Chapter 120 - The Dormitory

When Lin Mingyang said Kirkland dormitory, the eyes of the people around him all changed, which made him feel confused, "What's wrong with that dormitory?"

"From the outside it definitely looks like the most historic dormitory in Harvard, but the facilities inside are the worst in the whole of Harvard." Ginny was full of sympathy as she told Lin Ming Yang what a miserable thing it was to be assigned to the Kirkland dormitory.

"At least the internet speed is fast, there's no faster internet speed in the entire Harvard than that dormitory building!" Jim added very fairly, since he lived in that dormitory building, no one knew the situation there better than him.

Surprisingly, living in the same dormitory building as Lin Ming Yang, Jim paid a little more attention to this matter than the others, "You're moving dorms, what about your luggage?"

"I'm temporarily living in a hotel outside, I'll move over in a couple days!"

"Which suite are you staying in?"


"H33? "Lin Ming Yang's eardrums once again endured Ginny's horrifying scream.

He rubbed his ears, "What's wrong with this room again?"

"You're such a loser!" Jim was also looking at him full of sympathy at this time, "Do you know what kind of guys live in that dormitory's? A gay guy who majored in gay literature, a cyber psycho with crazy ideas, and a theater fanatic who spends all his time being whimsical!"

"Then add in a moron who knows nothing about it, and this dorm is sure to sweep all of Harvard, I'm going to have to take notes, the worst dorm in Harvard history is about to be born!" Ginny showed the fine qualities of a reporter as she pulled out the notebook she carried with her and made a few swipes on it.

"Is that dorm really that famous?" Lin Ming Yang felt that this matter was a bit strange, just by living in that dormitory, could it really cause Harvard students to pay so much "attention"? They must have done something else.

"That guy who is obsessed with the internet, some time ago he hacked into the school's website, and then put all the information of all the pretty girls in Harvard on his personal website for people to click on, this matter caused a sensation in the school, that guy was later penalized by the school, and along with that, dormitory H33 became the most famous dormitory in Harvard!"

"It was infamous, that guy became the public enemy of all the girls in the school!" Ginny made an indignant sarcastic comment, apparently her private photos were also put on that website.

Lin Ming Yang felt that the whole thing was starting to get interesting, "What's that guy's name?"

"Mark Zuckerberg!"


Lin Ming Yang found that on the issue of Mark Zuckerberg, things were a bit different from what he remembered, rather similar to the situation of a biographical movie. From Jim's mouth, he learned about the matter in more detail.

Classmates living in the Kirkland dormitory at the time first discovered Mark Zuckerberg's website, but they weren't the only ones who noticed it, members of two women's groups: the Organization for Latina Women's Issues and the Harvard Association for Black Women began to protest against Mark Zuckerberg's actions.

Harvard's computer services department acted quickly, shutting down Zuckerberg's site around 10:30 p.m. that night. By the time it was shut down, 450 students had visited the site and voted on 22,000 photos.

The school's disciplinary board then called together all the students involved in the initiative, including, in addition to Zuckerberg, the student who had given him the password to his dorm's LAN, his roommate Billy Olson (who had come up with the idea, which Mark Zuckerberg had run), and Joe Greene, the junior who had helped Zuckerberg, and whose suite was just a fire door away from Zuckerberg's. a fire door.

Because the operation of Mark Zuckerberg's site violated the university's code of conduct in terms of security, copyright, and privacy, the Board of Managers declared Zuckerberg on probation and asked him to consult with legal counsel, though the other students were not penalized.

In school, Lin Mingyang felt that he should try to keep a low profile, but he didn't expect his future roommate to be so high-profile, making dormitory H33 almost a target. The most interesting thing was that he became roommates with Mark Zuckerberg, the guy who created Facebook and built an unparalleled online social empire.

"You'd better pray you don't share a bedroom with that Mark Zuckerberg guy, who never cleaned the house, and whose mother, every time she came to the dorm and looked around the room at all the crap, would apologize to his roommate with great angst for her son's slovenliness and explain that it was because Mark Zuckerberg had had a babysitter since he was a kid. You see, he's a baby who hasn't been off the breast!"

Despite living in the same dormitory building, Jim seemed to have quite a grudge against Mark Zuckerberg, and it was surprising that he knew so much about Lin Mingyang's future roommate.

"Mark Zuckerberg is just a guy who loves to be in the limelight, his shit was all written up as a weblog by his peacock roommate Billy Olsen, making it so that the whole school knows that there's a crazy person living in their dormitory!" Ginny was even more upset with Mark Zuckerberg than Jim was.

As they walked and chatted, it wasn't long before they arrived at the downstairs of the Kirkland dormitory, as they had said before, this dormitory building looked ancient and sellable from the outside, and if Jim hadn't told himself the inside story, Lin Mingyang was afraid that he would really be mesmerized by its appearance.

Ginny accidentally met her old enemy Luna downstairs, the two smiled and greeted each other, standing together seemed to be very close. But this time Jim secretly pulled on Lin Ming Yang's shirt, "Let's hurry up, a fierce war of words is about to break out here!"

Lin Mingyang followed Jim up the stairs with confidence, only through the narrow aisle on the third floor, the third door on the right was Lin Mingyang's dormitory. Although he came up with him, Jem didn't have the idea to go in and sit down, at the stairway he said goodbye to Lin Mingyang, and before he left, he didn't forget to wish Lin Mingyang good luck and never live with that damn Mark Zuckerberg.

Just when Lin Mingyang ready to open the door, downstairs between Ginny and Luna "war" has officially broken out, the two girls, although not to the public fighting, but some of the lips of each other sarcasm is unavoidable.

Ginny began to aggressively show off her own setup, and also mocked Luna's brain, "I'm not like some woodchucks, I have informants at every freshman reception in the school, and as soon as Felix Lin shows up, I'll be the first to arrive at the scene, and then I'll watch our dear Luna being rejected by the newspaper, and I'm wondering how I should celebrate. well?"

Luna sneered back, "Those self-righteous women only think of what everyone else is able to think of, and for that matter, I'm afraid it's all still a trick that someone else helped come up with, she thinks she's winning, but she doesn't realize that the only way to be a good reporter is to catch what no one else can think of! I can tell you very clearly, this time I'm sure to win!"

"Standing here, I'm wondering if you're waiting for an interview with Felix Lim, or are you getting ready for a date with that idiot Mark Zuckerberg?" Ginny sneered, "Did you think Felix Lin would live in this ridiculous dormitory building?"

"Unlike some people, I actually became friends with a ridiculously dressed douchebag with an exploding head and hand-delivered him to my dorm door. The fact that even guys like that can be recruited only shows how far Harvard has fallen. But our Ginny is different, you have so many suitors, not to mention handsome and dashing dudes, but I didn't realize that you have such unique tastes that you actually like this type!" Luna was tight lipped, she pressed on with no intention of revealing half of the news to Ginny.

"That weird guy you're talking about just happens to share a dormitory with Mark Zuckerberg, if you really want to get close to our computer genius and beg him to put your picture on the internet as well, I can get that guy to put in a word for you to Mark Zuckerberg!"

"Geez, I don't want my bath photo to be uploaded to the internet as well, and then have people pointing at me wherever I go, after having seen a shirtless Ginny on the internet, and then checking out a clothed Ginny in reality, it's really quite an appealing thing to see!"

Both women picked up on each other's weakest points and attacked them vigorously, and Harry, who had long since dodged to the side, suddenly jumped twice in his eyelids after suddenly hearing the phrase Mark Zuckerberg's new housemate. He seemed to remember that Luna had said that Felix Lin lived in Suite H33 of the Kirkland dormitory, so didn't Mark Zuckerberg live in that piece of dormitory as well? Could it be that the guy who just went in...

A bold guess popped into Harry's mind, and he hastily stopped the bickering between Luna and Ginny before telling them what he was thinking.

"You said that exploding head was Felix Lim, he was with us halfway around campus today..." said Ginny, not believing it at first, but she immediately thought of the guy's toadstools, and then remembered them carefully, not to mention that it really did look like him.

"Are you sure he really lives in the same dorm as Mark Zuckerberg?" Over here, Luna's face turned a little pale, Lin Mingyang had actually waltzed into the dormitory building right under her nose, and she hadn't felt a thing.

The two of them, Ginny and Luna, glanced at each other before coming to a common conclusion that Lin Ming Yang must have been wearing makeup! Thinking of this, the two of them didn't have the time to continue grinding their tongues here, and killed their way into the Kirkland dormitory in a rage.


The brass-colored door plate clearly wrote the word H33, after confirming that this was his dormitory, Lin Ming Yang knocked on the door, then a guy with slightly curly hair and a somewhat pale face stuck his head out of the doorway and looked at him and opened his mouth with the first words, "Do we know each other?"

"It seems like we don't know each other!"

The guy shrunk his head back and yelled at the room, "Billy, that's not my type!"

Lin Ming Yang had a chill in his heart, his back was in a cold sweat, this guy couldn't be the comrade from the legendary H33, right? He was pondering how he should communicate with the other party when the man stuck his head out again, "Are you looking for someone or are you preparing to sell newspapers or condoms?"

Lin Mingyang was completely speechless by this guy, he shook his head helplessly, "Neither!"

The guy shrunk his head and was about to close the door with his hand, Lin Ming Yang reacted quickly and pressed the door to the room, "I'm a freshman who just enrolled in the school and was assigned to this dormitory!"

The resistance on the door suddenly disappeared, and the room door was pushed open by Lin Ming Yang. The guy who was about to close the door just now leaned on the other side of the door and looked him up and down for a few moments before turning his head and yelling again at the living room, "Billy, there's a new guy, but he looks like he's even more abstract than Barber from the next dorm!"

"There's a more abstract-looking guy in the world than Barber?" On the living room couch, a short-headed guy in a floral T-shirt popped up and rushed out with the bottom half of his body in a pair of beach pants.

The result was a big disappointment to him, because Lin Mingyang standing in the doorway was quite passable in all aspects except for having an exaggerated exploding head and wearing a pair of very underwhelming toadstools, especially that face, which still looked a little bit familiar upon closer inspection.

"My name is Billy Olsen, veteran theater enthusiast!" The floral t-shirt man took the initiative to introduce himself.

"You're quite the amateur when it comes to theater, but why do you always have to put on an air of sophistication whenever you introduce yourself?" The curly-haired man who had opened the door for Lin Mingyang uncovered him from the sidelines.

Billy Olsen actually accepted the other party's sarcasm without blushing, he took Lin Ming Yang's shoulder and led him into the living room, then said as he walked, "Don't pay any attention to that lewd guy, his name is Grimm Nutt, a great Gay.Do you know how much pressure it is for me to share a bedroom with him? Do you know how stressful it is for me to share a bedroom with him? I'm so handsome, but I haven't found a girlfriend yet, and all the girls say bye-bye to me as soon as they hear that I'm living with him. You'd better stay away from him in the future, or else there will definitely be people who will suspect you of having sexual orientation problems!"

This guy in Lin Ming Yang's ears gushing complained about his "bloody history", while Lin Ming Yang's mind is thinking about another problem, Billy Olsen and Green Nutt live in the same bedroom, so he is not living with Mark Zuckerberg in the same house?

"You shouldn't underestimate our dormitory, John F. Kennedy..." Billy Olsen enthusiastically introduced Lin Ming Yang to the glorious history of dormitory H33, and just as he mentioned the president who had been shot to death, Greene Nutter unceremoniously interrupted him.

"Come on, JFK lived in the dormitory next to ours back then!"

"Those four idiots next door don't even know who used to live in that room, all they care about is women's tits and asses!"

Just as Billy Olsen and Green Nutt were about to have a big fight over this, Lin Mingyang suddenly asked:

"Which room am I staying in?"

"You're in a room with Mark, but... you didn't take any luggage?" Billy Olsen then realized that Lin Mingyang had come in empty-handed.

"I'm going to move over in a couple days."

"Well, I'm not sure you'll like that room...but there's only that one empty bed here." Billy Olsen nodded, "Follow me!"

The suite they were staying in was among the smallest of the Kirkland dormitories, the kind with two bedrooms, each furnished with bunk beds and a small desk. But in the room shared by Mark Zuckerberg and Lin Mingyang, the two single beds took up almost all the space in the bedroom and there was no place to move around. The desk wasn't much use either, as it was piled with junk. The empty cans of beer or drinks left on the desk were known to have been left there a few weeks ago.