Chapter 28: Favored

The thick calluses on Lin Mingyang's hands that had worn away and grown again, and the increasingly large inventory of manuscripts in his computer, all signaled that his full and busy vacation life was about to come to an end. On the last night before his departure, the old master called Lin Mingyang to his study and solemnly handed him the ancestral fist recipe.

"This fist recipe was passed down from my father's generation, and it's been some years since it reached me. I'm handing it over to you now, but I'm not asking you to treat it like an antique rare book, this book is just a dead thing, but people are alive. After going back to encounter do not understand the place to see more, the most important way to practice martial arts is still hard work and hard practice."

Lin Ming Yang received the anciently bound fist book and thought to himself that this month's hard work had not been in vain after all. Seeing that the old master was in a good mood at the moment, he asked hopefully, "So I'm considered a master?"

"You've only learned a little bit, and you don't know the heights of heaven!" Lin Aoquan grunted in an unkind manner, "To be a master, you're still early!"

After getting along for so long, Lin Ming Yang knew that the old man's temperament was just cold on the face and hot on the heart, even if he was concerned, he wouldn't show it to his face. Such a blow, Lin Ming Yang had long been accustomed to it, he hung his head in shame, ready to meet the old master's next reprimand.

"I was against your parents' marriage back then, I didn't really like that foreign mother of yours. Then they picked you up after you suffered a bit at my place, and from that time on, I broke my heart to pass on this ancestral Baji Quan." This time Lin Aoquan didn't strike Lin Mingyang with cold words like he usually did when practicing boxing, instead he sighed quietly.

"This time when you came back and brought this matter up again, I was thinking that I am also half buried in the earth, but this skill is after all passed down from my ancestors, so instead of following me into the coffin, I might as well pass it on. Whether you really want to learn, or have other purposes, anyway, I have taught you seriously, it is worthy of the ancestors. As for you, I don't expect this kung fu to flourish in your hands, and before your kung fu has become successful, don't proclaim yourself the heir to the Eight Extremes Fist, so as not to dishonor the name of this 'Eight Extremes Avalanche World'."

In other martial arts styles, no matter if it was a true heir or not, someone who claimed to be a member of the family would always feel honored, but it was rare for Elder Lin to ask for such a thing. This reminded Lin Ming Yang of the words that Mr. Matthew had given himself during that classroom argument: beautiful birds know how to cherish their feathers. Lin family ancestors set the rule of "the law is not lightly transmitted", I am afraid that the descendants are also worried that they only want to make a name for themselves and forget the true meaning of practicing kung fu and martial arts.

The old master's words made Lin Mingyang's heart inevitably feel a little ashamed, when he first asked to learn boxing, his heart was actually still mixed with a lot of utilitarian ideas. Now it seems that the old master in fact has long seen through his mind, this before the departure of a knock, the words of those who do not say the true meaning of the words can only rely on Lin Mingyang himself to feel.

Farewell to the town of Napanee, Lin Mingyang's simple bag filled with heavy harvest. On the return flight, Lin Mingyang still grasping the time to revise some chapters of "Twilight", at this time he did not realize that his life, because of the upcoming film and a sea change.

Too late to completely wash off the dust of his journey, Lin Ming Yang hurriedly boarded a plane on the second day of his return to Florida, and his destination this time was Los Angeles, located on the west coast of the United States. The movie "Song and Dance Youth" would hold a series of promotional activities here until the end of the entire summer.

Being able to end his vacation in Los Angeles was not a blessing for Lin Mingyang. In his opinion, the city of Los Angeles, which has nurtured the American dream for generations, has a unique charm that has captivated him in both his past and present lives.

If the 19th century is the world of Paris, the first half of the 20th century belongs to New York, then Los Angeles dominates the trend of the world's fashion culture after the 1960s, it is the world's most valuable city, is the habitat of the mind with unrestrained imagination.

Another reason for Lin Mingyang's love for this city is naturally because of Hollywood. From an unknown town more than a hundred years ago to a diverse, vibrant and active downtown today, Hollywood has become a major symbol in American culture. It can be said that the development history of Hollywood is the development history of American movies. Hollywood film production not only to meet the needs of the U.S. film market, but also exported to all over the world, not only exported the U.S. culture, but also Hollywood investors to bring a huge profit.

Perhaps in the near future, he would become one of them, and even leave a colorful mark here, the thought of which made Lin Ming Yang's heart hard to hide his excitement. He was going to take advantage of this opportunity to do publicity in Los Angeles and take the time to visit Hollywood's famous Avenue of Stars.

FOX TV director Josh Schwartz once language Lin Mingyang will one day leave his name on it, perhaps he was just a spur of the moment compliments, but Lin Mingyang not only took his words seriously, and has been unswervingly toward that direction, he even signed the way have thought of it, when the time comes, he is ready to leave his Chinese name on it.

"Hey Felix!" caught up in the flow of people moving forward Lin Ming Yang heard someone at the end of the tunnel call out his name, he fixed his eyes and then spotted the guy standing outside the isolation line holding up a sign with his name on it, "Why is it him?"

Lin Ming Yang froze, although Kenny Ortega had previously told him that he would be met by a special person, he still didn't, it would be the producer of Songs of Youth, Ecks, who had arrived. Without being able to think about it carefully, the outwardly facing crowd had already pushed and shoved him in front of Eckles.

"Mr. Ecks, how come it's you personally coming over?" Lin Mingyang asked in surprise.

"Originally, it was that Kenny guy who personally came to pick you up, but he had something temporary to do, so I came over?" Ecks explained with a smile.

He was just an actor who wasn't famous yet, did he need to be greeted by a director and a producer? Lin Ming Yang didn't think he had that much energy, and when things went wrong, it was a demon, and the producer's enthusiastic attitude made Lin Ming Yang feel a little confused. And he didn't know that before the official release of Song and Dance Youth, Disney had conducted a small-scale test screening of the film, and the result was out of everyone's expectation.

This incident made Disney executives pay more than one level of attention to this movie. Being the screenwriter of the movie, the original creator of most of the theme songs, plus the title of a starring role, was enough for Disney to pay a lot of attention to Lin Ming Yang, a fledgling but talented newcomer. Ecks, who received the news in advance, was more and more certain of his earlier judgment that he had consciously established a good personal relationship with Lin Ming Yang before this, and by further pulling in Lin Ming Yang at this time, he was holding a future trump card.

These words were of course impossible for Ecks to tell Lin Ming Yang, he pretended not to see the puzzled expression on the other party's face, and instead cared about Lin Ming Yang's vacation life. "Your complexion tells me that you've enjoyed at least one vacation of ample sunbathing, was it Hawaii or the Caribbean?"

Lin Ming Yang shook his head, but the smarmy Ecks misunderstood him further, "Could it be that you've traveled further afield, Southeast Asia or the Mediterranean?"

"Neither!" Lin Ming Yang laughed with a helpless face, "I stayed in Canada for my entire vacation, my grandfather lives over there!"

"So that's it!" Ecks had a look of realization, and embarrassment flashed across his face. He was about to change the subject when the layer of white gauze wrapped around Lin Mingyang's fist caught his attention. "Felix, your hand is injured?"

The helpless expression on Lin Ming Yang's face intensified, looking at the concerned Ecks, he was a little embarrassed to open his mouth, and in the end, he could only stammer and prevaricate, "This is not a medical bandage, wrapping it around my hand is just to play a simple protective role."

"Protective effect?"

Looking at Ecks with a curious look on his face, Lin Ming Yang could only explain, "Didn't you ask me before if I had received professional fighting training. In fact, my grandfather is an expert in fighting, our family has inherited a fighting technique from China, and I received further training from my grandfather this vacation."

"I know what you're talking about, that fighting technique, the Chinese call it Kung Fu." Ecks would finally guess correctly for once, "The kind of kung fu that Mr. Bruce Lee used right?"

"Kung Fu is just a general term, there are many schools of thought underneath it just like literature and art, what Mr. Bruce Lee used was Intercepting Fist Do, which is not the same as that fighting technique I learned." Most Americans' knowledge of Chinese kung fu is still stuck in the impression of the Bruce Lee era. Because of the old man's instructions before he left, Lin Mingyang didn't tell Ecks that he had learned Baji Quan.

"Just like Mr. Jackie Chan and Mr. Jet Li, their kung fu is not a school either!" Ecks nodded knowingly, "Felix, why do you suddenly want to start learning kung fu?"

"Kung Fu can be used as a sport to exercise the body, and as a fighting technique to be utilized in actual combat, and of course in the future, if I move towards acting, knowing some Kung Fu can also open up my theater path."

Lin Ming Yang didn't position himself as an idol star, this showed that he had to see further than the average young man, Ecks nodded, at first he didn't take this matter to heart, but when he got into the car he suddenly remembered something.

Ecks' mind was rapidly calculating the pros and cons of the whole thing, since he had already decided to bet heavily on Lin Ming Yang's body, that news he had heard about not long ago might be a rare opportunity both for Lin Ming Yang and Ecks to unfold!

The car flew on the road to the hotel, Lin Ming Yang's attention was quickly attracted by the gorgeous street scene of Los Angeles outside the car window, unaware that at this time a hidden plan had already begun to take shape in Eckles' mind. Eckles did not rush to tell Lin Mingyang his ideas, because at present he is not sure enough to convince the senior management of Disney. Everything will have to wait until the ratings of "Song and Dance Youth" come out to see the results.