trembling hand upon my breast and felt the relentless throbbing of my heart. 

Why was my heart beating so fast? 

Was this what they called love? 

The mere mention of his name, the mere thought of his face, sent a surge of electricity coursing through my veins. It was a tingling sensation that spread from my fingertips to my toes, and I felt as though I was floating in the air. The feeling was both exhilarating and terrifying. I had never experienced anything like it before.

I had to be in love with Prince Killian. Otherwise, I wouldn't have let him touch me. 

It has to be love..... my first love...

When this realization set in, a big smile came on my face. Forgetting about my task and everything else, I gathered up my flowing gown and leaped down from the table that I was sitting on. I rushed out of the library, barely acknowledging the surprised looks of the palace staff.

I ran through the corridors, not caring about the shocked whispers from the passing maids and guards. As I reached my room, my maid, Lily, greeted me with a concerned expression. "Is everything alright, Your Highness?" she asked, taking in my flushed face and quick breathing. 

I rushed past my maid, ignoring her question, and made my way to my bed. I couldn't contain the excitement that was bubbling up inside of me. Plopping down on the bed, I grabbed the nearest pillow and covered my face with it, wanting to scream with joy.

The memory of Prince Killian's kiss was still fresh in my mind. The way he teased me made me feel like the only person in the world who mattered. As he claimed me as his own, stating that I belonged to him, I felt an indescribable happiness and contentment. The thought of him filled me with a warm, tingly feeling.

I couldn't help but giggle in happiness as I replayed the moment in my mind. But, as the giggles died down, I was left with a question. Was this love? I had heard that love was a magical feeling, but was it possible to fall in love with someone so quickly?

I wanted to be sure that the joy in my heart was love and not just attraction.

"Your Highness, are you okay? Did someone hurt? Did you meet the king and the queen?" Lily, my maid, asked me cautiously as she approached the bed. 

I sat up and stared at her. "Lily, have you ever been in love?" 

To my surprise, Lily's cheeks turned a bright shade of pink as she stuttered, "N-no, Your Highness. I-I have not."

I let out another sigh, this time filled with disappointment. Out of all the three maids, I liked Lily the most, and I was hoping she would have some wisdom to share with me on the matter of love. But it seemed that even she was inexperienced in this field.

"Why do you ask about love, Your Highness?" Lily asked, her curiosity piqued.

I hesitated for a moment, wondering if I should share my thoughts with her. But then, thinking about my intimate moments with the prince, I couldn't bring myself to say anything.

"I-I was just wondering....." I spoke vaguely, my voice barely above a whisper. 

Suddenly, Lily's eyes lit up with excitement. Her face broke into a wide smile as she clasped her hands together, radiating happiness. "Your Highness, have you met the Prince?" she inquired eagerly.

I felt warmth spread across my cheeks as I nodded, attempting to conceal my face behind the pillow beside me. Lily's enthusiasm was contagious, and a small laugh escaped me, a testament to her evident excitement.

Lily was bouncing with excitement. "I knew it," she declared. "I was certain that the moment Your Highness would encounter the Prince, love would blossom."

"Our Prince is truly remarkable. There isn't a soul in the kingdom who dislikes him. His handsome appearance, with sculpted features, bright eyes, and a captivating smile, is admired by all. He's as kind, gentle, and warm as the sun, spreading his charm and warmth to everyone he meets."

I furrowed my brow, pondering Lily's analogy of the Prince with the sun. Why did it seem as though she was speaking of someone else?

In my view, Prince Killian resembled the cool breeze of the night. He radiated calm and serenity, akin to the moon aloft in the sky — cold, distant, yet strikingly beautiful. His intense gaze and mysterious demeanor possess a magnetic allure that captivates those around him.

"Kyaa!!! Princess Amelia, it's love at first sight!!!" she declared joyfully. "You've been smitten by our Prince. The two of you would be an ideal pair. It's truly wonderful!"

Her words interrupted my thoughts and brought a blush to my cheeks.

"Lily, how can I be sure that this is love?" I inquired, both curious and perplexed.

At that moment, my other two maids, Anne and Emily, came into the room. Seeing them, Lily hurried over and shared the story of my meeting with the prince. She then implored them to shed light on love, as I was bewildered and confused by my emotions towards the prince.

"Your Highness, love is a feeling of pure and selfless affection towards someone. It's when your heart feels full and content just by being in their presence. Love doesn't come in words, nor does it come with great fanfare. You just know you are in love," explained Emily, the eldest of three, slowly.

"It's a feeling one cannot describe It's like a fluttering of butterflies in your stomach whenever you see that person. You want to be with that person. You want to belong to that person."

I reflected on her words. If I gauged my feelings by her standards, then indeed, I was in love with Prince Killian. It was my first love. A smile instantly graced my face, and I was eager to find Prince Killian and tell him about my feelings for him.