Chapter 62 - Shakespearean Idol Drama

Even though Lin Ming Yang tried his best to clear up the conflicts that existed between him and Hilary Duff during the press conference, after the intentional rendering of the Hollywood media, the matter ended up evolving into rumors that Lin Ming Yang and Hilary Duff did not get along.

"You know, at that time, MGM just had the intention of letting Hilary Duff come and act with me in that movie, and that script I didn't even intend to act in, I really don't know if that bunch of journalists have a problem with their brains, I made it clear enough at that time!" In his own hospital room, Lin Ming Yang finally couldn't help but lose his temper once.

"You have to understand, this is what entertainment reporters do!" A tacit understanding had been formed between Ecks and Lin Ming Yang, when one person lost his temper, the other always had the habit of keeping his sanity, "At least one good thing is that everyone is now no longer fixated on those things between you and Angelina Jolie."

"But I think it's even worse, between me and Jolie it can only be called a scandal, now this is basically considered a scandal!" Lin Ming Yang's mood was low, "Look at what those reporters wrote in the newspaper, what have I become in their eyes now, a narrow-minded, deliberately retaliatory villain?"

"I know you've been under a lot of stress lately, but things aren't as bad as you think." Ecks had dealt with similar scandalous crises before when he was at Disney, at least he was able to find a direction for Lin Ming Yang to solve the problem. "You have to react to this matter, but you can't be as negative as you are now."

"What do you have to offer?"

"I think the Disney Company should be able to help us defuse this crisis." Ecks said with certainty, "Actually, they're more anxious than you are right now because they're still counting on you to make more money for them in the sequels of Follies and Pirates of the Caribbean, so they definitely don't want to see you lose your reputation, at least not right now."

"So what should we do?"

"Hilary Duff is also a star that Disney has made, the most direct way to prove that there is no such contradiction between you as the media says is to bring about a collaboration between you so that all the rumors will be dispelled." Eckles analyzed.

Lin Ming Yang frowned, "To what extent do we need to cooperate?"

"Co-starring in a movie, it's best to play the same kind of couple relationship." Ecks said with certainty, "Disney's side has already very implicitly proposed such a vision to me, in addition to wanting to defuse this crisis, it's very likely that they were affected by the box office of Cinderella's Glass Phone. The guy who was in charge of negotiating with Brooksheimer is now rumored to have been fired by Disney."

As Eckles said, the Disney Company's recent development has indeed been a little rough, first in the field of animated films by the challenge from DreamWorks, and now in the youth campus movie lost to MGM, so that they are most upset that "Cinderella's Glass Cell Phone", a widely acclaimed movie is from the star that they have made famous, but it turned out to be for someone else to do the graft.

"But what about the schedule?" Lin Mingyang thought of another very practical problem, "After I get out of the hospital, 'Sister and Brother Agents' will definitely have to continue filming; after the first of the year is the sequel to 'Pirates of the Caribbean' and 'Song and Dance', so I shouldn't have the time to insert any other arrangements in the near future."

"The film doesn't need to start shooting right away, it's mainly a gesture to indicate that first, to downplay the current public pressure." Ecks had already considered this before.

"Does Disney have a suitable script in hand?" Lin Mingyang was still most concerned about this issue.

"Letting a screenwriter like you go unused, do you think Disney would do such a stupid thing as wasting talent?"

"I have to write my own script again?"

"The question is, would you be willing to act in a script written by someone else yourself?" Ecks asked rhetorically as he cried and laughed.


It wasn't that Lin Ming Yang just liked to write and act by himself, but right now the roles in good scripts weren't his turn for the time being. Lin Ming Yang's brain did have some good ideas right now, but the main purpose of writing this script in order to show Hilary Duff his sincerity, then the whole movie should be like Cinderella's Glass Phone, where the plot is dominated by the female lead. Based on such considerations, Lin Ming Yang came up with the movie "Football Euphoria".

The original plot of this movie was good enough, the key was that Lin Ming Yang had to act along with it, and then this issue of playing soccer made him feel a little difficult.

In the United States, soccer is not as appealing as it is in other countries. This is a very strange phenomenon, Americans neither like to play soccer nor watch soccer. There are a lot of professional sports leagues in the United States, but only soccer does not attract people's interest, so the United States is also known as the "soccer desert".

If you don't write about soccer, Lin Mingyang has a lot of options, American soccer, baseball, basketball and even ice hockey, all of which can be used in the original plot of the show, only in a different form.

Lin Ming Yang's first consideration was definitely basketball, as it was his forte and easy to perform. However, from "Song and Dance Youth" to "Cinderella's Glass Phone", the male protagonists in it were basically related to basketball, and after watching it for a long time, the audience would inevitably be aesthetically fatigued.

The second important consideration is out of the identity of the female protagonist is easy to be recognized, women dressed as men to play soccer, in fact, in the logic of the existence of a big break, Europe and the United States of America's teenagers are relatively early development, relative maturity is also early, want to use a thin soccer jerseys to cover up their own gender, and only in the movie to do. And basketball, not to mention, wearing less, more direct physical confrontation, girls certainly can not eat.

American soccer was purely a physical confrontation, so naturally it was also excluded, and for hockey, Lin Mingyang basically knew nothing about it, so in the end, only baseball was left. This kind of baseball as the main characteristics of the ball, collective, confrontation is very strong ball sports in the United States of America in a variety of film and television works appeared in the frequency is even higher than the basketball, this is because the baseball itself in the United States than the basketball is more popular.

Although both require teamwork, it is clear that basketball pays more attention to individual quality, while baseball is very concerned about team strategy. Lin Mingyang is not good at this sport, but he is influenced by people around him and likes to watch baseball games on TV. Because baseball matches require pads and helmets, it is relatively easier for a woman to dress up as a man.

Although baseball was not as popular globally as soccer, and it was even harder to look up to it in Europe, in an era where Hollywood movies were sweeping the globe, the more representative of American culture it was, the easier it was to be accepted by overseas viewers.


"I think this story of yours looks a bit familiar." Lin Mingyang spent more than a week rewriting the script, and after reading it, Ecks gave this comment, "I didn't see it, so you're still a big fan of Shakespeare!"

"So you've read Shakespeare's works too!" Lin Ming Yang looked at his agent with feigned surprise, he said this obviously to tease the other party. Who was Shakespeare? In the West, it was believed that even a 3 year old child would be able to tell a good story. This great western writer has long been a classic, Romeo and Juliet, Othello, A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Taming of the Shrew, there are really only a handful of Shakespeare's works that haven't been remade by Hollywood, and Lin Ming Yang's script this time around is adapted from another Shakespearean work, Twelfth Night.

Duke, the hero of Lin Mingyang's script, is called Duke Orsino in Shakespeare's original, and he has always been in love with the beautiful Olivia, but Olivia is always indifferent. Viola and her twin brother are forced apart in a shipwreck and each is washed ashore by the waves. After coming ashore, Viola coincidentally meets Duke and begins working for Duke under the assumed name of Cicero.

In the new adaptation of the play, Viola, whose girls' baseball team at her old school was disbanded so that she could continue to play baseball, takes the place of her brother, who has secretly run away to London to follow his musical dreams, at his school, where she then runs into Duke, the hero.

After discovering the fact that Duke is in love with Olivia, the original Ovilla promises Duke that she will help him pursue Olivia. But it turns out that Olivia is in love with Cicero, the man that Viola pretends to be, who is proposing on behalf of the Lord.

The story in the script, on the other hand, is that Duke, the pitcher of the school's baseball team and a handsome guy, has his heart set on treating Ovilla as a soul brother. After Ovilla learns through Duke's best friend that Duke is in love with the school's prettiest girl, Olivia, she decides to help Duke pick up the girl. But things turn out to be more than she bargained for, and Ovila realizes that the gorgeous Olivia has a crush on her nerdy-looking self. Bad things come in quick succession as Ovilla's brother's ex-girlfriend pops up at this time and he himself returns early.

Twelfth Night ends with Ovilla and her brother Sebastian reuniting, Sebastian and Olivia falling in love, and Duke, touched by Ovilla's character, announcing that he is taking her as his wife.

The ending that Lin Ming Yang arranged for the script is that Ovila's identity is recognized at the tournament and everyone accepts her, Duke falls in love with his roommate immediately after discovering that she turns out to be a youthful and beautiful young woman, and Ovila's brother gets together with the beautiful Olivia.

Although a change of era and a change of scene, recruited a bunch of childish young people drumming, not to mention the literary titan call, Shakespearean youth film, the subject matter alone has already made Eckels admire.

"Since it's an adaptation, you could at least change the name of the main character. Copying the original play, how would Mr. Shakespeare cry if he knew in his grave?"

"I think it's exactly a tribute to the original play, and if you don't like to read either Shakespeare's classical masterpieces or his plays, then this will be a movie that will allow everyone to get to know the masterpieces in a relaxed atmosphere."


"Adapted from Shakespeare's famous play Twelfth Night, another well-worn tale!" Ms. Shimla, Hilary Duff's agent, didn't think much of this new play by Lin Ming Yang, but Layton, the representative sent by Disney, didn't see it the same way.

"From 'Song and Dance' to 'Cinderella's Glass Phone', I think Felix knows how to grasp the hearts of young people very well when creating these kinds of youthful campus works, which should have something to do with his age, but of course his talent in screenwriting is recognized by everyone."

"I also find this story very interesting!" Hilary Duff on the side nodded her head, although her saying so was a bit of an "elbow turned outward" implication.

Shimla gave her a serious glare, and Hilary Duff playfully poked her tongue out and stopped talking.

"Is that guy trying to reconcile with us through this?" Shimla's question was a bit aggressive.

"Is there really a conflict going on between you guys?" Layton had always thought that the rumors about Lin Mingyang and Hilary Duff's discord were gimmicks deliberately used by the Hollywood media to hype them up, and that the truthfulness of these kinds of reports was usually greatly reduced.

"He came to us when we were filming that movie 'Cinderella's Glass Phone'." When Shimla said this, Hilary Duff nodded her head very hard on the side, "But I refused, and although the movie ended up doing okay, I didn't think it was a wise decision to accept an offer from a sixteen-year-old director."

"Looking at Kate Beckinsale now, I actually regret your decision in the first place." Layton mentioned Kate because the film "Cinderella's Glass Phone" allowed this British girl who came across the ocean to seek development in Hollywood to complete her transformation from "Cinderella" to "Princess", and the American audience got to know that beautiful and graceful girl overnight. The American audience recognized that beautiful and very temperament girl overnight.

"Because of this, the guy holds a grudge, and then MGM approached him to work with Duff, this guy actually urged the other party to change the script, so that Duff finally lost the role." Shimla said indignantly.

"But I don't think the role that Angelina Jolie is playing now is the right one for Duff." Layton said objectively, "As for the so-called retaliation, we think it's purely a smokescreen thrown out by the media in order to attract eyeballs, and the real situation is clear to you and me."

"But why does that guy make a scandal and then have to drag in our Duff?" Shimla asked reluctantly.

"Felix is also a victim in this whole affair!" Layton purposely emphasized this point, "Having such a misunderstanding between you is something that the Dinesh Company doesn't want to see, so we single-handedly facilitated this cooperation.Felix finished this script in the ward, and he's already shown enough sincerity on this issue, and the company would like to see a more positive response from your side next. "

"But we have the right to pick the characters for the script!" Shimla protested as she heard the commanding tone in the other's mouth.

"Of course, that is very clearly written in the contract." Layton looked at this "poor" woman in front of her with some pity, she didn't even realize that in the eyes of Disney's executives, the chips on the table between Lin Mingyang and Hilary Duff weren't even in the same weight class. If you have to make a choice, Hilary Duff will definitely be given up by Disney without hesitation.

"But if you don't want your client to be snowed under until the end of her contract with Disney, then it's best to accept this script!"