Chapter 7: Campus Scandal Season 1

Megan's prank-directed "Kissing Gate" incident spread throughout the school in a very short period of time, and at first everyone thought that it was just another outdated story made up by some boring guy, because after yesterday's Christmas Dance, there had been more than one version of this kind of rumor. But as more and more eyewitnesses came forward to confirm the story, and some people took pictures with their cell phones, everyone finally realized that this was no longer a boring story, but real breaking news that happened on campus.

Lin Mingyang, who never wore a hat, made an unprecedented search for a black baseball cap when he went out in the afternoon, and the deliberately lowered brim coupled with the intentionally erected collar of his windbreaker almost covered most of his face. But as a star on the basketball court, Lin Mingyang who walked onto campus was still quickly recognized. It used to be something that made Lin Ming Yang proud, but now it had become a big problem for him.

Most of the students who were wandering around the campus after spotting Lin Ming Yang just whispered a few words towards his passing back, because of the distance and Lin Ming Yang's fast pace, these comments didn't reach his ears. The distance from the school entrance to the school building wasn't too far, but Lin Ming Yang felt that walking all the way down was harder than playing a game. He didn't hear those comments, but the strange atmosphere on campus was something he couldn't hide from.

At the entrance of the stairs, a boy with a freckled face and a pair of black-framed glasses was colorfully recounting what he had witnessed at the entrance of the school this morning. The aisle wasn't as open as the campus, so the story he was telling out loud happened to be heard by Lin Mingyang, who was passing by.

"At that time, Megan was standing at the entrance of the school, supposedly waiting for someone, and I can guarantee that the person she was waiting for was definitely not Felix, because Lucy from the next class personally told Megan that the person she was waiting for was her. But Felix was there out of nowhere, and then with his dexterity on the court, he quickly broke through the blockade of girls around him and squeezed his way to Megan's side." The boy didn't say the whole thing in one breath, he left it deliberately suspenseful, trying to whet the appetites of the girls around him.

"And then what, Tom?" One girl's whiny plea satisfied his vanity as expected, and the attention of the surrounding people was attracted by Tom's "live broadcast", not noticing that there was another audience around.

"Felix hugged Megan and kissed her without a word! At the last dance I realized that he had ulterior motives for Megan, I didn't expect that he wouldn't be satisfied, so the tragedy happened again at noon today, Megan is the goddess of my heart, just like that she was taken advantage of by Felix, this hateful bastard, at that time my heart was broken!" Tom face that kind of exaggerated expression attracted a burst of contempt from the surrounding girls, this guy is always this disgusting appearance, no wonder it is always unpleasant.

"Are you sure you were there?" A somewhat unfamiliar voice suddenly appeared from behind, startling Tom and a few other girls.

"Felix!" shouted whoever it was, and the entire hallway looked this way.

Lin Mingyang ripped off the hat on his head as soon as he did so, his handsome face was a little ugly at this moment due to his anger. Seeing the hero in the center of the campus scandal angrily stood behind himself, the surrounding girls are very consciously to the side to make way, they are no longer stupid can also be seen from Lin Mingyang's expression that Tom said is not the truth of the matter, at this time they are holding a kind of watchful mentality, looking at Lin Mingyang how to clean up Tom this nasty guy.

"Is what you said really what you saw with your own eyes?" Lin Ming Yang stepped forward and cornered Tom. Being able to play the position of the main defender in the Firefox team, Lin Mingyang was able to cause enough shock to Tom, whose physical qualities were obviously not on the same level as his, just by virtue of his own strength, not to mention the anger that was bubbling up from his eyes at this moment.

Seems to feel the existence of this kind of threat, Tom began to stutter a little, "Felix, I...I think it's a complete misunderstanding, at that time, I did see you and Megan that...but I stood at the position of a bit far away, so...actually I didn't really see what was going on!"

"But I clearly heard you just now swearing and claiming that you witnessed the whole thing, did I hear it wrong?" Lin Mingyang moved his shoulders, at the side of the court he had made this gesture just to tell the coach that his warm-up preparations were almost done, and this time, the meaning was clearly different.

"That... that's definitely a misunderstanding, I didn't mean to start a rumor because that's what everyone in the school is saying right now!" Tom ignored the collective contemptuous eyes of the girls around him and looked slightly pleadingly at Lin Ming Yang who was about to storm off.

"Misunderstanding?" Lin Ming Yang's tone was already cold to the extreme, obviously it was Megan who took the initiative to "offer a kiss", but now it became him forcing the other party, which made him feel incredibly depressed. It was also Tom's own bad luck that he was caught by Lin Ming Yang when he was spreading rumors. "Your ignorance has challenged my limits, so I will leave you with an unforgettable lesson!"

Lin Ming Yang's clenched fists were just about to be raised when the adorable bald head of Mr. Matthew, who was also the head of the school's Academic Affairs Office, appeared at the stairway at the right time, "Felix, class is about to start, why are you still staying here?" Mr. Matthew glanced at Tom who was cornered by Lin Mingyang, then had a look at Lin Mingyang whose face was obviously still angry, and already had a plan in his heart.

"And you, don't stay here, hurry back to your classroom!" Matthew pointed at Tom, the other party nodded as if pardoned, then carefully moved a step towards the side, and after escaping the forced gaze of Lin Ming Yang's burning eyes, he busily fled into his own classroom.

Although a little reluctant, but after all, the other party was his teacher, in front of Mr. Matthew's face Lin Ming Yang didn't have a fit, but in order to show his dissatisfaction with his sudden appearance, Lin Ming Yang didn't even greet him before turning his head and walking upstairs.

"I can pretend I didn't see anything just now." Being ignored so directly, Matthew's face was indeed a bit too much, he shouted at Lin Ming Yang, but the other party didn't stop because of this.

"I've already heard about you kissing a girl in public at the school entrance at noon!" Matthew shouted at Lin Ming Yang's back with some exasperation, this time Lin Ming Yang did stop in his tracks, but what Matthew saw was his somewhat gloomy face as he turned back.

"I didn't know that you actually care about your students' private lives?" Lin Mingyang topped it off without any sarcasm.

Mr. Matthew's old face reddened, and in order to hide his embarrassment, he coughed, "I think you're misunderstanding, what I'm actually trying to say is that your kid's vision isn't bad!" After uttering a sentence in a serious manner that left Lin Ming Yang dumbfounded, Matthew hemmed and hawed, clutched his briefcase as if nothing had happened, and dawdled his way up the stairs.

A depressed Lin Ming Yang appeared at the door of the classroom, the original clamor suddenly stopped, everyone could see that Lin Ming Yang's face was a bit off, even if it was Jerry's group who usually had a lot of trouble with him, at this time they didn't take the opportunity to stir up trouble, but they were very honest and quiet together with everyone else.

Because of Megan, Jerry had already hated Lin Ming Yang to death in his heart, but he wasn't stupid, in the past when he went against Lin Ming Yang, it was because he saw that as long as he didn't go overboard, the other party wouldn't do anything to him. But now the situation was a bit different, it was estimated that whoever annoyed that guy at this time would definitely end up in a very ugly situation.

After hearing the news after class that Lin Ming Yang had blocked a boy who was talking nonsense in the corridor in the corner before class started, and if it wasn't for a teacher who showed up in time, it was estimated that Lin Ming Yang would have already beaten up that boy, Jerry was also secretly glad that he had made an accurate judgment at that time.

If it was in the past, if the mild character Lin Ming Yang were to do such a thing, it would probably surprise the whole class for a while, but with that classroom argument, everyone's perception of him had already changed drastically, and even when they heard the news, they all felt that it was a very normal thing to do.

When he thought of Lin Ming Yang's body, which didn't look strong but was unusually sturdy, Jerry was in a state of fear. The instance that Lin Ming Yang had used to threaten Johnson in the last classroom, Jerry had witnessed it with his own eyes. In one of the Firefoxes' games last season, Lin Mingyang broke the ribs of an opposing defender in the process of forcing a forced break with the ball, and the guy used to look like a docile little sheep, but if he went crazy, it really wasn't something that ordinary people could pull off.

Sullenly finished the whole afternoon class, Lin Ming Yang of course could not do the stupid thing of circling back to beat up that boy called Tom again. Tom luckily escaped this, but the unlucky ones were the players of the Firefox team. Lin Ming Yang had nowhere to vent his frustration in his heart, and in the end, he could only vent it on the basketball training after school.

In the temporary organization of the confrontational training game, usually play very much focus on teamwork and personal technology use of Lin Mingyang this time, but always rely on physical advantages to force breakthrough layups, and in the defense frequently foul, finally made the coach can only change him down.

Lin Mingyang sat in the rest area and covered his face with a sweat towel, not wanting to talk to anyone. Maybe this kind of childlike emotion shouldn't appear on Lin Mingyang, who had been born in two lives, but after crossing over, he had already gotten used to thinking in terms of the age of his current body, so he inevitably carried some of the emotions of this age.

Standing on the sidelines of the coach Jefferson was very dissatisfied with Lin Mingyang's performance today, there are some news about Lin Mingyang, has long been in the school rumors, of course, he has also heard. He was originally extremely opposed to the players too early to fall in love, so usually to those who already have a girlfriend players always color, a little dissatisfaction will be loudly reprimanded.

The entire team Jefferson most valued is Lin Mingyang and Thomas, the former is the rhythm of the game controller, excellent sense of cooperation coupled with delicate and skillful personal skills, is the team to win every victory of the basic guarantee. The latter is a powerful power forward, the team's main scoring weapon, although Thomas's skills are a little rough, but his excellent physical quality to make up for this defect.

The more high hopes for the two, the more Jefferson does not want anything to go wrong with them, because without either of them, it is almost impossible to get a better result in this year's league than last year's. Thomas is fine, the black kid is fine, the black kid is fine, the black kid is fine, the black kid is fine, the black kid is fine, the black kid is fine. Thomas is okay, this black kid, although the brain is a little stupid, not calm enough on the field, and dictatorial, lack of cooperation with teammates, but for the coach's instructions are still able to resolutely carry out.

Although Moss High School in Florida is considered a good high school, but Thomas's grades obviously can not allow him to enter an ideal college, he can only through the performance on the field better, to attract the attention of some universities, and then get the sports special recruiting places. For this reason Thomas training has always been very hard, compared to training Lin Mingyang's performance is not so satisfactory to Jefferson.

This kid's technical advantages, and physical quality is also good, even if the height is lacking, but as long as he is willing to work hard, into the NBA playing is completely possible. But this kid in the training of the bias refused to do his best, Jefferson also see Lin Mingyang has no intention of basketball achievements, but people Thomas how to say can also be used to college to motivate a little bit, but Lin Mingyang this guy the whole of a salt and oil is not into the main.

Jefferson also has no good way, who let Lin Mingyang is the only one in the team do not have to worry about college players, the guy's grades can be completely good with perverted to describe the examination of a university for him is a very easy thing.

In the end Jefferson didn't expect Lin Mingyang to perform better, he only hoped that Lin Mingyang could keep the status quo, and then in these remaining two seasons, he could help the team get the league championship.

Firefox team in this season performance is good, no accident should be able to enter the final, but this time Lin Mingyang problem, others can be replaced, but Lin Mingyang is the absolute core of the team, the Firefox all tactics are centered around him to start. So in the training just now, Lin Mingyang lost the standard performance let Jefferson's face become more gloomy more gloomy, the field players slightly wrong, will lead to his head and face a scolding.

During the break, Jefferson decided to talk to Lin Mingyang. Because of the ripple effect of that anger just now, when he saw him coming this way, the other players all hid to the side, only Lin Mingyang still leaning there with a big grin. Jefferson frowned, before this kid is not this way, how to have a disease, even the temper has grown?

"Felix, we need to talk!" Standing in front of Lin Ming Yang, Jefferson tried his best to control his emotions that were wandering on the verge of erupting.

Through the sweat towel, Lin Ming Yang gave a soft "hmm" to show that he was listening.

"This afternoon I heard something that had something to say about you, I don't think it's a good sign for the team, and with your performance on the field today confirming it, as the team's coach, I'm not in favor of you spreading your energy too thin on other things right now!"

"You also think I'm in love, don't you?" Lin Ming Yang was like an enraged lion violently bouncing up from his seat, "There's about that issue, I don't want to engage in any explanations, but I'm not wrong!" Throwing down such a sentence, Lin Ming Yang didn't even pick up the sweat towel on the floor before walking back to the locker room without looking back, leaving a back that was so stubborn as to be somewhat obstinate to his dumbfounded teammates and the coach who's face was flushed with red because of his mortification.

"Stop right there!" Jefferson's growl came from behind him, "Do you really think the team is nothing without you?"

Lin Ming Yang stopped in his tracks, "I never thought that!"

"My team isn't a bunch of stud-horse that only knows how to fall in love!" Jefferson roared at him in a rage.

"But it's not a bunch of castrated lions either!" Lin Ming Yang responded tit for tat, he took a few steps forward before stopping again, "We need to calm each other down, I definitely have an attitude problem, but Honorable Coach Jefferson, don't you as well?"