Chapter 125 Resolving Differences

After three days of consideration, Mark Zuckerberg finally decided to accept Lin Mingyang's capital injection, and at the same time, he was willing to remove the campus restriction on Facebook user registration, and students enrolled in high schools and colleges across the United States could apply for Facebook user accounts, and as long as they filled out real information, they could log into the Facebook page.

But Mark Zuckerberg also made a request, Lin Mingyang must register a real name account in Facebook, his user homepage can not be set to browse permissions, all personal data must be open, and Lin Mingyang also have to steadily update their own logs, and from time to time to break some life or filming in the small flashes.

This idea is not Mark Zuckerberg's own idea, but the dormitory's sunny peacock man Billy Olsen proposed. Mark Zuckerberg adopted Billy Olsen's suggestion, and he wanted to use this to break the bottleneck of the current development of Facebook and attract more registered users.

This idea has been very similar to the latter-day development of mature social networking sites on the public home page of those celebrities, Lin Mingyang accepted Mark Zuckerberg's request, he not only registered his own Facebook account, but also pulled in those female celebrities he knew. And Lin Mingyang close relationship with Kate, Megan and Angelina needless to say, even usually not much love of the Internet Avril, also agreed to register a user on Facebook, but then she only added Lin Mingyang a friend.

Keira Knightley, Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Alba...these Hollywood movie stars have become registered Facebook users, although the news is not directly public, but the network spreads quickly. As long as someone clicks into their personal page, they will find that there are really their life photos, these are not the paparazzi's sneak peeks, but the life of their own left behind the memorial photos.

By the time the media took notice, Facebook had more than one million registered users across the U.S., and that total was growing at a very objective rate every day.

While developing at Harvard, Zuckerberg had not been making any formal business moves. But after receiving an infusion of capital from Ming-Yang Lin, he began to demonstrate the strategy-making instincts of a chief operating officer as well as a strong desire to face the competition. facebook's offensive at colleges and universities across the U.S. was in full swing, with members of Stanford University being able to sign up the next day after it opened up to Columbia University, and Yale joining on the 29th of that month. A week later, the Stanford Magazine published a story entitled "Facebook Cyclone Sweeps Through Campus". According to the paper, 2,981 Stanford students had signed up.

The surge of users and record-breaking web traffic not only tested the performance of Facebook's newly purchased servers, but also the cohesion of the work team in the hands of Mark Zuckerberg. Network advertising providers have thrown out the olive branch to Facebook, in whether to accept these advertising sponsorship, Saverin and Mark Zuckerberg between the differences again broke out.

Zuckerberg met Saverin at a Jewish student sorority shortly after they both joined the group. Saverin, who came from a wealthy family of Brazilian business tycoons, was well-taught and well-liked, and at the time worked as a clerk in the school's investment club. He invested $1,000 in the initial development of Facebook, acquiring a one-third stake in the company.

But after Mark Zuckerberg accepted Lin Mingyang's capital injection, his stake was diluted to five percent. However, according to Lin Mingyang's purchase price, Facebook's market capitalization now totaled at 40 million dollars, and Saverin would immediately become a millionaire if he transferred the shares in his hands.

Let the network become interesting than let it make money is more important, this is Mark Zuckerberg has always insisted on the point of view. But Saverin is more from a business point of view, the site is consuming money every moment, only with a very limited investment in advertising, even the basic maintenance is very difficult, let alone make money.

In the living room of dormitory H33, Mark Zuckerberg and Saverin were at odds with each other over the issue, and the two men became increasingly agitated, and eventually the argument turned into a brawl. Both voices are as loud as each other, and each has a good reason, of course, no one can convince anyone, as the second shareholder of Facebook, sitting in the middle of the two, Lin Mingyang, but has not opened his mouth.

Waiting until the two people tired of arguing, sitting on the sofa without talking, Lin Mingyang broke the silence.

"One of you is the CEO of the company, and one of you is the CFO of the company, both of you stood on your own position and tried to convince each other, but as you can see the results, did either of you convince anyone? When you were arguing just now, I kept thinking, "Could it be that the two of you really have opposing goals and have nothing in common? Couldn't Facebook be fun and profitable to run?"

Lin Mingyang's series of questioning made Mark Zuckerberg and Saverin look at each other in dismay, if the goals could be reconciled, would there be any need for them to argue?

"Placing advertisements will inevitably affect people's interest in browsing, people don't come to Facebook to see advertisements, they come to make friends." As soon as Lin Mingyang said this, Mark Zuckerberg immediately nodded in agreement.

"But all commercial websites, are aimed at making profit, without profit there is no development." Lin Mingyang's words changed, it would be Saverin's turn to nod his head, and Mark Zuckerberg stayed quiet on the sidelines.

"Advertising must definitely be there, this is the root of profitability. But to place it should be skillful, not letting users passively accept things that they don't want. As it is, let's give the users the choice of ads and let them take the initiative to choose the ads they need. Celebrities can have their own public page in Facebook, then enterprises can also set up their own page, we are responsible for recommending, interested users can choose to follow the latest product news of a certain enterprise, and then we will collect advertising fees from enterprises according to the number of visits to their public pages."

Mark Zuckerberg did not say anything, the silence indicated that he could accept such a program, but Saverin suspected that the number of clicks on the ads placed in this way would be very small, and the advertising revenue they could get in the end would still be very thin.

"High click volume does not mean that the advertising effect is good, and the biggest advantage of active click is that it can screen out the user's consumption tendency, willing to take the initiative to pay attention to the public home page of a certain enterprise users, must be on that aspect of the product has a demand for consumption, these people are the ads can really affect that part of the crowd, but also the potential consumption of the product customers, which is the quality of the clicks. "

"And from the quantity of clicks, if the number of our target customers is only 1 million, then certainly not many clicks, but if it is 100 million? As long as we have a huge user population, we have an overwhelming and absolute advantage, even if Facebook's main site is completely unprofitable, we can also fully utilize the expansion of the extension **** a big profit. So the most critical issue facing Facebook is not to rush to determine the site's profitability model, but to think about how to extend Facebook's tentacles to the world. Those advertisers we can temporarily ignore, the huge user population is our most valuable asset in the future."

After Lin Mingyang's analysis, Mark Zuckerberg and Saverin finally reached a consensus on the website's development goals at this stage. After sending Savilin away, Mark Zuckerberg immediately locked himself into his bedroom and began writing a new program for the website.

Lin Mingyang, on the other hand, flipped through the Harvard Crimson of the last two days. Just as Facebook was making its way through colleges and universities across the United States, with the number of registrations skyrocketing, Harvard's own school newspaper was still able to see criticisms of Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook, and even though these criticisms paled into insignificance in the midst of the many compliments, some of the criticisms directed at privacy protection were still quite insightful. In the end, Lin Mingyang realized that all of these reports were invariably from Luna's handwriting.

While lamenting the depth of this woman's grievances, he read a piece of news in the latest yesterday's Harvard Crimson that the Harvard Institute for Social Research, in order to complete a research on a topic commissioned by the United Nations, was going to form an investigative team that would travel to several countries in central Africa with the UNHCR's relief team to conduct field investigations.

This investigation team is led by several professors who have been studying African issues for a long time. In addition to the researchers in charge of the field investigation, they also need some talents in other areas, such as photographers, to help the investigation team with the collection of moving images.

Lin Mingyang was a bit moved after reading the report, but the message did not leave the contact information of the investigation team behind, but rather let interested parties contact the editorial board of the Harvard Crimson directly. When he encountered such a situation, Lin Mingyang naturally thought of Ginny, who was now a popular person in the Harvard Crimson, and the possibility of success should be greater if he directly sought her help.

Dialing Ginny's phone, her sweet voice came from the microphone, "Big star, how come you have the time to remember to call me?"

Because of her frequent visits to the H33 dormitory, Ginny and Lin Ming Yang were already considered acquaintances with each other. Outside Lin Ming Yang was a big star in Hollywood, but in Harvard, he was nothing more than an ordinary student, without the sense of distance brought about by the difference in status, Ginny and Lin Ming Yang spoke casually, and even teased Lin Ming Yang's handsome elementary school brother from time to time.

"Big reporter, I want to ask you for a favor." Lin Mingyang didn't beat around the bush and directly stated his intentions.

"The position of photographer for the investigation team is still vacant for the time being, but there are quite a few people who have signed up, you suddenly asked about this, are you interested?"

Tanzania, Congo, Rwanda, these countries are not any African tourist destinations, political unrest and ethnic conflicts, otherwise the UNHCR wouldn't have thought of sending a rescue team to those places. With Ginny's smart intelligence, it wasn't hard to guess Lin Mingyang's intentions.

"Staying in school is a bit boring, and I don't have much to do lately, so I want to go out for a walk!"

"It's only been a month or so since you enrolled in school and you can't stay?" When she received Lin Ming Yang's phone call, Ginny had just finished her shower, at this time she wrapped her wet blonde hair with a towel, lying on her own bed she chatted with Lin Ming Yang, "Harvard's professors aren't all that easy to deal with, if you miss classes a lot, be careful that when the final coursework grades are evaluated, they'll give you a D!"

In the American university program, students have a lot of freedom to choose their own courses, they can take any course according to their own interests, and in the end, as long as they get enough academic style and complete their thesis, they can graduate smoothly. But the professors in the university are not easy to fool, a little careless will "fail", and there is no opportunity to make up the test, which is the same as to say that you can not get this course credits.

There are 4 top grades for coursework, and a D is a failing grade.

"I had a good relationship with the professors in my classes, and I was always a good hard-working student in their eyes, so I was able to take a week or two off."

Ginny cocked her head and thought, "Then I'll ask for you!"

"Is there a difference between that and not agreeing?" Lin Ming Yang called Ginny, if he only called the other party to ask for him, then he might as well just call the editorial office of the Harvard Crimson and sign up, "I need a positive answer, you must have will have a way!"

"What good would it do me to go begging for you?"

Lin Mingyang gritted his teeth, "After it's done, an exclusive interview!"

"Don't you have a better way of thanking me?" Ginny changed to a more comfortable sleeping position on the bed, "Like dinner, a movie, coffee."

"Then I'd better send you a kiss!" Lin Ming Yang said and kissed the air in front of the microphone.

Ginny was caught off guard by this sudden "flying kiss", and despite the fact that it was through the phone, she still had a big red face. She cursed "asshole" into the microphone, and after hanging up the phone, she angrily smashed the phone on the pillow.

Hearing the beeping busy tone on the phone, Lin Ming Yang who closed the phone revealed a smile of triumph at the corner of his mouth. In terms of teasing girls, Lin Ming Yang could be considered an expert, Ginny's reaction just now made him certain that the photographer's position was 80% certain to fall on his head.

Unsurprisingly, the next day Ginny brought good news to Lin Mingyang, through the efforts of many aspects, she successfully fought for Lin Mingyang to the photographer's position. But there was also bad news in the good news, Ginny herself had applied to join that investigation team. Throughout his trip to Africa, Lin Ming Yang had to face this seductive appearance and sharp-minded law rose.