Chapter 124 Departure

Two days later, the investigation team announced the official list of members. Lin Mingyang's name appeared on this list, and everyone else was surprised. And as the originator of this matter, Ginny certainly didn't open her mouth wide like the others when she saw this list. Lin Ming Yang was going, so she ghosted herself and signed up as well, and it just so happened that the Harvard Crimson was sending two reporters with the team, so she easily got a spot.

To be honest, the countries in central Africa that the investigation team was going to go to this time couldn't be talked about as good places, but this was a rare opportunity to get up close and personal with Lin Ming Yang, Ginny was originally excited to pack her traveling clothes, but when she saw that Luna's name was blatantly written on the list, her mood instantly dropped to the bottom of the barrel. The two of them were like enemies from their past lives, able to run into each other everywhere!

The investigation team was going to have a meeting before the trip, the place was a comprehensive test building near the Kirkland dormitory, Ginny made an appointment to go there with Lin Mingyang, she called Lin Mingyang when she got to the dormitory building, and then stood by the side of the road and waited for him to come down.

Even though this was Harvard, Lin Ming Yang still habitually wore sunglasses when he went out, and at the large iron gate of the dormitory, he brushed past two boys returning to the dormitory and overheard them talking.

"That blonde is really good looking, I like her boobs!"

"I've friended her on Facebook, her personal page gets ranked in the top ten of Harvard's visits, and a lot of guys leave messages on it every day, but she never seems to pay any attention to it."

"I heard she's having an affair with Felix Lim and often does that kind of thing in her dorm room in front of Zuckerberg, so many people say that."

"That's the grapevine talking, I've also heard about Mark Zuckerberg and his Harvard Crimson nemesis, Luna, having a wild-goose chase in the woods, do you think those messages are reliable? But then again, aren't there a lot of women at Harvard who want to sleep with Felix Lim? Alright let's go, that guy's raunchy is beyond our imagination."

It's true that where there are people, there will be gossip, human curiosity is really a scary thing, especially when this kind of curiosity appeared in Harvard these IQ are not low students, the imagination inspired I'm afraid that it will make a lot of entertainment journalists sweat for it.

Every normal man, in the face of Ginny such a beautiful woman will have that aspect of the fantasy, Lin Mingyang brain must have had that kind of evil thoughts, but he is not going to provoke this IQ and beauty proportional to the beauty of the beauty, so this time Ginny counterparts, Lin Mingyang will feel a headache, we are all the age of blood and blood, in case of accidental collision with a small spark, can't hold it how to do?

Lin Mingyang had a headache, Ginny herself also had troubles. Seeing her frowning and troubled appearance, Lin Ming Yang again could not help but want to tease her a little.

"Big reporter, a bitter face is very easy to grow crow's feet!"

Returning to her senses, Ginny realized that Lin Ming Yang was already standing in front of her, two blushes flew up on her face, and she glared at him in a shy and angry manner, muttering, "It's still not because of that nasty Luna, how can I run into her everywhere I go?"

"It's not possible that she's also going to Africa with us, right?"

"You just realized that?" Ginny looked at Lin Ming Yang in surprise, "Didn't you get that list?"

Lin Ming Yang had a thoughtful expression on his face, he remembered that there was that list, but he just went down the list and saw his own name, then casually threw it away as scrap paper.

"Don't you even care if I'm on that list?" Ginny stomped her foot angrily, her sexy little mouth immediately pouting.

Could it be that this little ninny was really interested in herself? Lin Ming Yang froze, then immediately his head got big. He hemmed and hawed and laughed, ''You've told me the news in advance, so there's definitely no suspense in this matter. There's still something that our big beautiful girl Ginny can't handle?"

After being coaxed by Lin Ming Yang for a couple of sentences, Ginny suddenly became squirmy, she lowered her head and bit her lips, not knowing what she was thinking about, which in turn caused Lin Ming Yang to be a bit at a loss for words.

After a pause of roughly half a minute, Ginny finally sighed quietly.

"Let's go!"


That so-called rendezvous wasn't as formal as Lin Ming Yang had previously imagined, the meeting place was in a small classroom, and by the time Lin Ming Yang and Ginny arrived at the door, there were already quite a few people sparsely seated inside.

There were still a few minutes before the appointed time, and the head of the investigation team, Prof. Creel, was still arriving, so the members of the investigation team were all gathered together in twos and threes, talking in whispers. Seeing Lin Mingyang and Ginny standing at the door, everyone suddenly quieted down. Luna, who was sitting in the corner of the classroom, held up her glasses, her resentful gaze staring deathly at Ginny beside Lin Ming Yang through the thick lenses.

Everyone's collective "attention", so that Lin Ming Yang is embarrassed to raise his feet to go inside, is embarrassed when the savior finally appeared.

At the entrance, they ran into the "late" Professor Creel, who was a small man, probably doing research in Africa for a long time, with somewhat tanned skin and gray hair. As a result of frequent thinking and worrying, his eyes were deep-set but shining. Although his appearance looked a little vicissitude, his hair was neatly combed, and together with the resolute profile of his personality, it did leave a deep impression on Lin Ming Yang at first glance.

"Felix Lin?" Professor Creel looked at Lin Mingyang with some uncertainty, as at this time Lin Mingyang was still wearing sunglasses.

"I'm glad to be able to meet you!" Lin Mingyang hastily took off his sunglasses and enthusiastically shook Professor Creel's hand.

"So this beautiful lady is?" Creel had a scholarly demeanor, he didn't leave Ginny next to him out to dry just because he saw Lin Mingyang.

Ginny smiled and nodded politely at him, "Ginny Wimbersha, a reporter from the Harvard Crimson!"

"I read your article, it was very insightfully written, Harvard's law school is really full of talent!" Professor Creel exclaimed, then his gaze shifted back to Lin Mingyang, "Mr. Felix, are you also interested in Africa?"

"Some time ago, I invested in a movie with a theme related to arms smuggling, the crew was filming in South Africa, and I spent some time in Johannesburg. The situation there wasn't very good, so I'm curious to know more about African countries and what kind of survival the people there are in."

"Despite the unprecedented global economic boom, there are still one billion people left out of development, relegated to the bottom billion of the global economy and society, and seventy percent of those people live in sub-Saharan African countries, where the economy has been in a long-term stagnation or recession and there is no hope of improvement in sight to this day. Don't think that just because we live in the United States that they are irrelevant to us. These people and these countries pose a serious challenge to the traditional ways of modeling economic development and constitute a destabilizing factor in the world."

Speaking about his research topic, Prof. Creel's whole body looks excited, "I have been working on the various traps that constrain the development of these countries - the war trap, the natural resource trap, the landlocked trap surrounded by bad neighbors, and the trap of bad governance of small countries - and I have been responsible for making recommendations to the United Nations to help these countries out of their predicaments. I promise that this will be a very worthwhile exercise, and your lens will certainly help us to record some valuable facts. These things may be able to inspire you as well."

"Professor Creel, shouldn't we go inside?" Ginny interrupted Professor Creel, who was about to give a long speech about his views on the situation in Africa, in a small voice, and she pointed to her watch, reminding the excited professor that the time for the meeting had arrived.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Professor Creel slapped his head, "We'll discuss that topic later, now let's go in together!"

Professor Creel walked into the classroom, and everyone under the podium stopped talking. Professor Creel briefly introduced the itinerary of this investigation team to everyone, then he introduced the basic situation of the country in question, and finally emphasized the precautions related to safety.

The investigation team and the UNHCR relief team set off together, along the way there are peacekeeping forces for protection, in terms of security will not have too big a problem, this is also the important reason why Creel rest assured that from the Harvard students to convene manpower.

Outside of his own profession, Professor Creel was not a man of words, his speech on stage before and after took less than ten minutes, and the rest of the time, he was responsible for the members of the investigation team to solve their individual questions.

As reporters from the Harvard Crimson, both Ginny and Luna weren't about to miss out on this excellent interview opportunity, and they put their hands up at the same time, which made it a little difficult for Prof. Creel. Luckily, Lin Mingyang also slowly put his own hand up at this time, and Prof. Creel didn't hesitate to name him.

Since he was here to work as a cameraman in the investigation team, Lin Ming Yang's question was naturally related to that, "I want to know what can get the camera, if the model of the machine is too old, I might have to familiarize myself with using it before filming!"

Professor Creel made a gesture of having an invitation towards Ginny who was sitting next to Lin Ming Yang, "This question is better for Ms. Ginny to answer for me!"

"The camera equipment for this investigation was all provided by the Harvard Crimson, you don't need to worry about it at all because you already used that machine at the beginning of the semester!" Ginny smiled sweetly at him, then immediately threw her hands up in the air again.

Luna, who was sitting on the other side of the room, hadn't been about to lower her raised hand.


A twenty-member investigation team rushed to New York the following day, and after meeting up with the relief team sent by the UNHCR, they flew to the Congo on a special plane.

Lin Mingyang dressed very low key in the team and wore sunglasses, so basically no one else recognized his identity. While boarding the plane, Ginny's mood turned very low, because she and Luna were the only two girls in the investigation team, and their seats were naturally assigned together. Worst of all, it was also likely that they would be put in the same room for the rest of the journey.

"If you really don't want to sit with Luna, let's just switch!" Anyway, once he got on the airplane, he was ready to sleep, so it didn't matter who Lin Ming Yang sat with, so he graciously proposed this idea.

Ginny was just about to agree, but on second thought, Luna has always been eyeing Lin Mingyang, how can this piece of "fat meat" not be sent to her mouth for nothing. Thinking of this, she smiled gently, stroked her forehead by the wind blonde hair, style said: "No need, anyway, the next have to live together, do not care about the time on the plane."

"If you really want to switch to live with me, I can hardly say that I can accept it reluctantly!" Lin Ming Yang's mouth revealed a very evil smile, and without waiting for Ginny to react, he had already run to the front of the group with the camera. Ginny's face turned red with shame and she was so angry that she stomped her feet at the back, but she couldn't do anything to him in public.

When he got on the plane, Lin Ming Yang realized that his position was actually right next to Professor Creel, which made him cancel his plans to sleep.

"Felix? "Prof. Creel was also pleasantly surprised to see Lin Ming Yang sitting down, "If you're interested in Africa, we'll definitely have a lot to talk about together on this flight."

"As a matter of fact, I was about to ask you for advice in this area!" Lin Mingyang was quite fond of this enthusiastic professor, and his tone was much more cordial in conversation.

"Things related to Africa, that's a lot, which aspect specifically do you want to learn about?"

"Conflict diamonds!"

"You're interested in that?" Professor Creel rubbed his head, "Although some of the NGOs claim that the profits from conflict diamonds were the source of the money involved in planning the 9/11 attacks in 2001. But the subject of conflict diamonds is not as interesting to Africa now as it once was."

He begins to reminisce: "Conflict diamonds captured the world's attention during the extremely brutal conflict in Sierra Leone in the late 1990s. During this period it was estimated that conflict diamonds accounted for about 4% of world diamond production, and illicit rough diamonds were also used by rebels to finance conflicts in Angola, Liberia, Ivory Coast, and the Democratic Republic of Congo."

"So where are we now?"

"The circulation of conflict diamonds has now been reduced to well below 1%, partly because of international efforts and partly because of the limited origin of the diamonds. But the strife and conflict is not over, the violent rebels or anti-government forces, they want to buy arms, where do you think the money will come from?" After presenting so much information, Prof. Creel decided to quiz Lin Mingyang.

"Selling the various natural resources they control in their hands!"

Prof. Creel nodded with satisfaction, "Diamonds are easily screened to see if they come from conflict areas because of their scarce production, while the scope of whether those natural resources are produced from conflict areas is very difficult to define, and since their transactions are through the black market, it's difficult for the international community to form an effective binding force. Diamonds, after all, are only a luxury item, but natural resources like oil can have a bearing on a country's strategic development. The big powers are all competing for resources on a global scale, and behind the vast majority of conflicts in the world, the behind-the-scenes operations of these big powers can be seen."