Chapter 27 Inspiration from a Dream

Lin Mingyang's one-bite promise threw himself into devilish training for most of the summer vacation that followed. The stomping of the feet, blowing of air and the generation of force of the Eight Extreme Fist together constituted the three basic elements of the Eight Extreme Fist's strength, in the remaining time of less than a month, Master Lin didn't expect Lin Ming Yang to be able to achieve success overnight, as long as he was able to master these three basic technical essentials, he would be considered to have passed the hurdle.

Because Lin Mingyang's childhood foundation is still there, so Lin Aoquan started from the Eight Extremes Boxing force. The proverb "moving like a taut bow, sending out like a thunderbolt" is the image of the power generation process of Eight Extremes Fist. "Move like a taut bow" is the process of storing strength, the old man demonstrated while explaining to Lin Mingyang the technical essentials of which, the body is like an open bow, full of strength, and then the body's stored strength to the limbs and released.

The phrase "like a thunderbolt" describes the moment when the power of Bajiquan is released. After storing up his energy, Master Lin suddenly unleashed his fist with a destructive momentum, striking out at a speed that caught the naked eye unawares. The sandbag did not fly backwards in a straight line after being struck, but shook violently in mid-air. Eight Extreme Fist power to the human body as the center of radiation sent in all directions, any direction to be a powerful presence, like a bomb exploding in the air, the power can be seen.

Lin Ming Yang looked straight at the punch that the old master had swung out, thinking how he could not hit with such an effect. He was contemplating when he would be able to reach this realm, when the old master's next words were like a basin of cold water thrown over his head, making him so frustrated.

"Strength is the soul of boxing, only by practicing strength well can you lay a deep foundation for future boxing practice. The overall mellow force is issued at any time in any situation, so that it can be utilized with great power in actual combat. Eight Extreme Fist is only considered a small success after ten years of hard practice, if you want to throw the punch I just threw, don't even think about it without thirty years of hard work!"

Ignoring Lin Mingyang's drooping head, Lin Aoquan went on to demonstrate the technical essentials of stomping and blowing his breath. The "stomping" of Bajiquan, also known as "stomping", is the main factor that constitutes Bajiquan's unique footwork, and it is also an important part of Bajiquan's strength. There are different forms of exercises such as stomping on the spot, stomping on the step up, stomping on the step back, stomping on both feet, stomping on one foot and stomping on the ground, etc., and there are the differences of lightness, heaviness, slowness, urgency, lightness and darkness in the exercises.

The blowing of qi was the unique method of using qi in Bajiquan. The unique method of exhaling and breathing that Lin Mingyang had learned was a condensed version extracted from the essentials of blowing air in Bajiquan. The complete connection of the technique of blowing qi not only increased the strength and strengthened the muscles and bones, but one of the most important functions was to stabilize the lower body. By blowing the qi, it promotes the downward flow of internal qi, which means that the qi from the dantian is injected into the feet through the legs and emanates downward from the Yongquan acupoints, thus stabilizing the lower body. This is the reason why it is said that "if the qi is deep, it is stable; if the qi is floating, it is floating". In application, when the opponent tries to fall over himself, and at the moment of exertion, he can blow his qi downward, and it will be very difficult for the opponent to fall over, which is what people call the "jackhammer fall" kung fu.

In the following days, Lin Mingyang's life could be described as a hot and cold one. Early in the day, he practiced qi with Lin Aoquan, after breakfast, he started practicing his steps, and finally, he practiced boxing. Not being able to wear gloves, Lin Ming Yang wrapped a layer of gauze around his fists to provide some simple protection.

Under the old master's strict supervision, the gauze on Lin Mingyang's hands wore out very quickly, and almost had to be changed once every two days, but of course the effect of such intense training was also very obvious. For Lin Ming Yang's progress, Lin Aoquan never had any in-your-face praise. As long as Lin Ming Yang showed the slightest bit of complacency, he would receive an unmerciful blow from the old man.

Lin Mingyang had few complaints about this, the purpose of his hard training, in addition to practicing a real kung fu, but also has some plans for the future in it. In Hollywood, he could not possibly perform the role of a flying character in a traditional Chinese martial arts movie, those martial arts routines were of little significance to him, but rather this kind of practical exercise would allow him to perform some tough action-oriented roles, and despite having a handsome face that made people envious, Lin Ming Yang did not want to spend his entire life as an idolatrous star.

During the whole day's training, the hour after lunch became Lin Mingyang's most free time. Usually he liked to lie on the lawn under the shade of a tree, looking at the floating clouds in the sky, and then some strange and bizarre ideas would habitually pop up in his head. Finally, one day, he had a strange dream under the tree.

A young girl and a handsome and charming man were sitting on the grass in the bright sunshine talking about love. The man was a vampire, but they had fallen in love, and he was confiding in his lover that he had to repress his desire to hunt her, telling her how difficult it was for him.

The breeze brushed through the treetops and the rustling sound ended this strange dream of Lin Ming Yang. He opened his misty sleeping eyes and sat up to look around. The sky was still blue, there was no girl on the grass, and there was no handsome vampire. But that dream gave Lin Ming Yang a very familiar feeling, as if he had seen this scene somewhere.

With confusion in his mind, Lin Ming Yang was reprimanded by the old master for being distracted during his afternoon boxing practice, and he had a mouthful of silent recitations of the power mnemonics, while still thinking about that incident in his mind. Unintentionally swung a punch, the sandbag was sent flying and then swung back, he was only slightly so confused, he was staggered by the oncoming sandbag and sat on his butt on the grass.

In a rocking chair lying on the side of the old man angry blowing his beard and eyes, he cursed something Lin Mingyang did not pay too much attention to, and even his cheek was hit by the sandbag some raw pain, he did not care. After sitting frozen on the ground for a while, climbed up, Lin Mingyang seemed like a different person, finally began to concentrate on practicing boxing. This scene in the eyes of the old man Lin heart but some depressed, by the sandbags hit a little, this is still "enlightenment"?

Enlightenment is not to talk about, just in the moment of falling, Lin Mingyang suddenly figured out the whole thing. The scene of the girl and the vampire dating in the dream is exactly the content that appeared in a certain chapter of a best-selling worldwide magical pure love novel in the latter days.

Lin Ming Yang was excited by this discovery of his, as a lover of European and American popular literature before crossing over, he was familiar with this novel. In many people's eyes, Twilight might just be a high school student love story with the addition of a supernatural power backdrop, making the whole story swashbuckling.

But what Lin Mingyang admires more is the deep literary skills shown in the novel. Under the rendering of unrestrained imagination, the Romeo and Juliet-style parting of life and death, Pride and Prejudice-style elegance and wit, and Wuthering Heights-style entanglement and conflict are presented in front of the readers in an extremely easy way, and the lingering tragedy hidden under the veil of love has the color of an ancient Greek drama, which is as simple and cool as the ancient Greek drama. All these achievements have made the legend of Twilight.

Because of his strong love, Lin Mingyang had the impulse to let this novel come out earlier. Although this idea was just a small spark, it drew out a prairie fire in Lin Ming Yang's heart. The Twilight Zone takes place in a remote and rainy town, and Napanee is also far away from the city, surrounded by endless forests that give people endless space for imagination. Lin Mingyang triggered his inspiration here, and no one would doubt it.

That night he couldn't wait to turn on the computer, knocking down the first chapter of Twilight in the document. Although it was a "copy" of the memory in his head, but while retaining the delicate elegance of the original, Lin Mingyang seized the story of vampires, werewolves, and added some classic magical elements of similar movies in the novel, such changes can make the novel less feminine, but also increase the readability of the story.

In the handling of every detail, Lin Mingyang appeared to be careful for fear of destroying the beauty of the original. He knew that this novel would become a divine masterpiece that would lead the global magic trend after Harry Potter, and countless young boys and girls would be crazy obsessed with it. With this novel alone, Lin Mingyang would be able to make enough capital to establish himself in the future, not to mention that there was a movie version waiting for him after the novel.

The original novel will not appear until 2005, and the original author's inspiration will also have to wait until a year later, no worries Lin Mingyang in the daily hard work of practicing boxing in addition to an additional task. He had to write the first draft of the first part of the novel before he returned to the United States, and after the release of Song and Dance Youth, he could start looking for channels to publish the novel.