Chapter 50 The Rose That Delayed Blooming

During the weekend, Lin Ming Yang and his agent, Ecks, got together to discuss the filming of Cinderella's Glass Phone. Ecks helped Lin Ming Yang find a cinematographer he had once worked with to helm the movie, and while the rest of the crew could go on temporary hires, the only thing left was a delayed cast list.

According to the initial plan, Lin Mingyang modified the plot of the movie in his memory, but was not prepared to replace the original female lead. And speaking of that female lead in the original play, the current Lin Ming Yang and her still have some connection. Both of them were teenage stars being promoted by Disney, and that girl named Hilary Duff had just captured the hearts of many young American viewers by appearing in the TV series "Civilian Diva" aired on the Disney Channel, instantly becoming a popular idol star among the teenage crowd.

It is said that the two current artist contract signed by the Disney company, is considered to be a brother and sister, and Eckles has worked in Disney for a long time, good connections, invite Hilary Duff to star in this movie should not be difficult. Hilary Duff after getting the script is also very interested, but her agent, that by Eckles back to greet countless times of the "evil bitch" but the director of the movie is too young, the whole shooting is a farce for the reason that refused the invitation.

Lin Mingyang advanced the movie by a year, and many unpredictable changes did occur. After being rejected by Hilary Duff, because there were no more scruples, Lin Mingyang's thoughts instead opened up. The first thing that came to his mind was Keira Knightley, with whom he had just had a collaboration.

Such a choice of course also contained a bit of Lin Ming Yang's own bad taste, he revised the script so that the female lead would often be ridiculed by her sister in the movie because of her flat chest. Such a character design can be said to be tailor-made for Keira Knightley, but when Lin Mingyang went to the other party with the script, he was told that the schedule was already full, and that the person was not available at the moment.

He had to waste his time revising the script for nothing, so Lin Ming Yang had to lift a stone and smash his own foot. With the idea of surpassing the original drama, Lin Ming Yang naturally had to find a heroine who was prettier than Hilary Duff, and after that Ecks provided him with a few more candidates, but he didn't even look at them. The ones that were prettier than Hilary Duff were not of the right age, and the ones that were of the right age were not as pretty as Hilary Duff, and Lin Ming Yang suffered this casting embarrassment in his first time as a director.

Ecks reported the expenses of the recent week's movie preparations to Lin Mingyang in one lump sum. Although Lin Mingyang said on the mouth is to play a game, but really started after the more true, the preparatory standards can not be low, Brooksheimer gave that 500,000 U.S. dollars at the beginning of this just started to spend a large part of it, anyway, Lin Mingyang ready to do their own pad money, but also do not care about these, but the side of the Ecks but look straight shake his head, in his eyes, Lin Mingyang has become a no-brainer "Loser".

Ecks finished reporting the bill, but found that Lin Ming Yang's attention was not at all on the conversation with himself, this guy is always distracted lately, and do not know what is in his heart. Eckles was about to wake him up from his "wandering" state, when his cell phone rang.

The call was from Brooksheimer, although he dropped the check for $500,000 and then made a gesture of "shirking his duties", but in fact he was still very concerned about the progress of the film's preparations. Especially after hearing that Lin Mingyang's casting was all over the place, he also brought up his previous suggestion, but it was flatly rejected by Lin Mingyang.

"Ecks, how is the movie progressing?" Every time he called, he asked the same question at first.

"It's going very poorly!" Ecks replied with a sad face.

"You must urge Felix to hurry up, I don't want to wait until next year when you guys tell the movie is still in the preparation stage." Brooksheimer on the other end of the line looked a little agitated in his mood.

"It's still because of the choice of the female lead, I've done my best." Ecks said honestly, "I'll think of something else."

"Alright, call me when you have news!" After hanging up the phone, Brooksheimer's heart was constantly thinking about this matter, just then, his assistant knocked on the door and walked in.

"Sir, there is a lady outside who calls herself Mrs. Richards and wants to see you."

Brooksheimer rubbed his somewhat aching head, he knew several Richards, and to be sure of this Mrs. Richard's identity he added a question. "Did she give her full name?"

"Judy Lowe."

"That's her?" The familiar name reminded Brooksheimer of a dear friend of his who had been dead for many years, "Did she come by herself?"

"With a young lady in tow!"

"Counting the time, young Kate should be in college too!" Brooksheimer muttered to himself before straightening his attire, "Invite them in!"

The mother and daughter who walked into the office, the first thing that attracted Brooksheimer's attention was actually the girl behind that Mrs. Richards who had a head of long light brown hair and was tall, especially her eyes, which emitted a kind of radiance as bright as a jewel, which attracted Brooksheimer's gaze strongly. It can be said that the girl in front of her, the classical beauty and elegance and modern beauty and innocence are all in one, even Brooksheimer such a person who is used to seeing all kinds of beautiful women were all shaken by her absolute beauty and color a little dizzy.

After a short period of being stunned, Brooksheimer suddenly realized his own outburst, he cleverly covered his embarrassment with a bright laugh, and then quickly stepped forward to make a polite embrace with the girl's mother, "Judy, after so many years, you still look so beautiful and touching!"

Compared to her own daughter, Mrs. Richards lacked the mesmerizingly stunning and voluptuous look, but had an extra air of lightness and elegance. Facing her late husband's longtime friend, her face finally blossomed into a sweet smile, "After so many years, you still look beautiful when you compliment women, your English vocabulary as a Hollywood gold medal producer still needs to be improved!"

"How to use words beautifully, that's something a screenwriter should think about." Brooksheimer suddenly had some feelings, the scene in front of him and many years ago when he visited his best friend's home for the first time was so similar, this conversation between him and Judy and back then was also almost the same, the only difference was that his best friend had already passed away, and the little girl who was pestering himself with stories back then had already grown up.

Mrs. Richards also seemed to be touched by the scene in front of her, which reminded her of her late husband, her face could not help but emerge a trace of grief. Brooksheimer saw this and quickly changed the topic, he curiously surveyed the girl behind Judy, "This is our little Kate, now grown into a big girl, still want to listen to uncle tell a story ah?"

Seeing the blush hanging on the girl's face, Brooksheimer smiled cheerfully, after a brief exchange of pleasantries, Mrs. Richards finally explained the purpose of this trip.

"Kate wants to be an actress?" Hearing this news Brooksheimer was first surprised and then relieved, he looked at the girl named Kate, "Wants to be an actress like your father?"

The girl nodded her head very firmly, then Brooksheimer looked at her mother again, "You're relieved that she's staying in America alone to develop?"

"As a matter of fact I have no other choice!" Mrs. Richard's Judy sighed helplessly, "This child got into Oxford and then chose to drop out herself, what do you think I should do?"

Brooksheimer was also speechless, this girl in front of him, who looked soft and deceivable on the outside, was actually so stubborn, originally one Lin Mingyang was already enough for him to suffer, but now there was another one, this could really give him a headache.

"I love acting, I want to be an actress!" The girl Kate bravely raised her head and looked at Brooksheimer, her pathetic eyes with a hint of pleading stubbornness, directly shattering all of Brooksheimer's psychological defenses.

After considering for a long time, Brooksheimer finally made a decision, "I happen to have a movie in my hand, the script is written first class, and the age requirement of the female lead just matches you."

The girl named Kate looked incredibly happy, she didn't expect that she would be able to get a chance to star in a movie heroine just after she arrived in the United States. Compared to her excitement, her mother, Judy, looked much calmer. Judy was once an actress as well, and she felt that this matter seemed a bit too simple. A movie script can make Brooksheimer make "first-class" such evaluation, want to find a suitable actress in Hollywood is not a problem, but why such a good thing so easily fell on his daughter's head?

In the face of her questions, Brooksheimer very helplessly spread his hands, "because that movie has no investment, the actors to be determined, and the worst thing is that its director is a sixteen-year-old who has never made a movie before!

"To make a movie like that, why would we need to come all the way to the United States to plead with you, the Hollywood gold medal producer?" Judy had a feeling of being deceived, and Kyle looked at Brooksheimer, the guy who gave her hope and pushed her into a deep valley all at once, with a bewildered look on her face.

"You guys let me explain first!" Facing the eyes of the two beauties, Brooksheimer inwardly expressed a lot of pressure as he sat up straight, "As I said, that script was written first-class, and by no investment I mean that no investor was willing to put money into this movie, but that boy was prepared to pay for this movie himself in order to be a director for once. The boy is a bit stubborn, but he's a household name in the U.S. He's written a novel called Twilight in addition to acting in several movies."

"Are you talking about Felix Lin?" Kate shouted out Lin Mingyang's name in one breath.

"I told you, this guy is really famous!" Brooksheimer nodded to Judy, "Well, let's talk about the movie. I don't know what kind of nerve that Felix guy has got in the wrong place, insisting on being the director of the movie himself, but with his current fame, it's not enough to support the trust of the investors and those famous actors, so so far, the female lead of the movie has been left vacant. The reason why I recommended Kate to give it a try is because that Felix guy never follows the rules, so maybe he'll succeed this time too. Even if that guy really messes up the movie, it won't be much of a loss for Kate."


Hanging up the phone in frustration, when Eckles returned to his seat, Lin Mingyang was still "wandering around", Eckles didn't disturb him, but ordered himself another cup of coffee and drank it by himself.

A cup of coffee is about to see the end of the time, Eckles' cell phone rang again, the cell phone screen caller below the display is Brooksheimer's name.

"I've really tried my best, this guy just knows how to dither, how do I know what he's thinking?" Ecks grumbled without waiting for the other person to speak after he picked up the phone.

"Ecks, can you calm down please?" This made Brooksheimer sound a little puzzled, "I've got some good news for you, I've got a good friend's daughter who's interested in acting, that Felix movie for her to try out?"

"He wants a girl who looks more than Hilary Duff, is less than 18 years old, and is over 1.7 in height, if the one you recommended can't meet that requirement, I guess he doesn't even have the desire to meet!" Ecks said all of Lin Ming Yang's requirements for the female lead in one breath.

"Don't worry, the English girl I recommended has far better conditions than he can imagine, and her parents are both actors and have been well educated since she was a child." Lin Ming Yang's requirements for the female lead were not low, and Brooksheimer's evaluation of the girl was even higher.

"Are you sure?" Ecks finally found a straw to save his life, Brooksheimer introduced him to the girl's situation in detail, and finally Ecks hung up the phone with satisfaction.

At this time Lin Ming Yang was still sitting there in a daze, lately he had been in a bit of a trance because of the heroine's problems. It was only after Ecks knocked on the table vigorously that he came back to his senses.

"Where were you talking about just now?"

Ecks looked at him with good humor and amusement, "I finished half an hour ago!"

"Really?" Lin Mingyang scratched his head a little too much, "I fell asleep?"

"No!" Ecks shook his head gravely, "Other than the fact that you still have your eyes open, I don't think you're any different from being asleep!"

Lin Ming Yang laughed, "You're getting more and more humorous!"

"It has nothing to do with humor!" Ecks asked the waiter to get himself a new cup of coffee, "You're buying today because I just received good news?"

"What good news, tell me?" Lin Ming Yang picked up his own coffee and was about to take a sip.

"Mr. Brooksheimer has recommended an English girl to us, and her qualifications are perfectly in line with your standards!"

"What's the name?" Lin Mingyang asked carelessly. Every time Ecks recommended a female lead to him, he said the same thing, but the results couldn't satisfy him.

"Kate Beckinsale."

"Pfft!" Lin Mingyang's mouthful of coffee spewed out before he had time to swallow, luckily he reacted quickly and twisted his head to spray it all on the floor.

Looking at Lin Ming Yang who couldn't stop coughing, Ecks had no good reason to call the waiter over to clean up, while still complaining, "As for being so excited?"

Lin Ming Yang was still holding the coffee and stared at him like a monster when he heard Ecks' words, "Don't tell me that you don't know who Kate Beckinsale is?"

"You really know this person?" Ecks was surprised this time, it was the first time he had seen this strange expression on Lin Ming Yang's face.

"She acted in Pearl Harbor, you wouldn't have not seen it, right?"

"Oh my god, the one in Pearl Harbor with the female lead is Kate Winslet, you wouldn't have even seen Titanic, right?"

Lin Ming Yang lifted his coffee cup and was pouring it into his mouth, when he heard Kate Winslet, he finally didn't hold back and spewed out his coffee once again.

"I can forgive your ignorance, but you'll have to pay extra to help this gentleman with his laundry today!" Ecks looked at the waiter standing beside Lin Ming Yang, who had been sprayed all over by him, and his eyes were filled with sympathy.