Chapter 114 - Fatboy, Negroes and Chicks

"Hey, Hill, wake up!" Slapped the face of that stinking fat boy who still stayed in bed at eight o'clock, but the other party didn't respond at all, so the black guy Sauter had no choice but to rip open the curtains, and the bedroom left to shine into the open sunlight.

But the fat man lying in bed from the side and grabbed a pillow, covering his head to continue to huff and puff.

Sauter pulled off the pillow covering the fat man's head, "Jonah Hill, I have a very important news to tell you, if you still continue to stay in bed, half an hour later, this message will be canceled, and you will also lose a good opportunity to become famous."

This tactic really worked, the drowsy fat man sat up violently and rubbed his sleepy eyes, "A director came to the school to recruit? Steven Spielberg or James Cameron?"

He was greeted with a pillow in Sauter's hand, and with a thud, he fell back into bed.

Sauter yelled at the fat Hill on the bed, "Felix Lim is getting ready to make another movie, a school comedy, and he's coming to the school today to cast!"

"Legends of the Dark won't be released until next month, and The New Spider-Man will have to wait until next year..." muttered a confused Fat Hill on the pillow, then jerked his head up, "You're saying Felix is coming to the school to recruit, and he's going to be his own director? "

"That's right, this should be considered his third directorial effort, think about Cinderella's Glass Phone and Back to 17, if he picks it, it's a great opportunity to become famous." Sauter said excitedly.

"What other male actors will audiences pay attention to as long as a movie with Felix Lim in it?" This was obviously a flirtation from Fat Hill, who was saying this, but was actually sitting up and was putting clothes on his body.

"He's only directing this time, and it looks like he's got a lesser known guy for the lead role." Sauter cupped his chin, "Graduated earlier than us and became the lead after acting in a few more movies, I think this time Felix Lin won't have high requirements for supporting roles, at least he won't look at whether you're famous or not."

Hill asked as she laboriously slipped her shoes onto her feet, "So what kind of roles is he going to recruit this time?"

"Fat guys, black guys and chicks."


"Is that really what that notice said?" Blake Lively heard the news from his chattering pals, half reacting to the fact that Felix Lin was coming to the school to pick a female lead?

"Do you think there's going to be a kissing scene in this play?" A diehard friend clasped his hands, his eyes were sparkling with little stars, and said with a longing face of fantasy, "Kissing with Felix in the play, what a romantic and wonderful experience it will be!"

The surrounding friends looked at this nymphomaniac helplessly, and told her in no uncertain terms, "Felix Lin is not playing the male lead this time, he is only directing!"

"It's not bad for him to be the director, at least I can take the opportunity of the audition to ask him for an autograph."

The ladies swooned together, they no longer paid attention to the nymphomaniac, at this time someone wrapped their arms around Blake Lively's slender waist, then gave her a light slap on her arse, "Our Lively isn't going to give it a try? Look at that body and that little ass, Felix Lim will definitely still be charmed by you!"

Being teased by the other party and blushing, Blake Lively nonchalantly backhandedly squeezed the other party's big, plump boobs in front of her chest, "Your boobs are not bad either, if you can wiggle them twice in front of Felix Lin, maybe he'll even get a nosebleed!"

The two women in the road jostled up, Blake Lively outstanding posture, her that big wave girl companion is also unique flavor, the two you pinch me pinch, teasing each other, look at the passing boys eyes straight, walk past after all have to twist their necks towards this side to look.

After some fighting, both panting stopped, "Lively, you're really not going to try?"

"It's okay to try out, I don't think I have much hope, after all, I'm a freshman only enrolled in the school, I don't have any fame and I don't have any acting experience, I don't have much hope of being chosen, I'm going to turn in a picture and leave!"

A female companion interjected, "Your age might just be your advantage, after all, Felix is going to be doing a high school school comedy, and compared to you, all of us are a bit 'outdated'."

Nymphomaniac Girl chimed in at this point, "You said Felix is a lolicon, so should I make myself up a bit more youthful for the interview?"

The women swooned wildly once again, and someone jokingly ventured out, "I think he prefers mature royalty, if you go in there in a bikini, he'll absolutely love you to death!"


"Achoo!" Sitting in the auditorium of the New Theater Academy, Lin Ming Yang sneezed fiercely, this was already the seventh sneeze this morning, did he catch a cold? Lin Ming Yang rubbed his nose and watched as Ecks walked in with a sad face.

"No one came?" Lin Ming Yang asked suspiciously.

"You should go out and take a look, it's definitely not just the acting students, I'm guessing half of their school is out!" Ecks had just been shocked by the sea of people outside the door, and he strongly demanded that the audition time be shortened, "With so many people, I guess a week of us auditioning won't be enough!"

Lin Ming Yang immediately started to get a headache, he thought for a moment, "Why don't we just let the acting students in?"

"This isn't a job interview, we don't even look at resumes, how can we be sure if they're acting students?" Ecks shook his head to veto his idea, "I think most of them are coming for you."

Lin Ming Yang asked back amusedly, "I came here to recruit actors, who am I not rushing towards?"

"Then what should you do if they aren't even here to audition, but just to get an autograph from you?" Ecks grunted in a humorless manner.

"Am I that popular?" Lin Ming Yang had an innocent expression on his face, "I thought college students didn't really follow stars."

"Then you can go outside and take a look yourself, seventy percent of them are girls, are they all here to compete for the female lead?" Ecks was the one who had read the script, he knew that this so-called female lead, the drama accounted for not as much as one of the supporting roles, it was purely a vase.

"Then have someone post a notice outside, those who want to sign don't audition, those who want to audition don't sign!"


"Sauter, are you sure this is an audition venue and not a fan meeting?" Fatty Hill looked at the girls in front of him who were holding posters with obsessive fervor, and couldn't help but sigh a little, "I remember the last time Clinton came to our school to speak, the scene wasn't this spectacular?"

"Clinton just played an affair, Felix Lin but at the same time and a lot of Hollywood actresses are rumored to be the guy, appear this situation is very normal!" Black boy Sauter smacked his lips, "Jealous of women's fate!"

"You think we can squeeze in?" Hill looked at the black crowd at the entrance of the auditorium, according to the current situation, it was estimated that even if they waited until tomorrow, they wouldn't be able to take their two turns.

"Look! They seem to be making a new move." Sauter, being tall and sharp-eyed, saw that the staff at the entrance had posted another announcement on top of the original one. Then the crowd at the front of the line started to enter in order.

The discouraged Fatty Hill sat on his butt on the grass next to him, "We'd better go, it's probably hopeless today!"

Black boy Saute is also a little disheartened, this formation row down estimates that they really have no chance, but at this time the door appeared a new situation, just went in the few people soon came out one after another, the hands are happy to hold a Lin Ming Yang autographs.

As the group of girls passed by, Saute stopped them in their tracks, "Hey, pretty girl, is the audition over so soon?"

"We didn't audition, we just got Felix's autograph!"

No information about the audition was extracted from them, but Sauter did learn the contents of that newly posted announcement, which gave him renewed hope as he kicked Hill, who was sitting beside him, "Man, we're definitely in for a treat today!"

Sauter's judgment was accurate, most of the people gathered around the entrance of the auditorium had come for Lin Ming Yang's autograph. Although people kept joining the waiting line, after an hour or so, it was Saute's turn to enter.

He high-fived Fatty Hill, and with some nervousness, he walked into the auditorium where the interview was taking place.

The seats in this auditorium could hold more than a thousand audience members, but there were only two people sitting alone under the stage, the middle-aged man Saute didn't recognize, but the Lin Mingyang sitting next to him he was familiar with. When he came in, the other man even smiled at him.

"My name is..." standing in the center of the stage, Saute was still a little nervous, it was hard to stabilize his emotions, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he was interrupted by the middle-aged man next to Lin Ming Yang in a very rude manner.

"Man, when you came in, there must have been a lot more people lined up behind you?"

"I think so!"

"Well, then you don't need to tell us your name at all at the start, because we certainly wouldn't remember it if you did, and unless you've been selected, you'll only be wasting your own time by making introductions at the start. If you're not selected, there's no point in telling us your name, there are three question boards on stage, you just need to do as you're told!" Every actor who actually came to audition, Ecks would remind each other of this.

This was Lin Ming Yang's idea, but the "villain" had to be played by Eckles. In any case, Lin Ming Yang is considered a public figure, in this kind of occasion to sing the red face is the most appropriate. Therefore, as soon as Eckles finished speaking, Lin Mingyang nodded his head in agreement, with a warm smile on his face, making his heart feel friendly.

According to the requirements of the character on the title board, Sauter performed a street dance mixed with rap, and Lin Ming Yang and Ecks exchanged comments with their eyes offstage. After the other party's performance, Ecks' face finally had a bit of a lively expression, "Your name?"

"Columbus Sauter."

Ecks nodded, "Leave your communication at the door, we'll let you know if there's a result!"

Hearing such a reply, Sauter didn't leave in a hurry, he looked at Lin Mingyang, "Mr. Felix, am I considered selected?"

"It can be interpreted that way, but only if there's no guy better than you among the following auditioners!" Lin Ming Yang smiled and nodded.


"My name is..." Jonah Hill's opening statement on stage was the same as Sauter's, and Ecks was about to repeat the same thing he'd said to Sauter before, but Lin Ming Yang stopped him.

Jonah Hill, who was standing on the stage and slightly rushed, saw Lin Ming Yang give him an encouraging smile and nodded his head to indicate that he could continue.

"My name is Jonah Hill, a student of the New Theater Academy's acting department, graduating this year, I've made a few short campus films before..."

"No roles in any of those movies?" Ecks interrupted again.

"Uh, I guess so." Jonah Hill replied honestly.

Question after question from Ecks, "Have you ever tried to lose weight before?"

"Tried once, but the results weren't very noticeable, then I gave up, I think obesity is one of the things that makes me tick, it makes me look comedic."

"From Chaplin to Kim Carrey, no successful comedian in Hollywood has your weight..." it was never Ecks who interrupted others, this time he was interrupted by someone else.

Although Jonah Hill hadn't started acting yet, from his appearance Lin Ming Yang took an immediate liking to him, "I think you're not bad, but if you're going to play a high school student, you'll need to go get yourself a pair of glasses because your character is a master at playing with computers."

"You mean... "Jonah Hill stood straight up on the stage and asked with a Judas confidence, "I made the cut?"

"The black kid who came in ahead of you went to the same school as you, and you know each other?"

"As a matter of fact he's my best friend."

Lin Ming Yang considered for a moment, then turned his head sideways and whispered in Ecks' ear, "Want to take an early break?"

Ecks eyes rolled, "I think they're not bad."

After getting his desired answer, Lin Ming Yang sat upright, "Hill, please go out and tell all the men behind you in line that the audition is over, but the girls have to stay because we're still missing a female lead right now!"


None of those girls who participated in the audition next were able to satisfy Lin Ming Yang, as for those few girls who boldly threw winks towards the stage, they were directly PASSED by him, by the time a tall girl appeared in the doorway, Ecks suddenly poked Lin Ming Yang with his hand.

"This one is good!" Lin Ming Yang also nodded, a very pretty girl, giving people a bright feeling. However, he looked more carefully than Ecks, the girl was still holding a few photos in her hand, he subconsciously took the other party as a fan who had come to ask for his autograph.

Unsurprisingly, after coming in the girl didn't even mount the stage, she ran directly to Lin Ming Yang, her face with a slight blush, and handed him the photos in her hand.

It's a shame that such looks don't go to acting, Lin Ming Yang sighed in his heart while pulling out the autograph pen, and was about to sign the photos when he realized that the photos weren't of him at all, but of the girl herself.

He looked up very puzzled, and then the girl gathered her courage and said, "My name is Blake Lively."

Lin Ming Yang realized that he had actually made a fool of himself in front of a beautiful girl, and that she wasn't even here to ask for her autograph, "So you're here to audition?"

The girl nodded shyly, "I'm still in high school, but I've had acting experience before."

Ecks was amused by the tall, blonde, shy girl, "So are you nervous for the camera?"

The girl shook her head vigorously at first, but then bit her lip and nodded softly.

Ecks pointed at Lin Ming Yang and asked snidely, "You'll be nervous for the camera, and you'll blush for this guy.Felix is the director of the movie, and he's right behind the camera staring at you all the time while filming, so do you think you'll be nervous or blush at that time?"