Chapter 133 - Jeans

"Can we get started?" Even though she was irritated that Lin Ming Yang had come back without saying hello to her, Ginny still wore a professional smile on her face.

Lin Ming Yang whispered in his heart, "You've said start, can I still press pause?"

However, he was just complaining twice in his heart, and after he was done, he still smiled stiffly, a debt must always be paid.

After all, the Harvard Crimson was not a Hollywood business newspaper, and didn't need to entertain its readers with those unscrupulous stories, so Ginny gave an outline of the interview, and the topic still centered around the college open class that was a hot topic on the internet during this period of time. Because it was Lin Mingyang who first applied to the Harvard school administration before the idea was expanded to the entire Ivy League by Reed and Mark Zuckerberg through the internet.

"It was actually so I could juggle my studies while filming, and then I came up with this somewhat lazy approach."

"Your roommate copied the idea onto Facebook, and how do you feel about the fact that school absenteeism has risen by two percentage points since the Harvard Open Class videos became available online?" Ginny's questions remained sharp.

Lin Mingyang's answer was to the point: "It's the same as imparting knowledge, as long as those who are absent from school watch the video online, I think the purpose of education has been achieved. Of course I'm not encouraging people to skip class, but if the class itself fails to attract students, shouldn't the professor who teaches the class be equally serious about reflecting on his or her teaching style. There are many reasons for absenteeism, and it is unscientific to directly link the emergence of open online classes to a rise in absenteeism."


This interview started off well, but was interrupted in the middle by a phone call that Lin Mingyang received out of the blue.

This call was from Blake Lively, who had already arrived in Boston in order to watch this evening's preview and was now at the airport. Blake Lively was originally going to take a cab over herself, but Lin Ming Yang had a hard time finding an excuse to end the interview, he was asking Blake Lively to wait at the airport and drive over to pick her up himself.

Ginny's question was only half asked, she was of course not happy, in order to appease the beautiful reporter, Lin Ming Yang took out the last remaining ticket to the movie and coaxed her to say that we would all go to the movies together in the evening.

What Lin Mingyang said was that the four of them had agreed to go to the movie together, but Ginny interpreted this "everyone" to mean just her and Lin Mingyang, and she was dazed by this sudden happiness. The matter of the interview was immediately thrown to the side, Ginny slightly shyly received the movie tickets, but in her heart, she had already joyfully started to envision the "wonderful date" at night.

Lin Mingyang just to get away, there is no time to explain more with her, he hid in the bathroom peeping Billy Olsen passed a wink, the other party will nod toward him. Taking advantage of the fact that Ginny hadn't come back to her senses, Lin Mingyang just happened to bolt, he walked downstairs before suddenly remembering that he didn't seem to have a car over here. He had no choice but to borrow Reed's second-hand, worn-out SUV.

Reed from the second-hand market to find this buggy shell on the traces of mottled, selling was originally poor. While Blake Lively dressed up beautifully today, she wore a tight white low-cut T-shirt on top and a blue and white striped women's casual suit on the outside, with Bermuda shorts on the bottom, he paired his formal wear and trendy pants with his makeup, and wherever he went, he was able to attract a piece of attention. Especially standing next to the dilapidated SUV driven by Lin Ming Yang, on top of the stark contrast, there were a few more hints of Beauty and the Beast.

As soon as she got in the car Blake sent her own honey kiss, Lin Ming Yang rubbed her charming blonde hair and started the car before removing her hand fondly. All the way Blake Lively was excitedly telling Lin Ming Yang about her experiences during this time.

"All the neighbors around me know that I took part in the filming of the movie 'Admission Notice', God knows the movie hasn't even been released yet, I'm just Justin Long and a few of them attending a few promotional events together, and then everyone knows about it, and walking around the community, not only do they know that I'm a character in 'Admission Notice', but they even know me by name, from the teenage girls and even to housewives, and their reactions to seeing me are so exaggerated, it's crazy to me."

The direction of this used SUV was a bit wobbly, and Lin Ming Yang's hands had to firmly hold onto the steering wheel, "Even crazier is yet to come, slowly there will be journalists quietly following you when you go out on the streets; every move you make will attract people's attention; walking down the street suddenly people will come running up to you and ask for your autograph. You can also go to all kinds of parties, wearing designer gowns and jewelry worth millions of dollars, and walk among the celebrities and bigwigs! Everywhere you go you are swarmed by people and drag your tired body home at the end of a busy day. The life of a star is glamorous, but behind the scenes there's a lot of hard work that goes unnoticed, and when you're really famous, you realize you don't always like that life?"

"Really, even though I'm still not sure how amazing the job of an actor is to this day, everyone told me I couldn't go back to high school, that I had to keep acting in movies, and that if I went back to school all the hard work I had put in would be for nothing, so I made my decision. I'm happy with my life now." Blake Lively is clearly still in the midst of endless visions of a life of stardom, and she's even a little unsure that she can really be a big star?

A girl who would be famous throughout Hollywood in the future, but now lacks confidence in her own fame, such a question from Blake Lively's mouth, more or less let Lin Ming Yang a few points of "absurd" feeling.

He smiled, "How can I say, I think you have a very star-like personality right now, especially your dress sense, Hollywood probably doesn't have a few female celebrities who can dress better than you."

When she smiled, Blake Lively's lips and eyes turned into a beautiful crescent shape, "Thanks to my mom, who used to make our clothes herself and would take us to adult clothing stores from a young age. We'd pick out our favorite styles and she'd alter them to the right size for us."

"How is my 'father' these days?" Lin Mingyang suddenly asked.

"You mean my brother-in-law?" Blake Lively playfully pressed one finger to her lips, "He's fine now, we stayed together on Halloween, that's when we talked about you, and I heard that Follies is going to make a third episode?"

"Filming starts after New Year's, so I guess it'll be in theaters next summer!"

"I also picked up a new movie not too long ago, and even though I'm acting with three other girls, I'm already satisfied to get such a role!" Every girl has her own vanity, Blake Lively is no exception, she in front of Lin Mingyang "accidentally" leaked her own little secret, to participate in the film is still in the preparatory stage, the outside world has not yet spread any rumors.

Although it has been clear, but Lin Mingyang still deliberately pretended to be very curious to ask: "What movie?"

"A very famous novel, but you shouldn't have read it because it's a novel that girls like to read. Four best friends who are like sisters, on the eve of embarking on their respective summer trips, find a magical pair of jeans in a thrift store: it actually fits everyone, no matter how tall or short, fat or thin. The sisters decide to use the magical jeans as an emotional bond after their summer departure, wearing them for a week each for the next month and then mailing them to the next person to see just what kind of encounters they can bring to each person."

"This novel, The Summer of Jeans, I think I got the name right?"

Blake Lively covered his mouth in surprise, an incredulous look on his face, "You've actually read that novel, I thought only girls liked to read's every woman's dream to find the perfect pair of jeans."

Lin Ming Yang didn't have a special jeans complex, he only knew about the novel because in the year after its publication, it was able to stay on the New York Times bestseller list, and caused a cultural craze at the time. In Lin Mingyang's memory, the novel was later adapted into a movie, and if he remembered correctly, it should be the one that Blake Lively was now starring in.

Blake Lively excitedly told Lin Ming Yang that in order for the four actresses, who had never met before, to show the depth and tacit understanding of years of close friendship on the big screen, before the movie started shooting, director Kapis invited them to join a special shopping trip.

He gave them each $75 for an afternoon of free shopping at a thrift store, and asked them to work together to find a costume for themselves and each other that would be appropriate for their roles in the film. As a result, the four of them really start to influence each other and are able to help each other out just like the inseparable protagonists in the movie.

Lin Ming Yang, on the other hand, based on his own experience, told a piece of news that made Blake Lively even more excited. Based on the content of "Summer of Jeans", it was inferred that the crew should travel to many places for filming, and for Blake Lively, the filming of this movie might turn out to be a rare trip.

The sound of the engine of Reed's used car was particularly loud when he slammed on the gas, when he came Lin Mingyang didn't care about this, but when he went back there was still a Blake Lively sitting in the car, he could only slow down and try to make that old engine as quiet as possible. At first he missed his Bugatti Veyron, but then he realized that there were actually advantages to being slow, at least he could have a lot of time to chat with Blake Lively.

He and Blake Lively made their way around the Boston metro area and had dinner before meeting up with Billy Olsen and a few others at the appointed spot. Originally, there were two extra light bulbs out of nowhere, so Ginny had some complaints in her heart, and then when she saw that Lin Ming Yang came with a tall blonde girl by his side, her pretty face was immediately covered in gloom.

After Lin Mingyang introduced the two sides, Ginny's face only got a little better, Blake Lively since the movie's leading lady, this time appeared in Lin Mingyang side can also be explained. But she always felt that Lin Ming Yang and Blake Lively were a little too close, and her heart couldn't help but be suspicious, but she finally shook her head, preferring to believe that she was being overly sensitive.

At the entrance of the movie theater, Lin Mingyang also met Justin Long and Columbus Sauter, a group of reporters surrounded right at the entrance, Lin Mingyang couldn't hide even if he wanted to, as long as he stood with the film's creators, letting the media take a few group photos. In the end, the theater's security personnel stopped those reporters, so everyone was able to get away. During the photo shoot, Blake Lively affectionately held Lin Ming Yang's arm, which made Ginny, who was standing next to him, immediately pull down a pretty face.

The venue for the preview was a small screening hall, Lin Ming Yang's position was in the first row, and when they went in, there were already quite a few people sitting in the back row. The ones who came were all senior Hollywood movie critics, their names often appeared in the newspapers, and none of them were strangers to Lin Ming Yang. But in person, Lin Mingyang didn't recognize any of them.

Lin Ming Yang didn't recognize them, but these people knew Lin Ming Yang. When Lin Mingyang was about to take his seat, the people behind him all pointed their gazes at him in unison, causing him to smile awkwardly. He couldn't call out people's names, so he could only nod his head as a greeting.

Out of special care for the director, Lin Ming Yang's seat was arranged in the very center, and the people who came with him had a tacit understanding, Justin Long and his group sat on Lin Ming Yang's left, and Billy Olsen several sat on Lin Ming Yang's right. Blake Lively naturally occupied the seat to Lin Ming Yang's left, while the seat to his right originally Billy Olsen wanted to go sit, but after being glared at by Ginny, he consciously stepped aside.

Lin Mingyang and the others entered the theater in a pinch, and just as they sat down, the overhead lights in the screening room all went out. Blake Lively nervously wringing her hands, closing her eyes in silent prayer, this was after all her first time appearing as a leading lady, even though she had seen the negatives a long time ago, these senior filmmakers seated behind her still put a lot of pressure on her, she both hoped that her performance would be recognized by them, but also feared that she would be ridiculed for being useless.

In the darkness Lin Mingyang gently patted Blake Lively's hand, which made her heart greatly determined, but this subtle move was seen in the eyes of Ginny on the sidelines, and there was some slight jealousy in her heart.

Ginny tried hard to keep her attention on the light screen, but the more she did the easier it was to get distracted. By the time the first laugh of the movie appeared, Glyn Nutt, who was sitting next to her, couldn't help but let out an exaggerated laugh. But that laughter didn't last long before it came to an abrupt end as if he had been strangled, because everyone around him was staring at him with incredibly strange eyes.

Being so stirred up by Grimm Nutter, Ginny realized that she had just been seriously distracted, and although her eyes were glued to the big screen, the corner of her eyes were always focusing on whether there were any more intimate gestures between Lin Ming Yang and Blake Lively, and she hadn't even paid attention to what was happening in the movie.