Chapter 2 What year is this evening

The expected tragedy didn't happen, when the number next to the elevator button turned into 1, the elevator came to a halt, the familiar feeling of weightlessness made Lin Mingyang's hanging heart finally fell down. He found that his back had been completely wet with cold sweat, and at this time there was a feeling of coldness. The still trembling body in his arms made Lin Mingyang, who came back to his senses, finally have a kind of celebration after the rescue.

Lin Ming Yang gently patted the other party's back, ready to comfort the other party, but after rolling his throat a bit, what came out of his own mouth was Chinese, but a very familiar English accent.

"Thank_goodness, it_stopped!"

Lin Mingyang covered his mouth in shock, because that shouldn't have come out of his mouth. It seemed that he usually watched too many English movies, and those Hollywood blockbusters where the male protagonist would come up with such a sentence after the hijacking, and he unknowingly used it himself.

This humor was a bit too much, Lin Ming Yang shook his head helplessly, he quickly wove a convincing enough reason for himself, perhaps it was because he was scared enough just now that his own voice changed. It seemed that his choice to leave the newspaper was a very wise one, if he were to ride up and down in this shitty elevator every day in the future, he would be scared to death if he didn't fall to his death!

But Lin Ming Yang's secret happiness didn't last too long, because when he put his hand down, he inadvertently touched his chin, and didn't touch the familiar hard stubble, there was just a piece of smoothness.

Lin Mingyang, who refused to believe this fact, touched his hand back and forth a few times, and got the same result. After freezing for half a day, he ruthlessly pinched his face, very painful, which shows that he is not dreaming.

Lin Mingyang felt upward along his face, the glasses that were clamped on the bridge of his nose were gone. Dazed and confused, he discovered one after another the abnormalities on his body at this time, the suit and shirt he wore on his body was gone, replaced by a T-shirt whose color and material could not be determined in the darkness. The money clip in his pants pocket was gone, and so was his cell phone.

Lin Mingyang in the darkness for a while fumbling, finally determined that the body's "parts" are not missing, and he made this noise at the same time also startled the person in his arms, the other party slightly moved his body.

"Are we dead?"

What shocked Lin Mingyang was not the content of this sentence, but the voice he heard with a slight crying tone, it was a standard English sentence, and the owner of the voice was definitely not the reserved female editor that he had just met a minute ago.

His mind exploded with a buzzing sound, inexplicably riding an elevator that malfunctioned once, and this was crossing over?

Lin Ming Yang's mind came up with this idea with great difficulty, apart from this explanation, he couldn't find any other more reasonable explanation, the strange thing was that his head was empty, there was simply no information about this body's previous memories that he had received like the other people who had traveled across the world.

Just at this time, noisy footsteps and talking sounds came from outside the elevator door, it should be the people repairing the elevator had already arrived at the scene of the accident. After hearing the rattling outside the door, the person whose body was clinging to Lin Ming Yang with a death grip suddenly broke away from his arm and lunged in the direction of the elevator entrance, slapping the tightly closed elevator door with all his might while screaming loudly.

"Come save us, we're trapped!"

The only trace of fluke left in Lin Ming Yang's heart was also completely snuffed out, he clearly heard that it was a girl's voice.

A reply soon came back from outside, "Don't be nervous, we'll soon be able to open the doors and save you guys!" The elevator's control system had malfunctioned, and the elevator doors were now stuck, and the rescuers who had heard the news were ready to smash open the alloy doors so that they could rescue the two.

"You guys step back towards the back, as far away from the elevator doors as possible, so that we can ensure that we can safely get you out!"

Reaching out, he pulled back the girl who was crouching in the doorway, "We're ready to get this damn door open!" Yelling at the door, Lin Ming Yang realized that he spoke English as fluently as his native tongue. But right now he couldn't care less, first get out alive and then figure out what kind of weird shit was going on.

With a boom, the elevator shook violently, the girl beside him nervously leaned towards Lin Ming Yang's side, and with another violent crash, the elevator door was finally slammed open, the light from outside the elevator shone in, and the people inside, could see the shifting silhouettes outside through this gap.

The girl who cried tears of joy sat paralyzed on the floor, covered her face and cried softly, while Lin Mingyang on the side of the mouth moved, but did not know what to say, even he himself has not yet figured out what kind of a situation he is in, and what can he take to comfort others?

The elevator door was soon forced to pry open, Lin Mingyang finally saw the situation outside, the elevator outside the cordon, there are police officers in charge of maintaining order at the scene, when the firefighters helped two people out of the elevator, the surrounding crowd erupted into a round of applause.

Lin Mingyang saw many familiar scenes from foreign movies, but he didn't see a single familiar person, if he wasn't sure he was still alive, he would have thought that even the netherworld had been taken over by foreign devils. There were people of all colors around him, pairs of blue and green eyes staring at him endlessly, but there were no yellow-skinned, black-eyed Chinese people that he was familiar with.

Then non-stop people came up to shake his hand, some even patted him on the shoulder, and it wasn't until the ambulance arrived at the scene that Lin Mingyang said goodbye to such tedious greetings. Even though he repeatedly emphasized that he could walk, the doctor asked him to lie down on a stretcher.

In this way, he was given to the ambulance along with that girl who was also trapped in the elevator, and by the time he was lying on the clean white hospital bed, he finally figured out one thing, that he had crossed over into the body of an American high school student, and judging from the way everyone addressed him, the owner of this body should be called Felix, but the exact last name was still unclear.

When Felix's parents showed up at the hospital, Lin Mingyang had just finished receiving a brainwave test. When they heard that their son was trapped in an out-of-control elevator that slid from the top floor of the lab all the way down to the bottom of the building, Felix's parents were startled, and they were relieved to learn that the elevator had been stuck in time at the opening of the elevator on the first floor, and hadn't actually fallen down. The school had a hard time calming them down, except to thank God that they had rushed to the hospital at the first opportunity.

At the sight of Felix's father, Lin Mingyang froze, this was the first Chinese person he had seen since crossing over. Lin Mingyang swore that he had never seen this face before, an overwhelming sense of closeness, accompanied by the first words that the other party opened his mouth after walking into the hospital room, as if it carried some kind of irresistible magic, completely calming Lin Mingyang's troubled mind.

"How do you feel?" Unsurprisingly, the words he spoke were indeed in Chinese, and even though they seemed a bit raw due to the infrequent use of the language, the concern contained in the words was not discounted in any way.

"I'm fine!" Lin Mingyang spoke a standard Chinese sentence very smoothly this time, even he himself felt strange, because this body was used to using English, this language inertia was not even under Lin Mingyang's control.

"After hearing about your accident at school, your mom and I are very worried!"

"It's really already fine, originally I didn't need to come to the hospital, but they insisted on sending me here!" Lin Mingyang revealed a bright smile.

Compared to the father and son's cordial "first meeting", Catherine, who was learning about her son's condition in the doctor's office, couldn't be happier. The results of Lin Ming Yang's brainwave test were very bad, the doctor told her that this was the result of external stimulation, although not very serious, the patient may suffer from fragmentary memory loss and may experience emotional anomalies for a period of time.

Lin Mingyang's body was not damaged in this accident, and the doctor's advice was to spend some time in meditation at home. With this result, she walked into the hospital room worriedly.

"How's the result?" Seeing that his wife's face was too abnormal, Lin's father quickly opened his mouth and asked. This time he used English, it seemed that Chinese communication should be limited to conversations between father and son in this family.

"The situation is a bit bad!" Catherine lovingly took her son into her arms and gently stroked his head, "My poor child, after being so stimulated, the doctor said he might lose his memory!"

"Amnesia?" Father and son both froze at the same time, both the expression on their faces and the question were the same. Lin father was surprised how such a thing could happen, while Lin Mingyang was worried about this matter, but in the end the solution to the problem actually came so simple.

"He was still talking to me very seriously just now, in fact he was very clear about our relationship!" Lin father was a bit puzzled as he recapitulated what had just happened.

"The doctor said that he was experiencing fragmentary memory loss, such as remembering us but forgetting the others, or remembering his first name but forgetting his last name!" As a typical American mother, Catherine did not shy away from showing her concern in front of her own son.

"Felix, is that so?" Lin's father finally became a little anxious.

"Yes, dad, I think I really can't remember some things!" Lin Mingyang scratched his head with some anxiety, he couldn't tell them that he had traveled across and occupied their son's body. Even if he said this, they would only think that he was stimulated and became incoherent. Instead of that, it would be better to give them a slightly more acceptable statement.

"You really can't remember?" Lin's father stood up with some anxiety, "I'm your father, Lin Qing Hai, and this is your mother, Catherine, you should not have forgotten this, right!"

Lin Ming Yang nodded with effort, this had all introduced himself, could he say he didn't recognize them?

"It's okay, go back home and rest for a while, soon you'll remember most of the things!" His mother Catherine gently patted his shoulder, Lin Ming Yang secretly sighed in relief, it seemed that this hurdle of his parents, he had finally muddled through!