Chapter 115 - The Youthful Gossip Girl

It took a while for Lin Ming Yang to realize that this girl named Blake Lively was a year younger than himself. She was born into an acting family, her parents were both actors, and when Blake's older siblings had already become actors, Blake's parents told her to focus on school first.

Blake did very well in school, she was involved in many activities including: her high school's student choir, cheer-leading government, and student council president. It is interesting to note that Lively's brother-in-law is the one who played the role of Lin Ming Yang's father in Follies, and because of this movie, she became a big fan of Lin Ming Yang.

Signing his name on someone else's picture, Lin Ming Yang joked that this was his first time. He signed his name on all the photos that Blake had brought to him, leaving only one, "I'll have to keep the rest of this one for reference, if you're interested in the role we're offering, she's yours!"

"Really?" Blake Lively covered his mouth in excitement, "Can I really?"

"There's nothing difficult about this role, you'll definitely be a breeze to perform!" Lin Ming Yang explained with a smile.

But the same judges, the excited Blake gave Ecks a hug, but was coy in front of Lin Ming Yang, and finally only offered to take a picture with him. Although he smiled brightly in front of the camera lens, the depression in his heart was beyond measure. Why was it that an uncle like Ecks could get a hug from a beautiful woman, while he himself, a handsome man, was left out to the side.

On the way back, Lin Ming Yang kept complaining about this unfairness, but Ecks tsked his mouth, "This girl is really good, she has the frank eyes like Jennifer Aniston, and a bright smile like Cameron Diaz, and Jessica Simpson's big wavy long hair and the invincible youth of 17 years old, and she is now lacking just a chance. "

"It's a pity that this role won't be able to give her much help, but since you think so highly of her, you can try signing her under the name of your economic company!" Lin Ming Yang leaned back in the backseat, he always felt that Blake Lively's name sounded familiar, and as he said this, he finally remembered that Blake was the actress who played the number one female lead Selena in the TV series Gossip Girl launched by the CW channel in the latter days.

In that popular TV series, the noble and mysterious beauty Selena was the center of attention in the social circle of Manhattan's rich kids, known as the "Queen S". Blake's tall figure, wavy blonde hair and outstanding temperament were a perfect match for the character, and she immediately became the media's new favorite after appearing in the series, and her popularity has never ended.

Lin Mingyang did not expect to go to a New York college to cast the role, but met the still young "Gossip Girl", which indeed has a lot of clever factors. After finalizing the list of actors, Lin Mingyang successfully passed the AP exam and sent his application materials to Harvard.

After doing so, he did not wait for the school's reply at home, but directly took the assembled crew to the filming location - Orange County, California.

Lin Mingyang admitted that his choice of the filming location had something to do with the nostalgia in his heart. Orange County, south of Los Angeles, is a harbor town where many white middle-class or wealthy American families live, and it is known as the richest county in the entire United States, as well as a very famous tourist destination.

Lin Ming Yang's first script, Orange County Boys, unfolded against the backdrop of Orange County. Although Lin Ming Yang had not yet officially made a name for himself in Hollywood at the time this drama was filmed, FOX Television paid a large sum of money to buy the rights to the drama's sequel from him.

Now The Boys from Orange County is in its 3rd season on FOX, and in the plot of Lin Ming Yang's new movie, "Admission Notice," the South Harmon Institute of Technology, which was formed by the students themselves, is modeled after Chapman University in Orange County. While Ming-Yang Lin is enjoying a sunny, scenic beach sunbath, he hasn't forgotten about his job.

Being both a director and a screenwriter, he needed to explain the plot and character traits to the actors before the film officially started shooting, but he worked in a very special way, all of which was done in the company of blue skies, white clouds, and beach juices.

Lin Mingyang had chartered a beach, and the rest of the cast and crew were either swimming or surfing, while the film's main actors sat with him under a parasol. The other main actors were all wearing beachwear, except Blake Lively who wore a sexy bikini, her long blonde hair tied in a ponytail, returning from swimming she draped a towel that covered the upper body's plumpness, but those sexy long legs were extremely seductive.

When she sat down, the males around Lin Mingyang collectively gulped. In the end, Lin Mingyang coughed twice before the attention of this group of "animals" was drawn back to himself. Today he wore a pair of beach shorts, shirt collar open very low, revealing the inside of the robust pectoral muscles, under the umbrella, he still did not remove his sunglasses.

In addition to posing as a bully and playing it cool, Lin Mingyang's biggest purpose of wearing sunglasses is still to facilitate his better appreciation of beautiful women, other people are not good too unbridled staring at Blake Lively's legs, but Lin Mingyang hiding behind the sunglasses is a great feast for the eyes.

Everyone thought that Lin Mingyang coughed twice, was ready to speak, but after waiting for half a day but delayed to see his further reaction, Justin Long, Jonah Hill and Columbus Sauter exchanged glances, and then looked at Blake Lively in unison.

Blake Lively pointed towards himself and the three men nodded their heads together, so there was nothing Blake could do but softly shout, "Mr. Felix, can we begin?"

She stretched her sexy legs under the table, and only then did Lin Ming Yang come back to his senses with intent, "You can just call me Felix from now on."

It was only after this was said that Lin Ming Yang realized that something was wrong, and while Blake didn't blush and a few others didn't react, he hastily added, "The same goes for everyone else, from now on just call me by my first name in the crew."

No one else had is particular reaction, only Blake Lively heard some otherworldly meaning in Lin Ming Yang's words, her heart thumping, not paying the slightest attention to what Lin Ming Yang said next.

Lin Ming Yang also didn't notice that the beautiful woman beside him had gotten lost in thought as he began to tell the plot of the entire story:

"A piece of paper with a university acceptance notice divided a classroom of students into two camps; those who were accepted were elated, while those who failed were downcast. A few families are happy and a few are sad, and Bartleby, who is empty-handed, is so preoccupied that he doesn't know how to talk to his parents."

"The reality is very cruel, but can not escape, Bartleby had to tell his parents the bad news. His father was disappointed, his mother sighed and sighed, and even his sister began to look down on him. Because of Bartleby's poor grades, the whole family felt humiliated, especially his father, who could not hold his head up in front of his coworkers, friends and relatives. Bartleby was discouraged and suffered a great deal of stress alone, hiding at home for years."

"A few days later, Bartleby suddenly received an email, a coveted college acceptance letter, he was unexpectedly accepted into South Harmon Institute of Technology." Lin Mingyang adapted the story of Bartleby, a teenager who jumped off a building, into a screenplay, without even changing the name of the protagonist, which of course had already obtained the consent of Bartleby himself in reality.

"Bartleby's acceptance letter made the family overjoyed. Although South Harmon Institute of Technology was nothing prestigious and the family had never heard of it before, it was a college after all, and the parents had a smile on their faces again. On the first day of school, my father personally drove Bartleby to the school and met the president. Although the campus was small and slightly dilapidated, there were not many students, but they were all full of vigor, and my father went home satisfied. Never in his wildest dreams could he have imagined that what was in front of him was a hoax."

"It was Bartleby's doing. He couldn't stand the look on his parents' faces, so he found a few other students in his class to discuss a plan, and a group of failing students with the same fate got together and suddenly came up with this idea - since no university was willing to admit them, why don't they just pull themselves up by their bootstraps, start a university, and admit themselves."

"They carefully forged university admission letters, set up an admissions website with great fuss, and managed to convince the uncle of one of their classmates to make a temporary cameo as the principal. Incredibly, they actually found a recently abandoned mental hospital, painted it, and South Harmon Institute of Technology was born."

"Bolstered by a group of academically inept, yet exceptionally bright young people, this ridiculously flawed plan actually works, and the kids are soulfully liberated under the supervision of S.H.I.T. as the school encourages its students to pursue an era of individualization. However, as S.H.I.T.'s fame grows, it catches the attention of Dean, the president of another prestigious university named Harmen."

"Young people have the right to pursue their own dreams, although Bartleby is subverting the traditional education mechanism in the United States, but his and his friends' behavior has constituted a fraud, the U.S. Department of Education sent an investigation team to review the qualifications of the S.H.I.T. University, in the hearing, Bartleby's impassioned speech, to persuade the Ministry of Education's officials, the S.H.I.T. University officially received recognized."


"Blake?" Lin Mingyang's soft call pulled Blake Lively back only from the infatuation of teenage wistfulness, and she asked in a panic, "Already?"

Lin Ming Yang helplessly held up his sunglasses, "I've finished!"

Blake Lively obviously wasn't listening attentively, but Lin Ming Yang didn't give her a chance to be embarrassed, "Maybe later we can talk alone, now Ron, as the main star of the movie, you're going to recapitulate the plot idea I just had!"

"Me?" Justin Long didn't expect Lin Ming Yang to directly name himself, his current reaction was rather like that of a male lead in a drama who has a somewhat demented expression when he encounters a problem.

"Perfect!" Just in the moment of his daze, Lin Ming Yang took out a camera in his hand as if by magic, and quickly pressed the shutter on the surprised Justin Long, and this classic expression was recorded. Lin Ming Yang handed the camera to Justin Long, "Remember this expression, this is what I want to see in your performance!"

"I'll go back and try to practice on this expression!" Justin Long nodded seriously.

"What about us?" Jonah Hill and Columbus Sauter eyed Lin Mingyang.

"You guys don't need to have any too special expressions, just get into the mood when you're filming and follow the character's joys and sorrows!"

"What about me?" Blake Lively also asked in a hilarious manner.

"Our makeup artist will make you look sexy and pretty, just remember that Ron is a boy who is mesmerized by you and try to let go of your performance as much as possible!"

Blake Lively added asking, "This is my first official performance, can I get someone to do my lines?"

"Sure!" If it was just him and Blake Lively, Lin Ming Yang would have stepped up to the plate and taken on this honorable and arduous task, but seeing the anticipation on Justin Long and Columbus Sauter's faces, out of fairness, he pretended to be generous and said, "All of the men in the audience, I think they'll all have the time to do that!"

Hearing Lin Ming Yang say this, even Jonah Hill straightened his back, hoping to get this opportunity, but Blake Lively just nodded his head and left it at that.

"Any other questions?" Seeing that no one had any more questions, Lin Ming Yang cleared his throat, "Ron, Hill, and Sauter, the three of you have all had college experience, talk about your thoughts!"

"A school founded by the students themselves sounds great, if there was such a school in reality, I would definitely consider transferring!" Fat Jonah Hill was the first to speak.

Black kid Columbus Sauter took over, "I think the name S.H.I.T University is really cool!"

"And it's original location was an abandoned mental hospital!" Justin Long's final addition had a nice touch of cold humor.

"Because in reality if someone actually did that, they'd just be a crazy person!" Lin Ming Yang shrugged helplessly, "I'm glad that you guys are focusing your attention on schools. But this movie isn't about exposing the flaws of education, it's about highlighting the courage to pursue your dreams, and that's actually what I want to express through this movie."

"But the ending of the movie, where I still have such a university established, can also be seen as a vision, a challenge. It's precisely because it's unlikely that there will ever be such a university in reality that the movie favors it and defends its position firmly. A real school, as the protagonist in the script says, does not need teachers, classrooms, and false traditions and money. It just needs to be a soil that nurtures the dreams of its students."