Chapter 111 - The Game of Hide and Seek

Sixty kilometers west of Orlando International Airport on the wilderness highway, a dazzling Bugatti Veyron sports car was alone on the side of the road, this was an interstate highway that ran through the wilderness, originally an important transportation route, but some time ago a flash flood erupted and washed out a bridge. After the road was broken, the vehicles traveling on this road were almost extinct.

"You didn't bring me a birthday present?"

"But now your birthday is over!" Julie had prepared a small gift, but lost it at the airport along with her travel bag.

"Well, you're my best gift!" Lin Ming Yang hugged the beautiful woman in his arms, "I feel that you've lost weight, filming is very tiring, you need to rest more."

"Really?" Julie smiled and turned her head, after a few seconds of deep gazing, Lin Ming Yang once again tasted the richness of her sexy lips.

"When are you planning on returning to the theater?"

Julie had originally planned to rush back to meet Lin Ming Yang and leave, but after meeting her, she couldn't leave, after sitting on a plane for more than 10 hours and tossing around in the car for half the night, she had a fatigue that permeated her body. "After taking advantage of enough, you're ready to drive me away?"

"I wasn't kidding when I said I would keep you by my side forever!" Lin Mingyang held her hand tightly, his eyes full of pain.

"Then let's go find a hotel to stay in!" Julie leaned into his arms, "I have to leave tomorrow at the latest!"

"Go to my house, get some rest during the day, I'll book your flight for tomorrow!"

"Your parents are okay with you taking me home?"

"This should qualify as a private matter between me and you."

"Fine, we'll sneak back and I'll stay in your room!" Julie thought about it and finally decided to keep this secret relationship between the two going.


At around four in the morning, Lin Ming Yang brought Angelina Jolie back to his home quietly. He locked the door to his room and then found Angelina a set of her own pajamas to put on, there were no longer any taboos between the two and embraced and slept together.

Lin Mingyang to the outside of the affair, Dad at home to help him as a cover, early in the morning to see Lin Mingyang's car has been parked in the garage, Lin Qinghai know that he has returned. At breakfast Catherine was ready but went upstairs to wake up Lin Ming Yang, Lin Qing Hai hurriedly stopped her.

"He was working on a script all night last night, let him sleep a little longer now, anyway, there's ready-made milk and bread, he'll come down and get it himself when he's hungry."

"But..." said Catherine with some hesitation.

"Alright, the child has grown up, he's able to take care of himself!" Lin Qinghai hugged Catherine, "It's time for us to enjoy ourselves!"

Catherine blushed, she first looked in the direction of the living room, the old man was reading the newspaper, he shouldn't have seen anything, then she glared at her husband angrily, but she didn't continue to insist on going upstairs to call Lin Ming Yang.

After breakfast, Lin Qinghai went to work as usual, Lin Aoquan went to the park to spread out, while Catherine went out shopping after cleaning the house.

It wasn't time for lunch when Lin Ming Yang woke up, Julie was still sleeping at this time. He came out to get some food and was about to go upstairs when Catherine, who had returned from shopping, happened to walk into the living room.

"Felix, you're awake?"

"Yes, mom!" Hiding a woman in his bedroom, Lin Mingyang's expression wasn't so open when he faced his own mother.

Catherine also noticed that there was something wrong with his demeanor, "You didn't seem to sleep well last night?"

"Yes!" Lin Ming Yang nodded stiffly, he was a very good actor in front of the camera, but to act in front of his own mother was still a bit overwhelming.

"You're taking so much bread and milk?" Catherine noticed what he was holding in his hand.

Lin Ming Yang forced a smile at the corner of his mouth, "I saved the rest for the evening."

"Eating in the bedroom is not a good habit!" Catherine lectured him a few times, then asked, "Do you need me to help you clean your room?"

"No, no!" Lin Mingyang waved his hand in a hurry, "I can do this myself!"

Catherine was curious, "You never did it before!"

"Mom, I'm already an adult!" Lin Ming Yang helplessly raised this million dollar excuse.

"Alright, baby!" Catherine hugged Lin Ming Yang's face and kissed him on the forehead, "The SATs will be here soon, tell me I'm ready!"

"Sure!" Lin Ming Yang didn't dare to say that he was 100% sure about the test, getting a higher score was still possible, "Actually, I could have taken this test a year ago and gotten a decent score."

"Then a year later, I hope you can do better on the exam!" Catherine smiled and nodded in satisfaction, "Have you figured out which schools you're going to apply to? I've heard that Mr. Eccles introduced you to NYU before, but you know that your father and I would like you to choose an Ivy League school, preferably one of the more exclusive ones!"

Lin Ming Yang used to want to study directing, but since he came into contact with Sam Raimi, Peter Jackson and other big directors who came from the "wild", he changed his mind, a real first-class director needs creativity and ideas, these things can't be learned in the classroom, so he changed his initial volunteer.

"I'm going to apply to Harvard."

"Yes?" After hearing this news, Catherine's surprised expression was directly written on her face, "I knew you would make the right choice, what are you going to major in?"


This answer made Catherine unavoidably a little disappointed, she had actually been hoping that Lin Ming Yang would study business or law.

In order to take care of his mother's feelings, Lin Ming Yang added, "This major will help me in acting or directing in the future, and for the minor category I'll choose economics, but I don't guarantee that I'll be able to get a degree in this."


After chatting with his mother for a while, when Lin Mingyang went upstairs, Angelina Jolie had already woken up, but was still stuck in Lin Mingyang's bed refusing to get up. After Lin Ming Yang buttered the slices of bread and smelled the aroma, the hungry girl finally couldn't help but climb up.

The food that Lin Ming Yang brought up was eaten by Julie alone, and this Hollywood beauty didn't eat very elegantly in the bedroom. After drinking two cups of milk, she then smacked her lips in satisfaction before touching her flat belly, "It's delicious!"

"Full?" Lin Mingyang waited for her to finish eating before pouring himself a glass of milk, he sat on the edge of the bed and opened his laptop.

Julie brought her body over and leaned her head on Lin Ming Yang's shoulder, watching with interest as he clicked on the browser and then entered a website she had never seen before.

Julie saw the rows of young people's photo avatars on the page and thought it was the campus website of some university.

"The main Harvard students who stay on this site are Harvard students, but this isn't Harvard's campus network, to be precise this a social networking site within their school." Lin Ming Yang said while showing Julie some of the features on this website.

"This website looks very interesting!" Julie nodded, "But what are you looking at this for?"

Lin Ming Yang said matter-of-factly, "I want to see if there are any pretty girls in this school."

Just as his words fell, a thumping knock on the door interrupted their chat, "Felix, are you in there?"

Lin Mingyang and Julie looked at each other, and Lin Mingyang gestured in mute language, "My mom!"

Julie was also a bit at a loss for words, she could even imagine what kind of shocked expression would be on Catherine's face when she saw a woman 9 years older than her son lying on his bed, "What should we do then?"

With his mother right outside the door, Lin Ming Yang couldn't think of anything good to do in this situation, and the only thing in his room that could hide someone was the closet, "I'll have to entrust you to hide there first!"

"Felix, can you open the door?" The urging voice of Catherine outside the door sounded again.

"Okay, mom, I'm coming!" Lin Mingyang shouted in a coping style.

Julie took off Lin Mingyang's pajamas, then hugged the clothes she had thrown on the bedpan and burrowed into Lin Mingyang's closet, and as she closed the door of the closet, she suddenly poked her head out and gave Lin Mingyang a meaningful look.

"You're the first man to make me hide in the closet!"

The thumping knock on the door was once again hypnotizing, Lin Ming Yang hugged Julie's face and kissed her, "Alright, baby, I promise it won't happen next time!"

"I mean, if you get a bigger bedroom in the future, you better get a bigger closet!" Julie smiled ambiguously and winked at him, taking it upon herself to close the closet from the inside.

After Lin Ming Yang opened the door, Catherine walked into the room with a suspicious face, "Why did you lock the door?"

"I'm conceptualizing a new plot, so I need a relatively independent space!" Lin Ming Yang stuck both hands in his pants bag and said in a calm manner.

Catherine's eyes roamed around Lin Mingyang's room and finally landed on the two glass cups on his nightstand, "You're drinking milk from two cups?"

"The first glass was accidentally soiled by me, so I replaced it with the second one!"

Lin Ming Yang's explanation like this also made sense, Catherine wasn't interrogating, she had come to tell Lin Ming Yang to go down for lunch, but it seemed that Lin Ming Yang had now eaten enough on his own first, just as she was about to leave, she inadvertently glimpsed the pajamas that had been thrown at the end of Lin Ming Yang's bed.

She frowned, "After getting up, you should iterate your pajamas neatly and put them in the closet!"

"Okay, mom!" Lin Mingyang looked like a good son on the surface and nodded vigorously, but in his heart, he hoped that his mother would leave soon.

"Let me help you get it!" Kayseri walked over without saying a word and picked up the pajamas, then she smelled a scent of perfume, CarolinaHerrera's scent, the same one she liked.

"You didn't seem to be wearing pajamas when you came downstairs, why does it smell like Herrera perfume?" Catherine's suspicion made Lin Ming Yang and Julie, who was hiding in the closet, hearts lift, this was really hard to explain.

"I woke up in the morning and..." began Lin Ming Yang, stammering and blinking.

"Right!" The suspicious Catherine suddenly clapped her hands, "I forgot the perfume bottle in the washroom this morning, you must have undoubtedly touched it."

Lin Ming Yang's heart was as exciting as if he had experienced a roller coaster, violently lifting up and plummeting down, he smiled awkwardly, "Have I?"

"You just reminded me!" Catherine's doubts were allayed at this point, and she returned the pajamas to Lin Ming Yang, "It's better for you to iterate yourself, I'll go put the perfume away."