Ch 3: The Hundred Year Stalemate

Year 2835 - Location: 9th Circle of Hell, Castle of Lucifer

System Message



I think I messed up again....

System Message

That was the first message Gier had received from God in the last one hundred years, and for some reason it put him on edge.

Especially since that was the end of the message.

Gier let out a soft frustrated sigh as he sat up on his place on top of a humongous mound of some sort.

"That's just great.... You could've at least told me what's been happening on Earth.... But no, you instead give me such an ominous message.... The hell am I supposed to do with this?" He mumbled to himself, resting his cheek on his gloved fist as his free hand mindlessly tapped at the blue system screen before him.

Yeah, Gier had pretty much lost his mind during his travels through the various zones in hell.

Which was rather reasonable since all he could do at the beginning was struggle to survive.

But now that he was finally level 78 after struggling to gain enough experience to fill the vast ravine that was his experience bar....

He realized just how strong he's become.

His gaze lazily inspected his status menu for a moment:


Name: Gier Dixon

Age: 2857 (Looks: 22)

Level: 78

Title: Master of the Heavenly Demon Arts

Bloodline: Berserker God (SSS Rank)

Class: Demonic Martial Master

Health: 1,450,000 (+200,000)

Ki: 137,800 (+4200)

Exp: 2,007,569,023/@#&$&?!

Str: 9000 (+15000)

Stm: 8000 (+6500)

Int: 8500 (+4500)

Agi: 8500 (+10000)

Luc: 107 (+35)

Total Patk Power: 21,600,000 (+500,000)

Total Matk Power: 17,560,000 (+800,000)

Total PDefense Power: 1,450,000 (+345,000)

Total MDefense Power: 1,300,000 (+420,000)

Stat Points: 120

Condition: Bored, Best Condition


-Heavenly Demon Sword Arts: Lvl 5

+Sky Splitting Strike: Lvl 2

+Heaven Defying Thrust: Lvl 1

+Soul Shaking Slash: Lvl 3

+Spirit Eating Sword Art: Lvl 4

+Crescent Blood Moon Slash: Lvl 1

+Bloody Blossom Sword: Lvl 1

+Demonic Breathing Arts: Lvl 0 (Max)

-Heavenly Demon Arts: Lvl 6

+Demon God's Devouring Fist: Lvl 3

+Heavenly King's Domineering Stride: Lvl 1

Heavenly King's Grip: Lvl 5

+God Destroying Kick: Lvl 1

+Blood Devouring Art: Lvl 2

+Cursed Poison Art: Lvl 3

+Flaming Blood Art: Lvl 2

+Demonic Black Ice Art: Lvl 3

+Lightning General's Art: Lvl 5 (Max)

+Soul Concealing Art: Lvl 2

-Heavenly Demon Ki Cultivation: Lvl 3

+Demonic Ki Control: Lvl 10 (Max)

+Demonic Ki Devouring: Lvl 10 (Max)

Heavenly Demon Body: Lvl 10 (Max)

Martial Arts: Lvl 20 (Max)

Zero Friction Impact: Lvl 5 (Max)


Master of the Heavenly Demon Arts

Rank: ???

All stats x2

Unarmed Attack Dmg +1500%

Mana will be turned into Ki at the rate of 100 mana = 20 ki.

Ki is denser than mana and allows the user to exert 20x the force of regular mana infused attacks.

Allows ki to be infused into physical attacks, Patk and Matk will be combined.

All Magic Attack Power +1250%

All Physical Attack Power +800%

Description: There may be only one inheritor of the Heavenly Demon Arts every generation. Though this art has been lost after the last inheritor was banished to the 9th level of hell for trying to challenge the will of God himself, but despite this, legend tells that the inheritor never stopped training and honing his martial arts.

The class "Demonic Martial Artist" will evolve into the hidden class "Demonic Martial Master" upon achieving this title and this class will be evolved further at level 80 and upon mastering the Heavenly Demon Arts to a certain degree.

Appearances can be deceiving, you will never look your age.


Demonic Martial Master

Rank: SS

All stats +15 per level (except for luc). Int +10 per level. Ki +100 per level.

+125% Dmg to attacks that make direct contact (Physical and magical).

The user is able to use the skill, "Zero Friction Impact", allowing their physical strikes to land from any distance at the cost of 2% of their ki per attack.

The user has become immune to all status conditions and no longer needs to consume food to survive, but it is recommended to keep eating in order to stay sane.

The user can now sense even the hintest level of bloodlust or killing intent and accurately locate it's source.

The mastery of ki control has pushed the user past the plane of common sense, all senses and reflexes +300%, all breathing techniques +500% effectiveness.


(Small Author's Note: Sorry, but again! Most people usually just have 50 Stat Points at Lvl 1 and gain 5 stat points per level, but it also severely depends on that person's bloodline and class. Also Magic and Physical power decrees how much damage a single one of your attacks does, and the defenses subtract the damage that would have been done to you from the opponent's attack. Okay?)

"I can't believe a number like that even exists.... I guess that means I wont be leveling up any time soon. Well.... I've already come this far.... Can't be giving up this easily, now can I, big guy?" Gier asks, his eyes slowly drifting down to the face of the humongous creature he was sitting on top of.

The creature, whose chest he rested on, was none other than the same creature he had first met when he came to hell.

That's right, the guardian of the 9th circle of hell, Qui Devoravit Mortem, otherwise known as the Hound of Lucifer, was his latest victim.

And he sure gave Gier one hell of a fight.

Plus it was the thing that pushed him past the seemingly impossible barrier of level 77.

As expected of a monster with a danger ranking of Black.

"I wonder if Lucifer will be as strong as him.... Pfft, of course he will be! He's the king of hell after all!" Gier thought to himself with a crazed giggle.

Only for him to be rudely pulled from his thoughts by the sudden flapping of wings heading in his direction.

He had nearly forgotten that he was in the middle of raiding Lucifer's castle....

"Shit.... Seems like it's time to go back to work." He said with a grunt as he slowly, and quite lazily, got to his feet.

Gier took his time stretching and cracking out his loose joints before pulling his two swords out of the behemoth demon's jugular.


A harsh ear piercing voice broke the silence, causing Gier to wince and stick his pinky in his ear to help ease the ringing that was left in it.

"Holy shit! I'm right here! You don't need to fucking shout!" He snapped back as a group of demons landed behind him.

They were a strange band of misfits, that's for sure. Each had a different horned style that seemed to cradle their hair that flowed from the top of their heads.

There seemed to be only one female in the party, and she was the one who just screamed at him like a deranged banshee, she also seemed to be the leader.

The female demon seemed to be a mix of a succubus and an imp, she had red skin and her clothing left little to the imagination and Gier couldn't help but wonder how it was even classified as armor. She also had an eye patch covering her left eye.

The other demons were clad in full black body armor that covered them from head to toe, leaving only their eyes, tails, and wings in clear view.

Gier couldn't help but let out a small amused snort as he inspected each of the demons' defensive stances, as well as their levels via the system.

"Level 70.... 89.... 72....85.... And 91? Wow....they must be really underestimating me.... Even though they're high level, their danger levels are red at most." Gier mused, giving the system window his complete attention.

Which seemed to cause the female demon to take his calm demeanor as an insult.

She growled and pulled a small, grandiose, white sword from her scabbard on her left hip.

"How dare you....! HOW DARE YOU NOT PAY ATTENTION WHEN A SUPERIOR BEING IS TALKING TO YOU!" She snapped in that painfully piercing voice of hers, how can you even lead an army when you'd more than likely make them all go deaf?!

She seemed oblivious to her own shortcomings however as she smirked and positioned the blade of her sword in front of her face with her left arm behind her back.

"Feel honored that I, Velga Von Veinstein, the 7th daughter of his majesty, Demon Lord Lucifer Von Veinstein, will end you swiftly! Right here, right now! Your hundred year long siege on the Demon Lord's castle ends now! Now die like the good ant you ar-?!"


Heavenly King's Domineering Stride: Lvl 1 has been activated!

Your speed will be increased by 2000%!

You may choose whether to pressure others via the Heavenly King's aura!

The Heavenly King's aura reduces the target's defenses by 30%!

The target may be instantly executed, 1% chance!

The target may experience an hallucination of the Heavenly King when looking at the user!


The female demon was cut off during the final part of her rant as she found a hand clutched around her throat.

She failed around helplessly and clutched at Gier's outstretched arm as he held her a foot off the ground.

The demon soldiers that stood behind Velga took steps back in shock.

Not a single one of them saw Gier move!

Geir simply yawned before looking at Velga through a small crack in his rice hat, his eye glowing ominously as it bore a hole right through the female demon's head.

"Oh I'm sorry~! Did I interrupt you? I didn't know you came here to give me a speech.... This is a fucking war! I don't give a single fuck about who you are!" He snapped viscously, slowly tightening his grip around her throat. "And the only reason why it's been a hundred years siege is because your damned father is hiding behind that damned barrier of his!"

The demon knights seemed to get a grip on themselves as they drew their weapons.

"Y-You damned insect! How dare you touch Princess Velga! Release her at once!" A knight ordered before charging towards Gier's unmoving body.

The other knights quickly followed their comrade's lead.

But unbeknownst to them, a wide excited grin split his face as he released his grip on the female demon's throat before kicking her towards the incoming demon knights, sending them all on a crash course through what was once a building made of grey bricks.

Gier whistled a small tune as he put his sword back into its sheath before hopping off the giant demon's chest and heading towards where we sent the demons crashing.


You've defeated a high class demon knight!

Exp +45,000,000!

You've defeated a high class demon archer!

Exp +37,000,000!


"C'mon! I didn't even hit you that hard! Don't tell me you're done already!" He exclaimed, sounding more than a bit disappointed.

The only response he'd get in return would be a massive purple fireball that dispersed the cloud of dust shielding the demons from view as it headed on a straight crash course towards his face.

Gier simply smirked as the fireball roared towards him like a missile that's been locked in target.

"Not bad! Who knew that demon princess could use such high level fire magic! It's only a shame that...." Gier suddenly leaned back at an inhuman angle, his back becoming parallel with the ground below as he allowed the fireball to soar overhead, inches away from his face. "'s so damn slow!"

Even though he managed to dodge the attack, Gier had to admit that the heat radiating from the fireball itself wasn't bad!

"Maybe these guys aren't as bad as I thought...." He thought as the remaining two demon knights appeared over his "defenseless" body with their weapons raised.

Both demons let out loud roars as they brought their weapons down on Gier's location, a giant mace and broadsword slamming into the ground with enough force to send a pillar of debris soaring high into the air. The shockwave itself having enough destructive force to destroy several of the already crumbling buildings several feet away.

"D-Did we get him....?" Velga asked from the safety of the building she had previously knocked into.

The female demon held her bruised stomach, some blood coming from her mouth and forehead.

On either side of her rested two of her demon knights that had risked their lives to reduce the impact of Gier's attack, otherwise she would've been the one laying in their place.

She waited with bated breath as the debris slowly began to settle, revealing the two figures of her demon knights, causing her face to light up with hope....

But once the dust settled....

It revealed her two knights, standing in the position they landed.

The only difference being that their heads were missing.

And so was Gier's body.

"You know...."

Velga whipped her body around to a wall behind her, her eyes widening in horror at the sight of Gier's unharmed form leaning against form leaning against it nonchalantly.

She took several steps backward before tripping over a brick and landing hard on the ground as Gier pushed off the wall and slowly made his way towards the fallen demon.

Like a predator stalking its prey....

As if it were merely a plaything.

"S-Stay away from me! D-Don't come near me! Do you know who I am?! I-If my father hears about this.... Y-You'll never be able to escape! D-Do you hear me you damned insect?! You inferior piece of shit! You human scum!" She snapped, desperately throwing rocks at Gier's approaching form.

She was out of mana due to using her family's magic without a medium and dropped her sword that had an enchant on it that could be used to refill her mana in emergencies.

So, in layman's terms....

She was fucked. Royally so.

Gier didn't even flinch as he slowly weaved his body back and forth to easily dodge the princess's desperate attempts to fend him off.

He simply continued what he was saying before.

"....I'm pretty disappointed.... To think the Demon King would send one of his daughters to die like this.... It's kind of pathetic.... I feel sorry for you.... He probably wanted to test the waters by sending his weakest to their deaths.... But you're not even worth the effort...." He continued, his steps smooth and even. It was almost like he was gliding across the ground like a wraith.

Velga began to cry desperately as she crawled backwards....

Only for her back to suddenly hit a wall.

Only it felt.... squishy?

She slowly turned, only to come face to face with the severed head of one Qui Devoravit Mortem, the Guardian of the 9th Circle of Hell.

"....I hope your sisters are less disappointing."

Those were the last words that Velga heard before her own scream echoed throughout the 9th circle.


End Chapter 3~