The traditional dance

Back in my hometown, there was a small festival that happened every year. Unfortunately, my Master never allowed servants to attend it, so I never got to experience it. The only time I remember ever going to a festival was when I was young, and my parents took me.

That was the only memory I had of any kind of festival. However, things are much different now. Everything here is grander and more exciting.

The entire town was adorned with colorful decorations. Merchants peddled their wares along the cobblestone streets, their voices rising and falling in a cheerful cacophony. The town was alive with a joyous spirit that seemed to permeate every corner.

The tantalizing scents of freshly baked pastries, roasted meats, and exotic spices filled the air. Vendors displayed their finest wares, from hand-crafted trinkets to vibrant textiles. The atmosphere was electric with anticipation as families and friends gathered to immerse themselves in the festivities.