THE SPIRIT OF CHEN had lain dormant for several years, though he himself had no awareness of this fact. His sleep was deep and dark, he could not be comforted by dreams nor disturbed by nightmares. Neither rested nor restless, he was as could only be described by living man as in 'oblivion'. This state of Chen's spirit was of his own choosing. It was his own sense of pride coupled with his refusal to accept the course of events at the time of his passing, from mortal to spiritual existence that had led him to be incarcerated in this way.

The time was now fast approaching for him to be awoken from this sleep. Once more would he be asked to face his conscience and to search his soul for contentment, so that he may continue his journey he had so unfortunately interrupted, so long ago?

The darkness encompassing Chen was absolute, nothing stirred, no sound to break the silence no wind to caress his face. It was of no matter; he was as nothing in this sleep.

Then in the midst of this darkness appeared a pinprick of light and as the light increased in size and intensity, it slowly took on the shape of a sphere. Soon the sphere became a ball of dazzling light. Tendrils of golden energy began emanating from the centre illuminating the blackness all around. Gaining strength the sphere started to revolve and turn drawing in the tendrils of gold in on itself. To eventually encircle the now brilliant white sphere of light in a halo of gold thus containing this awe inspiring spectacle of heavenly energy. When this phenomenon was complete a single ray of energy was released into the darkness. Its mission to locate the spirit of Chen Li locked within the folds of blackness.

The search was both instant and successful and the ray of light locked on to the form it sought. Instantly a message was relayed back to the sphere, the halo of gold then released its captive light and unleashed the power within. This force of pure light and energy scythed through the blackness and bathed the spirit of Chen in its rejuvenating powers. Light passed to, around and through him, and his awareness returned. Instantly he recalled his own death and the reason for the position he now found himself in. Chen also knew he had slept, 'But for how long?' he asked himself. All of the lights tasks were now complete and eventually Chen found himself once again in a familiar setting.

The place was one he recognised immediately, he was back in the nothingness. The same location he had originally entered soon after his interruption of the journey to the portal light. These thoughts were soon confirmed by the sound, or were it the feeling again of a familiar voice. Emanating from the surrounding void a question was directed to the now attentive spirit of Chen.

'How are you Little Orphan? It is a while since we last spoke.''I feel now as before, very well thank you,' Chen paused briefly before adding,'How long have I been in this sleep?''This is of no importance, in this place time as a mortal may perceive it does not exist.'

While Chen digested this information the voice continued,'As you have yet to discard your last remnants of mortality you would measure a span of five years.'Chen whistled to himself in surprise as this information registered itself in him.'Oh that long,' he answered more to himself than whatever it was with which he was conversing.

'Are you then now ready to complete your journey Little Orphan?'When this question was put to him, Chen became worried at the consequences of his answer. His reply was both polite and diplomatic.'Please before I answer could you enlighten me on the questions I have that confuse me so?'

'Ask and you will be answered, if it will calm your confusion and assist in your decision, then I am only too willing to counsel you in these matters.' The voice paused a little before adding.'You must remember the final decision is yours alone I can only advise you on the correct course, It is your choice to follow my advice, or not.'

The voice now fell silent and stillness once more reigned.

'Firstly I ask to see you as you must surely appreciate my predicament of speaking to emptiness. This situation is very disturbing and I find it hard to express myself with no one to direct my questions to.'As Chen spoke these words he realised the futility of his position. He had intended to try and convince this spirit or whatever it was that it was all some sort of mistake and he should not really be here at all.

'After all how can I be responsible for my own destiny, when I have had no say in my own death?"With these thoughts invading his reasoning confusion came and in its wake came anger.

'I demand you show yourself!' ordered Chen, as anger overcame his humility.

'I answer only to requests Little Orphan not ... demands.'The voice was still gentle and soothing as it added.

'Also I am afraid you could not comprehend or recognise my true form so I will adopt the form I owned in my own lifetime, which I hope you will find acceptable and feel more comfortable with.' Then all became quiet and still.The silence in the nothingness began to have a claustrophobic affect on the spirit of Chen, but before any outward signs could surface he noticed a gentle pulsating sensation had begun and it was all around him.

Now he could both hear and feel this new experience and as he concentrated to try and locate the epicentre of this addition to the nothingness, another sense returned. Far away in the distance the first spectral wisps of mist could be perceived. While Chen concentrated and searched into the distance, he saw the wisps form into a rolling wave of mist and this mist was rapidly advancing toward him. Chen's first thoughts were to back off and escape this threat, but as he looked for an avenue of escape a voice reassured him otherwise.'Go into the mist Little Orphan, I am still with you.'

The mist was much closer and he could now see it was also luminous. When the first waves met and rolled over him, he could not help likening them to the waves on the seashore that he played in as a child. Only this time he did not scamper away from the breaking waves, he let the mist wash over him eventually engulfing him completely within its glowing mass.

The mist swirled and eddied all around, illuminating his form against the background of nothingness and as it washed him Chen felt a tingling sensation throughout his entire being. Countless microscopic particles of light began to leave the mist, and adhered themselves to him until they eventually covered his entire form.

As the mist receded, it left Chen totally encased in a phosphorescent layer of shimmering light. The tingling sensation had left him at the same time the mist had receded and now he studied himself. The aura of phosphorescence gave him the appearance of a man charged with 'St Elmo's' fire. He lifted his hands palm upward toward his face and watched in astonishment as the aura moved with him. So engrossed was he with this new experience, that he momentarily shut out all thoughts of the present situation he was in. It was then he heard a voice and this brought him instantly back to the matters at hand.'Do not concern yourself with your new appearance my friend it is for your own protection and can do you no harm.'

Chen's attention was gained instantly and as he raised his head and looked around, he noticed he was no longer in the state of nothingness. Now he stood in a clearing of some form then the voice spoke once again. 'I am now ready to answer your questions Little Orphan.'

Chen turned slowly and apprehensively towards the direction the voice had spoken from, and then finally gazed upon the owner of the mysterious voice. The clearing they shared was oval in shape and was encircled by a cloud like formation, this formation continued upwards and overhead giving the impression of being in a dome shaped arena of clouds. They were of pastel colouring, continually changing shape and tone as they billowed and undulated around them. Though now Chen was indifferent to his new surroundings, his attention being held firm by the sight of his guiding spirit, stood not ten feet away. He appeared as a man in middle age, a little taller than Chen but much more broad shouldered. His dress was that of a flowing robe similar to a Roman toga, but the manner of his dress and his physical appearance, held only a passing interest to Chen. He was far more interested in the face of the spirit. It personified the look of true contentment. Radiating peace and tranquillity, it held no worries or confusion only knowledge and wisdom. Chen felt very humbled, now he was faced with a person, and realised his previous rudeness may have caused offence. These worries soon proved unfounded as the spirit smiled warmly and asked,'Well then, shall we begin?'

Chen relaxed a little then asked pleadingly, 'Is there any way I can return to mortality?' 'That is beyond the realms of possibility.''Then answer me, why have I been taken so young? I still had so much to learn, and so much to offer in life. A silence descended and as Chen waited patiently for a reply the spirit started pacing back and forth, and seemed deep in thought.

After a short while he ceased his monotonous pacing and turned to face Chen. 'I will try to explain if I may and hope you can understand that it is very difficult to try and describe such matters to one who is not yet prepared to accept them. Before I begin, remember I am not here to trick

He then paused a moment and began. "There comes a time in life for everyone young or body is only a vessel to contain and nurture the soul until it becomes complete.'

you or tell you anything but the truth.' old to be ready for their calling, it is not the body of the person that is important but the soul. The physical

At this point he rested waiting for Chen to absorb this concept, he then continued.'In some conditions this process may take ninety years in others only five or six and as in your case, twenty five years. So you see age is of no importance nor is the manner of death, these are only the concern of the living they leave behind. In the existence they pass on to after their calling, all spirits as you describe us are equal. We have no colour or age size or shape, we just are... we become eternal.' Chen listened intently accepting this explanation and then asked. 'If I continue my journey and become as you, will my conscience be clear?''When you complete this journey you will come to realise that the problems and troubles that occurred in life have no relevance in the afterlife,' came the reply. 'So what you are saying is on the arrival of my soul to this afterlife, I will have no conscience? This seems an easy way out of one's commitments. As I have explained before, I did have many dreams and ambitions to fulfil in life, but I have now come to terms with most of them.' Chen sighed before continuing, 'What is remaining is the matter of two tasks. These can be neither forgotten, nor left to rest. Until these tasks are accomplished or at least attempted I can find no peace.'These words Chen spoke held a sound of finality to them and this was of some concern to the guiding spirit. He enquired hopefully.

'If these commitments you speak of were to be accomplished by others, would you then feel your obligations were honourably executed?'

Anger welled up inside Chen at this suggestion. He suppressed this emotion and calmed himself before answering calmly and politely. 'Unfortunately this is not possible, if I may explain.Both of these problems are of a very personal nature and could only be rectified by myself. The first is for my own benefit and is of my choosing. If you could understand my dilemma, now my life is over and I reflect on the past I realise that although I enjoyed a full and happy existence, I never actually proved to myself that I was everything that others claimed. I am supposed to have brought enjoyment and pleasure to many throughout my life both as an actor and a martial artist of some note.'Chen's face seemed to frown, and his eyes mist as he carried on, I became used and started to lose belief in my own skills, all around were distractions and pressures stopping my pursuit of personal satisfaction. This is the first of my unfinished tasks in life. For if I had not been called, my next project in life was for me to re-enter the world of competition to prove to myself alone that I, Chen Li, was still a force to be reckoned with.' Chen's voice lowers, as he continues. 'Another regret of mine is that throughout my life I have never actually helped anyone. I would agree that some might claim I have helped many through my art and teachings and the philosophy that accompany it, but what I mean is really help people as a doctor or a holy man might do. This was to be my second aim after the accomplishment of my first, to dedicate the rest of my life to the betterment of my own soul by actually helping others less fortunate than myself, whether it was within the boundaries of my art or not. I realise now that during my lifetime, I was in the position to do all these things and now regret the wasted years of my life, and it now all seems so empty and pointless.'

Chen averted his gaze from his guiding spirit as he added,'So there you have my reasons for not feeling content and at peace with my conscience, and if I cannot solve these problems then I am lost.'

Chen had now stated his problems and now stood head bowed, waiting once more to be returned to the dark state of dreamless sleep. The last thing Chen wanted was a second spell of internment but if this was to be then he would accept it rather than denounce his ideals. The silence that followed Chen's speech gradually eroded his patience, raising his head to stare directly at the guiding spirit he asked,

'What was your name in life?' Even as he asked this question he knew he was being scrutinised very closely and he knew at the same time, that this meeting was not yet over.'My name in life was Peter and still remains so, please use it if you wish.'

Peter was silent for a moment and then asked,'So Little Orphan these are your reasons for your present predicament are they?'He was smiling now, he knew there was more to this unready spirit's reasons 'But all would be known soon' of this he was sure.

'Yes Peter, these are the two unfinished tasks I spoke of,' stammered Che.

'Then what of the third task, the one that contains vengeance? And before you answer, honour me as I have you, with only the truth. Please do not be offended, I am sure you only withheld this last one with good intentions. Your emotions at this present time are not too well concealed also to hide or disguise them in this place is not possible.'

Chen felt shame run through his soul, and dare not look into the face of Peter. He stood in silence with his head bowed. Eventually Chen found the courage to speak again.

'Please accept my apology it was not meant to misguide you. With your permission I will leave it unspoken. I realise now there is no way I can accomplish either of the two tasks I have already spoken of. So there is no chance of accomplishing the third, therefore I will accept whatever lies in store for me.'

Peter knew then he had once more failed in his quest of the deliverance of this wayward spirit and he could see no other option than to once more place Chen in the confines of sleep, he tried one last time to sway the decision of Chen.

'I am reluctant to send you back into sleep Little Orphan, this is a place of solitude for spirits as yourself but it is also a place of great danger.' After a pause Peter added.

"There are others that inhabit this place, and they are not as benevolent as they might be. The only safe place is through the light where nothing can harm you. At this time you are still in transit and therefore still vulnerable to these others I speak of. So I must implore you before any harm can befall you, cast away your doubts and think now of the future not of the past. Prepare yourself, come stand by me and we will pass into, and through the light together.'

'I thank you for your kind offer, and also for the concern you show regarding my safety, but I must decline your offer and take my chances in this place. So please do as you must and hurry as I grow more apprehensive by the moment.'

These were the last words Chen would utter this time, Peter sadly granted this request and incarcerated him once more to the confines and solitude of sleep. The warning Peter had given to Chen had come too late for even as they spoke they were being observedand listened to by the supreme spirit of darkness, and it drew great pleasure from the failings of Peter. This essence of pure evil stalked the netherworld for spirits such as Chen unready or wayward. These could be easy prey for him and his minions. Some of these wayward spirits he would ensnare in his web of deceit and lies, coercing them into his evil ways. The lucky ones would escape his attentions by the intervention of their guardian spirits. Then there were others that would just refuse to ally their souls to the powers of darkness, and these he would take his perverted pleasures in their total destruction, so their very presence was no more.