Chapter 109 - Eighteenth Birthday (above)

Andrew Niccol had interviewed quite a few arms dealers in order to write the script King of War. When he got the check from Lin Mingyang, the first thing he did was not to convince Nicolas Cage, but to find a Czech arms dealer he had contacted before and buy 3000 genuine AK-47 assault rifles from him.

Looking at the slowly opening door and the guns piled up into a small mountain in the warehouse, Lin Mingyang's eyes looked a little straight.AK-47 sub-machine gun, this thing he only used in the shooting game CS, strafing power, point shooting headshot rate is extremely high, the shortcomings of the recoil is large, continuous shooting when the muzzle will shake, affecting the shooting of the fine reading.

The real AK-47 is carried in the hand with a full weight, which makes Lin Mingyang can not help but remember the script, Andrew Niccol also has a special description of this kind of gun:

"Of all the weapons in the Soviet arsenal, none was as profitable as the Kalashnikov, finalized in 1947 and more commonly known as the AK-47, also known as the Kalash. It is the world-famous submachine gun, the warrior's favorite weapon, elegantly and simply the perfect combination of 9-pound forged steel and solid wood, it will never break, jam or overheat. It will fire as well as it does when covered in mud and sand. It's so easy to use that even a small child would be able to use it, and they do. It's on Soviet coins and the Mozambique flag. After the end of the Cold War, Kalashnikov became Russia's biggest export. It was followed by vodka, caviar and suicidal novelists."

Lin Mingyang tsked his mouth, "How could you even think of buying a real gun, if it was my agent, he would have called the police and sent you straight to the mental hospital!"

"Luckily you're not him!" Andrew Niccol smiled smugly, "These guns are all used, there are no bullets in them, so you don't have to worry about safety. And compared to props, these real firearms are rather cheaper, at this point, I think these arms dealers are far more efficient than the production company."

"Where did you get these guns?"

"It's even easier than buying stock, I found an arms dealer I interviewed when I used to write the script and then bought these from him, and he also promised to help me get a bunch of tanks to put together, which will be used during the shooting of this movie."

"You're planning to use live action for all of them?" Lin Mingyang realized that Andrew Niccol was even more "crazy" than he had imagined.

"No problem at all, I also found an An-12 military transport plane in Russia. You know it's a lot easier to find a real tank or airplane for a movie than it is to get a luxury sports car or yacht." The warehouse where the firearms were stacked was provided by an American arms company, and then Andrew Nicoll showed Lin Mingyang around his office.

Only when Lin Mingyang walked in did he realize that Andrew Nicoll's so-called "office" was actually more like a conference room, with a 10-meter-long desk filled with various pictures and newspapers related to the film, and at the end of the desk was a real AK-47.

"You're going to make an appointment with Nicolas Cage here?"

"I thought this setup would at least give him the impression that I'm a director who 'knows his stuff' when it comes to arms!" Andrew Niccol explained.

Lin Mingyang nodded seriously, "I think after you finish this movie, you can really consider switching to arms trafficking!"


Nicolas Cage's first meeting with director Andrew Niccol was in this office, where Andrew Niccol gave him a general rundown of the movie and then asked the other party if he would like to join.

From the point of view of an arms dealer to expose the inside of the black market arms trade, this kind of subject matter is not everyone has the courage to shoot, the uniqueness and originality of the script attracted Cage, in the end he only said "yes", and the two sides so finalized the cooperation matters.

During this period, Lin Mingyang returned to Hungary and spent another two weeks on the set of Legend of the Night, and after returning to the United States, Andrew Niccol had already signed contracts with all the actors. The preparation of the movie "King of War" does not need Lin Mingyang too much worry, let him really hurt his head or how to celebrate his eighteenth birthday.

On Lin Mingyang's personal website, fans had come up with all sorts of ideas for him, some said to have a big party, some said to organize a concert... There were many ideas, but Lin Mingyang didn't want to make this birthday too grand. His eighteenth birthday was very important to him, and he preferred to be with people he was close to, celebrating his Bar Mitzvah.

Apart from his own family, the only people who could really be considered close to Lin Ming Yang were Angelina Jolie, Kate Beckinsale and Megan Fox, and Lin Ming Yang hadn't even bothered to seriously consider what would happen if these three women if they ran into each other, and simply invited them to his birthday party, but the response he got was incredibly discouraging.

Angelina Jolie was busy filming in Europe, Kate Beckinsale had to go back to England to shoot a set of advertisements in those days, and Megan Fox had to attend an important fashion party in New York on April Fool's Day, so none of the three women had the time to come and help him celebrate his birthday this time.

His own "backyard" is safe and sound, the original should feel happy Lin Ming Yang, but not happy at all. The birthday boy himself is not interested, but the Hollywood media is very interested in this matter. After the Oscars "kiss" incident, Lin Mingyang's birthday has become a hotspot for entertainment newspapers.

To the disappointment of those eagerly awaiting entertainment reporters, Lin Mingyang, before his 18th birthday, actually rare "low-key" a time, he publicly announced that his birthday will not hold any celebration, and he will only stay with his family.

The first day of his birthday, Lin Mingyang home near the hotel organized a small party, invited his high school classmates. A group of young people sang and danced until late at night before dispersing and leaving.

Reed and his Firefoxes teammates were the last group of classmates to leave, and Lin Mingyang sent them to the door of the hotel, and when he turned back, the waiter in the hotel lobby handed him an exquisitely wrapped gift box.

"This is what a lady asked me to give you!"

Lin Ming Yang was a bit puzzled as he took this gift box, all the gifts brought to him by the classmates who came to the party today were still piled up in the presidential suite where the Party was held, what kind of person had sent him this at this time?

With a belly full of doubts, the cell phone in Lin Ming Yang's pants pocket suddenly vibrated.

"Ready to count down to your birthday with me on the phone?" The call was from Megan, and Lin Ming Yang couldn't help but flirt as soon as he picked up the phone.

Megan on the other end of the phone, however, asked in a serious manner, "Did you receive my gift?"

"Gift?" Lin Ming Yang froze, then looked at the gift box in his hand, "I think I should have received it?"

"Then you can open it now, it's a surprise!"

"The surprise I want most right now is to be able to see you right away!" Lin Ming Yang complained somewhat childishly, but still opened the gift box according to Megan's instructions on the phone, and then found a car key inside.

"I'm not as rich as you guys, so I had to buy a Mercedes Benz latest model sports car to give to you." Megan giggled over the phone, "You'll find it in parking lot C, space 36 in that hotel parking lot!"

Lin Ming Yang smoothly found the sports car that Megan had given him, it was his favorite silver grey color.

When he opened the driver's door, Lin Ming Yang unexpectedly found a note that read:

"Felix, when you see this note, I'll be in room 807 of the Mondeo Hotel, yes, I'm back, and this is the real surprise. I'm sorry to inform you of this news in such an abrupt manner, I have booked two tickets back to New York, one for tonight at 12:00 and one for tomorrow morning at 7:00. So I'll only be waiting for you in my hotel room for half an hour, and if you don't show up tonight then I'll be on the 12:00 flight back to New York!"

The Mondeo Hotel was only three blocks away, and Megan had indeed booked two return tickets to New York, but the 12 o'clock one she was merely trying to scare Lin Ming Yang, she had picked the closest hotel and left the other person plenty of time.

Nevertheless, Lin Mingyang still "anxious" rushed over, the road took less than five minutes.

Megan in front of him, tore off the 12 o'clock to leave the ticket, in return, Lin Mingyang carried her into the bedroom.

Five hours later, just after dawn, Megan had to get up and rush to the airport, but this time Lin Ming Yang had to drive her to the airport. Megan had to rush back to New York to attend that "damn" fashion party that Lin Ming Yang was talking about.

Back to the hotel Lin Mingyang took a shower, and then fell asleep, when he woke up, it was almost time for lunch, he said he wanted to stay with his family today, if he didn't go back, his parents would be anxious.

Lin Mingyang drove the sports car that Megan sent him back home, parked in front of the door just happened to run into his grandfather Lin Aoquan, the old man at this time from the park to disperse just returned.

Under the persuasion of Lin Mingyang's father, the old man finally said goodbye to the town of Napanee to move to the United States and live with Lin Mingyang's family.

"You bought another new car?"

"A friend gave it to me as a birthday gift yesterday!" There was originally one parking space left in the family's garage, but now that empty space was occupied by a blue Ferrari sports car, "Guests at home?"

"You didn't come back all night last night, did you go out to fool around again?" Lin Aoquan knocked Lin Mingyang's head hard with his hand, "Wasn't it you who invited that girl here?"

Lin Ming Yang rubbed his head, he was confused, he didn't seem to have invited anyone today, then who was the "girl" that grandpa was talking about?

"It's that girl who acted with you and is quite pretty!"

"All the girls I've co-starred with are pretty!" Just as Lin Ming Yang's words fell, he received another hard blow on his head. He rubbed the sore spot in aggravation, "Your grandson's head is not a wooden fish, if you knock it again, it'll break!"

"I think you are a wooden fish head, that girl blushes when she sees us, don't think I can't see your relationship!" Lin Aoquan grunted in a bad mood, "Still pretending in front of me, I think your kid owes it to me this time, in the future the time for practicing boxing will be half an hour earlier!"

Lin Ming Yang didn't dare to say anything, he knew his grandfather's strange temper, if he was smart at this time, he should try to tolerate as much as possible.

Lin Aoquan then taught Lin Mingyang a lesson, and finally saw that his attitude of recognizing his mistakes was not bad, and waved his hand, Lin Mingyang was like being pardoned, and ran all the way through the back door to sneak home. He crossed the living room and was about to sneak upstairs when he was caught by his mother, Catherine.

"Good noon, mom!" Lin Mingyang smiled somewhat sheepishly.

"Felix!"Catherine had a stern expression on her face, "Where did you go last night?"

"Got drunk with some friends, then slept in a hotel for the night." Lin Mingyang lied.

This explanation barely passed muster, and although Catherine still had a stern face, her attitude had eased up a lot, "Underage drinking, if you're found out you'll be punished!"

Lin Ming Yang raised his hand with conviction, "I promise there won't be a next time!"

"Kate is in the kitchen, she came all the way from England to celebrate your birthday, you made her wait all morning, so go apologize to her right now!" Catherine's direct tone was one of command.

As this one surprise after another kept coming, Lin Ming Yang then suddenly realized that today was both his birthday and the western April Fool's Day.

"What is she doing in the kitchen?"

"She's preparing to bake a birthday cake for you!"

Resisting the joy in his heart, Lin Ming Yang looked at the various cakes piled up in the living room, all of which had been sent to him by his fandom fans through various means, "What about these?"

As soon as these cakes were mentioned, Catherine couldn't help but complain, "Since yesterday, your father and I haven't done anything but sign for these cakes for you, the doorbell of our house is almost broken by those cake delivery couriers. It was all in the wee hours of last night, and there were still people constantly delivering them this way."

"I'm so sorry!" Lin Mingyang's guilt this time was from the bottom of his heart.

"All the residents in this community we sent them a cake, and your father has already contacted the local charity organization to give the cake to the homeless vagrants. But even if we give one to each of them, they'll be able to accommodate up to a hundred cakes. I really don't know what to do with the rest of these!"

"Dingdong!" Someone else was ringing the doorbell at this time.

Catherine covered her head in agony, "Oh my God, it's the cake again!"