Chapter 116 - Romantic Playback

As Ecks had said, Lin Ming Yang wasn't here to film, he was exactly like he was on vacation. The crew had chartered a coastal hotel, so that they could enjoy the sun and beach up close in between filming. In the evening, those crew members who had had enough fun began to prepare for tomorrow's shooting, and Lin Ming Yang was the only one lying alone on a reclining chair in front of the pool. He had originally come to admire the beautiful women, but what killed the mood was that the pool was filled with a bunch of big old men, so he helplessly put on his sunglasses and prepared to take a nap.

At this time the sun hadn't completely set, at this time the afterglow of the setting sun was just sprinkled on Lin Ming Yang's body, he half squinted his eyes and was just about to fall asleep when the sunlight in front of him was suddenly blocked by a humanoid shadow.

The only person in the entire crew who could have such a praiseworthy devilish figure was Blake Lively. Her blonde hair was completely draped in the setting sun, looking soft, detailed and shiny, and with Blake's tall and slender figure, it looked better and better.

Lin Mingyang's gaze was one of straightforward admiration, unadulterated with desire. Being stared at by him like this for half a day, Blake had already flown red, her gaze lowered, her two arms had nowhere to rest, and her eyes didn't know where to look.

In the end, it was Lin Ming Yang himself who broke this awkward situation, he pretended to be serious and coughed, "Blake, is there something wrong?"

"This is the dress I'm going to wear for tomorrow's shooting, I want you to help me refer to it ...," Blake Lively swallowed with a flustered look, a rosy blush that rose up to her neck and shoulders to go, and an embarrassed smile wandered on her lips.

"It fits!" Lin Mingyang couldn't help but nod, "Of course the lower half of your body I'd suggest you still wear a pair of jeans tomorrow ... I don't want those guys in the crew to just stare at your thighs tomorrow."

This pretty girl next door's face was already as red as an apple, so Lin Ming Yang was too embarrassed to continue teasing her and had to ask, "Do you have anything else?"

"I want to ask you to help with the lines..." the girl's voice was already as thin as a mosquito.

"Why don't we go watch the sunset together, there's no one on the beach right now, so we won't be disturbed this way!" On such an occasion, Lin Ming Yang had amused Blake Lively with a few words, and the dialogues needed a quiet environment and the ability to get into it, so Lin Ming Yang suggested.

The sunset on the sea was the most beautiful, with the blue waves reflecting the red sunset, the silver waves rolling in golden sand, and the colors of the clouds changing rapidly, the evening scene on the Orange County beach was indeed able to make people linger.

The sea murmured right under the feet of Lin Ming Yang and Blake Lively, the sound was as gentle as the hazy moonlight and the morning mist between the roses, and as sweet as a lover's honeyed words, like the sea breeze brushing over the strings of a piano, and like the falling flowers drifting down onto the water. The two walked barefoot all the way down the beach, leaving a series of footprints of varying depths. Only after Blake Lively's nervousness had calmed down in the beauty of nature did Lin Mingyang stop walking, and by this time the two had already walked out a long way.

"Are you sure you're ready?"

Blake Lively nodded, by this time she was no longer nervous.

Lin Ming Yang recalled a little, "Your first lines appear in front of the school, you're the neighbor of the main character, Bartleby, but you don't know that he's been secretly in love with you, you just think of him as a normal friend. You're getting ready to throw a party at your house before the prom, so you come to invite Bartleby to mow your lawn."

"And that's how it started?" Blake Lively looked around.

"Of course, one of your first steps as a successful actor is to learn to visualize the atmosphere of different environments in your head, no matter what kind of environment you're in. You can think of this as a form of mental self-suggestion, and all you want in need to do is to imagine that you're at the entrance to a noisy school, and you spot Bartleby from the crowd and run over to say hello to her."

Lin Ming Yang said while directing Blake Lively to step back, "Yes, that's the spot, and then you're going to run over and come over and say hello just like you would normally do if you were to meet your own classmates at the school entrance."

"Hi Felix..." said Blake Lively as he ran over with unnatural movements and said the wrong name as soon as he opened his mouth.

Lin Ming Yang prayed to God once inwardly, but the smile on his face remained the same, he was never patient with beautiful women, "It's okay, let's do it again!"

"Hey, Bartleby!" Blake Lively got into the mood quickly, "How are you?"

"Hi Monica, know Slade?" With his superhuman memory, Lin Mingyang's answer was exactly the same as the scripted dialog, and he naturally pointed towards the side, even though there was only a bunch of air there.

Blake Lively froze there, and then she then reacted to the fact that during the official performance, Fatty Joel's character Sreed would be standing next to the main character, Bartleby, and that's when Bartleby introduced his best friend to her.

She smiled apologetically at Lin Ming Yang, who laughed bitterly in his heart but nodded on his face, "Let's continue"


This roughly two minutes of more than one line, Lin Ming Yang before and after and Blake Lively over eight times, the other party which barely passed, at this time the sunset has completely sunk into the sea, replaced by a round of bright moon, the tossing sea is like a child who is tired of playing, quietly lying under the moonlight, gently and leisurely gasping for breath.

The sea was silent, the waves gently kissed the rocks, sleep-like, in the calm and deep blue sea, the moonlight opened up a narrow and bright road, flickering and trembling, silver dance general.

The moonlight shone on Blake Lively's face, reflecting an enchanting halo, the sea breeze ruffled the hair on her cheeks, a living moonlit night beauty stood in front of herself, and Lin Ming Yang ghostly reached out to help her stroke her blown hair.

Fingertip contact with the other side of the cheek smooth and tender skin, Lin Mingyang such as an electric shock general violently shrink hand, he was just about to apologize, but found Blake Lively face infatuated looking at himself, eyes actually with a faint disappointment.

Lin Ming Yang's brain exploded with a bang, and like a wild leopard out of a stream, he pounced on it. At this moment he threw away all of his reasoning and hugged her tightly despite everything. Blake Lively was taken aback and subconsciously raised his arms to block. But when those burning, quivering lips came down on her own wet ones at once, she felt a mysterious dizziness, her eyes fluttered shut, and her outstretched arms went limp.

Blake Lively was merely embraced into Lin Ming Yang's arms, her eyes closed, her body soft, no refusal or movement, that feeling, as if the bones and joints of her entire body had loosened and dissolved. It seemed to get some kind of secret permission, Lin Ming Yang no longer bothered to discuss it, but used both hands to hold her head and gave Blake Lively a very deep and very long kiss, her eyes were closed, and her soul was lost at this moment.

This kiss was so sweet and passionate, after a long time, the lips of the two people then parted in love. Lin Ming Yang half wrapped his arms around the back of Blake Lively's shoulders, his right hand gently pressed on her heart, and immediately felt her new fluttering heartbeat. This might still be Blake Lively's first kiss, so Lin Ming Yang said some comforting words, then hugged her a little tighter and used his lips to kiss her forehead.

Blake Lively tenderly raised her head, half-opened those brown eyes, trying to look at Lin Ming Yang as if she was drunk, and received another deep kiss.

The sea breeze blew into his chest from Lin Mingyang's open lapel, which made his hot heart gradually calmed down, looking at Blake Lively lying in his arms like a bird, he realized that he had just done a stupid "stupid thing".

"Blake?" Lin Ming Yang shouted out hesitantly.

The girl in his arms gently raised her head, looking at Lin Ming Yang's gaze full of tenderness, that blinking beautiful eyelashes, all the words Lin Ming Yang wanted to say were blocked in his throat, turning into a helpless sigh.

"I can't give you any promises for the future!"

There were countless feelings heaving up, there was a seemingly sweet and sour flavor filling Blake Lively's heart, she felt like she had countless things to say, but not a single word came out. She just grabbed Lin Ming Yang's hand and held it tightly, as if this was her silent words.

Lin Mingyang's heart turned a thousand thoughts, Ecks said he had a woman's destiny, but Lin Mingyang felt that his destiny was against women, destined to carry too many love debts, which became the most fatal weakness in his perfect life plan.

Finally he gently kissed Blake Lively's face, "I will be responsible for your present!"


This beach walk had brought out an additional layer of greater intimacy between Lin Ming Yang and Blake Lively, but both were careful not to make this relationship too obvious in public. The only thing that had changed was that there was less without that more constraint between Blake Lively and Lin Ming Yang, she could finally let herself go in front of him, and Blake Lively had reverted back to being the cheerful and lively young girl whose joyful laughter could be heard every day on the set.

The filming of the movie went smoothly, and because Lin Ming Yang had another ready-made image in his head, there were no extra shots at all during the filming. Lin Mingyang knew what he wanted and was able to convey his thoughts very clearly to others.

Both Justin Long, Columbus Sauter and Jonah Hill are all from the Academy and have good acting chops. The latter two are basically in their element in the movie, while Justin Long plays Bartleby, the lead actor in the film who is cute with a touch of neurosis, to a tee.

Lin Mingyang was glad he made the right decision, because no one could have played the role better than Justin Long, as if the role was made specifically for him.

The only thing that ran into trouble during filming was the final scene of the movie, the climax, where Justin Long as Bartleby gives an impassioned speech at the Ministry of Education's hearing and finally wins official recognition for the university he founded.

This scene was shot twice, and Justin Long still hadn't captured the kind of feeling Lin Ming Yang needed. Before the third take began, Lin Ming Yang came over and patted his shoulder, feeling some slight trembling in Justin Long's body, he smiled, "Don't be nervous!"

"It's not nervous, it's excited!" Justin Long had been brewing the emotions of the performance, "A fussy director is the only one who can get the perfect shot!"

"Thank you for the compliments, you're in great shape right now, when you're in front of the camera later, note that you should be nervous at first, and don't speak too fast, slowly slow down your mood, and then slowly let your voice show more power, and every word should be able to knock everyone's heart out!" Lin Ming Yang nodded and turned around to return to his position, all the departments of the crew were ready, and the third shooting officially began.

When Justin Long got up from his seat, he did a good job of capturing the kind of nervousness within the protagonist at the beginning, so a mouthful of speech was a bit broken, "Dr. Alexander, what are your dreams? Maybe none; maybe want to be a poet, or a magician, an artist; or just want to travel the world."

In the midst of saying this, the expression on Justin Long's face began to loosen, "Look, I...lied, I lied to everyone, I'm so sorry!"

He then turned and looked at his "father" who was sitting in the audience, "Dad, especially you, but there's something exciting about desperation, isn't this the last thing you want?"

He turned again, looked at the panel officials on stage and said aloud, "We came here today to ask for your approval, something happened, I don't care! Who cares about your approval? We don't need your approval to tell us what's true, because the truth is always in the hands of a few, and when you find out, you understand, and I understand that it's a truth, and that the real learning happened in South Harmon."

Everyone else in the scene held their breath, sitting behind the camera Lin Ming Yang nodded in satisfaction, Justin Long had found that feeling he was talking about, accompanying the lines was enough to achieve a shocking effect.

"Whether you like it or not, it's the fact that it doesn't require teachers, classrooms and flimsy traditions or money to learn. All it takes is for people to have the desire to better themselves, which they already have in South Harmon, so it doesn't matter at all if you continue to flaunt your rules, reject us, strike us down, and do what you want to do, because we won't stop learning, we won't stop growing, and we won't forget the ideals that have been instilled in our land, because we are the masters of South Harmon, and we always will be the masters of South Harmon! "


As the judging panel officials in the film slammed their stamp on the approval, the entire crowd cheered, and in the midst of the excited crowd, Monica, played by Blake Lively, came to Bartleby's side and the two embraced.

According to the originally set plot, the two were supposed to kiss here, but Lin Mingyang temporarily revised the script. The unseen ones were fine, after all, they were all actors, but in front of himself, Lin Ming Yang did not want to see his woman kissing someone else, even though it was just acting.