Chapter 78 On the Torch of Freedom

Whether or not hooligans had a fragrance or odor, Lin Ming Yang had no way of proving it, but it was an indisputable fact that the back of his foot was injured. Scarlett Johansson found that his foot actually caused such serious consequences, but also very sorry, although the mouth does not say, but in her heart has actually forgiven Lin Mingyang shooting "hooligan" behavior.

Accurately speaking, only women who are close to Lin Mingyang will be deeply attracted to him, which can be found in the men around him as a good example. Eckers now can not wait to be far away from Lin Mingyang, at the beginning of the news of Lin Mingyang's back injury, Eckers also nervous for a while, but when he gave up his leisure vacation and just met the beach beauty, rushed from the Florida Sunshine Coast to Salt Lake City, only to be told that Lin Mingyang's foot injury is not a big deal, the mood of depression can be imagined.

Lin Mingyang's foot is really fine, but Kenny Ortega still gave him a week's vacation. In the matter of vacation, Lin Ming Yang's foot injury was not the main reason, the key was that Kenny Ortega saw that the crew had been shooting very hard during this time, and the film's production cycle was still very full, so he decided to let everyone relax first. It just so happens that Lin Mingyang's foot is "injured" at this time, and with such a grand excuse, the rest of the cast and crew can also follow the rest.

Scarlett Johansson has been avoiding Lin Mingyang on the set for the past two days, presumably for fear of embarrassment when they meet. When Kenny Ortega announced the news of the vacation, she immediately packed her bags and flew back to Los Angeles.

Lin Mingyang, who stayed on the set, is not a good boy who misses his home. After his foot was accidentally "injured", his mother, Catherine, called him a few times, and in addition to caring about his injuries, she mentioned the most is to find a tutor for Lin Mingyang. Eckers is also recently helping to find a suitable candidate, a chattering mother, plus a nagging old-fashioned "housekeeper", Lin Mingyang feel that he has had enough, so he back everyone, secretly sat on the flight to New York.

It's time to visit his beloved first girlfriend, on the plane Lin Mingyang found himself a good reason.

When he got off the plane, Lin Mingyang sent a text message to Megan, he didn't rush to tell her that he had brought New York, he just asked the other party what he was doing right now.

Lin Ming Yang had just put his phone in his pants pocket when Megan's reply text arrived:

"Training is over, on my way back."

"Have the driver drop you off at Grand Central Station, I've got a gift for you there, you'll have to sign for it yourself!" Lin Ming Yang was passing through the subway's ticket gates when he sent this message.

"You didn't used to be this mysterious with your gifts!" Megan received the text message after a small hesitation, her address in New York Lin Ming Yang was very clear, in the past all the gifts were sent directly there, this time she always felt strange.

Although a little puzzled, Megan still patted the back of the driver's seat, "Tony, go to Grand Central Station!"

"Not going straight back?" The black man in the driver's seat, Tony, was the driver and bodyguard that Megan's mother had hired especially for her.

"I should get the idea, go there now and I'll explain it to my mother when we get back." Megan flipped open the cover of her cell phone and then saw the last short message Lin Ming Yang had sent over:

"That's a very special gift, but I promise you'll like it a lot!"


Grand Central Terminal at 42nd Street and Park Avenue in Manhattan, New York is one of New York's landmarks. With 44 platforms and 67 tracks, Grand Central is the largest train station in the world, with its platforms all located two floors below ground. The main staircase in the waiting concourse is in the style of the French Opera House in Paris and will remind you of the early golden age of train travel. The vaulted ceiling of the concourse is patterned after a medieval manuscript by the French artist Héroux of the 12 houses of the Zodiac, with more than 2,500 stars whose positions are marked by lights and which are illuminated when the power is turned on.

But next to the Pisces design, a closer look reveals a small black hole that could be considered a souvenir of the U.S.-Russian space race. After the Soviet Union successfully launched an artificial satellite into orbit ahead of the United States, the U.S. decided to display a rocket at Grand Central Station in order to educate the public about the importance of being ahead in the space race. In the process of moving it, a hole was poked in the roof because it hadn't been measured beforehand. The rocket was eventually brought in by crane for display, and the hole was preserved to this day.

Lin Mingyang, who had come here in admiration, carried his binoculars and wandered around the hall for half a day until the phone in his pants bag began to vibrate, but he couldn't find out where the small hole poked out by the rocket was. He put down the binoculars with some discouragement and then picked up the phone.

"I'm already here, where's the guy who helped you with your gift?"

"You walk into the lobby and then you can see the four-faced clock on the roof of the central information desk, and right in front of the clock stands a very shifty guy, you'll be able to find him at a glance!"

Half a minute later, Lin Ming Yang saw Megan, who was wearing a pair of large sunglasses, hurriedly walk into the hall, and amongst the bustling crowd, she did see the wobbly-eyed guy that Lin Ming Yang was talking about at a glance, as he was opening his arms and making a welcoming hug gesture towards her.

The silly Lin Ming Yang was imagining a beautiful picture of Megan darting towards him and then jumping into his arms, then he realized that the actual situation seemed to be a little different from what he had imagined. Megan clasped her hands and stopped half a meter away from him, then looked at him with a grimace.

"You bad boy finally knew to come see me!"

"Is this your way of welcoming me?"

Lin Mingyang's open hand didn't have the slightest intention of letting go, and it wasn't until Megan took the initiative to send her body into his embrace that he wrapped his arms around that tantalizing body, and then both of them couldn't wait to give their lips to each other.

This meeting passionate kiss didn't last too long, and it took a great deal of determination for Lin Ming Yang to get himself up the courage to break free from Megan's hot, soul-crushing passionate kiss. The two of them looked at each other, meeting each other's eyes that had become a bit mesmerized by their disbelief and confusion, Lin Ming Yang said apologetically, "If we don't want to make entertainment headlines tomorrow, this isn't the place to make out yet."

His reminder allowed Megan to break free from her amorous obsession, and she reluctantly released the hand that was tightly bound around Lin Mingyang's neck, but her body remained tightly pressed into Lin Mingyang's arms.

Lin Mingyang held up his sunglasses that were a bit crooked, wrapped one hand around Megan's waist, and then looked around professionally to make sure that he wasn't being photographed or followed, before embracing her and walking quickly into the ticket gate.

On a trip to New York, Lin Ming Yang naturally wouldn't miss the Statue of Liberty. The point was that he had a good idea that needed to be there in order to be realized.

He and Megan took the subway to Battery Park and got off, then took the ferry again to Liberty Island. From afar, the goddess, with her lips closed, wore a radiant crown, was dressed in an ancient Roman toga, her right hand held a torch aloft, her left hand clutched a bookplate symbolizing the American Declaration of Independence, and the chains that had been broken were left on her feet.

Engraved on the granite pedestal of the idol is the popular poem by American poetess Emma Nasarocchi:

"Give me your tired and poor huddled masses yearning to breathe free, your poor abandoned crowds on the bustling shore, your homeless and weather-beaten people, all together, I stand at the golden gate, holding high the lamp of freedom."

Lin Mingyang and Megan mingled with the crowd like an ordinary couple, people took the elevator from the bottom of the bronze statue to the top of the pedestal, and then climbed up the 171 spiral steps inside the statue of the goddess to the top of the crown, and through the window they looked out to the east of the island of Manhattan, which was called the "Steel Babylon"; and to the south of the New York Bay, which was endless, with the reflection of the waves and the ships. The New York Bay to the south is a vast expanse of light and shadow. From the crown to the right, you can ascend to the torch on the right arm of the bronze statue, where there is a 12-person window viewing platform. Unfortunately, after September 11th, this area was closed for security reasons.

Lin Mingyang pretended to be a foreign tourist with poor English skills, and after some "exchanges" with the staff at the gate, he was actually lucky to be let in.

"How did you do that?" Megan, who witnessed the whole process from the side, asked in disbelief after boarding the sightseeing platform at the bottom of the torch.

"I told him that we came from France, and with high respect for this statue that witnessed the friendship between the American and French people, we wanted to board the torch that symbolized freedom and hope, to realize the biggest dream of this trip to the U.S. Then that guy was touched by me!" Lin Mingyang took a deep breath, a smug expression on his face.

"So we're standing here?" Megan Fox didn't believe that Lin Ming Yang could get the guy at the door to let him go with just this "bullshit". "This kind of promiscuous scene would only happen in a script written by you, honestly, what kind of unseemly behavior did you do with him?"

"Well, thanks to the great Franklin, who not only drafted the Declaration of Independence that this torch-carrying woman at our feet is clinging to, but also opened the door of convenience for us on this romantic trip." Lin Mingyang praised from the bottom of his heart.

At first Megan did not react from Lin Mingyang's "nonsense", but she immediately thought of the perfect representative of the spirit of capitalism on the hundred dollar bill, and then suddenly realized, no wonder just now Lin Mingyang took the opportunity to show that staff member when he was taking pictures of himself, and stuffed something into his pocket, so that was a U.S. dollar bill.

"Why would you think of coming to this place to date me?" After figuring out this matter, the doubts in Megan's heart weren't completely eliminated.

"In the name of freedom and hope, don't you think this place is great?" Lin Mingyang's body came up, and Megan, whose body was leaning against the window parapet, naturally hooked her arm around his neck, the two of them had their foreheads pressed against each other, and each other was able to feel the other's breathing and even their heartbeats.

"No one is disturbing, it's just you and me!"

"I don't think so!" Megan murmured under her breath, a certain pinch in her voice. She was now rediscovering that feeling she had during the passionate kiss at the station, and her eyes were starting to get misty.

One had to admit that Lin Ming Yang was an unquestionable genius when it came to setting up scenarios and introducing characters. A date without roses and red wine actually caused Megan to feel a kind of uncontrollable intoxication.

"Kissing on the Goddess of Liberty's torch, this has always been my dream!"

"May I know the reason?"

"Because holding you tight here makes me feel like I'm embracing the whole world!"

Lin Mingyang's voice, which had become a bit urgent and rough, was only half finished before Megan's sensual lips stopped it dead in its tracks. Under the afterglow of the setting sun, the two shadows overlapped fiercely and could no longer be separated.