Chapter 3 The Past of the Amnesiac Boy

The elevator fell from the 10th floor to the 1st floor in a state of loss of control, and Lin Ming Yang returned from 2010 to 2001. Only the place where he landed had some deviation, and he came to the United States, turning into a mixed-race boy named Felix. As an unfortunate traveler, the only thing that made Lin Ming Yang feel lucky was that the boy had a Chinese name that was exactly the same as his.

The girl who was trapped in the school elevator with him, Lin Mingyang still couldn't recall her appearance. It was said that she left the hospital the same day without being checked for any problems, while poor Lin Mingyang was diagnosed with memory loss and had to stay in the hospital for two more days.

During this period, the principal and the director of the teaching office of Moss Middle School, where Lin Mingyang was studying, appeared in his hospital room as if they were walking around, and the school's board of trustees also set up a special investigation team to investigate the accident that nearly resulted in casualties.

Lin Mingyang's medical expenses were borne by the school, but he also received a substantial additional compensation. Compared to voluntary compensation, American schools are more afraid of lawsuits with parents because they will face even larger payouts.

The attitude of Moss Middle School in dealing with this matter is opposite to that of some schools in China, which are afraid of taking responsibility and covering up when things go wrong. The school released the final results of the investigation and notified all the parents of the news, and of course the school also promised to replace all the old elevators in the school to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

Of course, all of these for Lin Mingyang are some inconsequential news, after he was discharged from the hospital, he returned to the home for his own is still very strange, carefully began his own life in the United States.

In life from Lin Qinghai and Catherine couple's care more or less diluted Lin Mingyang to another time and space in the loved ones of thoughts. American life is completely different from the domestic, even though Lin Mingyang was born in a family that combines Chinese and Western cultures, the mainstream American culture is still the main theme of this family life. Apart from communicating alone, Lin's father still used English most often. And Lin Mingyang also found that language, just like other habits, had long since become the instinct of this body.

Apart from the "memory loss", the accident did not affect the family's life too much. In the cupboard of his bedroom, Lin Mingyang was surprised to find several diaries. The original owner of this body had the habit of keeping a diary since middle school, which had never been interrupted, and had recorded almost every detail of his growth.

With the help of those diaries, Lin Mingyang's lost "memories" recovered quickly. The last diary was written on the day before the school elevator accident, with the guilt of the former owner, Lin Mingyang decided to inherit his habit of writing diary, maybe that day, he had another accident, the real Felix returned to this body, as a former user, Lin Mingyang always want to leave him some records, but also some compensation for the zhan have his body.

While learning about the past, Lin Mingyang also paid attention to the news from the TV and newspapers, the shadow of 9-11 has not yet completely dispersed in the American society, and the sky over Afghanistan is already covered with war clouds. But these news for the far east coast of the United States in Florida Lin Mingyang is still too far away, perhaps around the Americans will still show some concern for this matter, but Lin Mingyang is clearly aware that the United States almost no effort to win the war. But then, the U.S. military under the banner of anti-terrorism would pay a terrible price for taking control of the country.

Aside from going over the notes left by Felix every day like he was revising his homework, Lin Mingyang found that life had become a bit of a non-event. There was a specialized cleaning company that came to his home, and apart from mowing the lawn in the yard every day, Lin Mingyang, who had nothing to do, spent a lot of his time browsing through the vast amount of information on the Internet. In the past, he only paid attention to the movie and television industry in the United States, but now, in order to better integrate into this era, he must understand all aspects of American society.

After nearly a decade of high-tech economy in the United States, the Internet has become a part of ordinary people's lives. Meanwhile, in China, personal computers have only just entered the homes of ordinary people, and the Internet age still seems like a distant term.

In the past, browsing these English websites was a laborious task, and in addition to translating, one needed to spend a lot of time trying to figure out the real meaning of some of the words used. Now, all those tedious steps were skipped directly. English had become a habit for Lin Mingyang, even though the language didn't speak to him with much affection.

After browsing through a few famous portals, Lin Mingyang habitually clicked on the web pages of the major Hollywood movie studios, which used to be the channel through which he learned about the latest movie and television developments in Hollywood and obtained first-hand information about the major studios' main movie and television productions.

On the webpage of 20th Century Fox, Lin Mingyang saw a script solicitation information released by FOX TV, the title was in eye-catching red, and the content therein generally expressed that the TV station was ready to solicit script ideas from the public, taking into account the cycle of script creation, and the publisher of the information also specially marked the bottom of the title of the main body of the "This announcement is valid for a long time. The message publisher also deliberately labeled the bottom of the body title with the words "This announcement is valid for a long time".

This accidental discovery allowed Lin Mingyang to develop a vague conception of his future, because of his previous work, his mind stored a large number of Hollywood film, television and music information, the most critical thing is that he returned to 10 years ago, those movies and songs have not yet appeared at this time.

This was the first time that Lin Ming Yang had heard the thumping heartbeat in his chest so clearly since the elevator distress. Since God had given him a chance to start over, why not let his life become more splendid and different?

This recruiting message from FOX TV gave Lin Ming Yang a chance to make a bold attempt, and he combed through the contents of his brain, finally finding a TV series called Boys of Orange County.

Lin Ming Yang had once had a movie review dedicated to this drama, so he was rather impressed. "TheO.C." was an American drama that was popular in later generations, and the story took place in Newport Beach, located in the southeastern part of Rhode Island in the United States, which was a popular summer vacation spot. "O.C." can also be interpreted to mean Orange County, California, USA, which coincidentally is mentioned in Felix's diary as a place where the family used to go to spend their vacations. From the description in the diary, it is easy to see that it is indeed considered an idyllic paradise on earth. If someone were to ask Lin Ming Yang to explain the source of inspiration for the script's creation, this experience would be a very suitable reason.

The reason why he chose Boys of Orange County as his debut novel was more importantly because of the subject matter of the drama. It is a youthful inspirational comedy about is a story about a father and his son, a husband and his wife, and 3 teenagers who are growing up. Although Lin Ming Yang had a rich reserve of resources in his mind, he didn't forget that right now he was still just a 15 year old American high school student, and the work he created had to match the environment he lived and grew up in so that it wouldn't arouse suspicion.

Of course, on the other hand, the exact release date of this TV series is 2003, that is to say, its script creation, the time period should be in 2002, Lin Mingyang still has half a year, as long as his script can be before this to attract the attention of the FOX TV, there is no "collision" of the possibility.

After determining the idea of creation, Lin Mingyang began to be "busy" while he was at home recovering from his illness. He first sketched out the general outline of the plot from memory, and then began to seriously recall the details, filling the content of his thoughts into the main line of the plot, and when he really couldn't think of some places, he needed to use his imagination to fill in the blanks, in order to ensure that the storyline was coherent.

This was much easier than actually creating a script, so the time spent was also very limited. On the contrary, although Lin Mingyang's hands could be flexible in game operation, they looked a bit clumsy when it came to typing. It was obvious that the previous owner had notable attainments in game manipulation, but in typing it was not complimentary. In order for his hands to keep up with his brain's thinking speed, Lin Ming Yang had to spend a lot of time to familiarize his fingers with the keyboard.

This "accident" made Lin Mingyang's use of time still seem tight, but finally finished the script just before going to the hospital for a review. According to the address announced by the other party, Lin Mingyang printed out the script and quietly mailed it.

The result of the review was very satisfactory, Lin Mingyang's brain waves had returned to normal, and during this period Lin Mingyang also "remembered" a lot of things from the past, which made both Lin Qinghai and Catherine think that he could start a normal life again. This also means that Lin Mingyang, who has just adapted to family life, is about to face a brand new challenge, as he is going to start his high school life in a completely new campus.