Chapter 80 Gifts

The outcome of the matter was a shock to all, Lin Ming Yang managed to divert attention away from his attire with a dynamic song, and with the mood of the lyrics, it was more like a well-prepared alternative performance.

If there hadn't been that accident at the end, this might have been a perfect comeback.

The picture of Lin Mingyang in women's clothes holding Scarlett Johansson as she stood up from the edge of the swimming pool in a state of disarray became the cover photo of Entertainment Weekly, and because of their constant antics in and out of the theater, the media finally named Lin Mingyang and Scarlett Johansson as the "funniest on-screen couple". The media finally named Lin Mingyang and Scarlett Johansson "the most hilarious on-screen couple".

With less than 10 million dollars invested in "Baseball Girl", the movie generated close to 100 million dollars at the box office. After getting a taste of the sweetness of such a small production and big box office, the Disney Company announced the filming plan of "Follies 2" without stopping. Kenny Ortega continues to direct the movie, and the script is still being written by Lin Ming Yang.

From the time Disney announced this to the start of the movie, there was really only one week of preparation time left for Lin Ming Yang, during which he had to come up with a complete plot idea, and the songs involved in the movie's soundtrack would have to be left to other musicians to compose.

For Lin Mingyang, the fish and the bear's paw could actually be both, but according to the theory of asymmetric dominance presented to him by Eckles, music was only a display of his personal talents, not the foundation of his life. Lin Mingyang only needed to stay rooted in the field of film, and anything outside of his specialty could simply be left to more specialized people.

The movie "Song and Dance 2" is still using the original cast for filming, and Megan Fox, who received acting training in New York, will also return, which is probably the best news Lin Ming Yang has heard in recent times.

In the past, Lin Ming Yang and Megan Fox could blatantly date on campus, but now, except for performing together, they are able to make intimate gestures without being suspected, other times they have become very "rules".

On the set, there is a good excuse to act, so Lin Ming Yang and Megan Fox can be in front of the camera as much as they want. Everyone will only think that they are performing, as to whether they are performing or not, only they know.

In reality, they are all acting, and when they are acting, they are all playing for real, this is not the first of its kind in Hollywood for Lin Mingyang and Megan Fox. There was once a famous director who said, "Acting and reality are a pair of contradictory complexes, if you separate them too much, then you will never become a good actor, but if you can't separate them at all, then your life will turn into a mess."

Lin Mingyang's advantage lies in the fact that he also has the status of a screenwriter, he doesn't indulge in the story and can't tell the difference, and he is able to recognize his character well. And as a screenwriter, the ultimate goal is to write about life.

"A funny story that takes place over a summer vacation?" Kenny Ortega nodded with satisfaction after reading Lin Ming Yang's written script, "I like this plot, but I guess Principal Matthew will be a bit disappointed!"

After hearing the news that a sequel to Song and Dance was about to be filmed, Moss High School had made a special allocation to repaint the fence of the gym, and in order to match the show, the name on it was changed to Eastern High School, which was used in the show, and now it seemed that his efforts had been in vain. If the sequel was filmed for summer vacation life, it would basically have nothing to do with Moss High School.

Of course Kenny Ortega liked this arrangement, ever since a certain Disney executive revealed to him the intention that there might be more sequels to Follies, he had been worried about whether or not it would cause viewers to get bored if they kept filming something that took place in a school. Lin Mingyang's script design this time, skillfully avoided this point, just the right solution to the concerns in his mind.

"The vacation is just a small part of high school life, and the movie will definitely have to go back if there's another sequel, so his preparations weren't completely in vain." Lin Mingyang replied with a smile.

"So if there's another sequel, what will you write next?" Kenny Ortega asked slightly tentatively.

"Of course I'm writing about graduation." Lin Mingyang didn't hide it, "It just so happens that my high school life will be coming to an end next year, and there are always too many wonderful and interesting stories that happen during parting times."

From the words Kenny Ortega heard that Lin Mingyang was ready to end the series with a trilogy, but he knew that Disney would definitely not stop easily. The future game between the two sides is likely to be Lin Mingyang abandoning his role, and Disney re-investigating in finding a suitable candidate. The sequel that will be made at that time may be a different story.

Both the plot and the actors were very important factors in why "Song and Dance" was so successful. The pleasant collaboration with Lin Ming Yang made Kenny Ortega ask one more question, "Aren't you going to continue the story into college?"

"Will college students still like this kind of youth comedy?" Lin Mingyang's rhetorical question hit the nail on the head, and immediately afterward he added, "Not to mention that college is a very important stage in life, and then to shoot the story of the college stage in such a style, don't you think that the movie that comes out of it will be superficial?"

"It seems like you already have your own plans." Kenny Ortega also didn't continue to discuss more deeply with Lin Ming Yang on this issue, standing on his own point of view, he could only be sure that the cooperation with Disney would last until the end of Lin Ming Yang's high school, and the issues after that, it was still too early to consider.

"Megan is coming back today, have you and her communicated before?" Kenny Ortega was afraid of causing him a misunderstanding and added, "I mean plot-wise, this time you guys are not just going to play simple couples, I think this time the challenge for her is not small."

This was a little secret between Lin Ming Yang and Megan Fox, "She's ready to surprise everyone with her performance."

"I'll wait and see!"


In order to welcome Megan Fox "back" from New York, the crew specially prepared a simple welcome ceremony, the crew is still those familiar faces, in the face of everyone's enthusiasm, Megan did not skimp on their kisses and hugs, with the exception of a certain person.

Lin Ming Yang is a little angry, why everyone has, but only when it comes to him, Megan behaved very "cold", in addition to a simple handshake and then no other indication. When everyone went back to their places, Megan left Lin Ming Yang alone for the reason of "understanding the plot".

No one else was suspicious, except for Kenny Ortega, who left with an intriguing expression, but this could be ignored by Lin Mingyang.