Chapter 94: Playing with the Heartbeat

From the beginning of the people fall into a big surprise of the casting controversy, to the film director Sam Raimi after the shocking words of the cast "blood change", and then to Sony's determination to announce that the filming budget of the film to 200 million U.S. dollars of sky-high price, "the new Spider-Man" every action, let the bystanders see the "mind-blowing." Perhaps feeling that none of this was exciting enough, director Sam Raimi announced before the film officially started shooting that all the thrilling sequences in the movie would be done by Lin Ming Yang himself.

Together with this announcement, there is also a new version of Spider-Man's makeup photos, in addition to the head mask and crotch position for the necessary processing, the crew for Lin Mingyang tailor-made new version of the Spider suit is basically a thin tights. The biggest function of the Spider suit made of special fiber material is to be able to tightly stick to Lin Ming Yang's body, and then show his hard muscle lines perfectly.

The Spider-Man played by Lin Mingyang is taller and bigger than Tobey Maguire's original version. In the end, the more realistic muscularity of Lin Mingyang's body won the approval of most fans, who unanimously agreed that the new version of Spider-Man looks more powerful and is more in line with the image of that kind of superhero. However, many people are concerned about the fact that Lin Mingyang did not use a body double, and some media even suspect that this is just a means of hype for the cast.

In the face of the public's skepticism, the cast and crew explained that they couldn't find a suitable stunt double. Although this explanation is hard for the media to believe, they are not lying. On the issue of Lin Ming Yang's body double, not only the director Sam Raimi has been having a headache, even the special effects artists are also having a hard time.

It's not that you can't find a body double actor close to Lin Ming Yang's body type, but because Lin Ming Yang has been working out since he was a child, the muscles on his body have established a very close connection, the amplitude of the slightly larger movement pull, the entire muscle line will change with the change in movement, and it's this kind of change that's the most difficult to mimic. Lin Mingyang as Spider-Man is most recognized by the audience is the kind of muscle lines full of power, but also because of this reason, the use of body doubles will be very obvious, in the clothes to increase the muscle filling, and it is difficult to do and real close to the degree.

On the question of whether or not to use a stand-in actor, Sam Raimi definitely had to consult Lin Mingyang himself first. Lin Mingyang, who had crossed over from that thrilling elevator accident, had an adventure-loving madness in his bones, and he already had a base of Bajiquan and parkour in him, and those actions with a high difficulty coefficient were even more easily accomplished by him than by some professional stuntmen, so he agreed to do so without hesitation.

But Lin Mingyang's decision was strongly opposed by his manager, Ecks.

"Do you know how dangerous it will be to shoot those shots?"

"The biggest fun of shooting this type of movie is that you have the option to shoot some crazy stunt scenes and do things that you would never get to do in real life. I know I'm in 100 percent reliable safety because Sam Raimi and the action director are going to do everything they can to protect me, so I can just let go and try, and it's fun, and don't you think it's exciting?"

"Exciting?" Ecks was really a bit confused by Lin Ming Yang's anger, "You know that when Tobey Maguire was filming Spider-Man, all those dangerous maneuvers were basically done by stunt doubles, so why would you bother to take the risk, and then leave all the people who care about you on the sidelines in fear."

"Those stuntmen, don't their families get scared?" Lin Ming Yang was puzzled as to why everyone always liked to use their own feelings to constrain others, while at the same time adding a name to this constraint that made it difficult for the other party to refuse.

Ecks persuaded bitterly, "That's their profession, they rely on that to support themselves and their families, while you're different from them, you don't need to do those crazy things!"

"I'm also an actor, so according to you, my life is worth more than theirs?" Lin Ming Yang asked rhetorically, "I think the following truth is self-evident: all men are born equal, and the Creator has endowed them with a number of inalienable rights, including the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

"You don't have to recite the Declaration of Independence to me, but anyone who has been educated in the United States knows that passage. That's only recognized and pursued as a wonderful ideal, but there has never been true equality in this society. Rich people can do everything they can just to live longer; but in Africa, some people have to starve to death in their lifetime, and that's the reality!"

Lin Ming Yang chose to remain silent, then Ecks laughed as if he was mocking himself, "Alright, I admit that I've never been able to change this, knowing that you guys won't listen to advice, I still said such a big pile of nonsense."

"I appreciate everything you've done for me, including this nonsense!"

"Alright, let's change the topic then." Lin Ming Yang's words made Ecks more or less touched, and as his heart softened, he couldn't help but say a few more words, "I want to know if you play Spider-Man with your head on the ground?"

"Why would you ask such a stupid question, only a fool would land with his head!" Lin Ming Yang thought he was joking with himself, "This joke is not at a high level!"

"Sam Remy asked you to get bungee jumping training, and then you came here on a whim!" Ecks grunted in a humorless manner, "In my eyes, you're just as much of a fool as he is!"

"Sam Remy wanted me to find the feeling of the human body flying high in the air from the training, in fact, at the very beginning I proposed a high altitude parachute drop, that's the real flying, but he didn't agree!" Lin Mingyang couldn't get enough of his original, even crazier idea

"I think Sam Remy finally made the right decision after all!" Ecks had a rare good word for Sam Raimi, but he still had a problem with the bungee jumping training arranged by the director. "I've heard that in some parts of Asia, people phonetically translate bungee jumping as 'stupid pig jumping,' and the people who make that translation probably think that if a person isn't stupid, he or she would never go through with such a 'grueling' activity. "

"But I have heard that some extreme sports enthusiasts also put their wedding ceremonies on bungee towers, and once the ceremony is 'completed,' they jump to show their love and fidelity. Instead of being called 'stupid pigs', those who go bungee jumping get a 'certificate of bravery'. Plus Jessica Alba will be joining me in that training, and bungee jumping is considered a safer sport compared to those high-flying stunts!"

"Certificate of bravery?" Ecks grunted disdainfully, "I think you're going for the 'license to pick up girls'!"


The Royal Gorge Bridge in the United States is located in a theme park at a tourist attraction near Canon City, Colorado, the suspension bridge, which is claimed to be the tallest in the world, hangs high above the Arkansas River, with its deck 321 meters above the water. The Royal Gorge Mainline Railroad passes under the bridge, which has a 46-meter-high main tower and a 384-meter-long bridge, which is decked with 1,292 wooden planks to form a walkway.

The suspension bridge was built over a 1,053-foot-high canyon divided by the Arkansas River. Although there is a 1,000-foot abyss at both ends, the sturdy bridge body and well-designed boom can still carry vehicles on it. It's not a scary sight, but it's a great one.

Lin Mingyang and Eckles arrived before the rest of the cast and crew, and the staff waiting for them enthusiastically acted as a temporary tour guide for them after Lin Mingyang fulfilled their requests for photos and autographs.

"This is a toll bridge, but it was not built for transportation purposes, but only as a tourist attraction, and since its completion, the bridge has been the most visited tourist attraction in Colorado. The French are building a cable-stayed bridge, which they also claim is the tallest bridge in the world, but I've heard that although the main towers of that bridge are 341 meters high, the roadway surface of its lanes is only 270 meters from the surface of the Tarn River underneath the bridge, which is why the Royal Gorge Bridge is still now the tallest suspension bridge in the world."

Lin Mingyang stood on the bridge and looked at the entire canyon from afar, "The scenery in the canyon looks spectacular, but it's a pity that I can't see the panoramic view of the bridge."

"Tourists who like excitement usually play bungee jumping here, and when they jump off they are able to see the panoramic view of the canyon bridge, it's a very cool feeling!" That staff member was a bungee jumping enthusiast himself, so he strongly recommended this sport to Lin Mingyang.

"I've heard that the height of this bridge makes it an attractive place to commit suicide?" Ecks ventured out at an inopportune moment, making the other person look embarrassed.

"The park's security guards will constantly patrol the bridge to prevent such suicides."

"Imagine a train is passing over the bridge, and the bridge is suddenly exploded, with the back half of the train crashing into the canyon, I think that scene would be very shocking!" Lin Mingyang suddenly gestured towards the front, his thoughts startling everyone around him.

One of the security guards nervously covered his holster, and Ecks hurriedly stepped forward to explain, "This guy is composing a movie plot, we're not terrorists, and he's not planning to blow up this bridge!"

Seeing that they reacted so violently, Lin Ming Yang was finally somewhat convinced that the situation that Ecks had said before should be true. There were always people who liked to play with suicide here, and presumably there were people who were once still prepared to play with blowing themselves up in the air, or else they wouldn't have made this group of guys so nervous and sensitive.

But Lin Mingyang just that idea is not out of nowhere, in his impression, in the future, there is a scene very exciting action blockbuster used this scene, it seems that the foot of the bridge is the film's location.

However, Lin Ming Yang soon no longer had time to think about this problem, because Jessica Alba, who had put on her bungee jumping costume, was walking towards him, and when she saw Lin Ming Yang, this sexy beauty with a slightly brown complexion smiled sweetly at him. The males around Lin Ming Yang collectively swallowed their saliva, a beautiful woman discharging, her aura was really powerful.

"Felix, I heard you arrived first, but why haven't you changed your clothes yet?" Jessica Alba and Lin Ming Yang were both going to the bungee jumping platform, so they chatted as they walked.

"I was just looking at the scenery!"

Jessica Alba asked cautiously, "Are you afraid of heights?"

Lin Mingyang shook his head, "If I had a fear of heights, this movie wouldn't work!"

"To be honest I'm still a bit scared in high places, but I don't think it should be a fear of heights!" Thinking about the bungee jumping training that was about to begin, Jessica Alba was still a little nervous, she had never thought of doing such a "crazy" thing before.

"You don't really need to worry too much, just like you didn't learn to dance in the last movie, it's actually very simple, it just needs you to have a little bit more courage than others and jump down with your eyes closed!"

"Do you have to jump down from a height like you are doing now when you are filming?" Jessica Alba thought of a scene where she jumped from a building in the drama, she didn't have much of a feeling at the time when she heard Lin Ming Yang talk about it, but when she stood on the Canyon Bridge, she realized how much courage it would take to actually choose to jump from a building, and it made her feel a little apprehensive.

"That scene should finish filming in the studio, they definitely won't let you actually jump!" Lin Mingyang explained to her.

"What about you?" Jessica Alba thought of Lin Ming Yang from herself, "I heard that you're not going to use a body double, are you sure you're not taking a risk?"

"I think you must be thinking in your heart, why is this guy so feisty!" Lin Ming Yang said this with more or less a sense of self-mockery, "Actually, those actions aren't as dangerous as you think, those really difficult actions are filmed in the studio and then synthesized by computer special effects."

"And that includes the part where you took me on a flying leap over an entire neighborhood?" Jessica Alba's real concern was still this question.

"That part has to be shot live!" Lin Ming Yang shook his head firmly, in fact, the "must" in his words was to be put in quotes, a large part of his request to take the initiative was because in this scene, he could hold Jessica Alba in the air and fly around.

Under the guise of filming a movie to take advantage of the beauty of the "cheap", and holding a hot body of the special thing in the air to experience the excitement of flying, this opportunity, not to mention the ordinary people, that is, and Spider-Man and the Marvel Comics in the same name of the superheroes, but also do not see everyone have such an opportunity, so the fool will give up.

Jessica Alba was bluffed by Lin Ming Yang's words, she asked worriedly, "Wouldn't that be dangerous?"

"They'll do a lot of protective measures during the shoot, and most importantly, I'll protect you during the shoot!" Lin Ming Yang patted his sturdy chest, "When the time comes, all you have to do is hold me tight and I'll take care of the rest!"

Jessica Alba nodded her head obediently, she didn't realize that Lin Ming Yang's words just now had already taken a big advantage of her.