Chapter 24 - The Punk Girl Who Loves Pizza

"Come on, I'll show you to your room." The old man stood up from the sofa very sharply and scuffed his way up to the second floor, Lin Mingyang hurriedly followed with his luggage. There were many exquisite picture frames hanging on the wooden walls of the stairwell, most of which were pictures of Lin Mingyang's father as a child. On the second floor stairway, Lin Ming Yang also accidentally found a wedding photo of his parents.

What was a little different from the one he saw in his parents' bedroom was that there was an old man with a stern face standing in the middle of Catherine and Lin Qing Hai, who were wearing a wedding dress in this photo. Maybe it was because of the contrast that existed in the picture, Lin Ming Yang always felt that his parents' smiles were a bit brighter in this photo at his grandfather's house.

Lin Mingyang's hut is on the right side of the stairway, with windows facing the front yard, as a hut to treasure childhood memories, there are no Trojan horses, remote control racing cars, and no outdated game packs of scrapped grips hidden in the bookcase. The only thing that proves the existence of the past is the faded Bruce Lee poster on the wall.

A large closet, a writing desk, and a bookcase made up the simple layout of the entire cabin. The only bed in the house was the one that had just been changed, presumably the previous one was too small for the current Lin Ming Yang to sleep on.

The layout of the hut didn't bring any surprises to Lin Mingyang, except for the network cable interface, it was as young as the bed in the house, and it was estimated to have been newly installed only recently.

"I know that this thing is now as popular as the telephone, and there are many young people in town who spend a lot of their time on it. I could tell you to read more, but I know that's not realistic. Your generation has its own way of life, but I still want you to use it wisely!" The old man was old-fashioned but not pedantic.

After he left, Lin Ming Yang couldn't wait to take out his laptop from his bag, almost out of habit, he opened the chat tool on the interface, but there wasn't a single friend online, casually browsed the web, then sent an email to Megan who was far away in Los Angeles. After doing this and seeing that the time was not very late, Lin Ming Yang casually opened the document again, officially began to create the script for the second season of "Boys from Orange County" which had already been conceived and matured.

After entering the writing state Lin Ming Yang quickly lost track of time, the next morning when he got up from his bed, it was already more than eight o'clock in the morning, there was no breakfast prepared in the kitchen, Lin Ming Yang yawned and walked out of the door just in time to see his grandfather who was practicing under the tree.

He stood there motionless with his eyes closed, his hands maintaining a strange posture, his chest was rising and falling at a strange frequency, driving his nostrils to regularly spew out a white gas.

Lin Mingyang curiously stood aside and stopped to watch, Lin Aoquan was practicing a kind of internal qigong, the morning climate in the town of Napanee was a bit cool, the hot air spewed out from his nostrils became this appearance Lin Mingyang saw now, but what really surprised him was the old man's rhythm of luck and breathing, it was similar to the kind of breathing state he entered during the halftime break of the Firefoxes' last final game, Lin Mingyang even Lin Mingyang even suspected that this method of exhaling was the "Ultimate Divine Power" that his grandfather had passed on to him.

Accompanied by the posture of Qi sinking into the dantian on his hand, Lin Aoquan exhaled a long mouthful of turbid breath, which was considered to be the end of his work. Seeing Lin Mingyang staring at the side, Lin Aoquan beckoned to him, "Come over and fight with me?"

Lin Ming Yang just busy shaking his head, not to mention the old master's force value is still an unknown, he handed over that set of kung fu to himself except for the time when he played a little bit of efficacy in the competition to recover his strength, the other times Lin Ming Yang basically did not practiced, at this time how dare to fight with him.

"You haven't even found your Qi sense yet?" Lin Aoquan had some disappointment on his face.

"Qi sense?" Lin Ming Yang was stunned, there were such statements in qigong and yoga, but they were all very esoteric concepts like spirit and consciousness pulled together, what was qi sense was probably different for everyone.

"You haven't found a single benefit from practicing qigong?" Lin Aoquan face immediately black down, it seems that this kid really should be well cleaned up a bit, look at him this blank look, usually is simply lazy did not properly practice!

"It seems like you can recover your physical strength a little faster when you run your gong!" Looking at the way Lin Aoquan practiced just now, Lin Mingyang probably understood that the practice he was referring to was that strange breathing method.

"So you found it?" Lin Aoquan's two eyes suddenly became radiant, and the loss on his face was swept away.

"It?" Lin Mingyang was confused again.

"It is the Qi Sense!" While Lin Aoquan cursed Lin Ming Yang for being an idiot, on his face was a pleased smile, "In the future, as long as you keep practicing it every day, I guarantee that you won't have any serious illnesses when you live to my age!"

"Can you live forever?" Lin Ming Yang tried to ask, but just as the words fell the back of his head received a hard blow.

"Why don't you kid ask if you can become immortal?" Lin Aoquan glared fiercely at this daydreaming brat, not forgetting to curse under his breath, "Simply nonsense!"

Lin Mingyang rubbed the back of his head and secretly spat out his tongue, the force of this old man's hand was not light, if he received another blow, it was estimated that he would really have "amnesia".

"If you are hungry, go to the town to buy your own food, I guess you can't eat the food here, so I didn't prepare it for you!" After dropping this sentence, the old man who was still angry no longer paid any attention to Lin Mingyang, and sat in the rocking chair in front of the door with his eyes closed.

The self-interested Lin Ming Yang went out the door with a depressed face, and at the intersection he happened to meet his neighbor, Grandma Gibson, who had shown him the way yesterday. Learning that Lin Mingyang was going to town to buy something to eat, the other party was very enthusiastic and recommended a pizza restaurant to Lin Mingyang.

"That's the most famous hot food store in our town, turn that corner and you'll see a red store sign with LaPIZZERIA written on it that's it!"

Lin Ming Yang was actually like looking for a Chinese restaurant, but thinking about the fact that there probably wasn't any in this town, after circling around he still decided to take a look at that pizza store.

From the outside the store looked like it was very cold, but after pushing the door in Lin Ming Yang realized that it was actually very lively inside. As Grandma Gibson had said, this was a very popular little store. Keeping in mind that it was still only morning, most people weren't on summer vacation like Lin Ming Yang. But even so, the seats provided in the store were still filled to the brim.

Lin Ming Yang asked for a pizza and a cup of coke, and finally found an empty seat by the window, across from which sat a girl with long brown hair, a T-shirt and short skirt paired with black and white short socks, making her whole person look like she had an alternative sense of beauty. Even though he couldn't see his face with the sunglasses, Lin Mingyang still felt that such a girl should have a very delicate face.

This uniquely attired girl sitting in the pizza parlor gave off a very strange feeling, not to mention that she was wearing a pair of sunglasses like that that one couldn't ignore in any way. Unlike the other girls who were reserved, she continued to take large gulps of pizza into her mouth despite the fact that her cheeks were already bulging with food, not to mention sucking hard on her drink and making a zippy sound.

The girl's eating style amused Lin Mingyang, who was sitting across from him, and he did not feel that the other party's behavior was vulgar at all, but instead thought that it was a kind of naive and cute. However, Lin Mingyang did not control his expression, and his snickering was still discovered by the other party.

"What are you laughing at?" The girl had noticed the dark-haired boy sitting across from her from the very beginning, and when she realized that the other party was quietly sizing herself up, there was even some hidden smugness in her heart, but now that this guy was actually sneaking a laugh, this made it a little hard for her to accept.

Hearing the dissatisfaction in the girl's tone, the smile on Lin Ming Yang's face became more and more obvious, and at the risk of further annoying the other party, he boldly asked, "Are you very hungry?"

"Can't you eat like this when you're not hungry?"

The girl's rhetorical question choked Lin Ming Yang, and he somewhat awkwardly wiped his mouth with a tissue. "Of course you can, it's your personal freedom, but chewing slowly can promote digestion, surely you know this!"

"That's what everyone else says, but why should I live my life the way everyone else does?" In one simple sentence, the girl's bold and rebellious character had been revealed.

"Character!" Lin Mingyang gave a thumbs up towards the other party, then lowered his head and started eating his own pizza.

The girl had come a bit earlier, and after finishing her share, she didn't rush to leave, but instead curiously sized up the boy across from her who had exchanged just a few words with. She had to admit that the guy was handsome and not that obnoxious, which suddenly gave her the idea of getting to know each other.

"Has anyone ever said that you look like Hollywood movie star Keanu Reeves?" The girl tried to steer the conversation away from the other's looks.

The dark-haired boy on the other side stopped eating his pizza, lifted his head, looked at himself very seriously, and then gave a very bright smile, "If you have a chance to meet that big star you're talking about in the future, you can tell him that you look a lot like Felix Lin!"

"Is this considered your self-introduction?" In the girl's eyes Lin Ming Yang this wasn't arrogant, but rather very characterful, which made her feel that the boy should be in the same category as herself.

"I am what I am, a firework of a different color!" Lin Mingyang suddenly thought of a favorite lyric from the latter days and blurted it out.

At this moment, the smile on his face was still as brilliant as the sun, but the girl saw in his eyes a look that was even lonelier than fireworks. The girl took off her sunglasses, and then Lin Mingyang's smile began to slowly freeze, this face, yesterday he saw on the window poster when he passed by the street video store, in the depths of his memory, there seems to be such a familiar face, who is this girl?

"My name is Avril Lavigne!" There was a seductive glow on the girl's face when she smiled, "If I meet Mr. Keanu Reeves someday, I'll definitely tell him that a guy named Felix Lin said you look like him!"