Chapter 66 The Pirate Ship That Raised Its Sails Again

Even though he didn't win any awards, Lin Ming Yang became the biggest winner of this Grammy Awards. Of course the hottest thing was the song "Baby" sung by him, and even though Youtobe hadn't appeared at this time, the video of that live performance was still being frantically reproduced on the internet. The song then quickly climbed the North American pop charts, and then for three consecutive weeks on the throne of the champion single, in the streets and alleys of the United States, people can often hear the familiar "OhWoooah!

Lin Mingyang's popularity also exploded with the popularity of the song "Baby", and taking advantage of this popularity, MGM took the opportunity to launch the action blockbuster "Sister Agent" starring him and Angelina Jolie in the lead roles.

The movie, which has been a "hoot" since it started shooting, has received a lot of attention because of the escalating scandal between the two protagonists. The director of the movie, Doug Liman, revealed in an interview with Entertainment Weekly that Lin Ming Yang is a genius and mature boy with an elegant and intelligent personality. Although Angelina is sexy and beautiful, she is a bit of a man-child, playing with knives and guns without any ambiguity, and with a little bit of guidance from the props expert, she will immediately get the hang of it.

Doug Liman also self-explained, claiming that he has been Angelina's favorite object to make fun of in the cast, so during the shooting rumors that he and Angelina do not get along, and sometimes Lin Mingyang had to step in to settle the quarrel between the two, which also instigated the rumor that the relationship between Lin Mingyang and Angelina is not simple.

Gossip to gossip, for the film's release, other studios are coldly watching to see if MGM can rely on this film "salty fish turnaround"; while the general audience, is looking forward to Lin Mingyang on the screen to bring them another surprise.

After the movie was released, the result did not let everyone disappointed, whether it is the sexy sister Jane, or sunny and handsome brother John, the two protagonists in the film from the very first appearance firmly attracted the audience's eyeballs, the scene is grand and realistic special effects of the exotic assassination; thrilling, exciting and unusual siblings in secret battles, and hand in hand against the unparalleled tacit understanding of the ultimate rescue, the entire film, as the publicity as said that there is never a cold spot segment! As the publicity said, the whole movie has no cold scenes, and the audience is very happy to see it.

The premiere box office exceeded 40 million, MGM held a grand celebration for the cast and crew on the second day, and a week after the film was released, the North American box office successfully exceeded 200 million. Such box office results greatly increased investor confidence in the MGM company, the company's stock prices to stop falling up, on the verge of bankruptcy, MGM finally "back from the dead", although the crisis has not been completely eliminated, but it is finally a breath of relief.

Of course, the biggest beneficiary after the release of the film or Lin Mingyang, in addition to the film successfully portrayed a handsome, handsome, smiling sunshine with a little evil image of the agent, he also from the film proceeds from the dividends of 10 million U.S. dollars, coupled with 3 million U.S. dollars in honorariums, Lin Mingyang in the bank's total assets of more than 50 million U.S. dollars, in accordance with the speed of such a development, he will likely be able to might be able to join the ranks of American billionaires before he turns 18.

This series of events had raised Lin Ming Yang's reputation and fame to an unprecedented level, and he had now become the leader of the new generation of Hollywood movie stars. Of course, Disney will not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, they timely to Lin Ming Yang extended the olive branch, in order to further show goodwill to draw in the future of Hollywood's popularity of the star, Disney in addition to Lin Ming Yang in the next film, "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" in the film's pay upward by 1 million U.S. dollars, but also took the initiative to relax and Lin Ming Yang signed between the artist contract.

A movie that tells a fantastic and magical pirate adventure story under the golden producer Jerry Brooksheimer has become the biggest dark horse in last year's box office battle. Broken down pirate film accidentally dark flowers, "smeared" Hollywood alien Johnny Depp suddenly turned into a box office superstar and the nation's favorite, the film also lazily hold a lot of Oscar nominations. The key is that this sea adventure theme of the movie was initially just Disney promotional theme park tools, did not expect to receive unexpected results.

Johnny Depp's career was on the brink. The role of Jack in "Pirates of the Caribbean" transformed him into a box office superstar, and the forgotten acting talent received his first Oscar nomination for it. However, much of his luck should be attributed to running into the equally crazy Verbinski. As the aftermath proved, the two madmen were brilliant.

A Hollywood anomaly, two underage "children", froze an old pirate movie that no one thought of, pushed the annual box office list of the top three. If the first part of the movie people are still out of curiosity and a glimpse of the fast, then now the audience of the sequel to the enthusiastic expectations, the goal has become very clear. The only things people care about are the beautiful girl named Elizabeth, the handsome Grand Theft Auto Will, and the weird and charming Captain Jack.

In less than half a year, Lin Mingyang, one of the film's stars, has become more valuable than ever before, and Keira Knightley, who has rapidly gained in value because of her Oscar nomination, has also become a new treasure of the movie. Taking advantage of the two main actors have not grown into a Hollywood movie star, the performance schedule is still under control, the Disney company did not hesitate to announce the film "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" shooting plan.

Immediately following the plot of the previous episode, Captain Jack's beloved "Black Pearl" ship finally lifted the curse, the moonlight into the skeleton of Captain Barbossa has finally disappeared, and the handsome, heroic, martial arts, avant-garde costume of Captain Jack has also lived in the wind and waves of the days of freedom.

Captain Jack's memory is obviously not very good, he almost forgot his own in order to retrieve the Black Pearl and the crew, with the legendary immortal David Jones had done a "deal", and Captain Jack owes that terrifying devil Jones is the fate of life and death is enslaved and cursed.

Sequel Jones will be driving his "Flying Dutchman" ship to him to repay this blood debt, and Jack inquired about the sea demon Jones's only weakness is a sunken to the bottom of the sea coffin, which contains Jones's heart, get the mysterious help he began to look around the sea.

Skeleton pirates replaced by more eye-catching half-man half-monster undead; Captain Jack continues to hang his own gold, avant-garde dress slick not change, but also willing to be hunted all the way, on the barbecue bracket, and even lose the fate of slavery and damnation; Lin Mingyang as a grand theft Will in addition to continue to be handsome, but also be able to meet with the legendary father; has Oscar aura added to the English rose Keira Kayla Knightley, already an Oscar-winning English rose, will add more fights to her performance to prove that beautiful women are not vegetarians, while playing the role of a vase.

The sequel's plot adds more mythological, fantasy, supernatural and even romantic elements, and the budget is 50 million dollars more than the first film, with more bizarre maritime backgrounds and panoramic concepts of fantasy scenes, which absolutely guarantees that the visual effects of this filming will be dazzling and joyful. Director Verbinski is ready to make a big splash.

Captain Johnny Depp and Keira Knightley, who plays Elizabeth, have both appeared on the set, except for Lin Mingyang, who has been in the limelight lately. Reporters inquired unsuccessfully, and the producers did not give any clear answer, and then the rumor that Lin Mingyang and director Verbinski did not get along because of a photo taken by a certain reporter on the street at a cafe in New York City half a month ago became a hot topic.

In that photo, Lin Mingyang and director Verbinski seemed to be arguing heatedly about something, and both sides looked a bit agitated, and under the media's intentional interpretation, the reports of the two people breaking up their cooperation due to disagreement began to appear in the entertainment pages of major newspapers with noses to the grindstone. In order not to affect the shooting of the film, director Verbinski had to come forward to dispel rumors.

"Felix and I were indeed discussing some issues regarding the filming of this movie, but we didn't have the kind of argument that everyone thought we would have, and in fact this discussion allowed us to reach a very important consensus about the movie." In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, Verbinski revealed a secret, "Felix is definitely coming back and he's going to have a surprise for everyone."

While the American media was searching for Lin Ming Yang all over the world, he himself was on a flight to Paris, France, leisurely flipping through the newspaper. Only a few people knew about his trip this time, and he certainly wasn't here to travel, as evidenced by the identity of the person who picked him up.

Having not seen him for half a year, Sabasti now looked more and more radiant, and on the way to Yamakasi's new training base, he excitedly told Lin Mingyang about Yamakasi's development during this period of time.

"We moved after you left, picked a much better place and better equipped facilities. Not only do we now have a headquarters in Paris, but we've also just set up a branch in London, and next we're considering setting up a similar organization in the United States."

"We are now using a membership system, and Yamakasi has now taken in close to 1,000 members, with an average age of only 19, but of course the core members are still the same guys you know. Next we are going to organize a related competition in France to further expand the influence of parkour in France."

After he finished speaking, Lin Ming Yang only asked one question.

"I heard that Bell has left Yamakasi?"

"We are also sorry about this, and although we did our best to retain him, we can't do anything about it since he has decided to go." Talking about his close friend, Sabasti looked a little unnatural. In fact, after Lin Ming Yang returned to the United States, he and David Bell had many heated arguments over philosophy, and in the end, their relationship broke down, followed by David Bell's announcement that he was quitting Yamakasi.

Although Lin Ming Yang had already known David Bell's thoughts when he left Yamakasi, but learning that the other party had actually made such a decision, he was still able to feel the helplessness and pain within David Bell's heart, and the Sabasti in front of him had become more and more unfamiliar. The once spiritual leader of that Yamakasi had changed from a wise philosopher to becoming more and more like a shrewd businessman.

Feeling that the atmosphere in the car was a bit depressing, Sabasti changed the topic at the right time, "I watched that parkour video of you in the US, from the beginning we thought you were the best, now it seems that you have now left us far behind."

Sabasti bringing up this matter made Lin Ming Yang think of David Bell again. Because of this video, David Bell had called and scolded Lin Ming Yang severely. Comparing the two, Sabasti's compliments made Lin Ming Yang sound extraordinarily uncomfortable.

Lin Ming Yang was frustrated when he left the last time and realized that he wasn't able to change Yamakasi's fate of disbanding in the future, and this time he came back, he originally wanted to prove that he wasn't actually wrong, but he found that he was even more wrong. Even more distressing to him was the fact that he had to keep going down this perhaps wrong path with no turning back.

Parkour was originally a kind of sport that advocates health and challenges oneself, but now it has slowly turned into a kind of cool performance. People have not seized the essence of this sport because of the popularity of parkour, but they have sacrificed themselves to indulge in some superficial things.

Lin Mingyang now seems to understand why his grandfather did not allow him to declare that he learned Bajiquan, the decline of Chinese martial arts, because too many people discarded the essence of martial arts practice, and go after the surface of the impetuous. Hong Kong's kung fu movie in the interpretation of this kind of superficial splendor to the extreme, no longer sustainable, the decline has become inevitable.

Things tend to deviate from people's original intention. Lin Mingyang sadly realized that his introduction of parkour into the movie would probably make the sport more and more flamboyant, and in the end, it sadly degenerated into a gimmick to attract audiences in Hollywood movies. What happened to Chinese Kung Fu in Hollywood is a lesson from the past, so Lin Ming Yang is now becoming very conflicted, because he knows that even if he gives up now, the wheel of history will still move forward along the original trajectory, and then parkour will eventually be introduced into the movie.

What made Lin Ming Yang feel deeply powerless was that he was able to guess the beginning but could not see through the ending.

"Felix?" Sabasti's soft call interrupted Lin Ming Yang's thoughts, he pointed to an open field under the shade of green outside the car, "We're here!"

"I changed my mind!" Lin Ming Yang shook his head, "I won't visit here, you can just drop me off at the hotel directly."

"But everyone is preparing a grand welcome ceremony for you, we even invited reporters ...," Sabasti let his mouth slip in his haste, which made Lin Ming Yang suddenly realize that they were no longer pure friends, but had become more like they were using each other.

"You invited a reporter, is this the surprise you prepared for me?" Lin Ming Yang's tone suddenly became cold, "Bel told me when I was leaving that Yamakasi was no longer the same Yamakasi, and now I finally understand this."

"Felix, I...I think you misunderstood!" Sabasti was busy explaining.

"There's no need to explain, I don't mean to blame you in any way, I should blame myself for this outcome. Coming back again has made me certain of one thing, we may never be able to go back to that simple friend relationship we had before." Lin Ming Yang said with an indifferent expression, "We are now just a partnership, and only a partnership, perhaps this way we can be more sincere with each other. I need to find a few people from Yamakasi to work with me in Disney's new movie, it's a publicity for Yamakasi itself, you provide a list and then I'll choose someone to take away."