Chapter 110 - Eighteenth Birthday (Next)

In addition to baking a cake, Kate had also prepared a sumptuous lunch for Lin Ming Yang's family, and although they were making love in the kitchen, the two of them appeared to be very disciplined at the table. Grandpa Lin Aoquan had a good impression of Kate at first glance and chatted with her at the table.

Kate's good grooming and elegant conversation earned her a lot of bonus points in the eyes of Lin Mingyang's parents, and Catherine even asked about Kate's family. When she heard that Kate's father had passed away, the girl's expression could not hide her grief, Catherine's heart also had a few more moments of maternal pity for Kate.

Kate managed to win the favor of all of Lin Ming Yang's family members, and after lunch Lin Ming Yang brightly invited her to visit his room, and when he closed the door to his room, Lin Ming Yang heatedly laughed badly at Kate: "This time there will definitely be no one to bother us again!"

"Won't let you bad guy get away with it!" Kate embraced a pillow and sat on the seat in front of the desk, then began to curiously survey Lin Mingyang's room.

"Did you drive that Ferrari in the garage?" Lin Ming Yang saw Kate put on a "defensive" stance and knew that there was no chance today, then he also got serious.

"Like it?"

"It's cool!"

The corners of Kate's mouth turned up in a charming smile, "It's yours now!"

"There's no better gift in my eyes!" Even though he had already guessed the outcome, Lin Mingyang was still excited. Ever since getting himself a Bugatti Veyron supercar, Lin Ming Yang's penchant for cool sports cars was no longer a secret in Hollywood. It was because of this that both Kate and Megan coincidentally chose a sports car as his birthday gift.

Seeing the childlike expression of joy on Lin Ming Yang's face, Kate's heart also gained a great satisfaction. After delivering her own gift, she didn't forget to deliver Ecks' share as well.

Lin Ming Yang shook the key that Kate handed him, "Are you sure this is for that sports car?"

"This is a property that Mr. Ecks bought for you in Los Angeles, so you won't have to stay in a hotel when you go there from now on!"

"So that's it!" Lin Ming Yang smiled with a blush, he was a bit hasty.

Seeing his adorable appearance, Kate's childish heart rose, she mischievously asked Lin Ming Yang to stretch out his right hand and then closed his eyes, a game that was often played between children.

Lin Ming Yang heatedly smiled, "But don't sneakily kiss me!"

Kate glared at him in exasperation and urged, "Close it!"

Lin Mingyang had to obediently do as he was told, and Kate shoved the actual car keys into his hand.

Lin Mingyang deliberately peeked, "Can I open my eyes now?"

"Yes!" Kate gave orders like a queen, and this childish feeling made her feel as if she had returned to her childhood.

Lin Mingyang, on the other hand, took advantage of Kate's moment of distraction to steal a kiss on her cheek, then like a general who had won a battle, he said triumphantly, "Thank you, baby!"

Kate, who was suddenly taken advantage of, angrily picked up the pillow on the seat aside and pounded it upward with her own pink fists, "Beat you to death, you bad guy!"

Seeing that Kate was really angry, Lin Mingyang had some regrets, but he didn't rush to comfort the other party. Only after she had vented for a while, did he then gently hold her shoulders, stopping her act of spreading her anger, "If your hand hurts, my heart will hurt along with it!"

"Do you lie to other girls with such sweet words too?" Kate looked up suddenly, her eyes misting.

"Do I need to use sweet words to lie to girls?" Lin Mingyang gently cupped Kate's face and used his fingers to wipe away the tear tracks at the corners of her eyes, "There are some words that I will always say to you alone!"


Kate pretended to be sick this time, which is how she snuck back from England, and she certainly couldn't stay around Lin Ming Yang for too long. Lin Mingyang put her on a plane in the afternoon. The two beloved women, both came and went in a hurry, Lin Mingyang felt that he should feel satisfied, because he already had two incomparably precious feelings that other men couldn't have, but when he went back, he always felt that there was still some emptiness in his heart, and it seemed that something was still missing.

At the real birthday dinner, only his family members accompanied Lin Mingyang, and after he blew out all eighteen candles, the three closest relatives took out their own gifts. Grandpa Lin Aoquan gave him a set of the ancient version of the book "Ziji Tongjian", with the motto "reading history can make you wise"; his mother Catherine gave him a photo album, in which he treasured photos of every stage of his life from the time he was born to the present day, with a strong motherly love cohesive in it.

His father, Lin Qinghai, also prepared a special gift for Lin Mingyang, and only took it out when the dinner was over and Lin Mingyang returned to his room.

It was an exquisitely packaged small box, Lin Mingyang opened it and then stared blankly, then asked with some tears and laughter, "Grandpa also sent you this back then?"

Lin Qinghai shook his head, "What he sent me back then was a copy of Vegetable Roots Tan"

The adult gift that his father had given Lin Mingyang was actually a box of condoms, which I'm afraid had more symbolic meaning than practical use.

"Are you sure it hasn't expired?"

"Of course, it's the ultra-thin type, I think you should like it!"


This night, Lin Ming Yang actually lost sleep. He was lying on his bed, looking at the clock on the wall, in 5 minutes, the day was about to pass, he didn't know if his insomnia had anything to do with it, anyway, he did count down silently in his heart.

Somewhat similar to the method of counting sheep when you can't sleep, Lin Ming Yang also wanted to use this method to force himself to fall asleep, but he soon realized that the effect that such a method could have was very limited. Just as he was worried about his sleep, his cell phone finally rang at this time.

Seeing the familiar string of numbers on the screen, Lin Ming Yang realized that he couldn't sleep just because he had been waiting for this call.

He pressed the answer button, and then that familiar voice rang through the receiver:

"Guessed I would call?" The voice was still so sexy and charming.

"Couldn't sleep, so I've been waiting."

"You thought I'd make the call?" The other person's tone seemed a little curious.

"I trust my feelings, and surely you didn't call me on this number so I could guess what you were thinking!"

"Then why do you think I'm making this call?"

"Because it's my birthday!"

"Well, Happy April Fool's Day!" A giggle came from the other end of the line, "What else do your feelings tell you?"

"I feel like you're close to me right now!"

"But I'm in Greece!"

Lin Mingyang said with certainty, "You're right here in America and in the same city as me!"


"Because I felt your breath and heartbeat."

"That's a lie to a little girl."

"Well, airports in Greece don't announce passenger boarding information in English!"

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line, "You're not worried that this is an April Fool's joke?"

Lin Mingyang looked at the time on the wall, the hour hand on the dial had already slipped past the 12:00 midnight position.

"It's no longer April Fool's Day, within half an hour, I'll be at the airport to pick you up!"


Lin Mingyang lightly prepared to sneak out, but coincidentally met his father who was up for the night at the stairway.

Wearing pajamas and bare feet, Lin Qing Hai looked sleepily at the fully dressed Lin Ming Yang and yawned, "Is it already dawn?"

Lin Mingyang helplessly replied, "It just happens to be early morning."

"Then are you preparing to go out now?" Lin Qinghai frowned, seemingly feeling that Lin Mingyang's behavior was a bit inappropriate.

"Dad, I'm already an adult!" Lin Mingyang had to emphasize.

"That's exactly what I'm worried about... "Lin Qinghai struggled internally, "That gift I gave you?"

Lin Mingyang pulled out the box of condoms from his pocket and waved it in front of his father, "Although I won't necessarily use it, I still brought it with me."

"Alright, be careful out there and be safe on the road!" With his father's acquiescence, Lin Ming Yang ended up leaving the house without any problems.

The lights of the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 slowly lit up in the darkness, and this once hotly debated super sports car slowly drove out of the garage like a beast that hunts at night, emitting a low rumble in the darkness. This side of the automatically closing garage door has not yet completely closed, that end of the street in addition to a few pieces of flying leaves, where there is still the shadow of the sports car.

The Bugatti Veyron's speed of 16.4 was one of the best in its class, but the fuel consumption was also quite impressive. A full tank of gas could only support 20 minutes of full speed driving, but of course on a normal highway, being able to run up to 250km/h was already considered very good. Lin Ming Yang was on his way from the gas station to the airport when he received a call from Angelina Jolie again, this time her tone seemed a bit anxious.

"Felix, I might have been targeted by the 'Tail'!"

"You can take them around the airport twice, I'll be there in five minutes." Lin Mingyang stared at the bright red number on the speed dial that was constantly jumping upwards, his voice surprisingly calm.

"They seem to have come prepared." Julie was still a little worried.

"I'm driving a car that only takes 10 seconds to accelerate from 0-300km/h, so all you need to do is throw off a half-minute interval with them, and I'll make sure you disappear perfectly from their sight."

Gently closing the phone Angelina Jolie used her sexy plump lips to draw a bright smile at the corners of her mouth, the little man who was winding his way towards this place was a little mesmerized by the calm confidence he revealed during the call. It was a feeling like being addicted to a drug, a feeling that once you were addicted, you could never quit.

Pulling up her own travel bag, the sunglasses-wearing Julie didn't choose to play hide-and-seek with the 'tail' behind her, but instead walked directly into a café in the lobby. The several paparazzi who had been watching Julie from the moment she got off the plane also pretended to be travelers and walked in, choosing a position that allowed them to observe the situation well, but also kept a sufficient distance to not arouse the suspicion of the other party.

Julie from sitting down on the time constantly in the watch, obviously put on a waiting for someone's appearance, the few tracking her guys hold down the heart of the joy, they are also quietly waiting for the "big fish" appeared.

After about three minutes, Julie stood up and asked the attendant for the location of the airport restroom. When she left, she didn't take her bag with her. One of the paparazzi was ready to get up and follow her, but the leader of the group gave him a wink.

"Her bag is still there, following her there will only alert the snakes!" He lowered his voice and explained to the person next to him, "I reckon this is where they met, we can only wait now!"

This argument seemed to be very convincing, but after 3 minutes, there was still no sign of Julie coming back, the group finally felt that something was wrong, followed by a sudden call from the informant who was waiting outside the airport.

"She's already in the parking lot outside the airport!"

"Follow her!" The guy leading the group in the cafe furiously yelled into his cell phone, this time it was hard to get Angelina Jolie's mysterious whereabouts, but he didn't expect the other party to actually go gold and fool a group of them.

"It's too dark over there in the parking lot, I can't see what's going on, she seems to have gotten into a car..." the guy's intermittent voice came from the phone as he ran, "Oh my God, is this a ghost? That car is gone!"

The guy in charge of the stakeout outside the airport took a total of less than 20 seconds to run from where he was to where Julie got into the car, but by the time he got there, the other guy's car had long since disappeared, and he didn't even see the shadow of the taillights.