Chapter 46 A Storm

After completing a comprehensive understanding of the philosophical theories and cognitive systems, Lin Ming Yang's Yamakasi training finally began, with the members of Yamakasi taking turns directing. As the "godfather" Sabasti said, training in Yamakasi "no one develops anything, you are inspired, and you are sometimes able to improve yourself."

Lin Mingyang receives basic training such as landing, elbow bounces, precision jumps, landing exercises, flips, and balancing, but each instructor is very strict with him, sometimes almost harsh. Luckily, with the previous foundation of practicing Baji Quan, Lin Ming Yang finally survived the toughest period at the beginning.

As the practice continued, Lin Ming Yang felt more and more how wasteful and inefficient his method of relying on strong physical fitness and perverted physical qualities to break test records before joining Yamakasi was. After practicing the basics for more than a month, he had finally worked out a technique that suited him, and the footwork tricks in Baji Quan had been unconsciously incorporated into it. As his movements became more and more rounded and natural, Lin Mingyang felt that he had gradually started to find that feeling of balance that Sabasti had talked about.

Life in the Yamakasi training camp was very simple, apart from the daily training, everyone was watching some of the latest videos on the internet, or uploading the videos they had recently shot. The rest of the time, everyone gathers, exchanges ideas, conceptualizes new moves and discusses their feasibility. Since he was still just a beginner in this area, most of the time Lin Mingyang played the role of just a listener.

And during this period of time, a lot of things happened in the American entertainment industry, with the most influential events being the release of the movie Pirates of the Caribbean and the publication of a magical novel called Twilight. These two things happen to be closely related to Lin Mingyang, just Yamakasi training camp environment is relatively closed, and he has been busy training, and the limited time on the Internet and most of the time spent on chatting with Megan, so Lin Mingyang did not realize that this time he in the U.S. showbiz circle to set off how big waves.

As a touchstone for Disney's foray into the non-animated movie market, the movie Pirates of the Caribbean was much hotter than the producers could have imagined after its release. The box office broke the North American box office record the week of its debut, and then reigned as box office champion for four weeks. The movie then landed in Europe with a big win in North America, and also achieved eye-popping box office results.

Johnny Depp, who had been slammed by the media for his weird look, made a nice comeback, and his portrayal of "Captain Jack," with his easy, happy, nonstop smooth accent, his feminine, cunning words, and his swaying walk, was voted by moviegoers as one of the best in the history of Hollywood. Movie fans selected as the most classic pirate image of Hollywood history, which makes a lot of Hollywood media have lifted a stone to hit their own feet.

In addition to Johnny Depp, Lin Mingyang's role as a grand theft Will also made a splash, the film's tough and tough body also changed his image in the "Song and Dance" portrayed the youthful and sunny boy, the upper half of his body was sunburned into wheat-colored muscles for him to show off his fists in the film provides an excellent selling point, coupled with that handsome face, he became Hollywood almost overnight! He became a rising star in Hollywood almost overnight.

What puzzles the media is that this new star, who was made famous by Disney, was actually absent from all the celebrations of the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean" without exception, which makes people inevitably have a lot of questions. Dedicated U.S. entertainment reporters launched a carpet search in areas where Lin Mingyang might appear, only to fail to see even a shadow.

This was followed by all kinds of catch-all gossip, starting with rumors that Lin Ming Yang's cooperation with Disney had broken down, then evolving into an argument between director Verbinski and Lin Ming Yang during filming. One of the most outrageous rumors was that Lin Ming Yang fought with Johnny Depp during the filming of the movie, and that Johnny Depp's dentures, which were inlaid in the film, were knocked out by Lin Ming Yang.

In the end, Disney had to come forward to dispel the rumors, and they claimed that Lin Mingyang was undergoing training overseas, which calmed the storm down a bit.

However, one wave has not yet subsided, the New York Times reporter exclusively broke the news that the mysterious author of the recent North American hot-selling magical novel "Twilight" floated out of the level, a variety of evidence shows that this is hailed as "the most likely to surpass the Harry Potter" series of beautiful love magical masterpieces, the author is probably the recent entertainment media attention of Hollywood rising star Lin Mingyang. The author of this beautiful romantic and magical masterpiece, which has been hailed by critics as "the most likely to surpass the Harry Potter series," is likely to be the new Hollywood star Lin Ming Yang, who has recently attracted a lot of attention from the entertainment media.

If the front is the media's unintentional speculation, then the traces of artificial fabrication of this report are obvious, Avis obviously accepted Lin Mingyang's advice, and he chose the timing is very clever, not only succeeded in attracting the attention of the media, but also did not go too far in arousing people's suspicion.

With the media's focused coverage of the matter, the sales of the novel Twilight once again showed a spurt of growth, the first edition of 5 million copies were all sold out in two weeks, and the publisher had to urgently print additional copies to meet the bookstores' ordering requirements.

This happy bad Avis at the same time also exhausted Eckles, as Lin Mingyang's agent, the previous rumors about Lin Mingyang and the "Pirates of the Caribbean" cast and crew had already made him burnt out, and the "Twilight" killed out of nowhere is even more exhausting for him to deal with.

Avis did greet him beforehand, but neither of them expected the sales of "Twilight" will be so hot, could not resist the media pressure Eckes was forced to openly admit that "Twilight" is Lin Ming Yang anonymously published new work, and he gave the reason is also incomparably lame, because he was worried that this work if the sales are not good, it will affect the development of Lin Ming Yang's career, so he chose to publish anonymously, a time of the media! The media was in an uproar.

Originally these did not affect Lin Ming Yang who was far away from Paris, France, the film "Pirates of the Caribbean" although it has been released in France, but the repercussions caused by the United States is not as strong, and Lin Ming Yang since Yamakasi has been living a life of deep seclusion, the residents of the neighborhood only know that there is a new member of the Yamakasi, and no one will be him and the movie that looks handsome, extraordinary skillful grand theft Will.

But the peaceful life was eventually broken by a reporter who sneaked in one morning, "Rubber" Welter in the toilet found the guy, and then "Rocket" Rick immediately chased out, but unfortunately the guy is very alert, found that the exposure of the after Rick "The Rocket" chased him right out of there, but the guy was so alert, he realized he was exposed and ran. Rick chased the guy for four blocks and let him get away.

"It baffles me that no one in the 17th Ward can outrun Rick." At a subsequent Yamakasi meeting, "Rubber" Welter expressed his concern.

"There's at least one person who can do it!" Rick shook his head, then glanced at Lin Mingyang, who was sitting next to him in silence.

"Are you saying that the guy who stole the camera was our 'prince' posing as his highness to deliberately tease us?" Welter's eyes widened in curiosity.

"No way, Felix was with me at that time." Baseball Brook yelled at the top of his lungs and added, "Unless he can split!"

"You're all mistaken!" Rick "The Rocket", who was the most vocal and the only one who had seen the camera man up close, stood up, "I mean Felix can outrun me, but that guy was never Felix, and at the closest I was less than 100 meters away from that guy, but then he turned the corner and disappeared! was gone!"

"I see, you mean that guy didn't run away, but deliberately hid!" Welch had a look of realization.

"Godfather, what do you think?" David Bell's solicitous gaze turned to Sabasti.

"First we have to figure out what his purpose is for being here." Sabasti began his own drawn-out analysis, "Welch saw him on a sneak peek, but when do you all think Yamakasi got so much media attention? This is District 17, very few reporters like to come here. Eliminate that and there's only one answer left. Am I right, Felix?"

Everyone's gazes were all focused on Lin Ming Yang, whose throat rolled with difficulty and hesitated for half a day before he spoke, "I'm so sorry, this matter might really be because of me."

"Can you tell us what this is all about?" David Bell asked in a deep voice.

"It might have something to do with the recent hype that the American media has been putting on me." Lin Mingyang was honest, "But I didn't expect them to chase me here."

"You're saying that guy is a paparazzo?" Welch whistled loudly, "Felix, you've set another record, no reporter has ever been willing to come here in District 17. I don't think it'll take more than a couple days before the Yamakasi entrance is jammed with reporters and chanting your name?"

"Welch!" David Bell gave him a hard stare, "It's not Felix's fault!"

"Just kidding, chief!" Welch grinned, "Actually I think it's fine, at least we Yamakasi get to follow Felix into fame."

"Now that we've figured out the sneak peeker's motives, let's move on to how he was able to find this place!" Sabasti brought the conversation back to the point, "Felix, how many people know about your visit to Yamakasi?"

"With my parents, the total shouldn't be more than five, and they're all reliable!"

"Okay, then we've ruled out the possibility that it was someone close to you who leaked your whereabouts." Sabasti nodded.

"Wait!" David Bell suddenly thought of something, "There's another person who knows about this!"

"Who?" This was the question that everyone's mind **same**.

David Bell didn't hesitate to name a person, "It's Jem, he was the one who led the way when Felix was looking for Yamakasi at that time!"

"Jem knows who you are?" Sabasti's gaze turned to Lin Mingyang again.

"He's seen the movie I'm in, and he asked for my autograph back then!" Lin Mingyang looked a little embarrassed, he didn't think that his exposure was actually due to such a mistake.

"It must be that guy, he usually has a bad reputation, this time it must be him who sold Felix out!" Brook rolled up his sleeves and stood up with a huff.

"Where are you going?" David Bell called out to him.

"I'm going to teach that guy a lesson so he'll learn a lesson!" Brooke said without looking back.

"Have you forgotten our agreement?" With David Bell's words, Brooke couldn't help but stop in his tracks.

"Violence doesn't solve all problems, our training is just to become stronger and protect our families, not to fight others." David Bell's words made Brooke only sit back again obediently.

"Now go Jem no, that peeper surely won't be waiting for us to catch him, maybe the story about Felix's appearance in Paris is in the newspaper office ready to be printed by now!" Sabasti said calmly, "Brooke, all of us know exactly how you feel, you were the one who recommended Jem to join us as a team in the first place, but after all, that didn't turn out to be true, so you don't have to beat yourself up too much. And what we need to seriously discuss now is how to cope with the situation that may arise next."

"Do you already have any good suggestions?" David Bell was very familiar with Sabasti's personality, and he knew deep down that his best friend never said anything he wasn't sure of, and that when he elicited a certain question, he had actually already thought of an answer in his mind a long time ago.

"This clandestine shooting incident could be a crisis, but it could also be an opportunity." Sabasti scanned his surrounding partners, he found that only Lin Ming Yang looked thoughtful, then he cleared his throat, "All these years I've been thinking about Yamakasi's future path of development, and then I've been thinking, with just a few of us, can we really carry forward the essence of parkour?"

"In order not to adulterate our interest with profit, we refused all commercial sponsorships and refused to relax Yamakasi's criteria for recruiting members, which only resulted in a proliferation of other parkour clubs. We have always prided ourselves on being the leaders in parkour, but what do we have other than the Yamakasi signature?"

David Bell was just about to open his mouth to retort when Sabasti beat him to what he wanted to say, "The joy, the joy that comes from the process of the sport. This I do not deny, and for a long time before that I thought that this joy could be a motivation to persevere, but the fact that the number of Yamakasi has not increased over the years, but rather has continued to decrease, makes me skeptical of this."

"We need the recognition of others so that we can have an impact on them. What was our original dream to make this sport change the world! But have we stuck to what we thought was the right path for so many years, and have the end results really brought us close to that dream?"

Sabasti's query was like a sledgehammer, hitting the hearts of every Yamakasi member so heavily that no one spoke up.

"If Yamakasi stays like this all the time, how long will everyone be able to hold on. If we can't hold on, someone will definitely leave, just like those partners who left before. But at this time, Felix appeared, he was younger than us, stronger than us, and most crucially, he recognized the ideology of parkour, and in him I felt as if I saw myself many years ago. Of course he has more advantages than us, and although again it's hard not to be a little jealous, I have to admit that he's better suited to be the face of parkour than any of us here."

"Actually, I'm not as good as you make me out to be." In Yamakasi's team, Lin Mingyang didn't want to become that kind of radiant figure, because dazzling would also sting the partners around him while satisfying their own vanity.

"That's not important, what's important is that your presence shows me the possibility of Yamakasi's transformation. Why can't we be more open to realizing our dreams?"