Chapter 134 Mark's Decision

The entire one preview screening should be relatively successful. Regardless of how these critics would go back and rate the movie, but as a comedy, it was able to give the audience a continuous stream of laughter, so the movie was already half successful. The bit where the hero makes an impassioned speech at the hearing, the climax of the movie, packs a powerful punch for everyone, partly because the lines themselves are powerful, and partly thanks to Justin Long's vocal and emotional performance.

The movie ends with a comedic finale. At the end of the movie, no matter whether it was out of courtesy or not, all the people present applauded, and most of them applauded very enthusiastically, and from the different expressions on their faces, Lin Mingyang could even imagine what kind of "hilarious" scene the movie and TV reviews in tomorrow's newspapers would be.

However, all of this has nothing to do with Lin Ming Yang for the time being, after the end of the screening, Blake Lively said goodbye to Lin Ming Yang. This time her schedule is very full, tomorrow there will be an audition to participate in, she has to fly back to Los Angeles, continue to pursue their dreams of stardom.

Blake Lively's departure was a relief to Ginny's heart, and when she took the car back, she rightfully occupied the passenger seat. On the way, the group talked about topics that had to do with the Admission that they had just seen. Of them all, Glynn Nutt was the most excited, thinking the movie was just plain cool.

"When I have money in the future, I'll buy the whole of Harvard and build a supermarket."

Before Green Nutter could finish his words, he was met with Ginny's merciless sarcasm, "If the trustees of Harvard really lacked the money to sell the school to an idiot like you, I guess the school is almost closed down. If you're really ready to buy a college, I suggest you take a cue from the hero of the movie and get a college out of it yourself.... Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any abandoned mental hospitals near our school."

"I'm thinking of building the school into a giant educational supermarket, where students choose their courses like picking up merchandise in a supermarket, completely free and completely based on their own preferences, no longer limited by credits, no longer with the rules and regulations of specialization, and where everyone can give full play to their own strengths and hobbies."

Everyone was dumbfounded when Green-Nutt said this, the most surprised among them was Ginny, who took out her notebook and brushed down this paragraph on it, which could definitely be used if it was time to organize the report material.

"We look forward to the day when your dreams come true!"


When they returned to their quarters, Mark Zuckerberg was sitting alone in the living room, silent as a statue. Glyn Nutt, who was the first to walk in, was startled by him because there were no lights on.

"Mark, it's so late, what are you still sitting here for ... Oh, I know, you're going to stay up late today to write a program?"

Lin Mingyang realized that Mark Zuckerberg's expression was a bit strange, and immediately after that the other party spoke, "I have something to announce to you, and I've been thinking about it for a whole day for this matter."

Billy Olsen yawned, "So serious ... Did you fall in love?"

Mark Zuckerberg said seriously, "I'm going to drop out!"

It finally came! Lin Mingyang sighed helplessly in his heart, his appearance nevertheless still did not change the trajectory of Mark Zuckerberg's destiny, he still chose to drop out of school. He knew that Mark Zuckerberg would definitely take this path, but he didn't expect it to come so quickly.

Everyone else was shocked by this crazy idea of Mark Zuckerberg's, and it was only after half a day that Green Nutt stammered "Mark, are you sure you're not talking in your sleep?"

Mark Zuckerberg's eyes gleamed, a sleepwalker would certainly not have such an expression. Green Nutt was still a little hard to accept this fact for a moment, "I mean ... are you really ready to give up your studies?"

"I've seriously considered it, maybe I'll leave, but I'll rent a house out there and we can still see each other often in the future." Mark Zuckerberg is determined to go.

Compared to Olsen and Natlin, Lin Mingyang's reaction was considered the most composed among the three, and he was the only one in the dormitory who didn't speak out to retain Mark Zuckerberg because he knew that he couldn't change the other party's decision.

"Are you going to just give up your studies, or take some time off?" Harvard allowed students to take a break from school to start their own business, which was why Lin Mingyang asked this.

"The current application is to take a break from school, but Facebook, if it really develops, I guess it will be hard to come back." This was not a sudden decision, before this, Mark Zuckerberg had already thought about the possible consequences.

"I heard that Bill Gates came to teach a class to your computer science majors the other day, did your decision have anything to do with that?" Because he often read the Harvard Crimson, Lin Mingyang was still well-informed.

"Pretty much, in that class, Gates encouraged us to utilize our time outside of class to work on a certain project, at that time he jokingly told us 'if Microsoft fails, I'll return to Harvard', and if Facebook fails, I'll return to Harvard too!"

Without much hesitation, Mark Zuckerberg followed the path of his predecessor and left Harvard's campus. He was also considered a Harvard man of the hour, and the withdrawal incident caused a lot of controversy at the school, with the Harvard Crimson comparing him to "Bill Gates the Second," and most people admiring his courage to forge a career.

Before Mark Zuckerberg officially moved out of the H33 dormitory, a small farewell party was held for him, in which Lin Mingyang finally met Mark Zuckerberg's mysterious girlfriend.

Mark Zuckerberg, who was a little drunk, put his arm around his girlfriend and waddled over to Lin Mingyang, introducing him, "Priscilla, this is that big star roommate of mine, he's also a Facebook capitalizer, we're not only good friends, we're also business partners!"

Lin Ming Yang nodded slightly towards the other party and raised his glass in salute, speaking with a few hints of flirtation.

"We've been speculating before about what kind of girlfriend Mark would actually find. For a guy like him who never pays attention to his personal image and lives a casual life, it's not easy to find a girl who can tolerate him!"

"Then you guys must be a bit disappointed, because I'm not the pretty girl everyone thinks I am!" This Chinese-American girl named Priscilla Chan was unattractive and her figure was still on the chubby side, in the crowd she would have belonged to the type that was not amazing to look at.

Priscilla Chan was very open about her looks, it wasn't easy for a girl to do that, it was enough to impress Lin Ming Yang, and she also carried the kind of pride that was unique to the Harvard people, coupled with her Chinese descent, it made Lin Ming Yang have a kind of inexplicable good feeling towards her.

"The most fascinating thing about a woman is not her looks but her temperament, there is an old Chinese saying that virtue naturally scents. I have reason to believe that the woman standing behind Mark can be ordinary, but never mediocre." It was a bit troublesome to express the literary language in Chinese in English, so Lin Mingyang's second half of the sentence was directly in Chinese.

Priscilla Chan knew that Lin Mingyang was a mixed-race Chinese, and it was not strange to hear such words from his mouth, and the two of them looked at each other and smiled, but it made Mark Zuckerberg confused.

"I actually want to thank you for helping Mark over this period of time, and I don't just mean the matter of you injecting money into Facebook, you and Mark live in the same bedroom, but I know Mark never cleans his room, there aren't too many roommates like you who are able to tolerate his bad habits!" Priscilla Chan said sincerely.

"As long as you don't think I'm spoiling him." Lin Mingyang raised his glass towards the two, "Mark and his ex-roommate removed the bunk beds, but hopefully my next roommate will be able to accept the change as well!"


After Christmas, Mark Zuckerberg checked out of school and officially left Harvard. Aside from the empty bed in his room, not much had changed in Lin Mingyang's life. Near the end of the semester, everyone was busy completing the coursework papers assigned by the professors, and there were often people staying up late in the library. In comparison, Lin Mingyang was a lot more relaxed; he didn't have to pick two majors like most people did. Lin Ming Yang had to take care of his acting career, and in this state of splitting his time between two majors, it was already good enough for him to successfully get a degree in psychology.

Fortunately, there are online public class videos, Lin Mingyang because of the filming of the courses fell behind can make up, in the final evaluation of the coursework results, he scored above B. This kind of results in Harvard can only be considered medium, want to apply for scholarships is basically no chance, but this has made Lin Mingyang very satisfied.

Harvard's coursework exams have just ended, Disney followed closely on the door. The filming of the third episode of Song and Dance Youth had been put on Disney's filming agenda a year ago, but had been delayed for various reasons.

This time, Disney found a good reason, "Song and Dance Youth" trilogy is about the story of the male and female protagonists of the four years of high school, and the first two episodes of the shooting interval are only one year, the last episode was launched two years apart, the entire filming cycle of the film just happened to coincide with the reality. Lin Mingyang only appeared in the movie during his second year of high school, and even though he had already gone to college in reality, he had to regress back to his high school days in the movie to make up for the lack of this episode.

The Follies series is undoubtedly the Disney Channel's most successful original made-for-TV movie, twice setting its own ratings records with the first two episodes of the movie. Although the media is already predicting a fourth episode, star and screenwriter Lin Ming Yang has already made it clear to Disney that the third episode will be the end. He has already sold the rights of the movie to Disney and it is Disney's own business whether a sequel will come out or not, but the third episode of Song and Dance will be his last stop to bid farewell to youthful campus movies.

Idolized roles are no longer enough to satisfy Lin Mingyang's need for self-development; what he really wants to be is a powerhouse movie star, and he majored in psychology in college to be able to better grasp and interpret the psychology of his roles, laying the foundation for his future performances.

Considering the passionate following of many fans, the Disney Company decided to directly upgrade the film's third story vehicle from television to the big screen, and they believe that the same content, if seen on a screen that is several or even a dozen times larger, will definitely bring the audience a different kind of audio-visual enjoyment.

The person who was most excited about this decision was still director Kenny Ortega, who has had a brilliant career in television, but has only really made one movie, Baseball Girls. That movie's success at the box office gave Kenny Ortega a taste of sweetness, and now that he's going to bring his most acclaimed "Song and Dance" to the big screen, he's naturally throwing his hands up in favor of it.

Just as excited as Kenny Ortega is the film's star, Megan Fox, who, despite the fact that the two Follies made Megan a household name, has yet to officially star in a movie to date. Follies 3 will be Megan's screen debut, and in a private message on Lin Ming Yang's Facebook page, her excitement and joy is evident in every word.

Lin Mingyang was busy reviewing during this period of time, and when he opened the Facebook homepage during his free time, he himself was shocked that there were actually more than 2,000 messages on the homepage after a few days of not surfing the Internet.

So far, Lin Ming Yang's homepage still tops the list of Facebook users in terms of the number of visits, and most of these messages are from his movie fans. Among them, Lin Mingyang actually found more than 10 messages from Megan, and all of them were encrypted non-public messages.

Lin Ming Yang clicked on them one by one, the first message was sent by Megan three days ago, the message was accompanied by a picture of Megan tattooing a Marilyn Monroe avatar on her right forearm.

When Megan was a baby, she would cry every time she heard Monroe's voice on TV, and this time she even tattooed her idol directly on her arm, and her first message was to show Lin Ming Yang this beautiful tattoo.

When Lin Mingyang then scrolled down to read the message, he realized that this tattoo had brought unexpected trouble to Megan.

In the American movie rating system, the G rating stands for suitable for all ages. In the United States generally only children's animated films can get this rating, "Song and Dance Youth" the first two get a rating of G, not only because of the film's positive and inspirational theme, but also with the film's actors and actresses healthy and upward image has a lot to do with the film, you can imagine that the film's well-behaved heroine actually appeared in the hands of a rebellious tattoo, will cause how unfavorable the impact.

For this tattoo, Megan and Kenny Ortega had some arguments, and in the end both sides compromised on the fact that Megan could keep the tattoo, but it had to be covered up by special means when the movie was shot. Megan was a little reluctant, but there was nothing she could do about it, and in the end she swore in a message that she would never play such a good girl role again.