Chapter 23: The Small Town of Napanee

This was Lin Mingyang's first long-distance trip after crossing over, the airliner was flying above the clouds, looking at the floating clouds outside the porthole, he suddenly thought of that strange dream last night. Recalling his parents' strange instructions before they left, Lin Ming Yang instinctively felt that he was afraid that his trip to Canada this time would not be as easy as he had previously imagined.

The airliner lowered its altitude after halfway through the flight, and outside the window were no longer layers of clouds and mist, but endless green forests beneath the high altitude. Holding in his hand a tourist map issued by the airline for the passengers, Lin Mingyang's eyes were easily attracted by the eastern part of the North American continent, the vastness of the lake area at the junction of the United States and Canada.

In addition to the turquoise blue lakes of the famous Great Lakes region of the North American continent, the more iconic representation of this time is the vast and endless forest below the airplane. Canada 45% of the country are covered by forests, from the European colonizers set foot on the new continent of North America from the time, the Great Lakes boundless forest resources have become the object of their development and plunder. It sent a steady stream of natural resources to Canada for Europe, and at the same time brought rolling wealth to this continent. The forests, which can't be seen from thousands of meters above the ground, drive Canada's economic and cultural development like an engine.

Located in south-central Ontario, the small town of Napanee is hidden in this vast forest, but the sketchy map in Lin Mingyang's hand obviously could not provide him with the exact coordinates of the town. The plane landed in the city of Kouris, which was still more than 120 kilometers away from the town, and here Lin Mingyang transferred to a bus and finally arrived at his destination before dusk.

The town wasn't very big, but it had all sorts of facilities, and there happened to be a video store right next to the station, with a huge poster of a blonde girl on the glass window. When passing by Lin Ming Yang's eyes also stayed on it for a moment, the girl on the poster looked a bit familiar, when he turned the corner Lin Ming Yang's heart was still thinking about whether he had seen a similar face somewhere. Of course the poster was written with the girl's name, but it was in French, Lin Mingyang could not read a word.

Fortunately, most of the town's residents could understand English, Lin Mingyang took out his "cheap" grandfather's address from his pocket, and prepared to ask an old woman who had just come out of the supermarket for specific directions.

Holding the small piece of paper handed over by Lin Ming Yang, the obviously old lady couldn't help but let out a gasp, "You're looking for Jeson Lin?"

"You know my grandfather?" Lin Ming Yang froze at first, but on second thought, Napani was just a small town with a population of over 2,000 people, so it wasn't surprising to run into someone who happened to know the old man.

"Let me take a good look, are you Felix? "That old woman blinked hard to make sure she hadn't recognized the wrong person, the other person's black hair easily brought back memories of that introverted little boy from her old next door neighbor's house many years ago. "Don't you remember me? I'm Grandma Gibson from next door, back when you used to hide in the garden of our house to avoid training, have you forgotten?"

Lin Ming Yang pretended to "think" very hard for a while, before finally turning the back of his head with a slight apology, "Grandma Gibson, not long ago there was a little accident, I can't remember much of the past, the doctor's final diagnosis said that it was caused by selective fragmentary amnesia. " In order to bluff the other party, Lin Ming Yang brought out the hospital's diagnosis.

"So you even forgot where your home is?" The simple Grandma Gibson easily accepted Lin Ming Yang's well-intentioned lie, "My poor child, it's really hard to imagine what kind of accident caused you to be so stimulated!"

"The elevator went out of control and then fell from the 10th floor!" Lin Ming Yang replied lightly.

"My god, such a serious accident actually happened, but thank god you were saved in the end!" Grandma Gibson covered her mouth in surprise, "Then how come your parents are still relieved to let you run here alone?"

"There's nothing really wrong with me physically, I just can't remember some things from my hours very well."

The grandmother's kindness made Lin Ming Yang, who had told a "lie", suddenly feel a trace of guilt in his heart, but he still underestimated the rich imagination of the town's inhabitants, "So you came back to recover your memories through some familiar scenes from the past?"

"That's considered one of the reasons!" Lin Ming Yang was stunned, this kind of plot seemed to only appear in TV dramas, he smiled somewhat sardonically, "It's mainly because Grandpa he's sick, my parents asked me to come over and take care of him for a while!"

"Sick?" Grandma Gibson had an unbelievable look on her face after hearing Lin Ming Yang's answer, she shook her head gravely, "I think you guys must have gotten it wrong, he's in good health! I even saw him exercising in the garden this morning, he's the only old guy in our neighborhood who hasn't been in the hospital in ten years, of course I think this has something to do with his curmudgeonly personality!"

"What?" Lin Ming Yang was completely dumbfounded there, hearing this news he felt like he should be happy, but he couldn't be happy right now, the old man wasn't sick, but he had clearly told his parents that he was sick, what was going on here?

With lingering questions in his mind, Lin Mingyang in the enthusiastic Grandma Gibson led to find the two-story building hidden in the green bushes. Although the house is small, but the mansion covers a wide area, behind the mansion is a dense forest, whip-like branches hanging down from the walls, below is a piece of unmaintained, overgrown grass, cover the busy duckweed pond, just like a good place for the frogs to hide.

The small wooden gate in front of the compound was half hidden. Through the sparse fence, Lin Mingyang saw a row of wooden stakes, with a sandbag hanging from the big tree next to it. In front of the steps of the small building, Lin Mingyang also found a pair of stone locks that looked obviously weighty.

The scene in front of Lin Mingyang how to see how to feel familiar, which if the side and then put a row of swords, guns and halberds, and their own in the ancient costume movies have seen those martial arts practice field is not much difference. But the key to this is not in the play, looking at the row of bare stakes, Lin Mingyang's mind suddenly surfaced such a picture, a poor little boy with eyes full of teardrops, stood on the stakes in the horse stance, next to stood a serious face of the old man.

"This place shouldn't have changed much from before you left, the yard should have been properly repaired a long time ago, but the way it is now, it should help you recover your memories!" Grandma Gibson patted Lin Ming Yang's shoulder, "Go inside and have a good chat with your grandfather, I think he must be waiting for you now!"

Lin Ming Yang nodded with difficulty, this was the place where he stayed when he was a child, no wonder Ecks said that he had received specialized fighting training, it looked like he had really "practiced". Look at the deserted backyard, more or less a few points of the flavor of depression, is this the "martial arts master" so-called loneliness?

Masters like to play recluse, perhaps their grandfather is really a hidden from the world of the "masters", deeply martial arts novels "poison" Lin Mingyang can not wait to rejoice immediately realized another serious problem, although the novels to the martial arts description of the heaven and earth, but those in real life is purely "practice", but the "masters" in real life is the "masters" in real life is the "masters" in real life. Although the novel describes martial arts in a brilliant way, but those in real life is pure nonsense, learning martial arts is not like singing, dancing so easy, to polish his body now, Felix should have suffered a lot when he was a child, with his toes to think about it all know that it was a miserable childhood!

No wonder the painful memories were missing from Felix's diary, it was indeed a bit of a taste of the past. Lin Mingyang pushed open the courtyard door and walked in, in his eyes curiously surveyed the entire courtyard once, confirming that there are no palm prints on the trunks of the trees, and did not see the violent picture of chopping firewood with his hands, he then gently breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that this grandfather is not the kind of "super fierce man" in his imagination.

He came to the door of the room Lin Ming Yang just raised his hand to knock on the door, he heard an old but not lose the majesty of the voice from inside, "Come in, the door is not locked!"

The words are correct and full of vigor, which is a sick old man should have a voice, it seems that Grandma Gibson really did not bluff herself. With a bitter smile Lin Ming Yang could only push the door and walk in.

The furnishings in the house is very simple, in the living room next to the closet in the single sofa, sitting in a Chinese old man, face slender, skin white and rosy, forehead broad and prominent, facial contours strong and flexible, two high raised white eyebrows embedded in a pair of radiant flashes of long eyes, a glance can be seen, this is a headstrong temperament of the people.

Lin Mingyang could almost instantly identify this white-bearded but well-trimmed and rather genteel old man as his own grandfather, Lin Aoquan, or Jeson Lin as Grandma Gibson called him. He and his father, Lin Qing Hai, looked almost like they were printed from the same mold, but of course Lin Qing Hai's face was softer, unlike the old man who was so angular.

Seeing that Lin Mingyang was just carrying a simple duffel bag, Lin Aoquan raised his finger and pointed to the other side of the sofa, "Sit down!"

Although the old man's voice was soft, it carried an unquestioning tone, Lin Ming Yang gave a soft "Oh" and obediently sat down.

"Eating?" The old man asked casually.

"Ate two burgers on the way here!" Grandpa's condescending tone made Lin Mingyang feel very uncomfortable, he now finally understood why his mother Catherine did not like his "father-in-law", how could his attitude be accepted by an American who grew up with a free and equal education, and it would be hard enough for him to do the same.

The old man did not realize that his own way of speaking has what is wrong, "this time back what are the plans?"

"I heard that you are sick?" Lin Ming Yang asked cautiously.

"You guys really want me to be sick?" The old man hummed softly, unable to hear any joy or anger. "I'm really sorry to disappoint you guys!"

"We are relieved to see that you are fine." Lin Mingyang compensated with a smile on his face, but in his heart, he secretly thought that the old man's preconceptions about his family were not small!

"Count on you little brat still having some conscience!" The old man sighed with some sighs, "You haven't been here with me for six years, Chinese has grown a lot, I wonder if the kung fu has fallen?"

Lin Mingyang sat there awkwardly, but in his heart he was stunned, so the old man also passed on a set of kung fu, but Felix diary did not mention it, I guess without the old man's "strict supervision", he did not take it seriously after he left.

"That's just it, a loving mother has many defeated children, that mom of yours probably can't let you suffer!" The old man waved his hand, considered the topic unveiled, Lin Mingyang heart lucky, but did not know that because of the practice of kung fu this matter, Catherine almost took the old man Lin to the local court, in her opinion, the old man's son's training which is what is the physical fitness, that is clearly child abuse.

"Listening to your father, you've suffered a bit of stimulation here, and can't remember what happened before?" The old man pointed to his head, speaking with the slightest knowledge of taking care of the feelings of minors.

Lin Mingyang nodded vigorously, this was his talisman, he had to hold on to it, otherwise he would definitely show his face.

"This nature of yours is still a bit cowardly, something happened and it scared you like this!" The old man stifled his wrists with a look of hatred. "When I forced you to practice kung fu back then, it was only to hone your nature and have a strong body so that you won't be bullied by others in the future, ai!"

"I've had a pretty good time at school!" The subtext of Lin Ming Yang's words was actually that no one dares to bully me.

"Just like you, a few years earlier I could have held you down with one hand!" The old man glared at him with disdain, "I heard that you played basketball in school and won a championship of some sort?"

"It's the state league championship!" Lin Ming Yang explained patiently.

"Your father sent over a copy of the video of that game, I watched it, and your kid is too much of an underachiever for us Chinese, you're so tired and out of breath after only playing for such a short time, people who don't know would think that we're not physically capable of doing so!" The old man could not help but scold his grandson, "If you had insisted on practicing kung fu, where would you be like this now!" Saying over and over again, he circled the topic back to practicing kung fu.

Lin Ming Yang felt that his current physical strength was already very good, no one his age on the team could compare to him, according to the old master's words, then if he had persisted in practicing kung fu, wouldn't he have turned into a superman?

"And you don't score as much as that black kid, do you owe others a lot of money, why don't you throw the ball yourself and pass it to others?" The old man complained about Lin Ming Yang's "sins" in a very serious manner.

"Grandpa, basketball is about cooperation, the five people on the court have their own tasks, I'm responsible for organizing the whole team's offense and defense, just like the brain directing the body to fight, I'm the 'laborer', they're the 'laborer', there's a big difference. ', there is a big difference!" Lin Mingyang took a great deal of effort to try to phrase the question in a language that the old man could understand.

"Alright, this counts as you passing, but I also heard that you've been acting lately?" The family looked like they had a cold relationship, but the old man knew quite a bit about Lin Mingyang, and he was actually still very concerned.

Lin Ming Yang's heart warmed, his evaluation of the old man also changed from archaic to cold-faced and warm-hearted, "There is such a thing!"

"You want to be an actor in the future?" The old man frowned.

"Maybe, my goal is to go to college first, the future is still up in the air!"

"That's more like it!" The old man nodded, "I don't care what you do in the future, but you must have knowledge, in the words of our martial arts practitioners, you must know the truth and practice martial arts virtue. This world is becoming faster and faster, whether it's China or America, fists don't work as well as brains anymore!"