Chapter 25 Yes, this is robbery

"Looking alike shouldn't be considered a violation of portrait rights, right?" Lin Mingyang touched his face in a serious manner, looking distressed.

"You're actually worried about this?" Avril pouted, "I don't think Mr. Keanu Reeves is that boring!"

"There's always that group of boring guys in the world who like to do this kind of thing." Lin Ming Yang seemed to be carelessly cutting the pizza on his plate, but the rest of his eyes kept a close eye on that corner, "If you don't want to be secretly photographed, you'd better find a chance to wear sunglasses."

"You mean someone is watching us?" Avril suddenly realized that her identity had been exposed.

"To be precise, his target is you, I'm just an insignificant supporting character!" Lin Mingyang was still chewing his pizza slowly and methodically, and taking a sip of his drink from time to time. "The third seat to the right of the entrance, the guy in the gray trench coat. Don't turn around, he's already spotted you."

"So what do we do?" Avril was inevitably a bit nervous as it was her first time in such a situation and there was no one around to ask for help.

"Now do as I say, put your sunglasses on, move naturally, it's best to act as if nothing happened so you don't spook the snake!" Lin Ming Yang's composure at this moment was strange even to himself, that was the paparazzi that many big stars hated and feared like a tiger, even singers like Avril who was famous for her forthrightness in the entertainment industry were also leery of this particular group.

"I didn't expect to meet a fellow traveler here!" Lin Ming Yang muttered secretly, in his previous life as the editor-in-chief of the entertainment section of the newspaper, he also managed more than a dozen of these guys under his command, or else the newspaper would have such a large page every day, and the news obtained through the normal channels alone would definitely not be enough. It was also because of his familiarity with this line of work that Lin Mingyang had spotted the guy from the moment Avril took off his sunglasses in front of him.

That person's secretly filming techniques in the eyes of Lin Mingyang this "connoisseur" still seems to be not professional enough, he placed on the table that purse zipper mouth, a camera with a ghostly light is facing them.

"What?" Avril, who had put on her sunglasses again, only heard Lin Mingyang mumble, "Your voice was too low just now, I didn't hear you clearly."

"I mean it's probably too late now!" Lin Ming Yang somewhat regretfully sent the last slice of pizza into his mouth, then contentedly pulled out a tissue and wiped his mouth, "That guy should've already taken the shot at what he wanted!"

"Gotta stop him!" Avril's thoughts were almost subconsciously voiced, she has been on the music scene since 2000, and has only just released her first album in June today, which has sold very well in just over a month, with the single "Complicated" reaching number one in Australia, and reaching number one in the US's The single "Complicated" reached #1 in Australia and #2 on the US Hot 100. The success was so spectacular that Avril, who had not yet turned 18 at the time, suddenly became so popular that producers warned her to watch out for the paparazzi.

Avril's trip home this time is absolutely confidential, and Napanee is more than two hours drive from the nearest center city, I did not expect that there are still paparazzi followed to here.

"I have to get the photos he's holding, do you have any good ideas?" The composure Lin Mingyang showed gave Avril a lot of confidence, her intuition told her that the dark haired boy in front of her could help her.

Lin Ming Yang shrugged helplessly, "No!"

"We're being secretly filmed, aren't you worried at all?" Avril's eyes widened with an incredulous expression, but unfortunately through the sunglasses, Lin Ming Yang didn't see anything.

"I'm just a small, insignificant person, it's you and not me that has people interested!" Lin Ming Yang said roguishly.

"You!" Avril exasperatedly clasped her hands and sat there, not knowing what to do for a moment.

Lin Ming Yang sighed a fluke in his heart, if he hadn't let Avril put on her sunglasses in advance, he didn't know how many times he would have already been killed by her sultry eyes. Looking at Avril staring at herself like this, with no intention of leaving, Lin Ming Yang finally lost the battle, he coughed softly, "Actually it's not without a solution..."

But Averill still looked like she was ignoring it, it seems that the little girl was really angry, Lin Ming Yang rubbed his nose in his own fun, and secretly sighed in his heart: this good guy is not good to be ah?

No matter what, this has made a start, no matter if people are willing or not, Lin Ming Yang can only say it with a hard head. "Two choices, one is to let your agent step in and talk to that guy, try to pay a sum of money to buy the photos over, this is the least troublesome method, but it has to cost a fortune, the other party will surely ask for a large sum of money, one has to be prepared to be extorted!"

"My agent isn't here, and I don't have any money!" Listening to this tone, Avril was still in a residual rage, but at least she was listening carefully to what Lin Ming Yang said.

The future little rich girl of Hollywood saying she had no money in front of herself, this was more or less absurd in Lin Ming Yang's opinion, but he couldn't name names, so he just had to accept this reality with a helpless nod of his head. "The other option is going to take some risk, but if it succeeds, it can solve this matter once and for all!"

"How are you going to do it?" As soon as she heard about the risk, Avril immediately became interested, and the little bit of unhappiness from before was immediately thrown to the back of her mind.

"Using you as bait, we'll put on a show and then..." smiled Lin Ming Yang mysteriously, "rob him!"

If it were anyone else, they would never be able to accept this crazy idea of Lin Ming Yang's, but Avril took it as a very interesting thing, she wasn't even sure about Lin Ming ****'s operational steps yet, but just by hearing the word "robbery", she already raised her hands in favor of this plan.

Lin Mingyang as well as thought that he was already outrageous enough, did not expect to meet a more crazy than their own master, Ai Wei Er at this time should not be 18 years old, he should not be considered as a partner in juvenile delinquency, right?

The two came together to secretly discuss a few sentences, and then get up together ready to leave. In order to make this play more realistic, Averill in the door before the intimate hold Lin Mingyang's arm, although this is a pre-agreed, but Lin Mingyang still can not help but some of the heart.

Avril fiercely pinched at his hand and said angrily, "Be professional, okay, we're acting!"

Despite Lin Ming Yang's aggression in his heart, their actions fell into the eyes of some people and turned into a lover's scuffle, the two of them dawdled in the doorway for a while, and the guy in the gray trenchcoat did follow him out.

"He took the bait!" Avril excitedly whispered in Lin Ming Yang's ear, her rebellious character made her find an inexplicable pleasure in this kind of thing she had never done before.

In front of this crazy girl, Lin Ming Yang became a "habitual offender" and gave a color to Ai Wei Er, indicating that she should not scare the snake, but in his heart, he let out a cold laugh. This human heart is really insatiable, if this guy directly left, Lin Mingyang really can not take him, he followed over, now there will be a good show.

The two took the guy for a slight stroll around the town, then they walked into a supermarket, Lin Ming Yang took a pair of gloves from the shopping rack, Avril looked at him in great confusion, "What are you buying this for?"

"Please be professional, okay, this is a robbery!" Lin Ming Yang glanced at the guy outside the supermarket door who was pretending to read the street sign, "Canada is a legal society, I don't want to leave any evidence for the other party!"

"You're talking about fingerprints?" Avril nodded, "You wouldn't have done this before, right?"

"What do you think?" Lin Ming Yang glared at her without any good humor, thinking in his heart, "If I didn't see you as pathetic, would I be doing this thankless thing?"

The two of them fought a few times in the supermarket, but when they walked out, they were completely like sweet lovers, then the two of them accelerated their steps and started to take the guy around the town in circles, and they also specialized in picking up the kind of secluded and unoccupied walks. In a dead end, the guy finally lost the two.

"Are you looking for us?" The guy was just getting annoyed when Lin Ming Yang and Avril appeared behind him out of the cold.

That person just wanted to run, was Lin Mingyang yanked the collar, the other person did not expect him to be so strong, actually dragged himself back even with a pull, at this time he finally felt that things are a little bit wrong, could it be that this black-haired boy in front of him is not Ai Wei Er's boyfriend, but her new bodyguard?

Before he had time to cry out, he was pressed against the wall by Lin Ming Yang, "Get the stuff out yourself, I won't make things difficult for you!"

"What stuff, I don't understand what you're talking about?" Since he had made this line of work a profession, the man definitely wouldn't give in so easily, and at first he of course used the most commonly used trick of feigning innocence.

"You're really all very old-fashioned with this trick!" Lin Ming Yang was obviously an impatient "robber", he added more force to his hand and pressed the other man's face against the cold wall, "Don't challenge my limits with your ignorance!"

Realizing that he seemed to have hit a hard nail this time, the man could only sigh with bad luck, "Everything is in my bag!"

Although the other party confessed, Lin Ming Yang didn't have any intention of letting go of his hand, he made a wink towards Avril who had been watching the show from the side, only to find that the other party stood there and only laughed and giggled.

"Be serious, be serious, we are robbing!" This was a famous line from a movie in the latter days, and Lin Ming Yang casually gave it a go, "Don't just stand there, put on some gloves and dump out everything in his bag, and check if there are any compartments by the way!"

"Since it's a robbery, just take it straight away!" Avril made a very evil face towards Lin Ming Yang.

"No, taking his stuff would be a crime, it's not good if the police catch us!" Lin Ming Yang shook his head very firmly, "I'm a good citizen, I don't do illegal things!"

The guy who was forcefully pressed against the wall by Lin Ming Yang almost didn't spit out blood from his anger at this statement, is he considered a lawful citizen?

Avril made a face at him before she yanked the bag from the guy's hand and poured it towards the floor, before Lin Ming Yang realized that the camera fell out along with a bunch of unknown devices.

"Stomp the camera, then that little black box has a videotape in it, this we take away. Don't forget there's a memory card in the bayonet where the tape was loaded, take that out too!" Lin Ming Yang "skillfully" issued the instructions, and Avril destroyed the recording devices hidden in the dark places of the equipment one by one.

The guy who had been restrained by Lin Ming Yang watched as his set of stolen filming equipment was completely destroyed, his heart felt like it was dripping blood, "You guys, you're robbing me!"

"Guessed it right, we are robbing!" Lin Ming Yang nodded unapologetically, he ignored the other party's shaking with anger and commanded Avril to further expand the results of the battle, "And his pockets, search his whole body!"

Finally, the two "robbers" left with satisfaction, leaving the poor guy alone in the alley. Looking at the broken pieces of equipment on the ground, he really wanted to cry. He chased himself from the United States to Canada, but in the end, it was still a basket case. Originally, he wanted to use the backup hidden in the equipment to muddle through, but that kid actually saw through his blindfold, and this time, he really kicked the iron plate!