Chapter 79 The Crazy Bet

This trip to New York, Lin Mingyang although successful in creating a romantic beginning, but in the end did not "as desired". This time Megan has done back to the role of a good daughter, although accompanied Lin Mingyang all day, but because of the fear of mother worry, she did not choose to stay and Lin Mingyang overnight.

Megan promised to meet next time to make up for it, and after some intimacy, Lin Mingyang had to let this sexy "wildcat" leave. The next day he took a flight back to Florida, stayed at home for two days, and then returned to Salt Lake City.

Scarlett Johansson returned to the set a day earlier than he did, and although it was inevitable that there would still be some awkwardness when they met privately, the rest of the cast and crew unanimously chose to "forget" the accident, and the two of them quickly adapted to it.

As a veteran actress, Scarlett Johansson's performance quality was appreciated by Kenny Ortega, and in her performance, that kind of women's spirit was well displayed.

This gave Lin Mingyang a new idea, in fact, when he first conceived the script, he only took the movie as a youth comedy, but later he found that there can be more in-depth digging on this topic, in the discussion with Scarlett Johansson "gender equality" that topic he made the remarks, is this kind of deep thinking! The comments he made when discussing "gender equality" with Scarlett Johansson were the result of this deliberation.

Now Scarlett Johansson's performance made him feel the need to further revise the script to make it an inspirational youth comedy film that could have a positive impact on teenage audiences. Along these lines, he revised the ending of the movie.

In the final game that decides the winner, the team's batter is accidentally injured, and by this time everyone has found out about the fact that Ovilla has mixed with the baseball team by disguising herself as a boy, and the rest of the team easily accepts her, but the coach never agrees to allow her to play in the game because she is a girl.

At the critical moment, Ovilla impresses the stubborn coach with her sincerity and courage, and then she takes over for the injured batter and hits a beautiful home run in the last at-bat, successfully turning the game around. She proves her worth with real actions and wins a wonderful love at the same time.

Scarlett Johansson loved the ending, but there was a little hiccup when it came to the actual filming. When filming the last shot of hitting the home run, she insisted on not using a stunt double, wanting to finish the move herself. But no matter how slow the opposite pitcher threw the ball, Scarlett Johansson just couldn't hit it. After more than ten consecutive attempts and a lot of wasted film, Kenny Ortega finally had to personally come on the field and persuade the stubborn baseball beauty to pull her off the field.

It was in this light-hearted and enjoyable episode that the movie was successfully wrapped. In the subsequent press conference, this incident became Lin Mingyang teased each other's handle, defiant Scarlett Johansson on the spot and he bet, if the premiere box office of the "Baseball Girl" did not exceed Lin Mingyang's last work of the same type "Cinderella's Glass Cell Phone", then she will be resting to do a professional baseball player, not to get the league championship will no longer be involved in the film industry.

In front of many media, Scarlett Johansson dared to say such a bet, in fact, the majority of risky ingredients. After the press conference her agent scolded her severely, this side of the director Kenny Ortega also worriedly pulled Lin Mingyang.

"Do you think there's any hope for this movie's premiere box office to surpass your own previous work?"

When Scarlett Johansson made a bet with Lin Ming Yang on stage, he agreed with a smile, and Lin Ming Yang's expression full of relief made Kenny Ortega wonder if there was some unknown secret.

"Which do you think is more famous, me now or me when I made Cinderella's Glass Phone?"

"You now, of course!"

"Then who do you think is more beautiful, Kate Beckinsale or Scarlett Johansson?" Lin Ming Yang asked again.

"That's not a good comparison." Kenny Ortega's answer was cautious, "They are different style beauties, but both are equally superb."

"Then ask another way, who is more famous, Kate or Scarlett?"

"This doesn't seem to be too easy to judge, Kate Beckinsale should belong to the type that builds up her career and then becomes famous overnight; while Scarlett Johansson has been a child star since she was a child, and her appearances have always been very well received, so I don't think that they should be on a par with each other in terms of fame. "

"Well, Kate Beckinsale was just an ordinary English girl before filming Cinderella's Glass Cell Phone, but Scarlett Johansson was famous before she took on Baseball Girls."

"But there's no simple equation between starring fame and high box office." Even though the bet was on Scarlett Johansson, there was no shortage of pressure on Kenny Ortega.

"The fame of the lead actor is only one part of the movie's success, so let's compare it to other aspects. In terms of publicity, 'Cinderella's Glass Phone' was filmed with basically no media attention, while 'Baseball Girl' has been hyped up by the media from the very beginning; and in terms of plot, I think the two are equal; as for directing ability, you, a professional, shouldn't think that you're still no match for me, a halfway decent amateur, right?"

"You still have a lot of ideas when it comes to directing, it's just that you're still a bit immature when it comes to the specifics." Kenny Ortega's evaluation was more objective.

"Then all these factors add up to the fact that the advantages of 'Baseball Girls' are already obvious. I think Scarlett's move is a bit risky, but it has a good chance of success."

"Then you still agreed to bet with her, if she succeeds, you'll lose!" Kenny Ortega kindly reminded, Lin Ming Yang's bet with Scarlett Johansson was that if he lost, he would have to jump into a swimming pool in women's clothes in front of the media, which was a very humiliating thing to do.

"Jumping in the pool is fine, if Scarlett really stops being an actress to play baseball, I guess this woman will hold a grudge against me for the rest of my life!" Lin Ming Yang shrugged helplessly, "Besides if it really turns out that way, her fans won't let me off the hook!"


With the successful experience of "Follies", Disney didn't spend much effort on the publicity before the release of "Baseball Girl", two new generation Hollywood movie stars joined together to perform a modern version of Shakespeare's famous play, from the beginning of the female lead retired from the role, to the new female lead later selected by the fans' referendum, the film in addition to attracting a lot of eyeballs, in the interaction with the audience also did a full article.

The film was released in mid-June, with a box office debut of 9 million, and the official Disney statistics had just come out when the media began to focus on how Lin Ming Yang would fulfill his previous bet with Scarlett Johansson, and many people were waiting to see his jokes.

Lin Mingyang did not let the audience "disappoint", he announced that he will be in Disney's celebration of the completion of his gorgeous performance in women's diving, immediately all eyes gathered in the upcoming celebration of the Disneyland in Anaheim, California, all the tickets on the day of the event have been snapped up, the United States of America's major television networks, all arranged for personnel and equipment to enter the event. All arranged for personnel and equipment to enter, just waiting for the live broadcast.

"Are you sure you want to go out dressed like this?" In the stage's dressing room, Ecks forced a smile, looking at wearing a snow-white wedding dress, with a wig draped over her head with a flower crown, under the stylist's magical dress up, Lin Ming Yang actually succeeded in transforming into the beautiful Snow White, of course it was ramped up.

The face styling was easy for the make-up artists, but Lin Mingyang's tall size made it tricky for them, and that was why Ecks laughed, Lin Mingyang's current costume was even more of a strong maid beside the princess. Female disguise is easy to succeed, but male disguise is really difficult to muddle through, in order to fulfill the bet, Lin Mingyang can only sacrifice once.

"Did Scarlett's side agree?" Lin Ming Yang's main concern right now was not about his styling, but whether Scarlett Johansson was willing to cooperate with his performance.

"I think you're in luck, Scarlett said that she herself studied voice as an hour, and at one time had thought about becoming a singer, so there shouldn't be any problems with cooperating with you."

Lin Ming Yang let out a long sigh of relief, there would be a lot of people waiting to see him make a fool of himself today, but he was prepared to give everyone a surprise. Scarlett Johansson was a very crucial part of his plan, the other party was willing to cooperate, then the rest of the show would become very interesting.

Disney also attached great importance to this event, specially invited the American TV talk show personality Martin Louie, to host the whole event. After the beautiful fireworks show, Martin's witty and comedic voice rang out from the center of the stage:

"The fireworks just now were fantastic, but I promise this next show will be even better! Even I can't wait, well I can already hear someone on stage already shouting out his name, Felix, are you ready?"

A beam of light hit the slowly rising platform right in front of the stage, Lin Ming Yang in an oversized women's dress detonated the laughter of the audience as soon as he made his appearance, along with him there was also a guy in a black tuxedo with a bowler hat, because he appeared all the time with his back turned to the audience, Martin, who stood on the sidelines, curiously asked, "Felix, you've also given yourself prepared a dance partner?"

"It's a gift I've brought for all of you!"

"Do you need me to help you unwrap it?" Martin asked humorously.

"That depends on whether everyone likes the gift or not!" As soon as Lin Mingyang's words left his mouth, the stage erupted in applause.

"Haha, it looks like the audience has already taken a stand, so what are we waiting for?" Martin smiled and waved his hand, the lights shining on him dimmed and he quietly retreated before leaving the entire stage to Lin Ming Yang.

The melodious melody of the violin was accompanied by the high and bright tone of the Venus Harmonica, the bright and exciting rhythm of the military drums matched the solemn and solemn performance of the cello, as soon as the lighthearted intro sounded, the audience under the stage immediately reacted to the fact that the gift that Lin Ming Yang was referring to must have been the new song that he had composed.

At this time, the mysterious tuxedoed guest still had his back to the audience, but Lin Mingyang's song had already attracted everyone's attention:

"The blossoms of spring take away the winter's sentimentality, the breeze comes out with a romantic flavor, every love song is suddenly full of meaning, I'm suddenly meeting you at this very moment!"

Slightly low voice with a hint of sunny laziness, the audience was immersed in the beautiful mood of the lyrics, and then a soft and clear female voice rang out immediately after:

"The scent of spring flowers takes away the winter's hunger and cold, the breeze blows in unexpected love, the birds' high song suddenly draws us closer, I'm suddenly in love with you at this very moment!"

The soft and soothing singing came from the mysterious guest who slowly turned around beside Lin Mingyang, and the audience instantly recognized the beautiful and moving face on the giant electronic screen, Scarlett Johansson, who had dressed up as a man outside the film, stood on the stage with Lin Mingyang.

After an unexpected gasp of surprise from the stage, an even louder round of applause ushered in the first chorus of the two holding hands:

"Hold hands and walk with me, create a happy life, yesterday you couldn't make it, tomorrow will be a pity, marry me today, okay?"

The singing of the two successfully created a romantic atmosphere, and the audience on stage had already forgotten to laugh at Lin Ming Yang's weirdness of dressing up as a woman, and instead indulged in the beautiful mood that the song brought.

The beautiful melody continued, and in the lyrics of your verse and mine, the tall bride held the petite groom and strolled in the center of the stage, this seemingly incongruous picture was nevertheless presented with an exquisite beauty by the elaborate interpretation of Lin Ming Yang and Scarlett Johansson, the charm of the music had already transcended the sensation of the form and went straight to the hearts of the people.

A light-hearted rap tells the story of a couple taking vows in front of a priest, and their heartfelt "Yes-I-do" kicks off the final climax of the song, with the repeated lyrics of "You're going to marry me today! The song ends with the repetition of the lyrics "Today you will marry me".

"This song reminds me of when I got married!" Host Martin's voice resounded again after the audience's tidal wave of applause exited, "Stage the newlyweds have made their solemn vows in front of the priest, so shouldn't we move on to the next segment?"

Some of the audience shouted, "Exchange the rings!" Some shouted, "Kiss!" But these answers were all rejected by Martin.

"The groom told me that she has an unfulfilled wish!"

"So I can start?" Scarlett Johansson, dressed as a woman, asked mischievously.

Lin Mingyang felt that there was something wrong with these two people's one-two punch, the director hadn't told him before that there were other arrangements after the singing was over. Just as he was puzzled, Scarlett Johansson behind him suddenly took two steps back, she originally intended to kick Lin Mingyang into the swimming pool in front of the stage, but that kick was dodged by the reactive Lin Mingyang smartly, she didn't stop in time, and her body rushed forward with the inertia, Lin Mingyang kindly reached out and tried to pull her, but he was yanked by her to fall into the swimming pool together.

The camera set up at the front stage clearly recorded this moment, and then the audience also saw this dramatic scene on the big electronic screen behind the stage. After falling into the water, Lin Ming Yang couldn't exert any strength at all in his legs because of the crappy and ridiculous long skirt over his body, and could only rely on the paddling of his hands to keep his body from sinking. And he fell into the pool with Scarlett Johansson situation is not better, and can even be said to be a little bad, when she fell into the water because of the shrill shriek, fell in when choking a few mouths of water, the hat also disappeared when falling into the water, wet hair tightly pasted on the cheeks.

Soon Lin Ming Yang realized that this pool was not as deep as he thought, he stood at the bottom of the pool, the water just missed the knot of his throat. Seeing that Scarlett Johansson surfaced not far from himself, he reached out and tugged on Scarlett Johansson's calf to pull her to his side, and after flopping around in the water for a few moments, Scarlett Johansson hugged his neck tightly.

"You big, bad man!" The stunned Scarlett Johansson ambled into Lin Ming Yang's ear and said

Lin Ming Yang didn't think that at such a time, the other party actually had the heart to fight with himself, he waved helplessly towards the shore, then caught the life preserver that the other party threw over and put it on Scarlett Johansson's body.

"It's not my fault you jumped off! That said, Romeo isn't even dead yet, so why is Juliet in such a hurry to martyr herself?"