Chapter 6 - FOX's Visitor

Perhaps because he was deeply stimulated by that luscious scene just now, Reed looked a little disoriented when he parted ways with Lin Ming Yang at the intersection. The helpless Lin Ming Yang could only make an apologetic expression towards his back.

Until Reed's figure disappeared around the corner, Lin Ming Yang was still frozen in place, he was not reminiscing about Megan Fox's charming kiss, but rather agonizing over how to deal with the next rumors that would be spreading all over the place as well as the boys at Moss Middle School who were not friendly to him. By Megan Fox, Lin Ming Yang knew that his low-key and calm high school life had come to an end.

As he walked to the front door of his house, Lin Ming Yang realized that the Lincoln parked on the side of the road looked a bit familiar.

Lin Ming Yang's mother, Catherine, was walking out of the kitchen with a cup of passionate coffee and just happened to meet her son who was changing his shoes at the door.

"Felix?" there was an undisguised surprise in her voice.

Lin Mingyang raised his head, only to find that his mother was looking at him with a very strange look in her eyes, and her gaze never left her face.

"Mom, is there something dirty on my face?" Lin Mingyang was a little puzzled by this strange behavior of his mother.

"I think you should go to the washroom and wipe your face first!" Catherine suggested seriously.

Lin Ming Yang subconsciously touched his face, he suddenly realized what his mother was referring to and understood why she reacted that way. The ridiculous thing was that he had actually walked through 4 blocks with that lip print in confusion. After making a big red face in front of his mother, Lin Ming Yang, who was full of embarrassment, hurriedly changed his shoes and slipped into the washroom on the side as if fleeing for his life.

Fortunately, Megan didn't use that kind of bright lip gloss today, so it only left a faint lip print on Lin Ming Yang's face, and it wasn't that noticeable without looking close, which allowed Lin Ming Yang to take a long breath of relief. When wiping his cheeks with a wet towel, Lin Mingyang finally had time to reminisce about that hot kiss, Megan's bone penetrated the kind of small wildcat sexy, in the sense of great stimulation of Lin Mingyang's body in puberty. After crossing over, Lin Mingyang found that it was hard for him to be as calm as before when facing a beautiful woman. However, before he had time to expand his imagination, his mother's knocking on the door was already urging him to hurry up and come out.

"It seems like your campus life is far more exciting than we thought!" Leaning against the doorway of the washroom, the smile on Catherine's face was playful.

"Mom!" At Lin Mingyang's righteous protests, Catherine finally stopped her curiosity about the issue; the lip prints on Lin Mingyang's face only showed that he was indeed very popular with the girls in school. In fact, after seeing the crazy behavior of the girls chanting "Felix" at the Firefox game, Catherine had already mentally prepared herself for this kind of thing to happen.

She didn't take this little accident to heart, but instead shoved the freshly brewed coffee into Lin Mingyang's hands, "There's a guest in the house, and he's looking for you!"

"Looking for me?" The puzzled look in Lin Mingyang's eyes became more and more obvious.

"Felix, I don't know just how many things you're hiding from me and your father!" Catherine finally slammed her face at this time, "The other party has already taken the initiative to come to the door, so I don't think there's any need for you to continue hiding anymore."

Seeing Lin Ming Yang's anxious face, Catherine suddenly realized that her words might have been a bit too much, she gently patted Lin Ming Yang's shoulder, "Don't be nervous, even though you've hidden this matter from us, I believe that you should have your own ideas, go inside, don't keep the guest waiting, he's here for your script! "

When his mother mentioned the word "script", Lin Ming Yang finally understood what was going on, in fact, he had just sent out the script not long ago, and the other party had responded so quickly?

With the doubt that had not receded, Lin Ming Yang walked into the living room with some difficulty, he obviously still needed some time to digest this problem.

When Lin Ming Yang appeared in the doorway of the living room, this boy with a head of thick black hair gave Josh Schwartz a sudden bright feeling, if it wasn't for the other party's slightly youthful face, he simply suspected that the one standing in front of him was the popular Hollywood movie star Keanu Reeves.

"Felix? "Seeing that Lin Ming Yang, who was holding a cup of coffee in his hand, did not have the intention of taking the initiative to go forward and greet him, Josh Schwartz took the initiative to stand up.

It wasn't until the other party extended his right hand to him in a friendly manner that Lin Ming Yang realized that standing in the doorway of the living room and sizing up the other party wasn't a very polite move, he hurriedly went forward and shook the other party's hand, "You know my name, but it seems like I don't know you?"

Josh Schwartz took the coffee handed over by the boy, sitting back down on the sofa again he did not rush to answer the boy's doubts, but instead crossed his legs and changed to a more comfortable sitting position, with a very cozy look on his face he gently inhaled a mouthful of the aroma emanating from the hot coffee.

"This coffee must taste great, don't you want a cup yourself?"

"This is the coffee that my mom personally made, even though it tastes great, I prefer to drink soft drinks!" Lin Mingyang took out a can of cola for himself from the small freezer in the living room.

"You're nervous?" Josh Schwartz seemed to have read Lin Mingyang's mind.

"It's probably similar to how you felt when you first encountered this situation!"

Lin Mingyang's answer surprised Josh Schwartz for a moment, he suddenly felt that the boy in front of him wasn't as simple as he had thought, although he he hadn't intended to underestimate the other party from the very beginning, and the other party was only a 15 year old high school student.

"I've already had a brief exchange with your father earlier, and I'm sure you've already found out from her where I'm coming from, well, to make it official, my name is Josh Schwartz, and I'm currently working for FOX TV!" Josh Schwartz sat up straight, putting away that casualness on his face ahead of time.

"Are you a director or a producer?" Lin Mingyang's eyebrows twitched, his face not showing the kind of excitement the other party was expecting.

"I am a director!" Josh Schwartz realized that he didn't want to take the initiative of the conversation as expected, the expression of gradual concentration on his face made him instinctively feel that the boy in front of him wasn't easy to deal with, he even felt that if he didn't modify his original negotiation plan, then he would probably have to come back disappointed this time.

"For your arrival, am I to assume that FOX Television is sufficiently interested in my offer of The Boys from Orange County?"

"My colleagues admired the scripts you sent over, so FOX has decided to buy all the episodes for $15,000 each." Josh Schwartz was careful in his wording, and even though the network executive liked the Boys from Orange County episodes, he didn't make that intention obvious. For an average high school student, his opening bid was no small amount.

"Twenty thousand dollars per episode, you know that what I sent to FOX was only the first season of the script, if you can accept this price, I can guarantee that for all the episodes of the second season, it will remain at this price! If you can't accept it, I'm sure that a script that can make FOX personally send a director over to negotiate will be of great interest to other TV stations as well!" The reply given by Lin Ming Yang after a little thought had no intention of giving the other party any room to bargain at all.

If he hadn't investigated Lin Ming Yang's background beforehand, Josh Schwartz wouldn't have believed that such words would come out of the mouth of a boy as young as fifteen, a newcomer who had just risen to prominence, but the truth was right there in front of him, a bit absurd, but very true!

Lin Mingyang's serious expression told Josh Schwartz that he wasn't joking.

"Before you make a decision, isn't it a good idea to consult your parents first?" After a short silence, Josh Schwartz decided to discuss the issue from a different angle.

"They've always respected my personal thoughts!" As he spoke Lin Ming Yang intentionally glanced over towards the kitchen, "This time is no exception!"

"Felix, what I'm trying to say is that you're still just a rookie now, realize that opportunities in Hollywood are far more to be cherished than ready-made benefits!" Josh Schwartz added, not without innuendo.

"Honestly when I first decided to write this script I was just taking a chance, never expecting to be famous, and my parents have always wanted me to go to college, which fortunately I did pretty well in school and have a knack for basketball. I believe that with either of these, I'll be able to ensure that I apply to a decent university after graduation, so becoming a screenwriter isn't my only option!" Lin Mingyang was not salty and let Josh Schwartz hit a soft nail.

"Are you sure this is the final answer?" Josh Schwartz realized that the situation was inevitably moving in the direction he least wanted to see, and one side had to give in, or else sooner or later there would be a stalemate.

Seeing that Lin Mingyang's resolute eyes didn't flicker in the slightest, Josh Schwartz could only sigh helplessly in the end.

This long sigh not only signaled his compromise, but also caused Lin Ming Yang's mood, which had always been tense, to suddenly relax. Although he did a good job of hiding this tension, he nevertheless had a sweaty hand in his heart at this point.

The fact that FOX TV was able to take the initiative to come to his door to negotiate with him showed that the script was taken seriously enough by the other party, and Josh Schwartz's concession further confirmed this. Originally thought to wait for a period of time, did not expect the other side so quickly responded, this point is out of Lin Mingyang's expectations.

When Josh Schwartz left, it was Lin Mingyang's mother and son who sent him to the door together. Before getting into the car, Josh Schwartz twisted his head and mentioned to Catherine, "Ma'am, I think you must know that Hollywood has a famous Avenue of Stars!"

Catherine nodded her head, she knew that it was a very famous walkway in the city of Los Angeles, with more than 2,000 star-shaped medallions encrusted with the names of Hollywood celebrities to commemorate these people's outstanding contributions to the American entertainment industry.

"In the near future, I'm sure Mr. Felix's name will be engraved on that walk of honor!"

Everyone knew that those who were able to leave their names on the Walk of Fame were outstanding figures in Hollywood, Josh Schwartz's statement was not without some exaggeration, but his appreciation for Lin Ming Yang was self-evident. Hearing the other party praise his son so much, Catherine just smiled and expressed her gratitude. This faint smile hung on her face until the Lincoln disappeared around the corner.

"We need to talk!" Mother Catherine's words caused Lin Mingyang's intention to find a random excuse to bolt to vanish into thin air.

"Now?" Lin Mingyang's heart still held a trace of luck.

"Now!" His mother's resolute tone crushed all of Lin Ming Yang's thoughts of muddling through, it seemed that he had to give an honest account today.

In the living room, Catherine brewed herself a cup of coffee, while Lin Ming Yang held the can of Coke that he hadn't finished earlier.

"I didn't know you actually liked writing scripts, you didn't have such a hobby before!" Catherine's eyes burned against her son.

"It's also an idea that just popped up recently!"

"You used the time you were sick and resting at home to write a screenplay, when you weren't fully recovered?"

"Mom, I was actually in good health during that time!" Lin Ming Yang nodded helplessly, the truth was that during that time, apart from writing the script, he had also spent part of his time on clearing the new version of the game.

"But the doctor said you need more rest!" Catherine gently took a sip of her coffee, "Even though I don't quite agree with this behavior of yours, it seems like you've achieved good results now!"

As the conversation progressed, Lin Ming Yang had yet to catch his mother's attitude towards this matter from her tone, which made him feel a little apprehensive in his heart. "Sloppy, 45 minute episodes, I've written 27 episodes now, and FOX TV is willing to be willing to buy them for 20,000 dollars per episode!"

Speaking of this, Lin Ming Yang's heart even still had a hint of hidden complacency, just the income from writing scripts in this half a month or so was already comparable to an average American family's income for a year, any way he put it, he felt that this was a very rich career.

"So our family will soon produce a big Hollywood screenwriter?"

"The script has to be filmed and the audience has to like it." The more this time, Lin Ming Yang felt that the more cautious he should be in his expressions, even though he knew that the ratings of Boys of Orange County would definitely not be low without any surprises, he couldn't say things too absolutely in front of his mother.

"You mean the story isn't finished in the script, so there will be a sequel?"

"The premise is that the audience likes the story I wrote so that the network will continue to consider filming the script I provided!"

"Felix, I was honestly surprised by your performance, but at the same time there was relief. Many kids your age in the community have learned to use their free time or vacations to earn an independent income for themselves, and even though your family's finances don't necessarily require you to do so, it's clear that you're doing a good job and are more thoughtful than others."

His mother's affirmation in the first sentence had just made Lin Mingyang's hanging heart fall to the ground, but the words that followed immediately chilled his heart halfway, "Although we won't object to you writing screenplays, which may be your hobby, I hope that you'll put your main focus on your studies, and both your father and I hope that you'll be able to receive a university education first before you step into the society to find your suitable position."

"Even for students who graduate from the top universities in the United States, not everyone can necessarily become the elite of society; some of them don't even earn as much as I, a fledgling screenwriter, earn!" Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, Lin Mingyang tried to want to change some of the overly traditional views his mother had always had.

"But we still hope that you can receive a university education instead of entering society too early, of course this is our idea, for you this is just a suggestion, neither your father nor I can force you to make a choice, but we hope that you won't give up on your studies on this, unless you really do plan to spend your whole life just being a screenwriter!" As a qualified mother, Catherine knew how to properly guide her son in his choices, rather than just forcefully demanding it, knowing that would only lead a child of that age to rebellion.

"Okay, mom!" Answered though somewhat reluctantly, the path Lin Ming Yang decided to take was actually not in conflict with going to college, with his ability, getting into a university that speaks for itself isn't that difficult, obtaining his family's support first, and when he had enough leverage in his hands, it would be easy to convince his parents.