
"Killian," I gasped in surprise, my heart pounding in my chest.

A surge of shock and disbelief coursed through me as I rose from the bench. But before I could take a single step towards him, someone brushed past me, obscuring my view. In that instant, Killian vanished from my sight, leaving me with a gnawing sense of uncertainty.

I stood there for a moment, my mind racing. Had I truly seen him, or was it merely a figment of my desperate imagination, longing to believe that he was near? Doubt gnawed at me, but my heart refused to let go of the hope that he had been real.

As I gazed down at the spot where Killian had been standing, my eyes caught a glint of metal. I looked to my left, then to my right, and with a swift motion, I hurried over to retrieve it. There on the ground was a small, intricately designed brooch — a familiar piece of jewelry. It belonged to Prince Killian's coat, which meant that he was indeed present here.