Chapter 119 Enrollment

"Luna, is that source you got reliable?" Clutching his camera somewhat nervously, Harry, the reserve photographer of the Harvard Crimson, looked at the quaint dormitory building in front of him with skepticism in his eyes, "You think Felix would live in a place like this?"

The dormitory building Harry was referring to had an appealing appearance alone - it was in the shape of a bell tower and had rusty front doors, and many of Harvard's dormitory and academic buildings retained the style of the Georgian period, of which this one was a prime example. Many people are mesmerized by its appearance, and only when you actually live in it do you realize that the dormitory building is very small. There are two bedrooms in one suite, and one bedroom has to accommodate two people.

In 1986, seven of Harvard's 12 student dormitory buildings were officially designated as historic preservation buildings. According to Boston law, such old dormitory buildings can only be innovated internally without changing the exterior structure. This placed many constraints on the renovation, as students were limited to very small showers and rooms, and the lack of an elevator caused many problems with moving dormitory furniture. Renovation plans for old dormitories are carefully planned and take decades to be approved.

"For his type, is there any difference between a 4-person dorm like this and the most upscale studio apartment at Harvard?" Luna, who was speaking, was a girl with light yellow hair, who could be considered a beauty if not for a few freckles growing on her face on either side of her nose. She was dressed smartly today, like she was ready for something big, "The dorms are just a place for Felix Lim to stay, he definitely doesn't live on campus."

"I still think that Ginny and her interview team's idea is more realistic, Felix Lin will definitely have to report to the school first, and they will probably gain more by squatting and waiting over there!" Even though Luna had a point, Harry still had a few questions in his mind.

Both he and Luna were preparing to join the Harvard Crimson as reporters. Harry was a photojournalist, while Luna was a text journalist. There were many others like them who wanted to join The Harvard Crimson, like Ginny, who he had mentioned in his words. However, the newspaper had a limited number of student slots to take in each year. Because there were so many applicants, the editor-in-chief of the newspaper came up with an idea. The applicants were divided into groups, and whichever group was able to successfully interview Lin Mingyang at the beginning of the school year could directly become an official reporter for the Harvard Crimson Newspaper.

Harry actually preferred to be in a group with Ginny, because Ginny was a recognized beauty in her grade, and every day there was a large group of followers behind her, which made her well-informed, and as soon as there was any news on campus, she could definitely receive the news in the first place, instead of being like Luna, who just relied on a message from an unknown source, and dragged him waiting for more than three hours at the entrance of the dormitory building called Kirkland. It had caused the guys going in and out of the dorm to look at them with fool's taunts in their eyes now.

"I'll definitely be able to defeat that busty Ginny this time!" Luna clenched her fists and gesticulated fiercely in the air, while Harry looked at her flat chest, although not so much as to denigrate the other party in his heart, but he also knew that this was a typical manifestation of "not being able to eat the grapes, saying grapes are sour".

Luna thought that she would soon interview Lin Ming Yang, while Ginny had nothing, her heart was happy, "This time I have secret information, Felix Lin is living in this dormitory, absolutely right!"

For the source of the intelligence, Luna kept mum, making Harry curious, "Secret intelligence?"

Seeing Harry's eager face, Luna's eyes rolled, considering this kid's photography skills are good, when the target appears later, he will have to rely on him to take a few more pictures, so he can give him a little bit of sweetness first now.

Luna hooked a finger towards Harry, signaling him to bring his head over, "You really want to know?"

Harry nodded vigorously, then Luna said with a mysterious face, "Every year, there are always some guys with a special status like Felix Lin who come to Harvard to attend school, and they don't go through the normal channels when they enroll. To put it simply, he's already enrolled in school, but everyone doesn't know about it."

"Since it was through a secret channel, how did you know about it?" Harry immediately questioned.

"I have a friend who is a computer whiz at MIT, and I enlisted his help in hacking into our school's freshman records system." Luna said it lightly, but Harry's eyes widened.

"You actually ..."

Before the word "hacker" could be uttered, Harry's mouth was gagged by Luna's hand, "Can't you keep your voice down?"

"But is it really okay?" Harry was a bit of a deadbeat, "If the school finds out about this, we'll be in deep shit!"

His concern was comforting to Luna, at least he was already thinking on the same side as herself, which was a good start. She patted Harry's shoulder, "Reporters will always resort to unconventional means in order to get evidence. If journalists were to honestly follow common sense, how many truths in history would be obscured? You can rest assured that I won't be like that idiot Mark Zuckerberg, who hacked into the school's website and then also smugly published the photo profiles of the girls on his stupid website, which he used to usher in pandering to the lowest common denominator of Harvard's student ethos!"

Harry remained silent, but he knew in his heart that Luna's real reason for cursing Mark Zuckerberg was still, I'm afraid, because the other party had deliberately left Luna out of all those girl's information that he had published.


Other people enroll in school, but also need to handle a lot of cumbersome enrollment procedures, but Lin Mingyang got Harvard side of the "special" care, in order to prevent this guy appeared in the enrollment site, causing unnecessary confusion, Harvard school in advance to help him handle all the formalities, arrangements for a good dormitory. After the start of the school year, Lin Mingyang only need to "backpack" to class can be.

Of course, Lin Mingyang is not the first Hollywood star to study at Harvard, a year ago, that in "this killer is not too cold" precocious "little girl" Natalie Portman just graduated from here, she was 19 years old with perfect scores into Harvard, and Lin Mingyang, she majored in psychology. The enrollment of these two Hollywood movie stars is proof of the unique charm of Harvard University.

But Lin Mingyang this period of time in Hollywood, "make a" noise can not be small, his enrollment than the year Natalie Portman to attract more eyeballs, attention to the media at this time can not only "Harvard Crimson", Boston newspapers and television stations, large and small, these two days have shot out of the reporter in Harvard's campus around even if the Lin Mingyang does not accept interviews, we can still tend to street photography well!

Anticipating such a situation, Lin Mingyang himself has long been well prepared, he looked for an explosive wig to wear, sunglasses also changed into a pair of funny toadstools, clothes are the kind of very exaggerated hip-hop modeling. Walking around Harvard's campus, he did manage to attract a lot of attention, but after strolling around, no one had yet to connect this oddly dressed guy with Lin Ming Yang himself.

This time, infiltrating the Harvard campus makeup should be more successful, because on the way Lin Ming Yang saw a few beautiful women, he whistled habitually, but the other party threw over not winks, but disdain. Even asking for directions was met with disdain.

Lin Mingyang wandered around the school for half a day, but could not find any landmark building labeled "Harvard University". Harvard University is considered to be the top university in the world, and for more than 300 years, the university, founded in 1636, has been the world's leading educational institution. But on this prestigious campus, there is not even a decent gate.

After inquiring for half a day, Lin Mingyang finally found a small broken door, which is the so-called Harvard University gate, and there is also a pig's head carved on it. It is said that at the beginning of Harvard, in order to celebrate the Harvard kayak team won the championship, the students cheerfully slaughtered a pig, and hung the pig's head on the school gate to celebrate.

The student who brought Lin Ming Yang over patted him on the shoulder as he left, "Man, the most realistic meaning of this 'pig's head school gate' is that when you get to Harvard, even a pig-headed guy like you will be able to learn something!"

Lin Ming Yang was depressed to find that he had changed his look, and then his evaluation in the eyes of others became so bad, when he, the "pig-headed" guy walked to a blonde beauty, before he spoke, the other party screamed first.

"Hey, you guys, make such an exaggerated hairstyle, think this is very eye-catching?"

"The fact that you took the initiative to strike up a conversation with me proves that I've succeeded!" Lin Mingyang grinned, causing the other party but a little embarrassed.

"This kid actually thought I was hitting on him?" The blonde pointed at herself and made a very exaggerated gesture, and the boy carrying a video camera across from her tapped Lin Ming Yang's shoulder, "Brother, your hair is blocking my lens! "

After he reminded him of this, Lin Ming Yang realized that there was indeed a camera behind him. The position he was standing in happened to be right in the middle of the camera and that blonde, he awkwardly dodged to the side and then curiously stood behind that cameraman to see what exactly the other party was filming.

After watching for a while, Lin Ming Yang could also see the way, it turned out that these two people were filming a section of the campus live news, the blonde beauty on the opposite side was the host, she should be a veteran, facing the camera was not nervous. However, the cameraman is a complete brain layman, fiddling with a pricey camera, but those things are not news reports need things, his camera is the entire opposite of the blonde beauty's facial close-up, and even a basic background are not, not to mention and news-related content.

In the end, Lin Ming Yang just couldn't stand to watch and couldn't help but ask out loud, "Do you know how to use this?"

That photographer raised his head and gave him a blank look, "So you know how to use it?"

"Come on, I'll teach you!" Lin Mingyang stretched out his hand, and the other party actually did hand over the camera to him.

Lin Mingyang expertly slung the camera over his shoulder and adjusted the lens. His eyes were fixed on the image taking port, but his mouth asked, "What do you guys want to shoot?"

"A live news!" The one who answered him was the blonde across from him, she could also tell that Lin Mingyang should be very professional when playing with the camera.

"Then let's get started!" With that, Lin Mingyang carried the camera and joined this temporarily formed reporting team.

After helping them with a few sets of shots, the pretty girl named Ginny's impression of him greatly improved, even though Lin Mingyang was still wearing those annoying toad sunglasses and refused to take them off even though he said so.

"You're all reporters from the Harvard Crimson?" After the shooting was over, the group of them sat on the grass and chatted.

"It's still only temporary!" The original photographer on the reporting team saw Tom as an unbreakable honest man.

Ginny glared at him, then added, "We'll be full members of the paper in no time."

"Why is Harvard's daily newspaper called that?" Lin Mingyang realized that he appeared to have asked a very stupid question, because even the honest Tom rolled his eyes at him.

Every one of the one outstanding universities had its own theme color. Crimson was the color of Harvard, Harvard's buildings were crimson, Harvard's sports teams were named Crimson, so Harvard's daily newspaper was called the Harvard Crimson. Crimson represents the love and persistence of Harvard's students and faculty in the pursuit of learning, and moreover, it represents the immense honor and unparalleled self-confidence of Harvard, an ancient and prestigious university.

Hearing his explanation, Lin Mingyang looked as if he had come to a realization, "Then what is the test for you to join the newspaper?"

"Successfully interviewing Felix Lin!" At the mention of this, Ginny was a bit discouraged. Because so far, none of her eyes spread out in all corners of the school had found any trace of Lin Ming Yang.

"You guys are looking for Felix Lin?" Lin Mingyang had a strange expression on his face.

Ginny asked hopefully, "Could it be that you've seen him?"

Lin Ming Yang shook his head, "If you guys want to interview Felix Lin, you should go to Hollywood, what's that guy doing in Harvard for nothing?"

This time, everyone gave him a collective look of disdain, Ginny pointed to the campus in the distance, "Look at those guys with cameras hanging around their necks, wandering around the campus like headless flies, those are reporters from various newspapers and magazines, do you think they're here to take pictures of the scenery?"

Jim was speechless and patted Lin Ming Yang's shoulder, "Brother, go back and read the newspaper, otherwise your roommates will treat you like an alien!"

Ginny grunted coldly from her nostrils, "I think it'd be great if he was really an alien, at least the guys from Student Biology can have one more object to dissect!"

Lin Ming Yang was struck down by them, and in the end, he could only ask a weak question, "I want to know, how do I get to the Kirkland dormitory?"