Ch 2: People Change Just Like the Seasons

System Message


The user has successfully attained the title: "Quick Footed (Rank A)"

All speed +150% while running away!

All speed +75% while standing your ground!


10 Years Later:

Thanks to the system, Gier learned very quickly about the pecking order in hell, as well as all the most dangerous areas to be thanks to the handy map feature it came with.

And you'd be glad to hear that all the areas in hell were dangerous, especially the 9th level in which Gier had found himself.

The areas of the map were color coded as such:

White - E-D Ranked safe areas with low level demons.

Green - D-C Ranked area that was relatively safe, but it was still a good idea to go prepared for a fight.

Blue - B Ranked area, best to try and avoid until higher level.

Purple - A Ranked area that should tried to be avoided at all costs.

Yellow/Orange - S-SS Ranked area in which you wouldn't last even a second without dying due to the pressure emitted by high ranking demons.

Red - ??? Ranked Area that Gier had spawned in, the center of the 9th level and where the King of Hell resides.

So in other words, Gier had gotten unbelievably lucky that none of the demons there were that interested in a scrawny human like him.

But the worst part was the fact that this area was surrounded by Yellow and Orange areas that Gier had to avoid by any means necessary!

He had nearly died several hundred times trying to escape. His clothes were gone within the first week, leaving him in rags. His beloved headphones were destroyed right before his eyes when he tried to cross a rather viscous Blue ranked area that contained a venomous swamp.

The only way he survived was due to the carelessness of lower ranking demons, taking their scraps and using one of the system's options to craft better and sturdier gear.

Thanks to this, he survived. Making it to a lower ranking Blue ranked area where he made his home.

There were no White areas in the 9th level, and Green areas were rare and far in between with little resources to survive.

He had to adapt.

And adapt he did.

He became a lot more alert and sensitive to his surrounding.

More attuned with his instincts.

Moreso than anything, he learned to survive in such an unforgiving place.

And just like that, 10 years had passed in the blink of an eye....


Gier inspected the cave he had called a home for the past ten years.

It was nothing special, but had a unique purple stone inside that kept the entrance hidden from those that didn't already know of its existence.

It looked like the owner hadn't been there for at least a hundred years, so Gier decided to use the resources inside to understand more about his current predicament.

What he found were books on black magic and necromancy, a few skill tomes for high level martial arts and skills that were too high level for him to learn, and what looked like demonic scientist equipment, along with several storage areas for rations which mostly held dried out demonic meat, equipment that was too dangerous to use at his level, a training area, a vault that he didn't know hot to unlock....yet.

And what was Gier doing now you ask? Well, he was going hunting of course!

Over the years, he had tried to get in shape using normal means, but that held little to no results.

So this was the result he reached in the end....

Hunt the lower ranked demons and try not to gain any attention from the higher ranked ones!


It was already hard enough to survive in a Blue ranked area, no matter how low level the monsters inside were.

Luckily the cave had a pretty nice armory filled with half decent equipment made for those near his level.


Name: Gier Dixon

Age: 32 (22)

Level: 12

Title: The First Awakened

Bloodline: Berserker God (SSS Rank)

Class: N/A

Health: 43,000/43,000

Mana: 11,000/11,000

Exp: 50,237/100,000,000

Str: 620

Stm: 430

Int: 220

Agi: 485

Luc: 40

Total Patk Power: 73,000

Total Matk Power: 33,000

Total PDefense Power: 43,000

Total MDefense Power: 22,000

Stat Points: 88

Condition: Confident, Excited, Anxious


Head: Crown of Thorns (A Rank)

Earring R: Heavenly Demon's Circlet (Set)(S Rank)

Earring L: Empty

Body: Vampires Bloodied White Shirt (B Rank)

Neck: Succubus's Lustful Chain (C Rank)

Hands: Demon Ape's Fists (B Rank)

Finger R: Empty

Finger L: Necrotic Bone Ring (C Rank)

Legs: Black Blood Shorts (A Rank)

Feet: Bloodwolf Sandals (C Rank)

Weapon R/L: Demonic Bone Knife (B Rank)

Inventory (78/100):

Apology Package

Large Bone x20

Demonic Rations x5

HP Potion (Medium) x10

Mana Potion (Large) x12

Skill Tome: Black Flame (A Rank)

Skill Tome: Heavenly Demon Fist Art (S Rank)

Skill Time: Heavenly Demon Sword Art (S Rank)

Heavenly Demon's Armor Set x7

Heavenly Demon's Sword

Art of Black Magic 101

Tome of Necromancy x2

Golden Treasure Chests x5

Mystery Chest (Rank A) x3

Mystery Chest (Rank S) x2

Mystery Chest (Rank ???) x1


(Small Author's Note: Hey! So here's how stats work! I messed this up last chapter! +1 in stamina is +100 health and +100 Defense! +1 in intelligence is +50 mana, +100 MAtk Power, +100 MDefense, this also depends on your class of course, and +1 Str is +100 Atk power! But that's basically it for now! And I'll be putting his current Atk and Defensive power in as well! The status also includes the added stats from the bloodline.)

Gier have his gear one last look over before nodding in approval.

He wasn't winning any fashion contests, but at least he wasn't naked.

And the stats on the gear weren't anything to scoff at either!


Crown of Thorns

Rank: A

Level Requirement: 5+

Type: Helm


Str +175

Agi +80

Int +200

HP +10000

PDef +3000

MDef +2200

Thorns Dmg +700

Exp earned +10%

Description: A Crown worm by the King of Flies as a form of punishment. It is said that beings attacked while wearing this crown will damage the attacker instead!


Heavenly Demon's Circlet

Rank: S

Level Requirements: 1+

Type: Earring (Set)


Str +1000

Agi +750

Stm +300

Mana +4000

Mana +5% Every Sec

PAtk Power +2500

PDmg +50%

Skills that make contact have a 25% chance to make the target bleed for 5% health per second for 10 seconds. (Locked)

You deal +150% Dmg to those bleeding. (Locked)

Dmg done using the Heavenly Demon Arts +500%. (Set) (Locked)

Description: Only those who are worthy of the title of Heavenly Demon may know the true peak of martial arts.


Vampire's Bloodied White Shirt

Rank: B

Level Requirement: 4+

Type: Shirt


PDefense +12000

MDefense +15000

All bleed Dmg +15%

HP +50 per sec

Drains the blood of enemies to repair itself, +1500 HP per kill.

Description: A shirt owned by a high ranking vampire noble, it's covered in the blood of its previous owner.


Succubus's Lustful Chain

Rank: C

Level Requirement: 5+

Type: Necklace


MDefense +4000

The passive skill "Charm" will be learned upon equip.


Rank: C

Type: Passive

Description: You are instinctively well liked by those of a lower standing. Does not work on those whose rank is higher than C.


Demon Ape's Fists

Rank: B

Level Requirements: 8+

Type: Gloves


Attack Power +15000

PDefense +2500

Unarmed Attacks +25%

Description: Gloves made using the fur and leather from a Great Demonic Ape, an A Rank monster that tranverses the lower leveled areas of the 9th circle in search of prey. It's rank has decreased due to severe overuse. It's stats resemble that of a weapon of a higher rank due to the Great Demonic Ape's nature.

The lower the durability, the higher the attack boost. -1 durability +10% attack power.

Durability: (67/100)


Necrotic Bone Ring

Rank: C

Level Requirement: ???

Type: Ring (Growth) (Bound)

MDefense +1000

Magic Attack Power +1500

Power of Dark Magic and necromancies +50%

Physical and magical attacks can now affect the target's soul, but at half the normal attack.

Description: A ring made by a high level necromancer of an unknown circle. Disappointed by the Ring's potential, it was thrown away. And due to this, it becomes quite clingy with it's wearer.

Warning! This item becomes soulbound upon equip!

This item will grow with the user.


Black Blood Shorts

Rank: A

Level Requirement: 10+

Type: Pants


HP +12000

PDefense +5000

MDefense +5000

The user's blood will naturally turn black over time, all defenses +150%.

Immunity to all poisons A Rank and below.

Description: A pair of cargo shorts used by high ranking demons during their vacation. It's made by using the blood of an Immortal Black Jellyfish as a base.


Bloodwolf Sandals

Rank: C

Level Requirement: 2+

Type: Shoes


Agi +1500

Stm +250

PDefense +1000

Chance to stand on uneven/slippery/treacherous terrain +25%

Speed +15% upon taking your first step.


Demonic Bone Knife

Rank: B

Level Requirement: 10+

Type: Weapon


Attack Power +25000

Attack Speed +25%

Str +120

Agi +55

Description: A bone knife used to fillet the skin off of demonic beasts. It's made using the bone of an unknown demonic beast.


(All stats will be added in the next chapter)

Sure, there was a lot of equipment in the cave that was WAY better both stat and rank wise, but they a had absolutely ridiculous level requirements....

Including a pair of rather awesome looking demonic gauntlets that belonged to the Heavenly Demon himself, along with his entire gearset!

But Gier was more than happy with just being able to equip one of those legendary pieces of equipment!

Even if he wasn't really into wearing earrings....

"Speaking of levels...." He thought to himself, crossing his arms as he began walking into the dense forest of bones outside of his cave. "I know my bloodline is pretty good, especially its rank and all.... But seriously? Needing 10x more experience per level is kinda ridiculous...."

And it was true. Gier's bloodline was top tier.

Nearly godlike actually....

His bloodline, plus his newly acquired gear, although it was quite low level in comparison to his bloodline, we're all top tier considering their stats and buffs.

But none of that mattered if he couldn't level up efficiently.

He'd die before he could activate the buffs from his bloodline, and being overgeared could only help so much.

"At least I left some stat points in case of an emergency...." He mumbled to himself as he continued forward, passing the desolate and blood covered white trees that made up the Forest of Bones.

He was just lucky that a few high ranking monsters died while in his vicinity during his travels, allowing him to acquire 50% of their true experience value.

That plus his experience buffs allowed him to level up a few times, sure, but he needed a lot more if he wanted to survive.

Which is one of the major reasons he decided to leave the safety of his home in order to level up.

"The system said that I'd get to choose a job at level 20.... I wonder how long that'll take me to get there.... It also said that jobs can evolve over time...."

Gier kept talking to himself as he traveled through the Forest of Bones, a low level Blue ranked area.

He was confident that he'd be able to at least reach a purple area with his stats and gear alone, but he wasn't going to push it until he was higher level.

Despite his laid back attitude, Gier never expected that he'd never be able to find his way back to his beloved home of 10 years once he left....

Almost as if it had disappeared once its inheritance had been retrieved.


And like that....

90 years came and went.

And then 100 more....

Gier had all but forgotten how much time he spent in hell.

Nor did he care.

All he thought about was going home to see his family.

That's what drove him.

His darling little sister's constantly smiling face, whom he started to forget....

And the face of his beloved father, who would always be wearing his signature goofy grin, waiting to greet him as he returned home.

Though Gier would never realize....

Just how much his home would change while he was away.

And like that, 2700 years passed in a blink of an eye.


A figure stood atop a pile of bodies, poking at the air in front of him.

The translucent blue screen before his eyes unseen by anyone other than himself.

His long, unruly, black hair fell over his golden amber eyes, almost as if he was too lazy to even bother cutting it.

The attire that he wore did not befit a being that had just finished slaughtering one of the 9th circle's Red zones:

He wore what could only be described as a loose black, battle torn, robe that would look more natural on a ronin or monk than an actual warrior of his stature.

Atop his head sat what could only be described as a black rice hat, that hid even more of his face from view, but one could also barely make out a black face mask that covered the bottom half of his face, hiding his sharp handsome, and rather feral looking, features from view.

He stood barefoot, as if he did not require anything on his feet to traverse the harsh, unforgiving, terrain of hell and a necklace of huge black bead hung loosely around his neck.

A sword hung at his hip, along with an empty sheath as he lazily held another unsheathed black blade on his shoulder, though it did reveal that his right hand was covered by a black gauntlet with armor on the knuckles and loose white cloth wrapping from his wrist and up into the sleeve of the robe.

And, though his left hand was rather barren, one could see several rings on his fingers.

So, in terms of looks....

He looked like a dark ronin that got lost in his time in hell.

Either that, or he was just too lazy to try and change with the times.

Not that he'd ever know what year it was anyway.

But despite all of this, that wasn't the case at all.

For this was none other than one Gier Dixon.

And he had finally received the message he had been painstakingly waiting for this entire time.

System Message

Hey! Long time no see!

I'm glad to see that you're still alive!

Not that I had any doubts that is!

Anyway, I've got good news for you!

I'm almost done making a way for you to escape!

Though it does need some testing to work out a few....bugs.

But once it's finished you'll be on your way to going back home!

So hang in there for a little while longer, alright?!

Also, I hope you haven't opened that package I left you yet!

You'll need it for when you get back!

Alright, that's about it!

See you in about 300 years!

G Man, out!

System Message

Gier couldn't help but let out a small amused snort at this.

"300 more years in this place? Sure, it's not like I'm getting any younger...." He chuckled as his piercing yellow eyes slowly drifted up from the system message towards the Kingdom of Devils, his final destination on his long journey.

A wide crazed grin split his face as his grip on his sword tightened, "Well this should be fun~! Guess that's one way to kill some time!"

Gier's voice seemed to echo through the valley of bodies that he left in his wake.

A river of blood formed wherever he went.

And if one were to look back at the place he once stood....

They would only find a mountain of bodies.


Name: Gier Dixon

Age: 2722 (22)

Level: 72

Title: Inheritor of the Heavenly Demon Arts

Bloodline: Berserker God (SSS Rank)

Class: Demonic Martial Artist

Inheritor of the Heavenly Demon Arts

Title Rank: SS

All stats +5500

Unarmed Attack Dmg +500%

Mana will be turned into Ki at the rate of 100 mana = 20 ki.

Kitty is denser than mana and allows the user to exert 20x the force of regular mana infused attacks.

All Magic Attack Dmg +250%

Description: There may be only one inheritor of the Heavenly Demon Arts every generation. Though this art has been lost after the last inheritor was banished to the 9th level of hell for trying to challenge the will of God himself, but despite this, legend tells that the inheritor never stopped training and honing his martial arts.

The class "Pugilist" will evolve into the hidden class "Martial Artist" upon achieving this title and this class will be evolved further at level 50 and upon mastering the Heavenly Demon Arts to a certain degree.



End Chapter 2~