Chapter 93 The Second Jessica

Alba, who was not willing to be left out, was about to speak when director Sam Raimi raised his finger and made a silencing gesture towards her. Seeing that Alba was a bit puzzled, Sam Raimi beckoned towards her, signaling her to come over.

At the side of the stage, Sam Raimi whispered to Alba, "Don't disturb him, I think he'll be able to give us a surprise soon!"

"A surprise?" His explanation deepened Alba's confusion.

"It was none of your business before, but it's close to you now, but you'll have to wait patiently, because our big screenwriter is catching inspiration!" Sam Raimi smiled at him mysteriously and didn't bother to explain more.

The two sat side by side on the edge of the stage like this, neither one speaking, and after about ten minutes or so, Lin Ming Yang suddenly stood up, his mouth excitedly shouting, "I've thought of it! I've thought of it!"

Alba looked at Sam Raimi in disbelief, "What did he think of?"

Sam Raimi signaled her not to rush, then looked at Lin Ming Yang with a smile, "I know you've come up with a new plot idea, it just so happens that our leading lady is here, so you can talk about it!"

Lin Ming Yang nodded, "Remember the scene in Titanic where Jack and Ruth meet for the first time?"

Sam Raimi didn't answer, a question he intentionally let Alba answer.

"Because Ruth tried to jump overboard then!" Alba replied without thinking.

"But why did she want to jump into the sea?" Lin Mingyang then asked.

"It's probably because as an actress she felt too much pressure on her!" Actually, Alba hadn't watched the part in the movie before the male and female protagonists met too carefully, but she still associated this answer easily.

"The heroine in the new Spider-Man plot is also an actress, she lives every day between the glitz and fame, on the one hand she has an enviable reputation and status, on the other hand her heart is very tired of this empty life. One day, under the double blow of scandal and career setback, she can no longer tolerate this life, so she decides to end her life by jumping off a building and committing suicide." Lin Mingyang describes his repositioning of the film's heroine.

"And then our Spider-Man appears at the window of her room and tells her, if you jump I'll jump too?" Sam Raimi said jokingly, something Jack said to Ruth in Titanic.

"This time she does jump, but just in time to be intercepted in mid-air by a passing Spider-Man!"

Sam Raimi patted his chest and let out a long sigh of relief, "Good thing we're not going to a remake of Titanic."

"And?" It was Alba who was quickly captivated by Lin Mingyang's plot idea.

"Spider-Man originally wanted to send the heroine back to her room, but the heroine became enamored with the feeling of being carried by Spider-Man and flying between tall buildings, that exciting experience like a roller coaster relaxing her entire body and mind. At her strong request, Spider-Man could only carry her around the New York City area for a while before the two finally landed on top of a building. The pajama-clad heroine performs a beautiful dance for Spider-Man, which she uses to move to the edge of the roof, then slides down the building in a graceful dance while Spider-Man isn't looking!"

Lin Ming Yang's arrangement was unexpected by everyone, and Sam Raimi couldn't help but ask, "She still wants to die?"

"Of course not, this is a little joke between Winger and Spider-Man, because she knows that no matter how dangerous it is down there, there will be a web to catch her safely!"

"Spider-Man still makes webs?" Alba asked curiously, as an actress she actually had the same confusion as the heroine Winger, so she was easily impressed by the romantic plot in this story of Lin Ming Yang.

"That can't be an ordinary spider web, I think that's more like a romantic love web!" Sam Raimi laughed, he was very satisfied with Lin Mingyang's design like this.

Having successfully conceived this bridge that was not in the original drama, Lin Ming Yang himself had an unprecedented sense of satisfaction, while Alba simply shared this wonderful story. Sam Raimi and Lin Ming Yang were passionately discussing the detailed development of the plot, with Alba acting as an audience for the two on the sidelines. Neither of them noticed that there was an additional listener quietly behind the stage.


Time retreated to ten minutes ago, backstage dressing room, an actor's agent named Sharon Stone was questioning the news that Tony, the assistant director of the show, had just announced.

"This lady, as I have already explained to you, director Remy he has other important matters to leave temporarily, so this audition can only be suspended!" Tony said with a bit of a headache.

"Anyone with a little bit of common sense knows that the most important thing for a director to do before a movie starts shooting is to finalize the casting!" This Ms. Sharon Stone wasn't buying it at all, "There's no one else here, so you can tell me the truth if the casting for the film is over. Don't expect me to believe that next time lie, I don't want to do the same stupid thing twice over!"

The girl at the other end of the room quietly waiting for the results seemed silent compared to her own emotional agent. After hearing that the cast of Spider-Man was jumping for the female lead, her agent had brought her from New York to Los Angeles, and after waiting for more than an hour, the final result left her feeling immensely disappointed, and she had been eliminated from the competition without even meeting the director.

Sharon Stone was still there arguing something with Tony, the assistant director, but the girl couldn't stay any longer, she suddenly had a feeling that she wanted to go out and get some air, and then headed for the door.

"Belle?" Sharon Stone dropped her argument with Tony and called out to her, "Are you going to leave just like that?"

"I'll wander around, you guys carry on!" The girl shrugged and without waiting for her agent to reply, she walked out on her own.

Tony tried to end the argument with Sharon Stone at that point, but the other woman wasn't about to let up and still tugged at him to chatter in protest. Dragged bodily, Tony was so busy dealing with Bell's agent that he forgot to remind her not to go to the front desk.

Wandering around in the corridor and realizing that it was equally boring to come out, Belle ghosted to the front stage, and then she heard a wonderful conversation between Lin Mingyang and director Sam Raimi at the front of the stage. Bel didn't recognize them at first, and she had no intention of eavesdropping on other people's conversations, but when she was about to quietly exit, the plot Lin Mingyang was narrating captivated her.

Just as the conversation between Lin Ming Yang and Sam Raimi was nearing its end, Tony exclaimed in shock and suddenly interrupted everyone.

"Why are you here?" A surprised Tony looked at Belle, who was also a bit startled, "Your agent is looking for you in the back, you can leave now!"

"What's going on here?" Sam Raimi then realized that the previous conversation had been overheard, and blamed the fact that they were too involved just now to notice the movement behind the stage.

Tony explained with a helpless face, "I was dealing with something else just now, and she was the one who came to eavesdrop!"

"Who is she?" Sam Raimi's voice had become a bit morose, the conversation just now was designed to most of the plot content, if it leaked out, half of the movie's attractions would be gone.

"I wasn't eavesdropping..." protested Belle, her protestations becoming muffled from lack of breath, the fact was that she did hear most of the plot of The New Spider-Man.

"Since this incident was caused by your mistake, it's your responsibility to make it right!" Sam Raimi's good mood from earlier was gone, "If anything related to this appears in tomorrow's paper, your job is over!"

Tony nodded busily before pulling the girl named Belle ready to leave, but the girl broke free of his grip and then rushed up to the front desk without any hesitation.

"I'm not a reporter who mixes in to cause trouble, nor am I a paparazzo who likes to catch news, I'm an actress, and I hope to get a role in this movie!" I don't know where the courage came from, the girl Belle bravely stood in front of director Sam Raimi.

Looked at his assistant director, see him nodded, Sam Raimi only then began to formally measure up in front of the eyes of this adventurous intruder, honestly compared with the delicate features of Jiekasi Alba, this brown-haired girl seems to be very average, but look carefully, but feel that this girl more and more see more and more smooth eyes. Her first glance does not give people a very stunning feeling, but belongs to the kind of very durable, but need to slowly taste in order to find the beautiful flavor of the "second eye beauty".

"What's your name?"

"Jessica Bell."

Another Jessica, Sam Remy and Lin Ming Yang froze at the same time.

"Felix, my mind is a little confused right now, this Ms. Jessica, I so want to have heard it somewhere."

Sam Raimi froze because he had encountered two Jessicas in a row today, while Lin Ming Yang was more surprised, he didn't think that a New Spider-Man movie could actually attract two of Hollywood's future sexy actresses. Surprised as he was, he didn't forget to answer Sam Raimi's question.

"Warner's highest rated series, 'Seven Heavens', and that recent new version of 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre', both seem to have Ms. Jessica Biel's name on the cast list."

Unexpectedly, the first thing that made Sam Raimi lament was not the span of Jessica Biel's acting style before and after, but Lin Mingyang's good memory.

Expressing helplessness at this, Lin Ming Yang only had to explain, "Seven Heavens is a TV series that my mother loves, as for the new version of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, I saw it in the movie theater not too long ago, so I still have some memory of it. Among the actors I've seen, Ms. Bell should be considered one with a wider range of theater."

Sam Raimi nodded, there was indeed a big difference from a cozy family drama to a thrilling horror movie. He didn't hide his appreciation for Jessica Biel, especially the courage the other party had just shown and Lin Ming Yang's comments about her. But all of this made it difficult for Sam Raimi to make a trade-off between the two Jessicas.

"Ms. Bell, now you're giving me a hard time!" Sam Raimi rubbed his nose, "I've rejected many actors before you, but I have to admit that you give me a very special feeling. I can't bear to turn you down, but I've promised Alba before."

"So that's it!" Jessica Biel heard the helplessness and regret in the director's mouth, and she was strong enough to accept this somewhat cruel fact, not forgetting to cast a grateful look at Lin Ming Yang before she left. She knew that Lin Ming Yang's evaluation of herself had largely influenced Sam Raimi's judgment, but in the end it didn't change the director's decision.

For Jessica Biel, what made Lin Ming Yang remember her was actually her future several works, as well as the scandals that spread after she became the girlfriend of the young king of the music world, Justin. The current Bell, like Alba, still belonged to the kind of actors who hadn't officially become popular, they had endless potential but lacked opportunities, and it just so happened that what Lin Ming Yang couldn't use up in his hands was opportunities.

Lin Mingyang knew that even if he did not provide help, actors like Belle and Alba could also be recognized by the audience in the end with their own ability, but Belle's lost expression when she was ready to leave made his heart a little intolerant again. Sam Raimi gave the opportunity to Jessie Alba, but that didn't mean Jessica Biel would lose out because the script for The New Spider-Man involved two female leads.

He came up to Sam Raimi's ear and whispered, "Mary!"

Sam Raimi immediately reacted, he slapped his head, he was just thinking about the casting of the role of Spider-Man's girlfriend, but he forgot that there was another important female character in the show, the girlfriend of Spider-Man's best friend Harry, the school girl Mary.

"Wait!" He called out in time to stop Bale, who was about to leave, "Felix reminded me, in fact, you should have heard something about the script just now, we have another important role for which the casting has not yet been finalized, if you'd like to..."

This transformation came somewhat suddenly, Jessica Biel was momentarily so excited that she didn't know how to express her emotions, her voice was a little shaky as she asked, "Is it really possible?"

As a responsible director, Sam Raimi suggested, "Before you make a formal decision, I think it's necessary to ask Felix to give you an idea of what the role will probably involve in terms of acting!"

"To be precise, in this movie, the role of Mary can only be considered a supporting role!" Lin Ming Yang didn't pick up on the good words right off the bat, he wanted to observe Jessica Biel's reaction after hearing this before deciding what to say next.

To the relief of both Lin Ming Yang and Sam Raimi, Jessica Biel didn't show any disappointment because of her supporting role. The two exchanged glances with each other before Lin Ming Yang continued, "This character is the girlfriend of Spider-Man's best friend Harry, who doesn't appear much in the previous episodes, but in the middle, Spider-Man will become that much more of a 'womanizer' due to being influenced by the evil alien creatures, and then develop a rather ambiguous love triangle, but in the end Harry's death will bring Mary back, and that's when she realizes that she turns out to be pregnant with Harry's child!"

"I'm willing to play the role!" Jessica Biel made her decision without hesitation after hearing this.

"Welcome aboard!" Sam Raimi smiled and nodded towards Bell, "I think you've made an immensely good decision, because in Felix's idea for the sequel, this role you're playing now will be the real star of the show, and I'm looking forward to your great performance!"