Chapter 47 Change

"Whether the road ahead is full of thorns or flowers, you always have to try to find out!"

"You mean for us to accept those commercial sponsorships?" After all, it was the path that had been adhered to for so many years, allowing a sudden shift, David Bell was still a little hard to accept for a moment.

"Selective, limited, and conditional acceptance!" Sabasti finally made this decision after all.

Sabasti's words brought an unprecedented shock to the members of Yamakasi, Lin Mingyang saw hesitation in the eyes of the crowd, everyone was engaged in a fierce battle of ideas, at this time, perhaps he could be the last straw that tipped the scales.

"Can I say a few words?" After all, he was the least qualified member of Yamakasi, and out of caution, Lin Mingyang asked in a whisper first.

"Of course!" Sabasti nodded, Lin Mingyang was the most crucial part of his plan, and his opinion was naturally very important.

"Actually, the first time I walked into this place, Yamakasi and I imagined it to be quite different. Forgive me for habitually using an American mind to see this, I felt that Yamakasi's fame did not match the reality of his condition, and in the United States, this is generally rarely the case. I know it has to do with Yamakasi's philosophy, and that's why I chose Yamakasi."

"I can appreciate Mr. David Bell's original intention, because once anything is related to profit, it will be deteriorated, and standing for Yamakasi as a team, I would have loved to support such a choice. But in terms of the realization of Yamakasi's philosophy, I can understand Mr. Sabasti's feelings. It is a dilemma, but not a dichotomy. Between commercialization and hobby, there exists a degree to grasp, so I agree with Mr. Sabasti's point of view of limited acceptance."

Lin Mingyang's words had everyone in deep thought, and he decided to strike while the iron was hot: "The fact is that behind the development of any social thing in this world is the driving force of capital and commerce. Most of the sports that can reflect their highest level are the relevant commercial leagues, after all, we are in a commercialized society, and we can only survive by following the trend, and parkour is no exception."

"There was a lot of resistance before I came here, and the source of that resistance was based on concerns about the dangers of parkour, and I think that's what's holding back the promotion of the sport. Danger is unavoidable, but it can be reduced, and that requires more specialized protective equipment."

"Young people nowadays are influenced by parkour stemming from trends, but parkour is not a product of fads, it has its own core idea, but people are unaware of it, and there will even be people who already have misconceptions about these things. Unfortunately, the cab driver who drove me here for the first time was one such person. To lead correctly, we need to face up to the public's opportunities. By maintaining the status quo, we'll just be treated as an anomaly and then gradually be forgotten by everyone."

"I'm with Sabasti!" The most silent "Rocket" Rick was actually the first to come out and take a stand.

"Me too!" Brooke then responded.

"Count me in!" Bill joined the camp.

Welch was originally a bit hesitant, but seeing that his partners around him had made their choices, he finally chose to agree as well.

"Counting Felix and I, six to one!" Despite already having an absolute advantage in terms of numbers, Sabasti didn't rush to declare the resolution passed, he looked at David Bell, "Bell, I know it's a tough decision, and even though everyone has already agreed, I'd still like to hear your opinion!"

"One step forward, and there will never be a simple life like the one we have now!" David Bell let out a deep sigh, "I respect everyone's choice!"

Silence stood up, everyone knew in their hearts what David Bell was thinking, no one spoke.

David Bell walked over to Lin Ming Yang and patted his shoulder.

"I'm sorry!" Seeing the loss on the other man's face, Lin Ming Yang's heart didn't feel good either, emotionally he actually liked David Bell more, but reason made him favor Sabasti.

"You're right!" David Bell shook his head, blocking Lin Ming Yang's more apologetic words in his throat, "Times are changing, choices are changing! But I'm a bit tired now, so I'll rely on you next!"

After saying this, David Bell left alone.

"Aren't we going a little overboard?" Welch couldn't help but say.

"He's just having a hard time accepting this result for a while, it will slowly get better!" Although Sabasti said this, he knew in his heart that he and David Bell would never be able to return to their former state of tacit understanding.

"What should we do next?" Bill asked in a small voice, and then everyone looked at Sabasti together.

"Felix, mind if I publicize the fact that you joined Yamakasi?" Sabasti forced himself to snap out of his frustration; he had more important things to do.

"This matter can no longer be concealed!" Lin Mingyang replied with a bitter smile.

"In the first step of my plan, we need to attract more attention to Yamakasi through you. if you refuse, we'll keep quiet because we don't want to use you, but we need your help." Sabasti briefly went over his plan.

"Being able to do something for Yamakasi is something I'm happy to see." Lin Ming Yang knew that it would turn out like this, as for the argument of utilizing, it was actually a process of lending each other a hand, as long as it was beneficial to both parties, there was no such thing as utilizing or not utilizing.

"But I have a suggestion, in fact we don't have to take the initiative to announce this matter, so that the mentality of creating momentum is a little too obvious, when the time comes, just wait for the reporters to send themselves to the door." Lin Mingyang could be considered a veteran in this regard.

"Alright then, from today onwards, all your training will be shifted from outdoors to indoors, we're just going to let everyone know that you're here, but just so that they don't see you, so that people will become more and more curious!" Sabasti was clearly no slouch when it came to publicity.

"What about us?" Bruce jumped ahead this time.

"A few of you are putting your training outside, do you know what I mean?" Sabasti blinked.

"Just so we can perform for those reporters!" Welch nodded easily, "I was wondering if I'd be nervous then!"

"It's either make a splash or make a fool of yourself, your choice!" Bill laughed.

"I'll go talk to Bell again, and then I'll deal with those requests for interviews." Assigning all the tasks, Sabasti nodded in satisfaction, and with the exception of David Bell, the other members of Yamakasi were more than a little wistful about what was going to happen next.


The one who had traveled to Yamakasi to sneak a peek at Lin Ming Yang was a reporter from a Parisian lace news paper named Allen. He received an unlucky interview assignment to go to the infamous 17th arrondissement to cover a murder case. When he arrives there he realizes that the whole case is very simple, a few drug-addicted teenagers robbed a grocery store, encountered resistance from the owner and then murdered and robbed the store, and when the police arrested these people, they were gathering together to enjoy the pleasures of drugs. All the criminals were caught without any effort. There is nothing new about such a case, and there is no value in reporting it.

The police surrounded the arrest scene with a cordon, Allen hastily took a few photos of the scene and was ready to return home. There were a lot of onlookers outside the cordon, and after crossing the crowd of onlookers, Allen overheard a conversation between two young black men.

"Aubrey, is this what you call breaking news? A few junkies robbing and killing people, what kind of shit is this in District 17?" One of the youths asked with disdain.

"Jem, the one that was robbed was the grocery store of that old guy Matthews, it's a pity that he wasn't here today and wasn't killed by those guys in passing!" The other youth shook his head with some regret, "Didn't you always say you were going to tear that guy's mouth off with your own hands? I thought you should be happy to hear about this."

"You think Matthews is really that easy to deal with? It's a good thing he's not here today, or what you'd see here wouldn't be the police arresting someone, but collecting a corpse!"

"So do you know anything that brings out the best in you?" The black man named Aubrey asked back.

"Ever seen Pirates of the Caribbean?"

Aubrey nodded, "It's playing in the movie theater, I heard it's hot, and everyone says the female lead has small breasts, otherwise it would be perfect!"

"Do you just focus on women's boobs and asses?" The other guy had a disappointed look on his face, "Remember that guy in the movie who fights very stylishly, he's the main character in Follies, a big Hollywood star!"

"You mean Felix Lim?"

"Yep, that's him, I spoke to him not too long ago, and he signed my shirt that time, almost made us friends!" The man bragged.

"You're daydreaming, he's an American star, why would he come to France to give you an autograph!" Aubrey scoffed at such a statement.

"You don't believe me, well then, I'll tell you a big secret, Felix Lim is in Paris right now, and I know where he is!" The man deliberately lowered his voice in a mysterious manner.

"Just like you, who's going to believe that?" Aubrey shook his head disdainfully and turned away.

"Just wait, I'll prove it to you!" Jem yelled at Aubrey's back, then huffed and puffed in the other direction.

Jem didn't get more than a few steps out before a guy suddenly jumped out from the side and pulled him down.

One look at the guy carrying a camera, Jem immediately guessed his occupation, then he looked at the other guy with some caution, "What do you want?"

"To give you a chance to make money!" Alan Lew grinned, revealing a mouthful of beautiful white teeth, "My name is Alan, I'm a reporter from Paris Saturday, I have a deal I want to talk to you about now!"

"You were just eavesdropping on us!" Jem's head was spinning fast.

"I also undoubtedly overheard and then became particularly interested in one part of your conversation." Alan deliberately fished out a few bills from his pocket and nodded, then he saw the greedy green light released from the other man's eyes and smiled, "No one in this world would have a problem with money, am I right?"

Jem swallowed hard, "What do you want?"

"It's simple, make a deal!"


Alan had used money to buy Lin Ming Yang's whereabouts from Jem, he couldn't possibly go straight in through the gate so he chose to take a sneak peek. Unfortunately he had only pressed his shutter no more than ten times before the people inside realized it.

Alan put away his camera and ran, but the guy who came after him was too fast, and he was about to be caught up, but luckily he found the door of a resident's room on the corner unlocked. Alan did not even think about it and drilled into it, and in the end, actually escaped with his life.

After he went back, he immediately developed the photos, and although most of them were blurry, there were two very clear pictures of Lin Ming Yang's face. He didn't give these photos to his editor-in-chief, but contacted the editors of several other more influential newspapers in Paris, and finally sold the photos to the Paris Times, which offered the highest price.

The editor-in-chief of the Paris Times did another "second-hand deal", in addition to the newspaper published the next day, he also sold the source, along with the photos, to a newspaper in Hollywood.

It must be said that the editor's judgment was so accurate that the news was published in France and only succeeded in arousing curiosity, but in the United States it created a sensation. The flight from the United States to Paris that day was almost overflowing with American journalists.

The situation did not exceed Lin Mingyang and Sabasti's expectations, and on the second day after the news hit the press, the entrance to the abandoned factory where Yamakasi was located was already crowded with American journalists who had come to cover the story. Without exception, they were all shut out.

However, the more they did so, the deeper their curiosity about this matter became, and all the reporters chose to squat, of course, there were also some people who tried to sneak in quietly, but in the end, they were all thrown out by the members of Yamakasi. The people inside didn't seem to be affected by what was going on outside, training when they should be training, ordering takeout when they should be ordering takeout, and sunbathing when they should be sunbathing, the only difference was that Lin Ming Yang, the one that the journalists were most eager to see, hadn't shown up.

Through the gate can be seen on the training ground, every morning there will always be a few people running and jumping on it, this at first did not cause the interest of the reporters outside the door, but gradually some people found that these people in the middle of a variety of obstacles actually move freely, and the movement is very fluent, and even rich in aesthetics. Beginning of a reporter to focus the camera on this originally they are not interested in the sport.

After a week of this stalemate, it seemed that Yamakasi's inner circle could no longer withstand the pressure of the media, and finally a person in charge stepped forward, and naturally this person was Sabasti. Hearing that someone inside was willing to be interviewed, the journalists gathered outside surrounded him, and at one time, more than ten microphones were handed to Sabasti, a situation he had never experienced before.

Picking a few questions that touched on the key points, Sabasti began to answer them one by one:

"Our Yamakasi has just admitted a new member, that's right, he is Felix Lin, who is of great interest to everyone. Our Yamakasi was founded with the aim of promoting the sport of parkour, which Felix happens to be very interested in, and he's been training with us these days!"

"As a matter of fact, the earliest parkour movement was initiated by Yamakasi, and we emphasize not only on physical training, but also on the spiritual formation of the individual. We have very high requirements for recruiting members, so all of our members are experts in this area, as the residents living in this neighborhood can testify. felix of course also passed our tests before joining us."

"Felix certainly won't be staying here, he's only here for a period of training, and we'll return an intact Felix to everyone, I can definitely guarantee that."

"Felix has agreed to be the face of Yamakasi and I hope that young Americans who are adventurous and brave enough to challenge themselves will be introduced to the sport through him and join the ranks of parkour runners."

"Yes, it's parkour, but those moves that our members do during training, I hope you won't feel free to imitate them until you've been professionally trained, because it's dangerous!"