Chapter 51 Our First Time

Lin Mingyang admitted that he had made a very serious mistake, but this mistake was more like a joke that the heavens had played with him. Some lousy out of the cafe, Lin Mingyang looked up at the gray sky above his head, if God really exists, he must know that Lin Mingyang in his heart made a gesture of the middle finger upwards, and then fiercely cursed "FUCK".

Kate Winslet and Kate Beckinsale, these two British women with the same name but different surnames Lin Mingyang distinguish very clearly, what makes him feel puzzled is that, in his memories of crossing over, these two women's ages should be about the same, but Eckles told him clearly and unambiguously that he had never heard of Kate Beckinsale this person. -Beckinsale this person.

In order to support his claim, Eckles deliberately took Lin Mingyang to a nearby video store, and then found a poster about Pearl Harbor, the woman in the middle of the two male protagonists' avatars with her eyes raised, was no longer the face that Lin Mingyang was familiar with. Of course this new face is not unfamiliar to Lin Mingyang, Kate Winslet, a "Titanic" made men all over the world remember her.

That night, Lin Ming Yang checked Hollywood's movie and television materials in the last decade and did not find any information about that Kate Beckinsale in his memory. This time Lin Ming Yang was completely confused, he could no longer remember what other movies Kate Beckinsale had appeared in before Pearl Harbor, and since she did not appear at all in this time and space, what was the matter with that Kate Beckinsale recommended by Brooksheimer?

Was it a coincidence in the name, or was it another joke that God had played with himself? Filled with doubts without any clues, Lin Ming Yang arrived at 4:00 am before he fell asleep in a daze.

The next morning he was woken up by a phone call from Eckles, he sleepily fished out his cell phone from under his pillow, and just pressed the answer button, when Eckles' almost growling roar came from the other end.

"Felix, look at what time it is now? We agreed to meet that girl named Kate Beckinsale together at nine o'clock this morning, and now it's already half an hour later, how do you want me to explain to people? Do you really think you're a big director now?"

Lin Ming Yang sat up from the bed with a jolt, he looked at the time and exclaimed "Oh shit", he couldn't care less about washing up, he put on his clothes haphazardly and rushed out of the house.

By the time he got to his appointment and checked the time, he was still 40 minutes late. Luckily, Eckles hadn't forgotten to bring his script with him when he arrived, and Kate Beckinsale and her mother had just finished reading it.

Looking at this wind like rushed into the cafe, full of red face, even before he could speak, bent over and gasped for air, Kate Beckinsale's mother Judy could not help but frown, the 16-year-old director as Brooksheimer said before, really a little "unreliable! The 16-year-old director was, as Brooksheimer had said, a bit of a "no-brainer.

Eckles was also a bit overwhelmed by Lin Ming Yang's "unexpected" entrance, "Felix, how did you get like this?"

"Try running from Ninth Avenue to here in five minutes?" Lin Ming Yang came up for air and said, "If it wasn't for the traffic jam, do you think I'd like to run like a madman on the street?"

Taking advantage of this gap in his speech, Lin Ming Yang finally had a chance to take a look at the girl named "Kate Beckinsale", and then in the next moment, he felt that the worldview he had worked so hard to build up had collapsed at this moment. The face that should have appeared in the poster now appeared in front of him in a more youthful posture.

While Lin Mingyang was sizing up Kate Beckinsale, the other party was also sizing him up.

"Realistic princes really do like to be late!" Kate Beckinsale said faintly.

A thousand thoughts flew through Lin Ming Yang's mind, but after hearing Kate Beckinsale open her mouth and say those words, the only thought that remained in his mind was, "I'm looking for her!"

"Thank you for your comment, of course I can also understand that you've read the entire script." Lin Ming Yang arched his back, both hands pressed on his knees, his breathing was no longer as rapid as before, he raised his head with difficulty, "Any thoughts on the female lead?"

"Very interested!" Kate Beckinsale answered simply.

After taking a long breath, Lin Ming Yang finally stood up straight, he had finally gotten a reprieve from that frantic run now, "So have you had any acting experience before?"

Kate Beckinsale frowned and pondered for a moment, "It seems like you don't have any experience as a director either."

"Alright, I haven't been a director, you haven't been an actor, we're even!" Lin Ming Yang casually straddled the armrests of Ecks' seat, "If you don't have any other ideas, we can sign now. I paid myself 100,000 dollars to be a director, and that's the same price I'll pay you for your movie!"

"There's about signing the deal, are you sure you don't need to discuss it with Mr. Brooksheimer again?" Judy, who was sitting next to her daughter, grabbed the question before Kate Beckinsale opened her mouth to say yes.

"Mr. Brooksheimer should have told you and your daughter that this movie is mainly funded by me personally, and as for the little money he gave me, it has long since been pretty much spent, so anything about this movie is now up to me!"

Ecks mouth moved, he could hear the undoubted tone in Lin Ming Yang's words, so the words came to his lips, but in the end he held them back. He skillfully took out the contract text and handed it to Kate Beckinsale after filling in the specific salary figures.

"The clauses that need attention on here are all specially labeled, after confirming that there are no errors, you can sign!"

Ten minutes later, looking at the signature left by Kate Beckinsale on the contract text in elegant flowery script, Lin Ming Yang stood up very solemnly and stretched out his hand, and a rare serious expression appeared on his face, "This is my first time!"

Kate Beckinsale also stood up elegantly, "This is also my first time!"

Feeling the warmth of each other's palms, the two looked at each other and smiled, "Happy cooperation!"


Without the hassle of choosing a female lead, Lin Ming Yang didn't let it ease him down, all the arrangements up and down the crew required him to make decisions, and after that initial excitement passed, what he felt was a heavy pressure on his shoulders.

The day of the film's official opening is getting closer and closer, just when Lin Mingyang was busy and anxious, his school friend Reed brought him an unexpected news. Lin Mingyang realized that he had inadvertently become the focus of everyone's attention once again.

The cause of the incident was a video circulating on the Internet, which was only two minutes long, poorly filmed, shaky and blurred, but was reprinted on major websites. It's neither paparazzi footage of a major Hollywood movie star having a rendezvous with her lover, nor is it footage of a UFO captured by astronomers.

Witnesses are sitting in a moving car with their own cell phones to capture this amazing video, shaky camera at the beginning of the focus on a figure is running on the street, he is running in the crowd left and right, in the state of maintaining high speed actually did not hit other passers-by, of course, this is just the beginning of the most wonderful or when the person crossing the road, a gray car suddenly from A gray car suddenly from the side of the lane slanting up, in the case of the car sharply stepped on the brakes, the man actually jumped up in the air, only one hand as a support gently on the roof of the car a press, the body in mid-air for the difficult Tengnuo, flip landing, the speed of the forward rush does not decrease, easy to cross a half-meter-high guardrail, quickly across the corner, and then disappeared in the crowd.

Soon someone will be this video and the previous very hot section of Yamakasi parkour video together for comparison, at first this is only as a vanity expansion of the Americans to show off the real parkour masters are actually hidden in the United States of America's evidence, but with more and more people pay attention to the people, there are actually people in the comparison of the two videos found a breakthrough, and then came up with an even more shocking inference: the guy who parkour on the streets of America, should be in the The guy parkouring on the streets of the United States should be the same Lin Mingyang who appeared at the end of Yamakasi's parkour video.

Following this clue, more evidence was unearthed. Lin Mingyang was photographed by a passerby when he went out on that day, and his outfit was the same as the amazing parkour guy in the video. Lin Mingyang himself had not yet admitted it, and reports about the incident had already appeared in the newspapers.

His parents had an in-depth conversation with Lin Mingyang that night, and the final result was that Lin Mingyang was grounded at home and could not leave the house until the shooting of "Cinderella's Glass Phone" began.

And it was only after the report came out that Ecks saw that video online, for which he lost his temper, his anger was not directed at the repercussions of the incident, but the fact that Lin Ming Yang actually made such a dangerous move, realizing that he could very well have gotten himself killed as a result.

In order to appease all parties, Lin Ming Yang had to buy himself a significant amount of insurance policy, but this still didn't manage to block Ecks' concern: "You'll settle down because of a $500,000 insurance policy, I doubt it!"

"It was a special situation at the time." Lin Mingyang tried to defend himself.

"Even if it was special you shouldn't have risked your life to make that kind of dangerous move, now I'm really starting to doubt whether agreeing to you going to France was a wise decision at first, I should have stopped you at that time!" Ecks chanted indignantly.

"My mom has said this to me no less than a hundred times!" Lin Ming Yang depressedly lay flat on his bed, he swore that it was all from this body's instincts, but no one would believe it when he said it, "I'm already suffering enough from being locked up in my house and not being able to go out right now!"

"I think you should be thankful for that, because it's the reporters out there that should be giving you the biggest headache!" Ecks said without a trace of anger, "What I'm most worried about right now is tomorrow's new movie launch."

"Didn't you say that not many reporters would be interested in this movie?" Lin Mingyang didn't take this matter to heart.

"You should thank yourself, the latest good news is because of your 'performance' on the street, now the reporters are dying to be able to interview you directly!"

"And what's the bad news?"

"They'll be asking endless questions about that video, and they certainly lack enough interest in your new movie!"