Chapter 63 Dance Fighting

Lin Mingyang did not know that because of the Disney side of the tough, Hilary Duff and her agent this time is really "hate" him. After lying in the hospital for a month, his leg injury has been healed, he has returned to the filming crew of "Secret Agent Sisters and Brothers". In this film on the MGM is down on the blood, open bow natural there is no turning back, even if it is delayed for a month, the film still have to be completed on time, so the crew had to work overtime to catch up with the work.

After Lin Mingyang's "return" from injury, he came to his "new home", or to be precise, the place where he and Julie live together in the play. Doug Liman believed that the dramatic relationship between John and Jane could not be supported by the actors' performances alone, but that the things around them should also have some kind of implication, so the house where the two live with their parents became a ready-made prop in the play.

It's not just a space where they can feed, clothe and house themselves, but it hints at a dangerous to destructive family relationship, with so many secrets, lies and weariness in their lives. The house is extravagant in design, complex in style and spatial in concept, but raw and lacking in warmth and soul, more like a showplace than a home.

Even after seven years of living together in this house, there are still spaces inside that John and Jane have never touched, and Doug Liman uses these hidden compartments to symbolize the true identity of the people who live here.

John's seemingly ordinary tool shed has a cellar-sized hidden space with piles of cash, rocket-propelled grenades, hand grenades, and various types of handguns; while Jane's closet is actually a secret storeroom for high-tech weapons.

Until John and Jane reveal their true identities, the house, a symbol of their unholy relationship, is razed to the ground. Doug Liman wanted this to refract the theme of the movie. What appears to be a game of death between two highly trained ace killers ends up being a game of death between two highly trained ace killers, but in the end they are faced with many of the same issues that a combined family faces: how do parents deal with their unrelated children, and how do children who are not related to each other get along with each other. Both John and Jane possess skills beyond the reach of ordinary people, but their struggle is not to kill each other, but to come to terms with their kinship.

Director Doug Liman is pleased that the tacit understanding between Lin Mingyang and Angelina Jolie is still the same, whether it is filming the drama of the two siblings in their own home life and death duel, or finally teamed up to save their parents, the two people with the performance between the two are said to be seamless. This makes him joke that if Lin Mingyang can be a few years older, the two are definitely the most sensational "screen couple" in Hollywood.

Doug Liman did not find Lin Mingyang and Angelina Jolie in the scene between the eyes between the "cats", he said this is more based on their own judgment. Because of the age of the problem, Lin Mingyang now walks the route of youth idol, even in this huge budget, action scenes hot movie, his image has not been able to completely jump out of this model. Of course this is not a problem with Lin Ming Yang's acting ability, but rather his age is right there, and as Eckles said, the charm of maturity has to have a certain amount of time to sink in before it can be perfectly displayed in an actor's body.

But even so, Doug Liman still feels that Lin Ming Yang has the potential to develop towards the direction of the sexiest actor in Hollywood, even though he is only 16 years old, but in "Pirates of the Caribbean" a slight display of his muscles, but still let a lot of beauty crazy; and appear a few dangerous Angelina Jolie from the debut of the movie, especially in "The Tomb Raider", she has always been the sexiest actress.

While Nicole Kidman was once the favorite for the lead role, it was clear that the action-packed Jolie was a better choice. During the filming of the movie, what attracted the most attention was not the quality of the film itself, but the overwhelming gossip about the main characters and the more exciting news than the movie seemed to be, which obviously contributed to the hype and provided a lot of gossip journalists to talk about after dinner.

With Disney's high-profile announcement of the filming plans for Baseball Girls, there were rumors that Lin Ming Yang and Hilary Duff were at odds with each other that were completely squashed. But the Hollywood media was open to finding new hype. They resumed focusing on the scandal between Lin Ming Yang and Angelina Jolie.

When shooting the movie, the paparazzi claimed that if they could take a photo of the two together, they could ask for $300,000, so when shooting the movie, the most annoying thing was to avoid the paparazzi. The pervasive paparazzi were a huge headache for Doug Liman and producer Brooksheimer, and it was nearly impossible to stop the paparazzi, who were everywhere and heavily armed.

And besides the paparazzi, the most difficult thing for director Doug Liman was how to convince Lin Ming Yang to accept his changes to the script. In Lin Mingyang's script, the episode was not included because of the positioning of the protagonist's sibling relationship. However, in order to add enough gimmicks to the movie, Doug Liman added a dance sequence between the two siblings at a community reception, and the classic look of Julie in a high-cut, low-cut dress with a pistol strapped to her thigh was naturally "resurrected" in Doug Liman's hands. .

Let Lin Mingyang surprised, Doug Riemann this arrangement is actually because he is very obsessed with Hong Kong action movies. Although in the eyes of Lin Mingyang, Doug Riemann and other foreigners, just superficially stayed in the feeling of Chinese kung fu why so out of the ordinary on the surface, but Doug Riemann is immersed in their own understanding, "Hong Kong films in the action scene is really elegant and incredible, sometimes! it doesn't feel like a duel to the death at all, with victory and defeat being decided in between kicking a soccer ball, sleeping or even eating a meal."

Because Lin Mingyang was the screenwriter of this movie, Doug Liman had to explain to him his reasons for revising the plot: "In order to frame a balance between your and Julie's identities, I especially arranged this 'dance fight' for you, and the traditional dance music exudes a compelling romantic atmosphere, and the non-traditional fight reflects exactly the kind of saber-rattling antagonism between the two of you."

Lin Mingyang knew that the director in front of him really had a lot of ideas about action movies, so he asked curiously, "You also have a study of dance?"

"The truth is that I don't know anything about dancing, and I can barely even do a ballroom dance." Doug Liman didn't care about revealing this shortcoming of his, as he had never involved dancing in his previous movies, so he was indeed a bit overwhelmed by this dance fight added to the movie. But there's always a solution to a problem, and specialized things can be left to more specialized people.

"Let me introduce you, this is the famous Hollywood choreographer Ms. Margaret Derry, the dance portion of this performance will be designed and completed by her." Doug Liman introduced Lin Ming Yang to the "foreign aid" he had found.

"Felix, hello, I've seen your dance performance in Follies, great movie!" Margaret Derry was a middle-aged woman with black-framed glasses, not tall, with a slightly chubby figure, speaking a beautiful American English, and when she shook hands with Lin Ming Yang, her eyes behind the lenses were even more colorful.

"It's a pleasure to meet you!" Lin Mingyang politely shook the other party's hand, then quickly retracted his outstretched hand. It could also be because the other party was overly enthusiastic, he didn't really like the kind of look this woman was giving him.

"Now that we all know each other, let's ask Ms. Derry to talk about your whole idea for us." Ignoring Margaret Derry's intent look, Doug Riemann couldn't wait to get straight to the point.

"Having read Felix's script and then heard Mr. Doug Rieman describe his idea, I think it's an absolutely genius idea to include this dance in this film." Margaret Derry complimented the director without a trace.

"Oh?" Lin Ming Yang made a curious face, he felt that Margaret Derry was somewhat deliberately trying to curry favor with Doug Liman, so he wanted to give the other party a hard time, "I'm curious to know what some of the specifics of this genius idea are?"

This was a mistake that Lin Mingyang had made, he had underestimated Margaret Derry's professionalism as well as the preparations he had made in this matter, so that seemingly sarcastic question ended up being a reason for Margaret Derry to play it up further.

"The movie is filled with lots of violent scenes and hints at a dangerous family relationship, but the only thing missing is something softer and nicer, and the siblings' eventual choice to put down the guns they've been pointing at each other is a warm start. Adding a romantic dance together after this, and then changing from dancing to fighting, brings the plot back to the main event again, which I thought was a very clever transition."

Margaret Derry's words made Lin Mingyang have to re-large amounts of the New York-based choreographer, while Doug Liman was pleased with the effect, as things were going in the direction he expected.

"I designed this dance to symbolize the release of passion, and at the same time the dance is full of teasing and competition, while the two of them are slightly intoxicated, and the delicacy of that moment can only be expressed through the demeanor and movements."

"Teasing?" Hearing this sensitive word, Lin Ming Yang's reaction was a bit strange.

Even Doug Liman felt that there was something wrong with Margaret Derry's arrangement, "The relationship between the two in the play is that of siblings, despite the fact that there is no blood relationship between them, but would this be misleading to the audience?"

"I think that's the most wonderful thing about the movie, I'm very aware of the relationship between the two main characters in the play, so the dance is really just a very subtle hint, but it manages to give the audience an extraordinary sensory thrill. The dance movements don't make people think about it deliberately; everything is profoundly hidden in the eyes of the protagonists."

It was now difficult for Lin Mingyang to determine whether or not he liked this Ms. Margaret Derry, because her design actually spoke to Lin Mingyang's innermost thoughts at a deep level, but she was likely to take the film in an unknown direction.

Lin Mingyang was hesitant, but Doug Liman clapped his hands, "That's a wonderful explanation! You've already thought of a specific design right?"

Margaret Derry nodded mysteriously before signaling her assistant to play a piece of music, "This is the background music I prepared for the dance."

When this melody sounded, Lin Mingyang felt like he had heard it somewhere before, a very familiar feeling.

Margaret Derry keenly caught the change in Lin Ming Yang's expression, then she giggled, giving off a flowery feeling. "I think Felix has heard something!"

"If I'm not mistaken, this is the classic hit 'Just One Step' from the hands of the famous tango master CarlosGardel." With the memories in his head, Lin Ming Yang stated the origin of this melody.

"Very true!" Margaret Derry clapped her hands excitedly, "Felix is really talented in music."

"Don't you forget that all the songs in Follies were composed by him with his own lyrics!" Doug Liman also smiled and nodded, but Lin Mingyang's performance did "surprise" him.

"I'm actually not very good at this!" Lin Ming Yang waved his hand humbly, "It's just that the song Ms. Deli chose is very special, and it's a dance song that has appeared in the movies Smells Like a Woman, Schindler's List, and True Lies."


Although he felt that this was a bit awkward, Lin Mingyang eventually accepted Doug Liman's changes to the plot, and privately he voiced his concerns to Angelina Jolie, but Jolie, who had always been a bold and rebellious person, greatly appreciated such a change, as she found it exciting.

Lin Mingyang could only accept the result, this set of shots became the most ambiguous bridge in the movie, especially in the shooting process of Jolie's hot and spirited eyes, so that Lin Mingyang in turn, some of his hands tied.

"Stop!" Although it has been his own idea is very good, but Doug Riemann found that the reality is not as good as imagined, and Angelina Jolie this ambiguous dance, Lin Mingyang has not been able to find the kind of spontaneity in the previous performance.

"Felix, you have to understand that right now, Jolie is your sister in the handshake, and the two of you just had a life-and-death duel at home, and you're very upset with each other. In this dance, Julie is demonstrating to you with sexy teasing, and you need to be more bold and spirited in your response to show this antagonism between you, and then prepare for the next time you each get an organizational assignment to start killing each other again!" Explaining the plot to the film's screenwriters, even Doug Liman thought his behavior was absurd.

"I'll try to adjust myself as best I can!" Lin Mingyang nodded his head dejectedly, unable to speak frankly to Doug Liman about his "hardships".

"Take a break, we'll continue later!" Doug Liman patted him on the shoulder, at this time Angelina Jolie came this way, Doug Liman knew that the two might need some communication, so he found a reason to consciously avoid it.

At this time Angelina Jolie was still wearing that high-forked, low-cut black gown, and the scenery of her legs when she sat down was taken in by Lin Mingyang. Feeling that Lin Ming Yang's eyes were a bit "dishonest", Jolie glared at him angrily and then asked with concern: "What's wrong with you?"

"Are you sure we really want to do that?" Realizing that there was ambiguity in his words, Lin Ming Yang hastily added, "I mean in this drama?"

"I'm looking forward to it!" The expression on Angelina Jolie's face looked serious.

"Alright then!" Removing his mental baggage, Lin Ming Yang took a long breath of relief, he might still lack fire when it came to acting, but faking it would be much easier.

When the tango dance song that had appeared in many classic movies once again sounded on the set, Lin Mingyang and Julie's dance in front of the camera was extraordinarily beautiful and smooth, without that layer of constraints, Lin Mingyang responded to Julie's seductive electric eyes with a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth, and the two of them were in perfect harmony.

At the end of this set of shots, after a tense and exciting close combat, Lin Mingyang took Julie's silver pistol tied to her thigh, while Julie took the pistol he hid in his back, and the two pointed at each other with each other's guns.

"The one I have is high-tech and requires fingerprint recognition before it can be used!" There was no such dialog in the original script, but Lin Mingyang popped up with this line out of the blue.

This made director Doug Liman and the surrounding crew sweat, this set of shots was too perfect, the dialog of Lin Ming Yang popping up with that line out of the blue was even more of a godsend, everyone was nervously looking forward to Julie's reaction.

"Unfortunately, so is the one in your hand!" The corners of Angelina Jolie's mouth swirled with a charming smile, she felt that the tacit understanding between herself and Lin Ming Yang had reached that realm of heartfelt understanding.