Chapter 132 - Phantom of the Dark Night

Lin Mingyang's Halloween night was spent in the South African rainforest, accompanied by mosquitoes, bedbugs and scorching heat. While in the far northern hemisphere, audiences in the United States welcomed the long-awaited Legend of the Night. The film has been called Hollywood's latest version of Romeo and Juliet, in the Shakespearean original poignant love, director John Woo injected a lot of modern elements in the film as well as a heavy color of fantasy legends, Shakespearean original of the Capulets and the Montagos family into the legendary vampire and werewolf tribes, the human world of Romeo and Juliet, into Michael and Selene, who fell in love with the Obstacles to their love also from the human family feud, into the incompatible feud between different races, in the fusion of many factors, the ancient love seems more and more secretive and sad.

As a vampire werewolf movie, "Legend of the Night" was selected to be released in this time slot, the producers can be said to have taken great pains.

In the computer post-processing technology processing, the film's ghosts in the underground world filled with gothic treacherous gloom, werewolf blood, vampire darkness are impressive, wonderful action scenes reveal John Woo's latest interpretation of the aesthetics of violence, than the intention of the film to follow the development of Shakespeare's pen that the section of the world's most tragic love of the poignant beauty and tragedy.

Cinema entrance of the big screen, is rolling playing the trailer for "Legend of the Night", Kate Beckinsale a shoulder length black hair, a outline of the body of the black leather suit, holding a double gun full battle scene is really cool enough and beautiful enough. After all, the charm of the big beautiful girl is hard to resist, even if Kate pale face to play a vampire, but also has some of the mysterious temperament of the Chu Chu touching. A long line formed in front of the ticket window of the movie theater, and pedestrians also stopped to watch.

A passing young man pointed at Kate on the screen, his face full of surprise: "Isn't that Kate Beckinsale? This is such a cool look for her, I want to get a trench coat like hers!"

"I think you'd rather be bitten by her and turned into a vampire yourself!" His partner scoffed.

"Turning into a vampire wouldn't be so bad, at least then I could stay with her!"

"Too bad in the movie she likes a werewolf, you're doomed!"

The young man froze, "You've seen the movie?"

"I saw but the premiere on Halloween!" His partner puffed out his chest proudly, "It's the best action movie I've ever seen, Kate Beckinsale as a female vampire warrior was great, but the final part where Felix Lim as a werewolf teenager fights the vampire leader was even better, even I got a little hot to see it and wanted to swing a few punches!"

"That must have been cool!" The young man said enviously, he felt as if everyone around him had already seen the movie, and after his best friend said that, he was moved to want to go see it.


It is the audience's mindset of this kind of curiosity, the production cost less than 30 million U.S. dollars "Legend of the Dark" premiered a week later but got 32 million in box office revenue, it will be the same period of time the release of all the large-scale production of the film overturned to the ground, in a unique dark horse posture, topped the North American box office champion of the throne.

The movie's popularity also triggered an unprecedented wave of media reviews, with all kinds of voices filling people's ears, but that didn't stop Legend of the Dark from soaring at the box office. The movie was highly rated by the audience, but the professional critics always like to criticize the movie and show off their own high level of sophistication.

Lin Mingyang was sitting in the toilet that the crew had improvised, and spread out in his hand was a copy of the New York Times from two days ago, which reported on the latest box office of Legend of the Dark accompanied by a commentary.

"Legends of the Night" is also an attempt to ride the coattails of the 'post-action visualization era'; in short, to make the flowery boxing look good with so much post-industrial coolness. In terms of the film's base color, this film is of the same tone as last year's 'Vampire Queen', both attempting to use greenish-cold tones and gothic sets to create a sexy, elegant, disorienting and deadly mood. There's no denying that this tone goes hand in hand with gay vampires."

Lin Mingyang moved over the toilet and changed to a more comfortable sitting position, his gaze then scanned downwards.

"This movie also has a pretty good story material, and if the writer-director hadn't set his sights on finding a new species of wolf-ghost unity, and instead focused on centuries of wild love affairs, and if he could have made it that touching, this movie would have been sizable. It's a shame the writer-director focused on the action and stunts and squandered a great subject full of dramatic tension."

"The action designed by John Woo is top-notch, but unfortunately Beckinsale is mediocre except for a good high jump, with no signature moves, but the werewolf boy's final outburst is interesting. Unfortunately, the werewolf mutation scene lacks delicate texture, and the change is too rapid to show the amazing effect of CG; make-up stunts, as far as the outfit of Victor, the Ghost King, when he wakes up is concerned, it is obvious that it is a roughly made leather jacket, which has nothing to do with make-up!"

Most of the criticisms in the article are only on a technical level, pointing out the film's production shortcomings. But given the film's stretched shooting budget, every penny invested in it was utilized to maximum effect. Audiences were willing to buy into it, and that's all that matters.

That copy of the New York Times was finally crumpled into a ball and lay quietly in a trash can aside, Lin Mingyang then looked through some other newspapers, and when the trash can was filled with clumps of waste newspapers, he lifted up his pants and walked out of the restroom with a big swing.

After understanding his role position, the number of times NG on Denzel Washington is less and less, Lin Mingyang does not dare to take all the credit on his head, mainly Denzel Washington's own comprehension is very good, Lin Mingyang's guidance is just to help him poke through the layer of windowpaper.

Of course, his eagerness to help also won the favor of Denzel Washington, with the gradual increase in the number of times the two people chat outside the theater, they are also familiar with each other.

And Charlize Theron had a "dew marriage", when alone, Charlize Theron look at Lin Mingyang's eyes are seductive, charming almost dripping water. Private intimacy can only be over the mouth, because their tent and other people next to each other, and that thing sound insulation effect is very poor, do things inconvenient, will easily be found by others.

The crew spent eight weeks in the South African jungle just filming, but the movie finally wrapped up in time for Christmas. After returning to Los Angeles, the crew held a small celebration ceremony. That night, Lin Mingyang and Charlize Theron indulged in a night of love and fed the greedy kitten before Lin Mingyang returned to Boston in a dusty state.

The cooperation between Facebook and YouTube has begun to bear fruit, and the two websites have jointly launched a video-sharing program for public classes in colleges and universities that has gained the support of the Joint Commission on Colleges and Universities across the U.S. Mark Zuckerberg and Reed have simply been too busy to be seen in this period of time. Just after returning to the dormitory, Billy Olsen and Glynn Nutt pestered Lin Mingyang to tell him about what he had seen in South Africa during the filming.

It was hard to get rid of these two guys, and when he returned to his bedroom, Lin Ming Yang saw the garbage all over the floor and the beer bottles that had all piled up out of the dust on his desk. Mark Zuckerberg guessed that he hadn't cleaned the bedroom again after he left. Lin Ming Yang had to call a specialized cleaning company and have them send someone over to help him thoroughly clean the entire bedroom. Looking at the refreshed room, Lin Ming Yang was about to lie down to catch up on his sleep when his damn cell phone rang at this time.

The call was from Ecks, who told Lin Ming Yang that after intense bidding, the movie rights for the film Admission Notice had been purchased by Paramount Pictures at a price of $10 million. The filming cost of the movie was about 5 million dollars, which meant that Lin Ming Yang had already made a net profit of 5 million dollars before the movie even counted the dividends.

Lin Mingyang's current salary for a movie is more than this amount, and the bulk of his earnings is of course the share of the movie's copyright proceeds.

Paramount is planning to release the film during the Christmas season, and before that, there will be a small preview screening in Boston with some professional critics, and the creators of the film are also on the list of invitees.

Lin Mingyang alone had four tickets in his hand, and he was going to invite all the members of dormitory H33 to go with him. When he returned to the living room and announced the news, being able to watch the movie for free, Billy Olsen and Green Nutt naturally responded positively, but Mark Zuckerberg was busy writing an important program during this time, and couldn't find the time at all, and he was the only one in the dormitory who declined Lin Mingyang's invitation.

After learning that Mark Zuckerberg had an empty ticket there, Billy Olsen's eyes rolled and came up with an idea.

"Felix, watching a movie is a very romantic thing, it's definitely going to be a bit boring if it's just the three of us going, why don't we call up a girl!"

Green Nutt, who always liked to go against him, muttered in dissatisfaction, "I think it's fine for three people to go, I'm not interested in girls."

"We're not in the same category as you." Billy Olsen waved his hand at Nat in boredom, telling him to stay aside, turning his head but looking at Lin Ming Yang with a pleading face.

"While I was away, you made a new girlfriend?" Lin Ming Yang couldn't help but feel some curiosity in his heart, he knew that Billy Olsen had always been a good name, not to mention the fact that this guy was in the same dormitory as Grimm Nath, it was really a rare thing to talk about a girlfriend in a serious way.

"Of course not!" Billy Olsen shook his head, a chauvinistic expression on his face. He squeezed his eyes towards Lin Ming Yang, "I think we can call up Ginny, she's a reporter for the Harvard Crimson, and she can come back and write a review of the movie in the newspaper to help you with some publicity."

Green-Nate said conspiratorially from the sidelines, "I've heard that Ginny is recently competing with that Luna woman for a position as an associate editor of the Harvard Crimson, and in order to dig up heavy news, it's assumed that someone has been paid off by her."

Billy Olsen furiously pointed at Glynn Nutt's nose, "You're bullshitting me!"

Glyn Nutt's face was a breezy expression as he smacked his lips, "The fox's tail is showing, isn't it? With this mental quality and acting skills, you still dream of being an Oscar winner, I think it's hard enough for you to get the Golden Acid Mae Award!"

Amidst the sarcastic back and forth between this pair of living treasures in the dormitory, Lin Ming Yang probably guessed the cause of the matter. Billy Olsen was unlikely to be bribed, probably because he had some pigtails in Ginny's hands, the other party used this as a threat, and then Billy Olsen acted as a "shameful" traitor.

Billy Olson tipped off, probably this moment Ginny already know Lin Mingyang return to school news, not only owed that interview, probably Lin Mingyang hand the last ticket, has been regarded by her as a bag of goods.

Bang! Bang! Bang! A familiar knock on the door rang out at the right time, speak of the devil, speak of the devil, worthy of being a reporter, Ginny was fast enough.

Lin Ming Yang and Green Nutt looked at each other, their eyes full of helplessness, while Billy Olsen took advantage of their inattention and bounced out of his seat like a rabbit, darting to open the door for the other party. This action caused three black lines to pop up directly on Lin Ming Yang's head, this guy's defection was too complete.

When Ginny walked into the living room, she noticed that both Lin Ming Yang and Green Nutt had a somewhat unnatural look on their faces. Before Lin Ming Yang could say anything, Grim-Nat rushed up as if he was pumped up and held her hand tightly.

Ginny was startled by Green-Nat's sudden move, and if she didn't know that the other party was a Gay, she would have jerked her hand and slapped it.

Glyn Nutter pleaded, "What crimes against humanity and society has that Billy Olsen guy done, you tell me and I'll call the police to take him away right away."

Lin Ming Yang nodded vigorously from the side, while Billy Olsen was so ashamed that he couldn't wait to find a crack in the ground.

Ginny impatiently shook off Green Nutt's hand, "This is your dormitory's own problem, I'm not interfering!"

The last straw to save his life was also strangled, Billy Olsen already had a premonition that his good days in Dormitory H33 had come to an end, and with a crying face, he very consciously offered to go and sweep the toilets. Green Nutt, who was not prepared to leave, also slipped back to the dormitory on the pretext of having something to do after being given a hard stare by Ginny. Billy Olsen had rebelled against the revolution, and Grimm Nutter wasn't a guy who stood firm.

Lin Ming Yang watched helplessly as they left one after another, and for a while, only he and Ginny were left in the living room again.