Chapter 67 - Ideals Shine Into Reality

Sabasti knew that his presumptuous behavior had angered Lin Ming Yang, and after dropping Lin Ming Yang off at his hotel, the moody man drove off alone. David Bell left Yamakasi because the two had always had their differences, but Lin Ming Yang was different, he had once been a staunch supporter of his plan, but now that Lin Ming Yang had also made such a decision, he was forced to reflect on his actions and whether or not he had strayed from his original dream.

The news of Lin Mingyang's arrival in France went viral, David Bell had just learned of this moment from the newspaper, followed by Lin Mingyang's phone call, he hoped to meet with David Bell.

"It's not easy to meet up with you now!" David Bell was his usual self, and since there were reporters squatting and standing guard outside the hotel at all times, Lin Ming Yang could only arrange for this meeting to be held in the cafe inside the hotel. David Bell had gotten into a bit of trouble when he came in, so as soon as they met he poked fun at Lin Ming Yang about it.

"Sabasti told me that you've left Yamakasi, and for that I apologize!" From the moment he learned this news, a layer of gloom hung over Lin Ming Yang's trip to France.

"The differences between Sabasti and I have existed for a long time, and would have erupted sooner or later without your presence, so as I said, you don't have to blame yourself." David Bell said quite frankly.

"I've been thinking these past few days, was I wrong from the start?" Lin Mingyang's entire body now looked a little pained.

"The sport of parkour has been accepted by more people because of you, and I think that's a good thing!"

"But people pay more attention to its appearance and ignore its essence more and more!" Lin Ming Yang shook his head with a bitter smile, "Just like that video I was caught on camera in the US, all people focus on is that it's cool, and no one wants to really get to know the inner meaning of the sport."

"There's a process of understanding things from the surface to the inside, we can't expect people to know the sport deeply from the start." Compared to the David Bell of old, he's become more mature now. "You worry that people will be led astray, but you lose sight of the effect you have on people. Just as you can make people aware of parkour, you can try to make others understand it, and understanding is always based on awareness."

"Then why did you leave Yamakasi?" asked Lin Mingyang in disbelief.

David Bell said without regret, "It was only after I left that I slowly figured this out."

"Then are you going to go back again?"

David Bell shook his head, "I want to realize my dream in my own way."

"How are you going to do that?"

"I might go and make a movie related to parkour." David Bell said an answer that made Lin Ming Yang somewhat surprised, "Maybe we'll be peers in the future."

Lin Ming Yang suggested, "Maybe you can go to America with me."

"But I think it's not a bad idea to stay in France for now, the person who agreed to help me with this movie is also a big director, he used to be in Hollywood for a while, but he's more focused on French movies now."

"Are you talking about Mr. Luc Besson?" Lin Ming Yang guessed the answer without even having to think about it, naturally he also knew the movie David Bell was referring to, once upon a time, he had also come to know the sport of parkour because of that movie.

"Tell me about your plans, this time when you came to France, you definitely didn't come back to catch up with me." David Bell didn't answer directly, but it was considered a tacit admission.

"Much like you, I convinced an American director who agreed to include parkour in the movie, so I'm going to get some co-stars from Yamakasi to go back with me and perform together."

"It looks like we coincide once again!" David Bell doesn't care who gets the movie out first, all he really cares about is getting more people acquainted with the sport of parkour.

"Actually, I would prefer to work with you." Lin Mingyang smiled helplessly, he knew that he couldn't convince David Bell right now, because he wasn't really a director yet and couldn't decide the entirety of a movie.

David Belle gave Lin Ming Yang this reply very seriously, "You will definitely become a director in the future, and when you realize your own dream, my dream, you will be able to help me realize it as well!"


Despite the fact that there was already a rift in the relationship between them, Sabasti still seriously recommended a few people to Lin Ming Yang, all of them had their own characteristics, although they were not as skilled as the original members of Yamakasi, but it should be more than enough for them to cooperate with Lin Ming Yang to complete the filming.

After meeting with David Bell, Lin Ming Yang himself had figured out a few things, so he accepted Sabasti's recommendation quite openly, and then returned to the filming crew of Pirates of the Caribbean 2 with the members on his list, just in time for the movie's opening conference.

Due to the big sales of "Pirates of the Caribbean", Disney naturally had a reason to put huge sums of money into the shooting of the sequel, and the success of a movie, publicity is also a very important part, so Disney spared no expense this time, and placed the opening conference in a six-star hotel in Hawaii, and Disney was responsible for reimbursing the airfare.

The free trip to Hawaii was of course warmly sought after by journalists, so it is not surprising that the conference site was overcrowded. The film's creators were all present, and Lin Mingyang's appearance at the launch event shattered all previous rumors about him. Considering that the journalists will have a lot of questions to ask, the organizers have extended the time of the press conference.

When it comes to the sequel to Pirates of the Caribbean, it's inevitable that it will be linked to the first movie. And a lot of the success was not expected beforehand, knowing this well, Brooksheimer recalled at the beginning of the conference:

"There was limited hope of success at first; a lot of people thought we were making a Disney children's movie, and the pirate film had been gone for 40 years, and every attempt to revive it was met with a public outcry. But The Curse of the Black Pearl stunned everyone, from the superb writing of the director and screenwriter, to the outstanding performances of several of the actors, doing their best to achieve the best possible results, and so it became a huge global success."

"I heard that Felix was not your favorite leading man at the beginning?" As soon as he finished his speech, a reporter immediately brought up the "old memories" from the past.

"The character of Will was originally set up as a little-known blacksmith, and my original choice was Orlando Bloom. But Felix blew me away with his performance in the audition session, especially with his ideas for adapting the script, and we hit it off right away, and then he became the current leading man. We had some trouble before the movie started shooting and it was he who gave us a firm resolve, so I must say that Felix is the number one contributor to the success of the movie."

Johnny Depp has been a very committed actor throughout the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise and the filming of Pirates of the Caribbean made him fall in love with piracy and he loved the role of Captain Jack so much that in an interview he said:

"Captain Jack is a complex character, very mysterious, you can never guess his heart. But he's also a man of integrity, and he always comes through in the critical moments of difficulty. I wish I was him. But as you know, when I first decided to portray this character, many people didn't look at it favorably, even I myself had wavered at one point, and it was Felix who kept encouraging me to stick with it, and without him, Captain Jack wouldn't be what he is now."

"At first I thought he was a smug guy, so we didn't get on well with each other, but the movie has allowed us to get to know each other and now we're good friends." Keira Knightley, who plays the female lead Elizabeth in the drama, believes that there is a mysterious power in the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean" that helped her, and when talking to reporters about her feelings, she, like others, coincidentally mentioned Lin Mingyang.

"Pirates of the Caribbean 2 is going to be a very witty and funny movie with a great script, and the whole plot line, which was conceived by Felix, was done. And as I said before, he's going to give the audience an even bigger surprise in this movie." Director Verbinski's final addition drew all the reporters' eyes to Lin Mingyang.

"It's not exactly a secret to be precise." The microphone was finally handed over to Lin Ming Yang, who considered for a moment, "As you all know, I once traveled to France to study parkour for a while, and then that video you all saw on the internet a while ago was related to that. During this time I went back and invited a few members of Yamakasi who are seated in the front row of the set right now, and they will be cooperating with me in the movie to incorporate parkour as a sport into the filming of 'Pirates of the Caribbean 2', so everyone will see some great parkour footage in this movie. I hope that through this movie we can understand the sport of parkour, not just to imitate, but to understand the nature of parkour, which is a natural extension of the human body's instincts, a kind of self-challenge to inspire courage, and excessive pursuit of form will only lead us astray."

"French director Luc Besson is also preparing a movie related to parkour, which one do you think is more representative of the entirety of parkour compared to Pirates of the Caribbean 2?" A well-informed reporter stood up and asked.

"Neither!" Lin Mingyang's answer surprised everyone, and then he went on to explain, "Whether it's Pirates of the Caribbean 2 or Mr. Luc Besson's new film that's in the pipeline, both of them are just incorporating parkour into the film, and all that everyone has seen is just the form of parkour, not the true inner philosophy of parkour. "

"But I heard that the star of that movie, David Belle, used to be the founder of Yamakasi, but recently he publicly announced that he was quitting Yamakasi, what do you think about this matter?" This reporter knew quite a bit.

"After leaving Yamakasi, David Bell is still a good friend of mine, perhaps one day we will work together and then make a movie that truly represents the essence of parkour sports." Lin Mingyang replied seriously.